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18.03.2011 | 清潔女工

男廁清潔工人可以係男人, 亦有好多時候係女人.. 通常廁所清潔進行中我都儘量避免用廁所, 尤其清潔工人係女人嘅時候..

但係如果無可避免情況之下, 我一定會棄用尿兜選用廁格囉.. 我覺得有個清潔女工喺度, 用尿兜其實個感覺好怪好唔自在.. 雖然個女工洗得男廁都預咗見到, 不過我覺得佢哋在場嘅時候, 唔用尿兜其實係避免雙方尷尬, 同埋係一種尊重女士嘅態度.. 各位男士, 唔知你又如何呢??
the cleaner for gents can either be a man, or most of the time a woman.. i always avoid using the toilet if it's in the process of being cleaned, or especially when the cleaner is a woman..

under some "urgent" situation that i need to use the toilet, i will surely not use urinals but cubicles.. i think with a female cleaner in the toilet, it really is awkward to use the urinals.. of course the female cleaner shall expect to see man urinating while cleaning the toilet, i always think that not using urinals while she's in there is to avoid embarrassment and also is some kind of respect to her profession.. so gentlemen, how do you usually act in such situation??


  1. The female cleaners may hang around the male toilet sometimes, chitchatting...andthe whole place all wet and slippery. Tsk! Tsk! I would look for another one, if I can.

  2. once they scream "FEEEIIII LEEEEIIIIII!!!!" u wanna die also not enough time. haahhahaha

  3. I agree with you... I will feel the same way too if ever female cleaner is around...

  4. and as a matter of respect, i will not dare to use the urinals but the cubicle instead

  5. well, i try to keep myself away from any public toilets .hahaha i dunno but i feel uncomfortable whenever i'm there

  6. 通常我會選擇去其他層嘅厠所,如果逼不得以都會入厠格,有個人企喺執邊好自在嘅...

  7. what about male cleaner in female toilet? that is more awkward. More awkward when the lady is in toilet cubicle, and suddenly the male cleaner came in....

  8. let them see ur property :P

  9. 大家也是這樣吧
    我覺得the gardens的廁所的清理員特別勤勞

  10. 和你一样,有女cleaner时肯定进一间间的,除非真的是太多人不能等了。。。。但真的很尴尬咯>.<

  11. Will react like you choose to use the cubicle as first choice if not no other way just do it..

  12. She needs food on the table to keep her job, we need to let go to ease ourselves two different matters..

  13. 通常是让她洗完后离开才用.

  14. Its indeed more awkward when its a male cleaner in a female toilet. And sometimes theres warning about that!

  15. it depend how urgent situation i face.

    if not urgent then i will find another toilet which nearby.

  16. If urgent one, i don't care and go in.

    Actually, i think it is not problem because most of the cleaner lady can be my mum. so, it is not a issue.

  17. I will scream fei liii first and ask them to shoo away. :p

  18. 谢谢男士们的尊重~

  19. 如果個清潔女工喺度抹紧地或洗紧尿兜,我都會尊重佢入廁格架!不过,如果佢喺度洗紧廁格,咁我就一定会用尿兜,况且又唔係得我一个咁豪放,成班友仔同我一齐一字排开,咁壮观嘅场面個女工洗得男廁都預咗見到架喇,可能佢日日都睇厌晒大蛇屙尿啦!呵呵呵~~~

  20. Well...usually I will just carry on with my usual business and ignore them. :p

  21. i dun mind de wo, they're just auntie for me...i am just small kid for them,..

  22. I hate toilets that cater to both men/women where the urinal and toilet is located next to each other. The urinal stinks big time! They should do away with it. Separate toilets for men and women please.

  23. By right, they should have a male cleaner for the male toilet and female cleaner for the female toilet. But I guess nowadays, it won't make much difference. : D

  24. What if you urinate at the urinals, and the male cleaner keep looking at you? LOL!!!

  25. I always use the cubicle whether the cleaner is in there or not, male or female! Haha

  26. Cos I prefer to have some privacy while urinating! : D

  27. But if urgent and all the cubicles are taken, then I will just do it at the urinals! No choice lah! : D

  28. 我会看着她,要她闪!

  29. 还以为‘standard' 男生都会转用厕所的嘛。。。

  30. uiks...i thought they would just close off the toilet and put a sign Cleaning in Progress

  31. My office they block out the toilet for 45 mins clean up. So no issue :p

  32. @ suituapui:
    yeah, i really do not like that when they just hang around chit chatting there, being male or female.. once you're done it's just best to move out and not disturbing others right??

    @ lina:
    haha, not really but then just do whatever we can lah.. :)

  33. @ Caroline Ng May Ling:
    morning Carol!! :)

    @ Medie007:
    hahahaha, i've never met such incident before woh.. don't tell me you personally encountered such experience in the gents toilet?? muahahaha, pity you~~ :D

  34. @ bluedreamer27:
    errr, sometimes it's just unavoidable you need to use public toilets especially when you are in shopping malls.. just use the cubicle if the cleaner is there, well as respect or to avoid embarrassment i'd say.. :)

    @ Pete:
    errr, there isn't a job that is not tough i guess.. haha..

  35. @ 海市蜃樓:
    我又唔會話可以去其他層嘅厠所, 橫掂都嚟到咪用廁格囉, 除非係逼爆人先會搵第二間..

    @ Ghosty Nana:
    errr, male cleaner in a female toilet?? i don't think that will happen at all.. i can only think of maintenance technician and never cleaner if it's a man, and in such cases, the ladies toilet will be shut down, so no worries..

  36. @ Zidane:
    haha, why let other people see your property?? it's always very private you know?? haha..

    @ 十六:
    哈哈, 經常清理不錯嘛, 你每次進去都遇見清潔, 那應該可以捉到他們的timing吧?? 那麼就避免那個時段去廁所囉..

  37. @ 孤傲的王子:
    是囉, 其實不會很尷尬的喇, 她也不要去看你囉我覺得.. 就是說當你尿尿時有個女人在你旁邊, 很不自在喇..

    @ Bananazஇ:
    yeah, of course i will choose the cubicles if i see a lady cleaner.. but sometimes when you are standing there by the urinal and she knocks to come in to do her cleaning, that's the awkward situation, haha!! well, sometimes just have to pretend nothing to avoid those embarrassment i guess..

  38. @ 追梦者:
    沒有了, 我要去廁所的話, 就是一定要的, 沒有可能離開彆一彆的, 哈哈!!

    @ Allison:
    errr, i don't think there's ever a male cleaner cleaning a female toilet right?? the most i seen is male technician maintaining the female toilet, and the toilet is shutdown for use..

  39. @ CH Voon:
    errr, normally i just go in but use the cubicle lah.. unless really a lot of people then only i will go find another nearby toilet.. errr, your mum?? but in your house, the toilet is only enough to have 1 person inside at any one time mah right??

    @ Tekkaus:
    hahaha, no lah, they are there for a living and that's their job, so we cannot do that lah bro.. best is to ignore them as you also do not want to create any embarrassment or unhappiness mah..

  40. @ Chris Chia:
    其實還有很多人都當作沒事, 照樣站在尿兜尿尿的.. :p

    @ edward:
    我肯定會入廁格, 洗緊廁格都係一格一格嚟嘅, 所以都會揀廁格.. 除非當時個廁所好多人, 我又唔想等, 就會去搵有冇第間喺附近囉.. 其實都係嘅, 我覺得佢哋都見怪不怪架喇, 當咩都睇唔到, 專心做好自己本份囉..

  41. @ -KeO-:
    haha, ok ok, then that's good to have such thinking.. you are always small kid in the eyes of the makcik, haha~~

    @ Mei Teng:
    hahahaha.. i guess there is really rare to have shared toilets right?? normally separate for men and women, and for shared toilets, i normally don't find urinals.. or perhaps those are really old toilets.. :)

  42. @ foongpc:
    of course the best is to have male cleaner for male toilets and female cleaner for female toilets.. but more of the time, female cleaners are the majority.. haha, of course they dare not look at us urinating there lah.. so for you sure no problem as you always go for the cubicles..

    @ Kai and Baobei:
    呵呵, 你一直看著她, 那麼怎樣專心尿尿?? 不小心射到自己就不好~~ :D

  43. @ wenn:
    haha, unless you've been to a male toilet before..

    @ Casendra:
    哈哈, 何謂standard男生呢?? 沒有的, 如果有人在清潔廁所, 還是照上的, 這個才叫standard, 哈哈~~ :D

  44. @ Small Kucing:
    errr, nope that sign is just for information and they won't block you from entering the toilet one..

    @ TZ:
    oh, but my office they still allow you to use the toilet while the cleaning is in progress.. anyway, no issue that i use the cubicles while the makcik is cleaning..

  45. me ah....get as far away as possible from her then pee...LOL this is coz they themselves choosed to stay inside n do noting at most times... =/

  46. yeah, it really is tough when the one cleaning the gents is not a man but a woman..

  47. i will also use the cubicles under such situation, or even go to other toilets if there's one nearby that i know..

  48. haha, i think the cleaners will not feel embarrassed because they should get used to this very much already :D

  49. 如果我是男人,我也会好像你那样。

  50. hahaha... not i mean the lady age is quite old.... almost like my mum. hahaha so, it is nothing to see a old lady inside the male toilet. i think she will not scare as well.

    for sure.. my house toilet only allow one people to go in.

  51. @ Eric Lee:
    haha, yeah, if i see them in there, i'll really want to choose the cubicles and shut myself inside so that they cannot see me~~ :D

    @ victor:
    yeah, same here, i will definitely not use the urinals if a lady cleaner is cleaning the toilet.. or if there is a crowd waiting, i'd rather go find another nearby toilet, cos i don't really enjoy staying long inside such a place, haha!! :D

  52. @ Ashley:
    哈哈, 我們站著尿尿, 如果和你們蹲著的比較, 應該不會曝露太多"私人東西", 所以也沒有什麼怕別人看到囉, 哈哈!! 再來, 我們排排站, 也不會去看別人的嘛, 除非是有什麼特異功能囉, 呵呵~~ 不過說到底, 我還是不清楚為什麼會有這些差別喇~~ :p

    @ CH Voon:
    haha, ok ok.. i guess old lady has seen more bird bird in her life than you can imagine lor, haha!! correct?? :D
