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14.10.2011 | 大家富都

[#1254] 噚日喺中環廣場(KL Sentral)轉車嘅時候, 絕對冇因為之前喺度返咗幾年工而有任何"故地重游"嘅感覺, 反而覺得點解呢個耗資一億馬幣嘅吉隆坡交通樞紐, 竟然變成另外一個富都車站+大家樂商場?? 予人一種毫無貴格, 龍蛇混雜嘅感覺.. 就好似我哋嘅(本來個名跌落地都鏗鏘作響嘅)時代廣場變成另外一個金河(喇啦)廣場一樣~~ @_@

我覺得就係呢個"能夠國"嘅一個通病, 下下都只係睇到未來幾年嘅發展, 而完全唔將眼光放大做更長遠嘅計劃.. 所謂嘅長遠計劃就係更多嘅工程(即係話更多血汗錢), 一個蓋一個嚟到彌補之前嘅不足.. 結果就係怨聲四起之下都仍然堅持繼續, 仲要高調執行再嚟個引以為榮(即係自我阿諛咁解), 弊唔弊你話??
[#1254] i was at KL Sentral yesterday for a transit, but absolutely felt nothing rendezvous though i have been working there for the past few years, instead i wonder why this multi-million transportation hub for KL is suddenly getting so puduraya + so kotaraya now?? it just feels so messy and low class, just like our timesquare (by right with its name alone clangs even falling onto the ground) becoming another sungei wang plaza~~ @_@

i think this is just a common problem in our bolehland, always plan for only the few years ahead but never want to see further and plan for long term.. the so-called long-term plan, is none other than more resulted projects (and hence our hard earned money) to cover one shortcoming over another due to poor planning and maintenance.. the endings are always executions albeit complaints and objections, yet doing things high-profile and creating lame reasons to feel proud of those projects (or put simple, shyok sendiri).. that's not good right??


  1. whoa!! me FIRST again!! :o:o:o :P

  2. I have never been to KL sentral. =_______= never know how it is look like either. >.<

  3. hahha!! yea lor!! they told me sg wang and time square no different one!! >.<

  4. sigh... gotta agree with u here. no such thing plan for long term i guess! :/

  5. The environment are so messy. But your description is damn funny.

  6. 哈哈哈,形容得好贴切。。似pudu 同kota先有地道色彩啊嘛。。

  7. I really think KL Sentral can be much more better... same goes to Time Square... haiz... I guess the best is still Pyramid... haha

  8. Long long time didn't step my foot into KL. The very last time was 7 years ago, not sure KL Sentral is in progress but we were detoured to KL Puduraya.

  9. I got phobia taking buses after my then-bf kena robbed at knife point at Puduraya during our uni-years.

  10. KL Sentral very happening lo, got a lot of carbon monoxide (from the buses) and brightly lit stall selling Deepavali stuffs, with loud Tamil songs (I guess).

  11. Yea, I agree. Really look 'low class' and very polluted =_=

  12. Btw, I dislike going to Timesquare, too. Agree with your opinion on that messy and low class impression. Tsk tsk...

  13. 依然可悲。。。xian...不过,自从它‘改革’后,我还真的还没到过这里。。。

  14. We like to make short terms plans, we Malaysians. :(

  15. and not think much about long term effect or long term maintenance

  16. that's why a lot of 1st class infrastructure falls into disrepair and stuff.

  17. Long time didn't transit at KL Sentral to take a stroll around the 'raya-ness' of Pudu & Kota. tQ for highlighting the terjatuh image.

  18. Our bolehland is claimed to be the top 20 safest country. Not I say one, I heard it, the result was from a survey. I am scatching head, how come our beloved bolehland can the safe country. So many robberies, snatch cases, rape cases, and all sort of crimes. You tell me.

  19. These are just structures - it is the people that make them what they eventually. A high class five-star restaurant for fine dining - if filled with Ah Bengs & Ah Lians chattering at the top of their voices, will also become NCAA (no class at all). Likewise, a country is as good as its people...

  20. Oh no.. so kotaraya indeed!! I still go there to take trains but seldom explore around. :P

  21. sei lo.....some more that area jam like mad punya leh

  22. This is wat the government(regardless of countries) does best throughout the past 5000 years...they only know how to cover backside instead of saving the situation.

  23. well, it must be maintained..

  24. no proper preventive maintenance = more of tax payers money being spent to repair stuff when they break down.

    Malaysia boleh.....

  25. A transportation hub is meant for the public - all kinds of people - so can look messy at times. It is the upkeep of the facilities that keeps the place presentable. This is where we are lacking. Very sad.

  26. tats y we gv other ppl the "cheap" feel, especially our gov absorb so much foreigners in~

  27. what happened to sg wang and times square? lol. maybe the airport terminal part of kl central is more quiet as compared to the bus terminal i spose...

  28. @ Caroline Ng May Ling:
    haha, you've never been to KL Sentral before?? well, then i must say that you have been very lucky, haha.. yeah, i just think timesquare is just the bigger version of sg wang only lah, so sad right?? no long term planning at all..

    @ mNhL:
    haha, i don't know but when i was there it just make me felt like i was at puduraya and kotaraya.. :D

  29. @ Rebecca Kheng:
    你下次返嚟, 我覺得可能連puduraya同kotaraya都比唔上囉, 可能係selayang mall?? 哈哈~~ :D

    @ 海市蜃樓:
    我都已經係人在"鄉下"啦, 仲可以點喎?? :D

  30. @ Daniel Chiam:
    yes, i agree with you.. if they are really managed well, i can't see why they just look like kotaraya and sg wang, haiz!! poor management..

    @ yvonne:
    wow, you have not been to KL for 7 years??!! there have been a lot of changes since then already, including the supposed-to-be high class KL Sentral also become so puduraya now, haha!! errr, yes, it's just a very messy place with crowds of all kind, lots of polluted air and little stalls selling pirated things also.. imagine this is a place where tourist will first arrive in KL, what an image!! haha, i also rarely go to timesquare now lah, just another sg wang with those youngsters only..

  31. @ Hayley:
    yeah.. i really have nothing to say and hope for already.. i think few more years down the road, this place will get even worse..

    @ Casendra:
    KL Sentral範圍內真的是在如火如荼地發展著, 很多新的建築在進行著.. 且看完成之後會怎樣吧..

  32. @ lina:
    yes, you are right.. and we always bring in things that are going to be obsolete in other countries, and feel proud we are having the latest technology.. sigh, that's so ironic!! and the never plan long term, but just keep on changing and changing to cope with the uncertainties.. sigh!!

    @ Bananazஇ:
    well, i think when you came here to transit, you most probably won't have the stomach to stroll around.. rather manage you schedule so that you commute to your destination soonest possible.. :p

  33. @ Sheoh yan:
    yeah, i heard that too.. top 20 safest country, and i really think this came from many news being covered and not truthfully reported.. maybe that explain why you need to scratch your head..

    @ suituapui:
    well, very true, and i hope you didn't mean i was there to make the place low class, hahaha!! first class infrastructure but low class maintenance and planning, that is why we always cannot make it.. a developed country in 2020?? how do you think?? it's not just base on infrastructure but many other factors..

  34. @ iamthewitch:
    haha, there is just no need to explore around lah.. you take train then be sure you commute to your destination in the shortest time better~~ :p

    @ Small Kucing:
    oh yeah, after they have changed the flow of the road and upgraded the Little India, the traffic become worse!!

  35. @ Kelvin:
    well, over the past 5000 years?? you believe they have such a long history?? or maybe possible, just that the government for the pass 50 years has ruined all the glories of the history already..

    @ wenn:
    we all know it must be well maintained and carefully planned for long term.. just that this never happen in this bolehland.. and we all know that as well..

  36. @ Isaac Tan:
    yes, you see that point clearly!! planning is always short term and fire fighting.. never have long term planning and maintenance, so who are the one suffering in the end?? the people..

    @ HappySurfer:
    yeah, and we expect all kinds of people, especially tourist who stepped into the land of KL will be first greeted by KL Sentral, and so there goes our image!! there's never upkeep and good maintenance, still lacking and will be ever lacking..

  37. @ L²:
    well, let's not talk about absorbing so many foreigners as this is sensitive issue.. it's just the management who did not do any upkeeping of the first class infrastructure..

    @ Medie007:
    what happened to sg wang and timesquare?? errr, good question, they have both become very big seafood market lor, hahahaha!! oh yeah, you are right, the bus terminal is of course more messy than the airport transit section.. low cost and normal class difference huh??

  38. I agree with suituapui.

    What's the point of having 1st class infrastructure if the people managing it and the people using it have no class; local or foreign alike.

  39. Have you been to the toilet at KL Sentral? Last time I "visited" the toilet, I was like... eeew!

  40. exactly.... every mega project sooner or later will become like pasar malam. ~.~

    the times square itself is a joke. only the name sounds glamorous!

  41. I seldom go KL Sentral. Only one time went there to take the KLIA Espres to KLIA.

  42. So KL Sentral now feels like Puduraya? The old Puduraya or the new one? LOL!

  43. Oh! I hate taking the bus in Puduraya and Kotaraya - very smoky and hot! Haha!

  44. Long term planning is always non existent in Malaysia. Nothing's going to change much. Sad!

  45. Btw, I replied your comments in my blog - go read : D

  46. i think our minister most of them are low education and not capable for the tasks.

    for example to create facebook and need to pay... haiyo....

  47. need to employ some people who have brain to carry on the task... hehehe

  48. @ lina:
    haha, very true also.. so in 2020, we will be 1st class developed country, but 3rd class uncivilized people, hahahaha!! errr, rarely go to the toilet in KL Sentral because i just worked at Plaza Sentral mah, haha~~ :D

    @ kyh:
    haha, yeah, and i wonder what will tourists feel when they heard of the glamorous timesquare, went in and just to find so many pirated things and low class things in there?? sure got a shock of their lives, haha~~ :D

  49. @ foongpc:
    errr, i've not been to the new Puduraya, so i meant KL Sentral now just looks like the old Puduraya, or maybe just tad little more modern only.. it's really that bad, i always take train from there to the airport, and sometimes will be there for transit of trains too.. yay, that's how the bolendland projects work, short term planning for bottomline only.. sigh!!

    @ CH Voon:
    hahaha, i think those ministers are indeed very educated and know how to "manipulate" the funds very well indeed.. or else how will they pay for facebook fan page right?? :D

  50. 講真的 檳城,怡保甚至新山的車站都比KL的強
    新山的雖然看起來也很爛 但是還勝在不亂

  51. Oh I was about to post my transit bus experience today hehe.. maybe I will share that horrible experience tomorrow in my personal blog... You can visit that blog too SK if you want... http://bluedreamer27.com hehe No Top Five post there hehehe

  52. I wonder what's Puduraya and Kotoraya means? Okay Lemme use google Translate... Hopefully Google will get this right hehe

  53. Kotoraya means City but Google can't translate Puduraya.... is that a proper noun? A name of a bus terminal or something??

  54. My workplace is quite a crowdy place like this too.. I mean.. I will have to pass a market, ride MRT and then LRT and then a jeepney before reaching that office... yikes.. I might consider renting a space for my own convenience

  55. the second picture.. is that a bazaar? where you can buy bargain items? if it is, then it's more like our divisoria.. been there once and the crowd is very uncontrollable... and it's very noisy too haha

  56. hahaha!! hey, this is funny, so did you enjoy the raya-ness of KL Sentral?? looks like maybe it's Deepavali coming that you see the kotaraya-ness of the place?? hehe~~

  57. i think it's only the bus terminal section of KL Sentral that looks like puduraya right?? i remember the LRT and KLIA section looks pretty decent and not as bad as you've mentioned.. or maybe i've not been there for too long LOL

  58. but i have gotta agree with you on the planning from the authorities.. yes, those are always short-term planning for bottomline, and never have long-term planning and proper maintenance of the properties.. sigh!!

  59. 哈哈哈~~~乜你觉得当局认为咁样会好fusion好有本土特色咩?呵呵呵~~~

  60. @ 小雪:
    所以我就覺得很丟臉嘛, 堂堂一國之都, 竟然搞成這個樣子, 而且KLSentral可是繼機場之後, 遊客第二個到達這個城市的關口, 那麼亂真的給了遊客很不好的印象..

    @ bluedreamer27:
    haha, Puduraya and Kotaraya are not a term you can translate because they are both two places.. Puduraya is our bus terminal since 40 yeas ago (i guess) and Kotaraya is a complex operated since the 70s.. and yeah, it's a mall that really looks like a bazaar because it's now so crowded with the immigrants from Bangladesh and Pakistan and Nepal around that area.. that is why i describe our new multi-million transit hub KL Sentral as a combination of that two places, and it's actually something very sad.. cos so much money is spent and yet the service and image is still so third class..

  61. @ victor:
    haha, i guess when you laugh about the raya-ness, you also indirectly agreed with me that KL Sentral is just such a mess right now?? you are right, i meant the bus terminal is a mess, the trains section is actually better.. but still the entire layout and management of the mall is just so bazaar like kotaraya.. get a day when you're free and go there to experience the local-ness, haha!! :D

    @ edward:
    係唔係要fusion我就唔知, 不過肯定認為佢哋最緊要係要有錢收就得啦, 咩形象關佢哋屁事咩係唔係先??

  62. oh gosh! If it is looking and feeling very like Kotaraya is not good. I remembered back then when I was in college, each weekend I need to be in Kotaraya I feel like I'm in one foreign country eating balut... everywhere i go i dun see my own ppl!

  63. sounds like a lot of shouting and lelongs going on there too... there's goes the classy

  64. @ Merryn:
    errr, i think if you are there for the KLIA Express it would be better.. only the bus terminal and main lobby section is very crowded like those "raya" places.. wow, you always go "wet" at Kotaraya last time?? naughty girl you were~~ :p

    @ ladyviral:
    yes, you are right!! especially at the bus terminal, those bus drivers are really shouting and lelong-ing to get more customers to take their bus to LCCT.. wow, it certainly is not classy at all at such a place..

  65. its the ktm kommuter/ ktm crowd. to cater to them, bazaars were set up. then they lepak at kfc while waiting for the trains.

  66. Bottom line - we need a new govt team who thinks!

  67. They build things without looking at our culture and climate, often aping the west.

  68. They always allow too many keropok stalls and fabric kiosks to sell everywhere!

  69. Every time I went to KL Sentral when I was in a damned hurry to catch train to KLIA...

  70. Next time I will go early and stroll so that I can smell the problems you mentioned in details.

  71. I only had brief idea that they have too many sellers using the 'Gerai Sementara' license which anyone could apply when you cannot afford a shop.

  72. Kaneeneh! You so fast approve my comments! Thambee you sitting there watching me ka?


  73. @ Ovonel:
    hmmm, i think it's catered for all the crowds for KTM and also the buses.. anyway, it's really better at the KLIA Express section, haha..

    @ Twilight Zone:
    well, that's the result of them just looking at how much money they can earn (oopss, i think "receive" would be a better word) and never have proper planning and maintenance at all..
