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15.03.2011 | 睡衣標準

唔知大家平時瞓覺會唔會著衡晒成套睡衣呢?? 又或者至少換上「專門」用嚟瞓覺嘅一套衣服呢?? 我就冇喇, 喺屋企就係著住啲甩晒色, 穿晒窿, 橡筋鬆晒嗰一類「屋企衫」.. 就係一件爛tee加一條短波褲, 所謂最唔見得人但係又最鬼舒服嘅「睡衣」喇, 大家想像到吖嘛??

所以如果某日我參加睡衣派對, 唔好驚訝我一身爛tee短褲出現, 因為呢一套真係我嘅睡衣好唔好?? 呵呵~~ :D
i wonder if you are wearing a proper set of pyjamas to bed?? or at least you change a specific set of clothes just for sleeping?? for me definitely none, while at home i wear those really worn-out, color-faded, loose-band, so called "house clothes".. that's a piece of old tee and short pants, the most embarrassing yet most comfortable "pyjamas" for myself, errr, able to imagine that??

so if there is one day i'm attending a pyjamas party, don't be surprise that i just turn up with worn-out tee and short pants, because those are really my pyjamas ok?? hehehe~~ :D


  1. 我住宿舍

  2. I wear really old, worn out t-shirts that are like 10 years old to sleep. At least, they don't have any holes yet! LOL

  3. I only wear pyjama to walk around the house at night but change to my old shirt because I hit the sack. ^^

  4. hahhaa... fyi, i m also like u.. i wear the most worn out too.. they are softer in a way, agree? but it will be most embarrassing if anyone were to turn up unexpectedly! hahaa..

  5. 估计会是很不错也很特别的感受,呵呵

  6. 相信每个人一定有一套最喜欢舒服又很旧的睡衣,这一套会是很难舍的!我当然也有啦!

  7. I used to wear pyjamas when I was young. :) I thought if I don't wear I cannot go to bed. :p

  8. Now I also use house clothes....but mine are usually..singlets lor. :)

  9. You should wear a boxer if you attend a pyjamas party bro. Haha :D

  10. hahaha. can i say i dont have any pyjamas? and my house clothes are usually still in good shape they can be worn out to the streets... so... i'm all natural when i sleep. LMAO!

  11. 我會著旧tee加boxer真空上阵,贪佢够坦荡荡通风兼及凉爽。N年前试过海棠裸睡,不过“事后”麻烦,隔日一早洗床单洗到手软,结果都係著返件boxer以策安全好过囉!哈哈哈~~~

  12. So i wonder what would the person wear to the pyjamas party if the person sleep naked?

  13. I sleep naked in bed every night hahaha just kidding...

  14. no i do not wear specific clothes for sleeping... i just wear whatever is in my closet....

  15. I used to have this "first in first out" attitude in wearing...Mom used to arrange my clothes in my closet and i will simply pick the first clothes in the arrangement

  16. never had a chance to attend a pajamas party....

  17. Huh? You do not sleep naked kah? Muahahahaha!!!

  18. me too wearing torn garments at home, sometimes only boxers and if not sitting properly penis will 'hang out'. :x

  19. 因爲冷氣嘅關係,我通常都會換上睡衣正瞓,費時冷親呀嘛。

  20. 我有睡衣的。

  21. 哈哈哈。。。原来SK酱可爱滴!


  22. Was about to blog on this subject..Bananaz sleep naked for donkey years. Like TZ commented would be going to pj party in my birthday suit oh dear..so how?

  23. Can never wear those stripes pj except but every person must wear it once on the wedding eve not talking more about it save em for my blog haha.

  24. I just cannot 'tahan' tolerate seeing people dressed in pj or night dress/house clothes welcoming their loved ones at the airport in Penang way back in early 80s even though it has passed midnite somehow not quite proper and would not want my loved ones dressed like that. Would certainly *pengsan* faint if my wifey comes to airport in her nite dress and even worst with the curlers on her hair muahahaha..

  25. I don't like to wear pyjamas to bed.

  26. I like to sleep completely naked haha.

  27. In fact, health experts said sleeping naked is good for you, so you should try it! : )

  28. Pyjamas party? What is that? Never been to one before. But I definitely won't attend one as I will have to turn up naked! LOL!

  29. Ooer the wornout ones are the most comfortable! ;)

  30. To wear or not to wear. That is the question. So many interesting ideas. LOL

  31. neither me too.

    but, i will not sleep like foongpc - naked... hehehe

    just like you - normal clothes - old clothes more comfortable.

  32. clothes which worn-out are good!

    air ventilation is good.

  33. @ 十六:
    呵呵, 其實是看你有多在意別人看你喇.. 不過如果我在外面投宿, 肯定會穿得比較得體喇..

    @ lina:
    yeah, i'll wear the tees until they have holes then only i'll throw them away, haha!! you are right, i am really so unsexy at home i can tell you, hahahaha!!

  34. @ 十六:
    呵呵, 其實是看你有多在意別人看你喇.. 不過如果我在外面投宿, 肯定會穿得比較得體喇..

    @ lina:
    yeah, i'll wear the tees until they have holes then only i'll throw them away, haha!! you are right, i am really so unsexy at home i can tell you, hahahaha!!

  35. @ Chris Chia:
    哈哈, 對囉對囉, 就是穿到破破爛爛的, 還是不捨得丟掉, 還是要繼續地穿來睡覺~~ :D

    @ Tekkaus:
    haha, i think it's because the teachers ask us to wear pyjamas to go to sleep right?? hmmm, for me just those house clothes lor, tees and pants, the most comfortable set, haha!!

  36. @ Medie007:
    hmmmmm, for me i don't wear what i wear at home out.. though i might wear what i wear out at home.. so you just never separate them into categories??

    @ edward:
    哈哈, 其實著咩都好, 最緊要係自己舒服囉.. 嘩, 咩「事後」咁誇張啊?? 告到要洗床單洗到手軟?? 哈哈, 咁犀利咩你?? 呵呵~~ :D

  37. @ TZ:
    hmmm, i don't mind if you come naked to my pyjamas party at all, hahaha!! :p

    @ bluedreamer27:
    haha, i have that "first in first out" habit too, because too lazy to dig down for the clothes below.. i can wear the same clothes everyday, because i bring it to wash in the morning, and at night they are ready to be worn again, haha!! me too, haven't been to any costume party actually, all i went are just normal ones.. :)

  38. @ suituapui:
    hehehe, of course not lah, i scared about bitten by insects if i sleep nakes~~ :D

    @ justin net:
    yeah, i can be really unsexy at home.. ooopppsss, such a big penis dangling out from your boxer?? what a view~~ :p

  39. @ 海市蜃樓:
    哈哈, 咁話你如果唔開冷氣, 就肯定會裸睡?? :p

    @ Ashley:
    其實我覺得很多人都是這樣的, 衣服越穿越破爛, 但是還不捨得丟掉, 應是睡覺拿來穿, 哈哈!! 那你的大少爺現在是被你感染, 穿上整齊睡衣, 還是你自己別大少爺感染, 一起穿破爛衣服來睡覺呢?? 哈哈..

  40. @ cindy:
    普通T恤和短褲怎麼會熱?? 難道你是習慣裸睡的?? ^.^

    @ Bananazஇ:
    wow, bananaz go sexy sleep naked?? well, then same to TZ i really don't mind you come naked to my pyjamas party lor, hahaha!! haha, not necessary need to wear pyjamas on the wedding eve right?? and hahaha, that is funny, your wife wearing pyjamas to the airport to fetch you home?? hey, i'm gonna write something about this too in my later post, that's really funny.. with curlers still on her hair, hahaha!!! that is so Sandra Ng in the movie~~ :D

  41. @ foongpc:
    hehehehe, of course, pandas have nice fur to keep them warm so they never need to wear anything to sleep right?? hahaha.. :D hey, then just come naked to the pyjamas party~~ :D

    @ Gratitude:
    yeah, the more worn-out the more comfortable right?? as you've get used to the touch of that clothes.. :p

  42. @ HappySurfer:
    oh yeah, definitely there are people who wear pyjamas, don't wear pyjamas, or even don't wear anything at all.. that's personal preference, you've got a Friday Frolics on this?? :p

    @ CH Voon:
    yeah, especially worn-out clothes with lots of holes right?? haha, i like that explanation on ventilation, haha, you are cool man~~ :D

  43. i hv my night dress..

  44. i dun hv... usually i jz simply wear the old shirts n sleep.... hahahah

  45. if i wanna get some sleep i'll wear a loose nightie.. if i wanna get naughty i'll wear a sexy lingerie! :P hahahahha... o.O

  46. i think the last time i wore a proper pyjamas was when i was still in kindergarten?
    now just boxer lo.. + t-shirt if i'm sick...lol ;p

  47. 裸睡?喺酒店就試過。屋企通常都開冷氣,如果壞咗會開房門,所以唔方便。不過我始終唔習慣,可能我保守囖。

  48. 我嘅瞓覺衫就系屋企衫,屋企衫又系瞓覺衫!

  49. i prefer to wear sarungs although i have at least 7 pairs of pyjamas... :)

  50. I don't use a proper set of PJs. Just a combo of t-shirt and shorts or t-shirt and pyjama-style pants.

  51. Commonwealth Games T-shirt from 1998.

  52. i remember i used to wear proper pyjamas when i was a kid.. but maybe for just couple of months with that only set, haha!! :D

  53. anyway, be it anything you wear, the most important is that you feel comfortable with it, agree?? :)

  54. but then if you are wearing your pyjamas, better not go out of your house with them on, hahaha :D

  55. The last time its not this pix of bananas in pjs? You changed it our my eyes playing tricks? haha.

  56. @ wenn:
    yeah, that's very good..

    @ thomas:
    yeah, same as me here, i just don't have a proper pyjamas but just wear what i wear at home to sleep..

  57. @ Merryn:
    haha, that is very good, at least you show some signal to your hubby.. but i hope you don't wear the sexy lingerie every night, else your hubby will be very exhausted~~ :p

    @ Danny:
    haha, yeah.. my only proper pyjamas was when kids time, and maybe last for few months later, i just wear normal tees and pants already.. :D

  58. @ 海市蜃樓:
    哈哈, 喺酒店玩裸睡, 你跩跩喇你.. 不過又係嘅, 裸睡都真係要習慣架, 尤其唔好凍親..

    @ 小雪:
    對囉, 穿什麼不重要, 最重要是要自己覺得舒服喇.. :)

  59. @ 路人㊣:
    我都係架, 屋企著咩衫就著咩衫去瞓覺囉.. 其實我喺屋企都係真空架, 冇約束舒服啲嘅.. :p

    @ Bengbeng:
    hahaha, if you wear sarungs to sleep then why you are buying so many pyjamas?? for decoration?? haha.. :D

  60. @ Mei Teng:
    yeah, i think many people just wear normal tees and short pants to sleep huh?? same here..

    @ MH Poon:
    wow!!! that commonwealth games 1998 t-shirt?? still good to wear?? must be extremely fine quality, haha :D

  61. @ victor:
    yeah, i think i had a set of proper pyjamas last time, but really can't remember how long i've not been wearing one already.. and you are right, the most important thing is that you feel comfortable with what you are wearing.. :)

    @ Bananazஇ:
    errr, it's always this picture that i'm using, i never changed at all.. hmmm, you mixed up mine with yours?? haha~~ :D

  62. i don't have pyjamas either. haha... Those 'home-cloths' are so comfortable.
