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07.03.2011 | 師奶本色

無可否認, 有時候我覺得自己都幾師奶架.. 身材肥胖唔在講, 尤其貪小便宜呢家嘢, 我就覺得自己頗"稱職"囉, 哈哈!! 譬如話超市買嘢嘅時候..
  • 我有種偏向格價嘅喜好, 貴一角幾毫我都情願兜個大圈去第間買, 就係唔畀奸商賺..
  • 見到有贈品, 無論盞鬼/多餘或平庸/實用, 我對眼會即刻雪亮一閃, 好有可能係因為買贈品而買..
  • 見到產品比平時平嘅時候, 我往往會心大心細, 考慮究竟要入幾多貨, 可以慳幾多.. :D
i have to admit that, i sometimes do find myself quite "auntie".. not to mention being plump, but also being a little cheapskate on tiny benefits actually, haha!! especially when i'm doing grocery shopping..
  • i always have a tendency to compare prices, even if it's only little more expensive, i'd still prefer to go somewhere else to get the cheaper one..
  • whenever i see free gifts with purchase, i definitely will get eyes wide-opened.. be it nice/useless or useful/not-so-nice gifts, will most probably make me buy the products because of the freebies..
  • when i find things sold cheaper than mormal, i can always be undecisive on how many i want to stock up while calculating how much i can save.. :D


  1. Wah! Your feminine side eh? LOL!!! I only qualify for Number 2! Can't resist free gifts...if they are nice.

  2. i only same as u on point 2 too lol ;p
    maybe i'm slowly going to your level too...lol ;p

  3. Hello Auntie, don't compare to much lah....ha ha ha!

  4. anyway, it's good to be a little cautious when buying.

  5. gosh.. how come they sound like me too!! guilty!!

  6. oh same here haha
    i go for freebies too

  7. if i see an item with freebie... never hesitate to buy one LOL

  8. is that feminine??? i guess that's more of being practical haha

  9. Yeah, you are so much an auntie one! LOL

  10. Auntie,
    When got sale ah - don't go ransacking the store ah. Other people oso want to buy. XD

  11. and leave some of the free gifts to me! LOL

  12. How about the food samples at the supermarket? Do you make a beeline to those too? ^^

  13. hahaha! how come find urself quite auntie-ish?? :p

  14. i guess most of us tend to compare prices too! :p my mom too, but if shopping with dad, he dnt like spending too long n would just take what he need without comparing any price. =.=

  15. aiyo! got free gift have to see if useful or u really need it or not ma, later money wasted for nothing, how? later u regret how? :p

  16. i agree for the 3rd point! mwahaha cz i myself tend to do so too!! >.<

    My Stories

  17. very funny the cartoon! plump doesnt means aunt ma! lol

  18. 呢D叫精明格價...好野黎架我都係呢類人XDDDD

  19. Your future wife will be easy next time :-)

  20. 我通常都唔會上當,尤其係啲乜乜乜買3件扣20%個種促銷方法,絕對引誘唔到我。

  21. Ahh...free gifts! Who can resist them! Also, if they are useful gifts, they further enhance the shopping experience, don't they?

  22. haha auntie, don't say like that la. u're just being typical Chinese ma. :P

  23. 奇怪,SK年纪不大,酱像师奶滴?

  24. u really ah? then how come u can spurlge on doraemon? lol..

    cute auntie with doraemon :P

  25. It shows that you are someone who is smart and can save a lot of money. :D

  26. Same here bro. I will opt for stuff with free gift. Because free mah. :p

  27. I will definitely stock up with Nescafe is cheap. :D

  28. 看了那三个例子,想起自己以前也是那样的。

  29. Hahaha that sounds like me! Well, used to.. I think I'm a bit more relaxed when it comes to pricing. As in, if I m already at the place and even though the price is slightly more expensive, I'd just go ahead and buy it. The thought of taking the time and effort to go to the cheapest place now sometimes puts me off! Time is money! :P

  30. 精明消费者!我就惨咯,贪方便,贵一点都无所谓。。。。只要近。。。

  31. Hello Auntie SK!! Haha!

  32. I also like to compare prices, but then if I have to go far to buy the cheaper one, I think I prefer to buy the more expensive one : )

  33. I also get attracted to free gifts! Who doesn't? But I will always think it through whether I really need it or not.

  34. Haha, I will also stock up if the price is cheaper than normal. Why not? Since I need to use the products anyway and it's so much cheaper right? : )

  35. Bananaz would not think you are cheapskate but simply being frugal and that's a smart living.

  36. Its normal and wise..why pay more when you can get it for less?

  37. This is a classic no so wise case. Got a friend who complained about his wife who ran out of cooking oil while cooking, drove all the way to supermarket to "save" that little discount for a free bar of soap instead of hopping over to the sundry shop nearby. Ringgit foolish sen wise!!!. The petrol and parking fee would have cost more plus time lost.

  38. Hey, who says it's "auntie" to be comparing prices?! That's what I call smart shopping. You should be comparing prices to get the best deals.

  39. 虽然你有师奶本色,但办起事来绝对一点也不婆婆妈妈,并且手起刀落,干净利落!呵呵呵~~~

  40. hey i am the same but i dont think of it as being auntie but as being a smart consumer or greedy for freebies.. free gifts r my weakness all the time

  41. hehehe... i think this is normal for everyone.

  42. hahaha you are different tpye of auntie - with plump and cheapskate kekeke

  43. hahaha, that's very funny but i don't think that's consider "auntie" lah.. :p

  44. i guess this is very common to many people, we are just being smart consumers right?? :D

  45. but one thing i gotta agree with you, when i see freebies, for sure it will attact me to consider buying the product.. this is marketing strategy!!

  46. @ suituapui:
    hahaha, not really feminine side but my real side!! yeah, those freebies are sometimes too difficult to resist yeah??

    @ Danny:
    haha, you are rich guy so won't care about paying more for the same goods lor maybe?? :D

  47. @ Pete:
    hahaha, if auntie doesn't compare, then who else?? :D

    @ wenn:
    yeah, we must be smart consumer right?? it's always a good habit to be thrifty~~

  48. @ reanaclaire:
    hahahaha, i think no need to feel guilty, many people are like that lah..

    @ bluedreamer27:
    yeah, most of the time it's the freebies or discounts that attract me more than the products itself.. haha, i like that, being "practical" right?? :)

  49. @ 追梦者:
    哈哈, 你要這樣說, 我寧願不及格囉.. :D

    @ lina:
    hahaha, sales ransacking?? depends on my mood, sometimes i do and sometimes i don't even go to sales.. same to food samples in supermarket too, really depend on my mood..

  50. @ Caroline Ng May Ling:
    hahaha, your mon does that too?? meaning that's really very auntie-ish right?? hahahaha.. yalah, though most of the time those freebies are really very attractive, but then have to seriously think how practical they can be lor.. oh, so you also potentially very auntie-ish ah?? hehehe..

    @ JC:
    其實格價係一種美德.. 係唔係先?? 呵呵.. :D

  51. @ Dora:
    hahaha, then maybe need to find someone who is equally good hor?? :D

    @ 海市蜃樓:
    咁呢啲所謂嘅買3件扣20%個種促銷方法, 我絕對冇興趣.. 一係你就直接50%折扣, 有條件嘅我肯定唔會要囉..

  52. @ HappySurfer:
    yeah, most of the times those freebies are really attractive stuffs don't you think so?? and you kind of think it's worth the money spent with a freebie~~ :p

    @ Medie007:
    hahaha, having said that, meaning you are also one of the kind?? haha..

  53. @ cindy:
    呵呵, 其實SK年紀也不小了哦, 如果不是師奶, 那肯定是uncle囉~~ :D

    @ Merryn:
    hahaha, who say auntie cannot like doraemon leh?? doraemon is for all levels of people lah.. :D

  54. @ Tekkaus:
    hahahaha, yes, that means we are always very smart consumer right?? oh, so you like nescafe so much bro?? now i know already.. :)

    @ Ashley:
    呵呵, 那麼恭喜你脫離了"師奶一族"哦.. 其實也不是每次都被贈品搞渾喇, 還是會很理智地先看有沒有需要呀, 如果是實用的會多加考慮.. :)

  55. @ iamthewitch:
    haha, yalah, if already there and there is no other alternatives of course will still buy even know that it's more expensive.. but if there are two supermarkets inside the same mall, i'll definitely won't mind the hassle to go to the other one to grab the cheaper stuffs.. :)

    @ Casendra:
    哈哈, 原來你的錢是那麼容易賺的, 呵呵!! ﹕D

  56. @ foongpc:
    haha, auntie panda!! yeah, if there's a choice then of course will definitely go for the cheaper ones lah.. hey, i also will consider first before getting the products with freebies, need to see if it's practical to buy or not..

    @ 路人㊣:
    得一個咁大把咋?? 唔合格.. :D

  57. @ Bananazஇ:
    hahaha, yes, that can also be seens as smart consumer.. your friend maybe just see the hard value on the discount, but never thought of other cost lor.. i think this is very common to many people lor.. but then sometimes i don't mind doing such silly things, because it feels better, hahaha~~ :D

    @ Mei Teng:
    hahahaha, i mean just small amount of sen.. of course when it comes to huge difference, then comparing prices is of course necessary right?? :)

  58. @ edward:
    呵呵, 其實我好多事情都係好婆婆媽媽架.. 呢個可能係我嘅一個缺點..

    @ Bengbeng:
    haha!! auntie or smart consumer, i think i don't even care, but what i know is i can save money, right?? :)

  59. @ CH Voon:
    hahaha, actually true also, many people are like that.. so shall i say maybe not auntie, but kiasu?? haha~~ :D

    @ victor:
    haha, maybe you are right, this is very common to most people i guess, so instead of auntie perhaps it's just being smart?? haha.. i agree with you, freebies are always very attractive i find.. :p

  60. 是大少爷训练出来的。
    昨天我在超市结帐后发现我买的 serai 应该是 30仙,可是他 scan 去 daun xxx, 变成 45 仙了。原本想转头讨价的,想想还是算了,时间宝贵,平时他们有时给的优惠也赚回啦!
    相差 15仙,你会怎样呢?

  61. better be practical, nothing bad with what you're doing +)

  62. @ Ashley:
    如果是當場發現的話呢, 我肯定會討回.. 不過如果離開了, 而且又是小數目的話呢, 我會算了, 當作不好彩囉.. 來來回回, 時間也浪費掉呀..

    @ Ayie:
    haha, yeah, come to the end if yourself who gets less money out of your pocket right?? :p
