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23.10.2011 | 久違雜記

[#1257] 上個星期咁啱得咁巧寫咗多篇對有關當局宣泄嘅不滿, 似乎悶親讀者們添.. 我諗我啲多者應該比較鐘意睇一啲輕鬆嘅題材喇, 今日就嚟個久違嘅雜記篇啦~~ :)
[#1257] last week i coincidentally wrote a few posts complaining some authorities, most probably bored my readers.. guess most of my readers prefer to read topics that are less serious?? well, i'm coming back with a random post today then~~ :)
公共電話 ■ 大家老實話我知, 有幾耐不屑一顧公共電話先?? 某日我就不經意見到一個令自己覺得嘖嘖稱奇嘅公共電話, 除咗有好多(類似電腦嘅)功能鍵之外, 原來依家啲公共電話係可以發 短 訊 架!! 其實應該係自己未見過大蛇屙尿啫, 少見多怪真係失禮~~ :p

public phone ■ now please tell me how long have you not even bother to look at a public phone already?? one day i found one that really got me overwhelmed, besides lots of function keys (just like those on your keyboards), i didn't know it actually allows us to send SMS too!! or maybe it's just me who have been too outdated, luckily there wasn't anyone to notice my "priceless" expression due to my ignorance then~~ :p

RM24香水 ■ 你冇睇錯, 我真係用RM24買咗呢支(原價RM177嘅)香水呀!! 不枉我晨早企喺門口等開門, 好彩冇咩人, 順利成為第三個買到嘅顧客, 哈哈!! 不過就見到另一間商場首日大減價, 門口排晒長龍等住入去掃貨.. 其實一年有十個半月都大減價啦, 咁緊張做乜呢啲人??

RM24 fragrance ■ you didn't misread this, it's truly a RM24 fragrance (50ml NRP: RM177) i got!! really not wasted my effort waiting outside the mall early in the morning, luckily not many people and i was the 3rd customer to grab this perfume, haha!! but saw long queue outside another mall on its first day of sale, i was thinking since there are already 10½ months with sales out of 12 months in a year, need to be that serious??

奶中有魚 ■ 我平時都有飲開乳酪嘅習慣嘅, 某日飲開個牌子賣晒, 所以就試下呢個做緊特價嘅牌子啦.. 結果詳細睇咗成份之後, 發現呢樽乳酪裡邊原來加咗啲由魚中提煉出嚟嘅骨膠原!! 有趣吖呢?? 我都眼大咗一陣, 不過冇有怕, 味道一啲都唔腥, 仲好好味好有營養添~~ :)

fish in milk ■ i have a habit of having some yoghurt drink after meal, one day the brand i usually consume was sold out, so i tried this brand that was on promotion.. after reading the ingredients composition, i found out that it was added with collagen from fish!! interesting right?? i was also surprised for a moment, but no worries, it doesn't taste fishy at all but instead quite nice and i believe is very nutritious~~ :)


  1. #1:係啊,我都係唔知啲公共电话係可以发短讯,我总以为十架公共电话九架坏,呢啲就真係见惯不怪囉!呵呵呵~~~



  2. interesting about the public phone. I havent used one for ages too, probably should check one out soon :)

    which mall for RM24?? Is that the new festival mall at danau kota one?

  3. Wah!!! So cheap the perfume... at least 90% discount. So expensive these days, can't afford to smell good anymore...

  4. Don't think we have that kind of public phones here... Hmmm...must check when I see one.

  5. I didn't know about that kind pf public phone too..

  6. Oh boy you are not alone have not seen a public phone for the past decade and half. Wowie can send sms. Paiseh like a suapakau too.

  7. RM177 perfume for RM24 no wonder the Q is so long...worth the wait.haha.

  8. Thought you gonna say 'there is a fish head in my yoghurt drink' and the yog hurt your throat..muahahaha. Collagen helps your skin to be bouncy think gals may like it.

  9. wow the phone really strike me... haha how in the world do you send sms from a public phone... okay maybe its doable but... okay maybe emergency... hahaha to be honest... its been ages since i last take note of a public phone.

  10. got collagen? i think i'll buy that yogurt.. drink and soak in it.. baru vogiu.. LOL ;p

  11. oh gosh! When was the last time I used a public phone?

  12. Most of the public phones I see are vandalised except those in apartments and malls.

  13. salute u. i dun even bother to read the label n contents of whatever i'm consuming. give me poison packaged in a beautiful pink carton and i'll drink it so willingly! -___-

  14. But I used them when I was on vacation overseas! Because I can't afford to do roaming. ;p

  15. Wah! Public phones got so many functions ah nowadays? Cool!

  16. Get your perfume so cheap. Lucky you.

    BTW, why were you queuing so early at the mall? Shouldn't you be studying instead? Hehe

  17. Yea, most public phones are very high tech now! But many were being vandalised too =_=

  18. Come again which brand is the yoghurt drink? Ai shui needs collagen one.... haha!

  19. Do public phones still exist? Pardon for my suaku-ness. I didn't use public phones since I got my first mobile phone 10+ years ago.

    Didn't know that public phones also upgraded, now can do sms somemore.

  20. Oh, I saw perfume selling below RM30 at my place here, miniature one. The tauke-niau told me she got it from duty free shop in airport :s

    Not sure how authentic the perfume here but I don't want to smell like 'longkang' water afterwards.

  21. But I guess yours are genuine one since it's sold in the mall, so RM24 is very very worth.

  22. 公共電話係可以發短訊好似好耐囖喔。



  23. Big savings there for the effort. Salute you for taking the trouble.

    Nice upgrade on the public phone. I wonder what's the percentage like of people using a public phone.

    Fish in milk? All I can say is, eat real fish. But good to know. Thanks for sharing.

  24. haha....it's been so long I never use a public phone. i've got no idea they can use to sent sms !

  25. Which mall did u get the cheap perfume from?? I also want! Wahh I also didn't realize there's sms function in public phone, I think I'll have the same priceless reaction as you too :P

  26. can send sms ah? Tak tau wor...10 yrs tarak use public phone adly

  27. Ooh! It's random notes again! Yay!

  28. Huh? A public phone that can send sms? In Malaysia? I also very ignorant since I have never used public phones since my school days hahaha!!

  29. But wait...the phone working or not? LOL!

  30. Wow! RM24 perfume? Definitely worth it! But not worth the quueing up. Luckily you were there early before the queue! Haha!

  31. Collagen from fish inside a yoghurt drink? First time I heard of this! But collagen is good so drink more haha!

  32. OMG..public phone... Really dont bother to look at it considering we need to get ready with coins...SMS also can?...canggih betul.

  33. walau can send sms???? that one i donno!

  34. the public phone so complicated nowadays? havent been to one locally for a very long time liow.. if u want to buy perfumes.. singapore orchard road selling 3 for $10sg... hahaha..

  35. Parfume for RM24,,, that one I want cos the other day I just bought one DKNY twin pack for RM220,now this is a runaway for me, tell me where please.

    Public Phone,long time no use already,, guess it reminds me to have a look at it later,when on the way back from work,,thanks bro,for sharing

  36. whoa. never know public phone now so high-tech...

    and Davidoff perfume! NICE!

    tho i don use perfume. ahha

  37. 公共電話發SMS要錢冇咧?

  38. 擦咗香水系未迷死好多女子咧?嘿嘿...

  39. @ edward:
    #1: 其實我都只不過係睇到可以SMS啫, 至于個電話有冇壞同埋係唔係可以send短訊, 我就唔知喇..
    #2: 就係, 依家大減價已經開始唔再吸引到人, 要跳樓價先可以!! 晨早去排隊我真係第一次, 不過要漏夜排隊, 我就唔會囉~~
    #3: 其實佢都好低調, 完全冇標榜有添加骨膠原喎.. 反而係我夠細心先發現咋.. 其實呢個係個賣點, 唔明點解唔好好宣傳??

    @ Isaac Tan:
    haha, i guess you have not seen a public phone for ages too right?? errr, the RM24 fragrance was an old story, got it on 7th Oct from Parkson KLCC, their anniversary promotion, haha~~ :p

  40. @ suituapui:
    yeah, it's about 85% discount, that was why i woke up early to wait outside the mall, haha!! worth the effort.. hmmm, you should look around, i think public phones now can SMS just that we didn't know and have not seen many around..

    @ wenn:
    haha, that shows how long we have not seen a public phone already right?? :p

  41. @ Bananazஇ:
    #1: hey, i guess i am not the only one.. looks like many of the readers here have not seen such a public phone too, hehehe..
    #2: errr, actually there was no queue, the queue was at another mall.. that's why i was lucky to be the 3rd customer to grab that RM24 fragrance..
    #3: hmmm, if there is a fish head inside my yoghurt, then for sure i will complain and probably they are going to stop the production already, haha~~ oh, i like collagen, hehehe~~

    @ Daniel Chiam:
    hmmm, very interesting actually i've not tried that SMS function.. it has the same keypad like our phones, so should be the same thing.. but really, i wonder how many people are still using the public phone??

  42. @ Danny:
    hmmm, the yoghurt tastes not bad at all, recommended for a try lah.. wow, use them for bath?? you very rich lor~~ :p

    @ lina:
    #1: hmmm, that's a good question: when was the last time i used a public phone?? errr, really cannot remember, must be more than 15 years already, haha!! even when on vacation, i don't bother to use public phone too, just have to bear with the roaming charges.. but now with Wifi then can have free calls and chat already, not an issue..
    #2: hehehe, classes are not everyday, just two days a week only.. and it was semester break that time so i can wake up early and wait outside the mall.. hey, more than 85% discount leh, why not the effort right?? :p

  43. @ Merryn:
    haiyah, that's why you are so blur lor, hehe.. but got your favorite fish inside the yoghurt woh.. somemore collagen can make your skin more delicate, hehe.. should go and try that lah..

    @ Hayley:
    but i think not many people will be using the public phones now already lah right??

  44. @ yvonne:
    #1: hey of course there are still public phones around, maybe still minority of people are using them.. but they also upgraded themselves though not much people are using hor??
    #2: of course my fragrance is genuine one lah.. Davidoff one leh, got it from Parkson so cannot be fake lah.. so 85% discount, sure worth the effort to wake up early morning right??
    #3: oh, the yoghurt if Nutrigen Liteyo, got three flavors one.. i personally like the mango+peach flavor the best.. compared to other yoghurt drink, this is nice as it is not as sweet.. also got collagen leh~~ :p

    @ 海市蜃樓:
    #1: 嘩, 有幾耐?? 我真係依家先知囉..
    #2: 都OK架, 而且RM24就算唔OK都唔覺心痛囉, 哈哈!! 一於買咗先算~~
    #3: 嘩, 絕食等世界末日?? 咁我真係寧願食飽啲唔駛做個餓鬼囉, 哈哈!!

  45. @ HappySurfer:
    #1: yeah, that's upgrading with the technology plan albeit not many people are using.. errr, maybe less than 10% of the people are still using public phones??
    #2: haha, looking at the big savings i can have, and that i also need a new fragrance, waking up slightly earlier is worth!! haha..
    #3: haha, not really fish in milk, but just the collagen extracted from fish added into the milk.. that's something nice i actually think..

    @ mNhL:
    hahaha, i have not been using a public phone for ages too!! looks like many readers didn't even know that until i post about the SMS function on public phones huh?? :p

  46. @ iamthewitch:
    ooopss, sorry that was an old story dated back on 7th October already.. Parkson 24th anniversary sales, they offer 24 bottles of these fragrance at RM24 at 4 outlets only.. hahaha!! ok ok, can you go find one public phone with SMS function and then record down your priceless reaction for us to see?? :D

    @ Small Kucing:
    yalor, i think many people also never noticed that right?? haha, so i am not the only one who is outdated~~ :D

  47. @ foongpc:
    #1: yes, really have the SMS function on the public phone, but i didn't try that so didn't know if it's working..
    #2: errr, i actually didn't queue up because not many people knew that.. or else i can never be the 3rd customer to grab that lor.. but such big savings is worth the effort of waking up slightly earlier lah..
    #3: yeah, that's why i just love that.. collagen can help to rejuvenate your skin and enhance the complexion, haha~~ :D

    @ Yee Ling:
    yay you are right, it's quite inconvenient to have to dig for coins to use the public phones huh.. and somemore most of the public phones here are not working.. eih, maybe you go find one and try the SMS function.. :p

  48. @ Casendra:
    hey, you are so outdated, just like me, hahahaha!! go find one public phone and send SMS to yourself.. :D

    @ reanaclaire:
    yes, very surprising right?? maybe one day i should use public phone to try send myself an SMS and see if it really works, haha!! oh, 3 for SG$10?? what fragrances are those?? must be pirated one~~ :p

  49. @ eugene:
    #1: yeah, i think many of us have not been using a public phone for ages.. so it's acceptable that we do not even know they can now send SMS right?? haha..
    #2: oh, you got the DKNY twin pack for RM220?? from Parkson also?? that's quite a nice deal also.. but can never beat my RM24 for Davidoff, haha!! but the promotion was already over, this was an old story dated back 7th Oct~~ :p

    @ Medie007:
    #1: haha, i think you've not used a public phone before right??
    #2: yeah, and the thing is, it's just RM24!!! nice ontop of nice, hehe..

  50. @ khengsiong:
    #1: 梗係要錢啦, 你以為人家開善堂咩??
    #2: 哈哈, 支香水仲為開張, 所以唔知喎~~ :p

    @ reanaclaire:
    oh yeah, checked that already and sent you my postal address too.. so anxiously waiting for the prize leh~~ thanks again for that!! :)

  51. Hey, i reckon the Lite yogurt drink is mean for lady to keep fit lar!XD

  52. Sometimes i really envy, u hv got the patience and creativity to change yr header for every post. at the meantime blog some very interesting articles with catchy graphics, hat off!

  53. i have seen those public phones before! ah yes.. i was also giving the "wow high tech" in awe look haha!

  54. but of course i never went and explore it. i figured i don't need to xD since i got a mobile phone now haha.

  55. wow cheap perfume! does smell good?

    why was it going cheap? D:

  56. waaaa fish collagen in the yogurt drink. sounds like a expensive drink. wonder if it is true haha!

  57. what brand it is.. i also wanna try it out haha

  58. lol the public phone so high tech already! Fuss about SMS summore and got ABCDEFG LOL

    And I know F5 is for refresh the phone LOL jkjk (same with PC function?) hehe

  59. hmmm Fragrance by RM 17 then go other area can sell RM 30 also can la lmao! If the brand is famous la hehe

    You seriously dam cut cost lo XD

    I also must learn observe the price already before buying it!

  60. Yoghurt got Fish? Perhaps Yoghurt got SHARK :P

    hahah what brand is the yoghurt? so weird 1 purple color in bottle summore hehe

    well I if 0% lemak, then got collagen from fish is consider this drink is not for vegetarian anymore! :( this might need to announce it loudly because there is heck alot of people transfer into vegetarian lately lmao!

  61. wah dnno know bout the sms function too! lol i dun think 95% of us even bother to take a look at pub phones now hahaha!

    wahhhh so cheap mia perfume! but i dont use perfumes hahahaha. maybe in the future :D

    huh fish collagen in yoghurt drink??? gosh next time i must be real careful if i were to buy one.... sneaky sneaky sneaky!

  62. never bother to look at public phones really..always think it's a bit smelly too, lol!! fish in milk? non fat and collagen added?? yoohoo!! now can look slim, healthy and wrinkle free!!

  63. haha.. maybe it's quite true that majority will prefer something less serious.. but i guess you do have very nice posts regardless the topic.. :)

  64. OMG!! i really didn't know this at all, SMS from public phones?? hmmm, i've not been using a public phone for ages already, haha, guess you are not the only outdated person here.. LOL

  65. what??!! only RM24 for the perfume?? hey, this is definitely a very good deal, normal price is RM177 so that's more than 80% discount!! wooo, lucky you.. is the perfume nice??

  66. this random post really gives me surprise after surprise, haha!! interesting to know collagen is being infused into this drink, maybe i shall go grab one and try.. thanks for sharing :)

  67. @ Alice Law:
    hmmm, i don't think so lah, guys also need the good bacteria in the yoghurt for digestion mah right?? haha.. huh?? what you mean changing header for every post?? the post title or the blog header?? of course every post needs a different title right?? and for the blog header, i only change that once a month.. :)

    @ ladyviral:
    #1: haha, you are right also.. we have our mobile phones and there's just no need to even touch a public phone right.. but it's interesting to know we can SMS from there now..
    #2: haha, cheap in terms of price but not the perfume itself lah.. not bad, it was Parkson's 24th anniversary promotion, so they are selling 24 bottles at RM24.. i was lucky to be able to grab one..
    #3: errr, no lah, just normal yoghurt drink infused with fish collagen.. it's Nutrigen Liteyo, go try it~~ :)

  68. @ Kian Fai Koh:
    #1: yes, they now have the same keypad like the mobile phones with alphabets for you to SMS already.. canggih right?? haha..
    #2: errr, i am a poor student mah, of course everything need to cut cost mah.. same to perfume, RM24 for the original price RM177 woh, many would want that huge saving lah correct?? hehe..
    #3: haha, whatever color is the bottle lah i don't care at all, as long as it taste good and nutritious.. right, this is not for vegetarian, and i didn't see that i have stated "suitable for vegetarian" on the bottle also lah..

    @ kyh:
    #1: yeah, i think less than 10% of the people will be using public phones now right.. but it's a good thing to know that public phones also advances with technology~~ :p
    #2: haha, i don't really use perfume now compared to the time i used to work.. but RM24 is really a good deal and i don't mind having one, haha~~
    #3: oh, don't take your perception and assumption for granted.. always read the composition and see if it's suitable for vegetarian.. haha~~ :D

  69. @ lena:
    haha, i just happened to see one with SMS function and was like so overwhelmed with that.. hey, you must go try out that yoghurt, haha, it actually taste good~~ :)

    @ victor:
    haha, thanks for your compliments!! it's always great to hear support over here..
    #1: haha, i was overwhelmed by that SMS button on the public phone too, guess we've not used one for ages huh??
    #2: yay!! it's really a good deal right?? i'm still so proud of being able to grab that at RM24, haha~~ :D
    #3: hmmm, that's actually something nice and you should go try it.. for digestion and also your complexion, haha~~ :D

  70. 说起香水 好久没去留意了。。。
    电话可以传信息 这个我是知道

  71. Thanks for letting me know that the public phone is so advanced now.

  72. Wah! Rm 24 only. Can grab more or not?

  73. I need Collagen from fish to retain youth. I must remember this brand of yogurt now. Hehehe!

  74. @ 小雪:
    原來很久以前已經可以SMS了喇, 我真的後知後覺, 呵呵.. 我也少用香水了, 不過剛好看到這個優惠, 當然不能錯過.. :)

    @ Sheoh Yan:
    #1: haha, i think many people didn't know public phones can do SMS until they read this post.. :)
    #2: errr, great deal but they only have 25 bottles, so one person is only allowed to grab one bottle..
    #3: haha, yeah, just give it a try it actually taste good.. i just had it just now.. :)

  75. Hey thambee, this is an interesting and shocking blog post dei...

  76. You really shocked me that public phone can send sms!!! Muahahahaha! You so full of shit!

  77. Please show me how to send sms!!! I will go down the streets and find one public phone. The first sms will be sent to SK Thambee!

  78. Now you another devil... Go buy perfume so cheap but never tell Anay!!!

  79. RM24 is soooo bloody cheap! I love Davidoff smell. So manly and sweet!

  80. I am sure when you spray Davidoff, Kamala will go miang and horny over Thambee! LOL. Kekekekeke!

  81. So tell me when is the next cheap promo for fragrance? I will be there!

  82. I also love Yoghurt and milky stuffs. I think they are nuts to add such fishy ingredients.

  83. When they started adding papaya fruit inside the mixed fruit, I boycotted that brand. That was years ago!

  84. If you keep taking yoghurt and skip about 7 meals in 1 week, you will slim down like a pencil fast!

  85. @ Twilight Man:
    #1: Arumugam, it's true and Thambee never cheated, it's really a true public phone that can send SMS!! but Thambee never tried that so didn't know if it works!! hehe, Arumugam try sending one SMS to Letchumi at public phone, sure Letchumi will become miang and horny~~ :D
    #2: errr, that was like a month ago during Parkson 24th Anniversary sales.. Arumugam very busy that time how to afford spare time to go and grab the perfume?? hehe.. yay, Thambee like the smell too, ok lah, not too bad also lah.. Kamala already smelt that and Thambee will be keeping this as secret weapon~~ :D
    #3: hmmm, yoghurt drink helps Thambee with better digestion and smoother business mah, haha!! oh, Arumugam doesn't like papaya?? but i don't think they have papaya flavored yoghurt drink, only papaya in yoghurt itself.. not that bad right?? maybe Letchumi likes papaya milk, Arumugam also likes Letchumi to drink more papaya milk!! wakakaka~~
