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26.10.2011 | 搖身一變
23.10.2011 | 久違雜記
20.10.2011 | 我愛濕威
[#1256] 撞鬼, 最近唔知點解忽然愛上咗濕威添.. 我好犀利呀, 記得星期一係BMT, 星期二係tuna, 星期五係chicken slice.. 呢幾日尤其係我鐘意嘅sub of the day, 如果有經過濕威我個胃有八成機會被呢啲包淪陷!!
[#1256] die lor, i'm in and unexplainable crave for subway sandwiches recently.. i'm so good that i can remember BMT on mondays, tuna on tuesdays and chicken slice on fridays, and these are especially my favourite "sub of the day".. hence if i happened to pass by, there will be 80% chances that my stomach will be invaded by these (heavenly tasty) sandwiches..
17.10.2011 | 守護茨廠
[#1255] 本地英文報章The Star連同漆油公司Dulux發起嘅呢個「守護茨廠, 保存古跡」活動 , 上星期六集合本地50位畫家, 將蘇丹街某百年舊店外牆粉刷一新, 借此提高大眾嘅意識, 要求政府即將落實嘅地鐵建設保存茨廠街一帶過百年嘅戰前古跡.. 本人中午時分都有去湊下熱鬧, 雖然未見熱烈人潮, 但係對於烈日當下仍然細心作畫嘅畫家同支持者, 大家無分彼此背景嘅一份熱情, 頗係感動.. 親愛嘅"能夠國"政府從來都不懂得珍惜歷史古跡, 可能有感歷史並不屬於佢哋啩?? 往往拾取其他國家面臨淘汰嘅科技, 為圖利益欠缺妥當計劃就誓意執行, 而且仲要以呢啲所謂(慢咗人家二十年)嘅發展為榮.. 喺"能夠國"政府嘅思想裡邊, 發展就等同追新棄舊, 難道唔知佢哋爭相學習嘅對象, 其實都已經視歷史古跡為國家一財富?? 咁又係嘅, "能夠國"政府就係鐘意將血汗錢揼落鹹水海都面不改容架啦~~ |
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[#1255] local paper The Star in partnership with Dulux paint ran a "love jalan sultan, preserve our heritage" campaign , gathering 50 local artists last saturday to paint the wall of an century-old ancient shop along Jalan Sultan, to create awareness amongst the people to protect heritage buildings in that area, and to plead for the government's vow to preserve the heritage under the MRT project.. i was there at noon to witness that activity, though not seen any overwhelmed crowd, the passion of the artists and supporters under the hot sun was enough to inspire that harmony spirit of treasuring heritage regardless of their backgrounds.. dear bolehland government may never appreciate heritage, or shall i say this is because they think the history does not belong to them?? most of the time bringing in technologies that are almost obsolete from other countries, determined to execute for bottomline profit albeit the lack of comprehensive long-term plannings, and still feeling proud of themselves for running such (already 20-year late) projects.. in their thoughts, development equals going for the new and demolishing the old, but haven't they realized countries that they are learning from has long treated heritage as their most valuable assets?? well, not surprisingly, bolehland government just like to dump hard-earn money into nowhere mercilessly and expressionlessly~~ |
14.10.2011 | 大家富都
12.10.2011 | 先勞後逸
09.10.2011 | 嗚乎哀哉
06.10.2011 | 尖中衰人
[#1251] 雖然由我嘅水桶身形, 大家睇唔出我係去尖之人, 不過我其實得閑時真係有去操一操架.. 之所以咁, 眼見尖中好多衰人真係非常之乞我憎嘅.. |
■ 致: 舉重區啲筋肉大隻佬 點解硬係要用盡吃奶之力咁不停-大-呼-小-叫?? 大佬, 我知你舉緊重, 都唔駛呻吟到要話俾全世界知係嘛?? |
■ 致: 一坐低就成個屁股癡住部機器嘅人 點解舉個兩三下就嗌攰, 跟住成座石坐住係度睇電視講電話?? 朋友, 部機器你私人架?? |
■ 致: 更衣室內私人物品霸佔成張長凳嘅人 唔該你學習局限自己個locker範圍好唔好?? 仲有當其他會員同你打眼識時, 唔該醒水啲, 借個過啦!! |
■ 致: 更衣室內用吹風筒吹干自己下陰部位嘅朋友 [~囧~] 唔該你哋有文化啲好唔好?? 吹風筒係要嚟吹頭上啲毛髮, 唔係俾你吹下邊[龜頭]上啲毛髮架!! |
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[#1251] though from my "oil-tank" body many may not expect i am a gym goer, i do actually go workout when i have the time.. and hence, i've seen many mean guys in the gym that i really hate their attitude.. |
■ to beefed up guys in the free weight area why must you yell and grunt so loudly when you lift weight?? we know you are working out, there's just no need to inform the whole world about that ok?? |
■ to those machine hoggers you did just a couple of repetitions but you are so drenched out that you can't bother to stick your butt there enjoying the TV program while chatting with your friends over the phone?? your private equipment ah?? |
■ to those taking up the whole bench in changing room can you learn to limit your personal belongings within your own locker area?? and when other members are hinting you, can you be smart enough to give space?? |
■ to those using hairdryer to blow their groin [~囧~] holy jesus that's so god damn disgusting!! aren't you so not evolved that you didn't know hairdryer is for the hair on your head, and not for the hair on your cockhead?? or you like your eggs "well done" (quoted from blogger lina)?? :D |
03.10.2011 | 博客大賞
[#1250a] 嘩.. 九月份留言數量下跌25%, 各位讀者係唔係覺得厭倦喇?? 哈哈.. 不過留言榜就好有趣, 超級大洗牌而且大部份都係新上榜, 可喜可賀呀真係!! 點都好, 仍然都係要感謝各位鼎力支持, 新一季又開始喇, 大家要努力喇!! :p [#1250a] wow, the number of comments for september dropped by 25%, dear readers are you all getting tired already?? haha.. however the chart is instead interesting with a big shuffle and most of them are new entries, that's something exciting right?? anyway, still the same old appreciation from myself on all your support, the new quarter has started, everyone must be more motivated ok?? :p | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
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** 以上統計基於2011年九月份十篇貼, 十月二日夜晚11:59截止 ** statistics based on the 10 posts in September 2011 till 11:59pm 2nd October | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
[#1250b] 另外, 引頸長盼終於嚟到終結第三季嘅留言成績喇!! 本季兩位得獎者: Twilight Man獲最多產留言獎, bluedreamer27獲最頻密留言獎, 恭喜晒兩位, 你嘅獎座(如下圖顯示)送往府上途中!! :) [#1250b] also, after a long wait finally we can conclude the result for the third quarter.. the winners are: Twilight Man for the Most Productive Commenter and bluedreamer27 for the Most Frequent Commenter.. congratulations folks, your award (as shown in the picture below) is on its way to your doorstep.. :) | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
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