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28.02.2011 | 銀紙靚靚

有朋友話我係完美主意者, 不過我覺得可能係我小事姿整嘅原因啩?? 譬如話荷包內嘅銀紙, 我會頭對頭邊對邊咁折得整整齊齊, 然後跟住銀碼一張張循序排好.. 不過呢啲都係個人習慣啫, 荷包有幾整齊幾亂都冇乜所謂..

我有所謂嘅係啲人點樣畀錢囉.. 好討厭見到啲人哩, 喺手袋或褲袋摷出皺皺嘅銀紙, 然後就咁掟落檯面等收銀「一咋咋」執起.. 我覺得好冇禮貌好唔尊重別人囉, 所以我一定會將啲銀紙整直再排好先畀人嘅.. 雖則係小事, 但係都應該顧慮到別人感受嘅.. :)
there are friends who said i am a perfectionist, but i think maybe what they see is just myself being a little fussy?? for example, i will fold my money neatly edge on edge and then arrange them according to denominations in my wallet.. but this is of course personal preference that i can't bother how tidy or messy the wallet is..

what actually bothers me is how the money is given, especially over cashiers.. i hate people drawing money out from their bags or pockets in crumples and then just dump them onto the table, expecting the cashier to pick them up one by one.. i think this is kind of rude and irrespectful, that is why i always will straighten my notes and arrange them properly before i hand them the cashier.. though minor, but i guess we should also be considerate right?? :)


  1. 小事做好才能做大事^^

  2. I arrange my notes in their proper denomination in my wallet too. XD

  3. And I so hate when I see people giving out cash in crumples and throw it on the counter and expect the cashier to sort them out. Sheesh!

  4. really? give me some money, i want to see if this is true.

  5. I have seen people paying cashiers that way too. Agree, I also think it is rude to do that!

  6. 你钱包很多钱也。。。。

  7. my money are crumples coz i seldom bring purse with all those snatch thieves around. But I dont throw money at the counter for the cashier to sort la. I took from pocket and gave the right deno to the cashier.

  8. "...i hate people drawing money out from their bags or pockets in crumples..." My missus! And she takes so long to get the money out...so easy for snatch thieves to just snatch her purse/wallet and run. Always warn her but she just doesn't want to listen... Tsk! Tsk!

    I also arrange nicely...in their respective denominations.

  9. 我冇整齊銀紙既習慣。懶惰囉...

  10. 如果系櫃檯,慢慢整返齊啲銀紙先放落荷包,會阻後邊啲人架。

  11. 不過我都贊成唔好掟啲錢落檯面。

  12. oh.. that's not a perfectionist.. if ur friend see u ironing ur notes until they are crisp.. now.. THAT's something to shout about! lol :P

  13. but totally agree with u on not to pay with crumpled notes lah.. have the courtesy to sort it out nicely for the cashiers rite?

  14. 你不嬲都好姿整架啦~ 係人都知你出門口吹靚個頭都要用成個鍾XDDDDDDDD

  15. 頭對頭邊對邊折仲要跟住銀碼一張張循序排好?你唔係嘛?食飽飯等x屙啊?哈哈...

  16. i thought it's only natural to arrange them properly in the wallet lor...

  17. Oh dear! I too do the things that you do. Does that make me guilty of being a perfectionist too?

    Someone once mentioned that if you treat your money right, i.e., smoothening out the creases and dog's ears, etc.., your money will also treat you right.

    Money, money, money - Always sunny in a rich man's world.

  18. ya ya...i agreed with you. I always like to hand the money properly to the cashier. Scare gave them extra ma. hahaha

  19. i don't like it when my customers just throw the notes on the counter.

  20. there is a lesson here for me. i go one step further.. i arrange them facing the same direction jus like they do it in the banks.. it is the shillings that is the problem..all over the place n bulky

  21. normally, i prefer to use credit card :P

    sure, i will pass to them in proper way...

  22. 我连对折都很少
    要塞起来小小的 别人看不到才好喔

  23. oh! same here! dnt worry this is not perfectionist! :D

  24. i dnt like my money to be crumpled n never pass crumpled notes to anyone. agree wit u dat it somehow show some disrespectful!

  25. when ppl throw crumpled notes to the cashier, it just makes other ppl have to wait longer!!grrrr im so hatin it!! :(

  26. i'll always arrange my money in order according to the vlue. :p easy take money out oso. hehee

  27. I like to arrange my money too! Only when I have time lah.. but otherwise, u give me money, crumpled or not, I don't mind! LOL!

  28. 哈哈哈~~~其实我都喜欢执正啲银纸,但就冇你到好似用烫斗烫到咁直,横掂挖出嚟都係洗架喇,最紧要咪一时手快畀多钱人就真!呵呵呵~~~


  29. Yeah Bananaz would straighten the notes make sure no dog ears, fifties at back compartment of wallet and tens, followed by fives and ones in the front. Easier to pay for any at the counter no need to waste time 'searching'. Got a friend who would iron his notes that was before the plastic money were rolled out and he got plenty of money. His philosophy is 'if you treat your money well they will treat you just as well' and his records has proven him to be top achiever in the company year after year.

  30. Hey me too, I'll put the money notes neatly in my purse :-)

  31. You are realli my Thambee bradder! I oso put rupees and ringgits in neat order when paying!

  32. When I travel, my wallet has different sections for different notes. Eezee la to sort out geh.

  33. Thambee deh, so long u never send money to Kamala and she so angry la. She is so hungry and wear torn sarees! How could you?

  34. U know what, I gave out so much ang pows for CNY and die now. Then I recalled when I was a kid, I used to iron my ang pow notes till flat and crispy on those soiled notes.

  35. This CNY most banks gave out soiled notes to save trees. I think many kids ironed my notes! LOL

  36. I also try to arrange my money according to the denominations in my wallet. Can't stand a messy wallet!!

  37. Oh! I also hate when someone give me crumpled money!! So rude!

  38. But then crumpled or not, it's still money so I will surely accept it no matter the appearance! LOL!!

  39. So do you have any crumpled money you can't stand? Don't straighten them - just pass them to me! Hahaha!!

  40. don't we all love money! :)

  41. I like mine new, yes new notes money! :)

  42. I don't like coins, always damage my wallet! :(

  43. 完美主义 是 处女座的人 的权利而已列~
    难道你是处女作? 哈 XD

  44. 我不介意你折好好,然后丢给我。哈哈

  45. Exactly! I will sound/asked those who put the money on the counter/table that why did they do so? Don't they feel rude? Or Isn't it more straight forward to just pass it to them instead of throw it on the table and then people gotto pick up again? Grrr...

  46. Sometimes,I like to arrange dollar notes in order too...especially when it comes to counting dollar notes. Irritating to have to rotate the notes whilst counting them.

  47. Me too!must every notes arrange accordingly to their value in the wallet, may be this is my habit trained last time when worked in bank's cashier counter many years ago .

  48. 我也很討厭哪种,慢慢拿錢出來給錢的人

  49. 我也是有按数目的大小排列。

  50. 我也喜欢整齐得折好,也不喜欢人家不把钞票叠好一团团丢给我。。。不礼貌的表示。

  51. I agree with your friend. You are the perfectionist person.

  52. For example, your blog posting look neat and nice.
    You like to make everything perfectly. It is good.

  53. i arrange money according to denominations in my wallet too :D

  54. 哈哈.. 大佬, 估唔到我同你一样都有呢种习惯.

  55. @ 追梦者:
    說得對喇, 不過有些人倒是小事糊塗大事精明哦.. :p

    @ lina:
    yeah, i like my notes to be very tidy and organised inside my wallet.. also, i hate people throwing their cash on the counter, it's so rude right??

  56. @ justin net:
    no need to give you lah, you just observe me when i pay over the counter lor :D

    @ Pete:
    yeah, i mean it's so not showing respect by throwing the money on the counter just like that right??

  57. @ 古克石屋:
    這不是我的錢包, 網上找來的相片罷了..

    @ Small Kucing:
    hmmm, i need to use wallet, feel not right to just stuff the notes inside my pocket.. yeah, always tidy up and arrange the money properly before handing over, this helps you to know the correct amount given also..

  58. @ suituapui:
    haha, maybe you want to set a good example for your missus lor.. have to always stay alert when you are taking out money from your wallet, as that's really a good chance for the snatch thieves.. *touch wood*

    @ khengsiong:
    咁都要整返齊, 先可以肯定條數啱唔啱架嘛.. 係架, 我覺得就咁將啲錢掟落檯面係好冇禮貌囉..

  59. @ Merryn:
    hahahaha, ironing notes?? not to that extent lah, unless i have 1 million cash for me to do that lor, hahahaha!! yalor, it's a courtesy to hand over money nicely to people right??

    @ JC:
    出門口吹靚個頭都要用成個鍾?? 我不嬲都冇吹頭髮嘅習慣架噃!! 你記錯啦, 嗰位係Albert, 哈哈~~ :p

  60. @ 海市蜃樓:
    又唔係嘥你好多時間, 話晒都係銀紙, 點講都係矜貴喎, 哈哈~~ :D

    @ Medie007:
    hahaha, not to say natural lah.. it's really personal habit lor.. some will just not doing all the arrangement..

  61. @ HappySurfer:
    haha, i don't know if that's perfectionist but i think i love my money and i have to do that right, hahaha!! oh really?? i'm definitely treating my money very well, but don't see i got lots of money?? kekekekeke.. :D

    @ mNhL:
    you are right, but arranging them nicely before handing over also protects yourself from giving extra.. :)

  62. @ wenn:
    that's why!! i think that is just very rude to just throw the notes on the counter..

    @ Bengbeng:
    yeah, i also arrange them all facing the same direction too, and that's what i call a tidy wallet, haha!! oh, no choice for shillings, just have to bear with it, haha..

  63. @ CH Voon:
    haha, but if small amount you will not use credit card mah.. i'll just hand over the cash nicely lor.. errr, i try to make things looks neat and organised lor, so that's consider perfectionist?? haha.. maybe good or maybe not lah..

    @ 小雪:
    呵呵, 有這樣的道理?? 其實我也喜歡一張張直直連對折也沒有的.. 不過這樣就要那些長錢包, 比較不方便..

  64. @ Caroline Ng May Ling:
    yeah, i always like my wallet to be tidy and organised.. yes, i really don't like those people who draw notes one by one, and then throw them on the counter, and somemore in crumples.. should have prepared the money first so that you don't hog the queue right??

    @ iamthewitch:
    i always arrange nicely before putting into my wallet, i like to see my wallet tidy and organised lor, haha.. errr, i don't mind lah if you give me crumpled notes, i can still accept~~ :p

  65. @ edward:
    咁我又冇話要好似燙斗燙到咁直, 不過係要整齊囉, 整齊啲你出錯嘅機會都大大減少啦係嘛?? 係呀, 我至討厭啲人, 一張張銀紙慢慢拎出嚟掟喺檯面, 好似用錢嚟靼人咁, 好冇禮貌囉..

    @ Bananazஇ:
    oh yeah, same here, i will straighten them and then arrange them in denominations, and in orders too.. you are right, just have to be organised so that you don't have to do the "searching" when you need to pay, and then hogging the queue at the counter.. what?? your friend is ironing his notes?? OMG, that's so weird.. but if that really proves the philosophy, i think no harm trying right? :D

  66. @ Dora:
    yeah, i think it'll make your life easier if the notes are arranged properly right??

    @ Twilight:
    of course it's good to arrange your notes neatly in the wallet right?? yeah, when travelling i'll take out RM and only have the local currency in the wallet, don't want to mix up.. haiz, Thambee always send money back to Kamala, but Arumugam never even do that now for Letchumi, how sad eih?? Arumugam never give Thambee CNY angpows one?? so sad..

  67. @ foongpc:
    i always try to make my wallet tidy and organised.. errr, it's ok for me to receive crumpled notes, but then it has to be given onto my hand instead of the desk lor.. you don't like crumpled notes?? you can give them to me also lah.. :D

    @ Big Boys Oven:
    haha, of course if i can choose i'll also prefer new notes than those soiled ones lor.. haha!! :)

  68. @ 安东尼:
    我不是處女座的哦.. 哎呀, 其實應該和星座沒有關係的喇.. :)

    @ 董百勤:
    呵呵, 折好好丟給你?? 你慢慢等啦, 發夢醒了沒有?? 哈哈~~ :D

  69. @ Casendra:
    yeah, exactly?? i really don't understand why they like to throw the notes on the table?? is it that difficult to arrange your notes nicely and then hand over to the other party's hand one shot?? haiz..

    @ Mei Teng:
    yeah, i always arrange the notes in order and in the same direction.. this also makes life easier when you need to pay, no need the hassle of "searching".. :p

  70. @ Wai Kitt:
    haha, i never worked in a bank or as a cashier before.. but i think if you have your notes arranged in order, it kind of makes life easier right??

    @ venus:
    就是囉, 我也很討厭那種人, 好像就是要用錢來丟你這樣.. 買東西我通常都會大概算一算然後準備好錢, 不要讓後面的人等囉..

  71. @ Ashley:
    我也是會按數目排列的, 而且每張的方向都會一樣.. 我的錢都是放錢包的, 所以一定要對折呀, 不過當然不是一張張來啦, 一整疊對折, 回家才慢慢整理嘛..

    @ cindy:
    對囉, 把錢弄整齊其實是一種尊重喇.. 所以我每次都會把錢弄好才付款的..

  72. @ Wois:
    yeah, i also like my wallet to be tidy and organised.. :)

    @ Chris:
    梗係啦, 銀包梗係要整整齊齊架嘛, 如果係亂七八糟, 好易畀多錢人架..

  73. there are times when my money is folded and bit crumpled but I hate it when it's like totally messed up and crumpled too

  74. i also like my notes to be tidy and neatly arranged.. it helps a lot so that you are not getting into a mess when you are paying.. :)

  75. haha, and i think that's not your wallet in the photo?? cos the notes are not arranged in their denominations.. :)

  76. @ Ayie:
    yeah, of course we can accept little folded and crumpled, but when you are paying others it's always good to make sure you hand it over nicely and neatly.. :)

    @ victor:
    yeah, i always like my wallet to be neatly organised, that's why i have my notes folded and arranged.. haha, so that means that photo is my my wallet :p
