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23.03.2011 | 辦公桌面

大家放眼望一望自己張台, 有冇擺咗好多私人物品喺度?? 還是企企理理得部電腦同埋幾份文件咁呢?? 其實由一個人張台可以睇得出兩個極端..
  • 越係多私人物品, 就表示呢個人已經喺公司做咗好耐, 對公司已經有一種歸屬感, 而且你會發覺佢張台係越來越唔夠用嘅..
  • 如果台面完全唔擺任何私人物品嘅, 一就係新同事, 一就係非常嚴肅嘅工作狂, 一就係可能隨時準備離開公司嘅同事..
聲明: 呢張台唔係我嘅, 不過呢位朋友應該都好鐘意份工噃.. :pnote: this desk is not mine, but this person must be very happy with his/her job :p
take a break and look at your own desk.. have you got a lot of personal stuffs scattered on it?? or is it only your computer and a few documents laying on the table?? from a person's desk, we can easily see two extremes..
  • if there are lots of personal stuffs, that means this must be someone working long enough in the company and felt the sense of belonging, and most probably the desk space will be come lesser over time..
  • if there isn't a single piece of personal stuff, that might be a new colleague, or a very serious workaholic, or most probably someone who is thinking of leaving the company anytime..
wonder what is your view on the two points above??


  1. I have papers scattered everywhere. Most of them are cheques ( but not under my name!) ^^

  2. and a whole collection of keychains colleagues gave me from their vacations, lining up on the partition.

  3. my own personal stuff - just a frame photo of me & hubby taken 12 years ago! :)

  4. Whoa nowadays ur post will be in the morning one wor. :p

  5. my desk full with documents!! xD n all my personal stuffs inside my drawers. :p so am consider as wat ah?? hahaa

  6. n am leaving my company soon, as in this end of month, i found it difficult to pack my own stuffs. :/

  7. wow, i feel u r 自恋。。。。:D
    too packed lah

  8. Helloooo My Thambee! Yengga Porreng Ngeh?

  9. Why didn't Thambee show his own table? I think your table has a pot of miniature banana tree and Kamala's frame photo wear her pink sareeee!! Deh Uchi Deh!

  10. mine is rather messy..

  11. Honestly, your post is spot-on. Just when I told myself this morning that I have to tidy my table TODAY!!!

  12. My table is the messiest and most crowded one in the entire factory! High stacks of papers, documents, brochures, minutes and nothing personal at all except a box of tissues to cry sometimes! Adoi! So drama!

  13. is that your working place? so nice... I used to personalized my working area too whether at home or at the office...Makes me feel comfortable in that way

  14. A few days ago, my boss' secretary asked me to endorse several documents and I had to borrow another colleague's clean table to read and sign the documents! That's when I swore that I will tidy my table today. So kesian la...

  15. Oh i am a sticky-note boy too... I used to have a board where i post all my sticky notes...

  16. oh my bad,... I failed to read the note below haha so this is not your desk but whoever desk is that he or she did a great job in personalizing the working area

  17. Even when the cleaning lady comes in to empty my bin and vacuum the carpet every evening, she dare not even touch a single item on my table for fear that she might loose her false teeth! Once a clerk simply searched my table for something without my permission and my documents went missing down behind some files causing me great panic. I yelled at her effectively.. heh heh..

  18. I remember i have an office mate before who did a little bit over-the-top on her working area... as if she filled her desk with so many stuffed toys as if she treated her worplace as her bed room... oh she has pillows too...LOL

  19. Talking about blue=dreamer's sticky notes, I am a great fan and lover for that sticky thing. I stick them on my desk, inside the car and beside my bed. That's how tough my responsibilities are!

  20. 除了同事的手信外,就没了。 :D

  21. time for desk spring cleaning...LOL!

  22. Mine nothing personal lar. :p Unlike yours so damn personalized ler. So many dolls.

  23. Yourdesk looks like a lady desk ler. Hahahaha :D

  24. Mine is full of paper....files etc. :p

  25. SK, I think your observations are valid. I suppose like fingerprints, no two desks are identical.

    Some like to bring their bedroom to the office, some their storeroom, others just themselves.

    Personally, a desk that is too cluttered is bad fengshui. It does not create harmony and peace. It creates stress instead. When it comes to fengshui, it's plain commonsense mostly. My two cents.

    Btw, you got permission to publish this photo or not?

  26. This desk must be a woman's. Not yours, I hope... LOL!!

  27. I might add that if one works in a company that practises TPM, all these dolls and stuff will have to stay at home. Fortunately or unfortunately, there are not many of these companies.

  28. 1) or that the person have too much time in hand to "enjoy" looking at personal stuff. Not enough work to clutter the desk with = potential candidate for retrenchment.

    2) no personal stuff on desk? May means the fella have no sense of belonging to the company. Might be job hopper = do not reveal too much company secret to this fella.

  29. i only keep my personal stuffs in my bedroom wor......office...only office stuffs. haha

  30. 以前做工时,只有茶杯是私人东西吧了! 我resign时真的很放便,不需要搬那么多东西.

  31. Had a boss many years ago who simply called the scatterings on her work desk as her "organized mess". Yeah, she was pretty much a disorganized person in real life too. Thank heavens she was not there for long.

  32. Looking at my desk now..... Hmmm... I've got key-chain souvenirs from colleagues, photo frames of my children and myself, snacks, some fashion booklet, notes, table calendar..... Frankly, I need a bigger table and I'm very territorial. Hahaha~

  33. that's ur desk? whoa... i tot u baru pindah jer?

  34. 上一次我看到一篇報導說,桌子幹乾淨淨代表其的上進心,而桌子佈置到美美的,代表歸屬感,一份穩定的感覺,沒有衝刺。穩紮穩紮的。不知道是不是真的~~

  35. hey SK, that is your place??? wow.. i love that.. so cheery feeling.. i think i must put more toys there then.. hahaha.. mine is full of papers, clips, files and books.. yucks!

  36. @ lina:
    haha, i have nothing much (yet) in this new company but in my previous company i really have a lot of things on my desk.. almost 1/3 space are my toys, hahaha.. and those keychains from colleagues are all pinned to the partition.. :D

    @ Caroline Ng May Ling:
    haha, yeah, my posts this week are all scheduled in the morning.. hmmm, how long have you been in this company?? the longer you are sure the more things you have.. enjoy packing~~ :D

  37. @ Wois:
    sorry lah uncle, that is not my desk lah.. please read the contents and not only see the photo lah~~ :p

    @ Twilight:
    haiyoh, i can imagine what a mess your desk is lor.. not even with space to endorse documents?? hey, ask your boss to give you two desks lah, one to put all your stuffs, and the other one really for you to work lor.. hahaha!! Thambee very low profile one, so don't one to show others all the coconut trees and Kamala's photo on the desk mah.. eih, not pink saree lah, it's firy red you forgotten the saree we went buy together for Kamala?? Arumugam likes sticky notes so much?? you are bad, wasting all the sticky notes to build up Letchumi's silhoutte right?? not good not good~~ so much sticky notes to remind you things, ask your boss to let you have a PA lah~~ then you can get Letchumi to come over and work for you, good?? :D

  38. @ wenn:
    haha, as long as you can still work, i guess still ok right??

    @ bluedreamer27:
    nope, that's not my desk, just somebody else's i grabbed from internet.. i think it's ok to "personalise" you work desk so that you feel comfortable with that.. but not to the extent like your officemate to move her own house back to the office, wow, pillows for her to sleep in the office?? hahahaha!!!

  39. @ yee:
    以前那間公司, 桌上和partition上都很多同事的手信囉.. 新公司就沒有, 很空~~

    @ Pete:
    you mean cleaning your own desk?? mine is very tidy and empty, so no problem..

  40. @ Tekkaus:
    errr, sorry if you read the contents of this post properly, then you will know this is not my desk lor.. my desk is very tidy and clean one leh~~ :p

    @ HappySurfer:
    hahaha, that's very funny!! bringing their own bedroom to the office, haha!! actually in my previous company, i like to put my stuffs in the office, mostly souvenirs and free gifts, just day by day, they take up almost 1/3 of my desk, haha!! thanks for the fengshui tips, now in new company, my desk is very tidy and clean.. oh yeah, i heard about TPM, no personal stuffs on table allowed, luckily not in my company..

  41. @ suituapui:
    definitely not mine lah, this is just a photo i grabbed from the internet leh..

    @ Small Kucing:
    very observant of you too, and i like your explanation.. haha, cannot just retrench people because they have too many personal stuffs on their desk lah, and also those without personal stuffs, i agree with you, they might not feel the sense of belonging and will eventually just quit..

  42. @ mNhL:
    hmmm, then very good of you, sure your boss likes you.. but then not a single piece of personal stuffs on your desk?? how boring~~ :D

    @ Wai Kitt:
    哈哈, 其實也有道理, 那麼多私人東西要走的時候真的很麻煩.. 你很瀟灑哦, 走的似乎就只帶走一個杯, 哈哈!! 我現在也是一個水壺和一個小小的Doraemon公仔罷了, 要走也很方便, 呵呵~~

  43. @ Gratitude:
    haha, organised mess?? if things are organised, can we still call that a mess?? well, so she left and did she clear her desk before leaving?? :D

    @ Yvonne:
    hahahaha, that means you really have a sense of belonging in the company and i should say you are happy with you job?? request a bigger desk from your boss lah~~~ :D

  44. @ Medie007:
    sorry, taht's not my desk.. read the contents of the post lah haiyoh~~

    @ 追梦者:
    有的人喜歡簡單, 有的人喜歡多點私人東西, 各有所好喇~~ :)

  45. @ thomas:
    桌子佈置到美美的, 代表歸屬感這個我同意.. 但是桌子幹乾淨淨代表有上進心?? 這個嘛, 也未必對哦.. 只可能說是做事比較有條理吧??

    @ reanaclaire:
    haiyoh, that is not my desk lah, i thot i put disclaimer under the photo already?? my desk is very clean and tidy now leh.. but in my previous company, my toys take up almost 1/3 of my desk lah, hahahaha!! :D

  46. I am the kind of person who doesn't keep much personal stuff at my workstation. Except for the wallpaper on my computer screen! :)

  47. I agree with you.. I try not to put too many personal stuffs in my office, but still over the months they tend to accumulate!!

  48. Mine is a mess of documents.

  49. Alternate view, I don't want to put so many stuff on my work desk because it will be hard for our company's Aunty Janitor to clean my desk. Also, putting a lot of soft toys would just collect dust.

    Can you add my view as third bullet point?

  50. My office desk has very minimal personal items, all office docs ;-)

  51. 我的桌子是很干净的。。。我怕东西多,因为我会觉得很烦。。哈!这就是我。。

  52. 哈哈哈~~~我个位又真係似货舱多啲,除咗收废纸垃圾仲收私伙架生,连事头婆睇到我个位似垃圾岗都tabit!呵呵呵~~~每年大扫除清理啲垃圾都係端斤斤声架,搞到清洁阿婶情绪波动到惨过来经!呵呵呵~~~

  53. this is the type of working table that will make me STRESSED while working... macam satu kampung atas meja ..;p

  54. 我只看得出这个人很有条理,你看,整整齐齐地,多么清爽!

  55. 我張枱只有文具同文件,仲有就喺嗰啲鎖匙圈,磁石等無聊到透嘅手信。不過我喺呢間公司已經做咗10幾年,所以話睇嘢唔好睇表面。哈哈...

  56. @ Mei Teng:
    haha, cool, meaning you only concentrate on your work?? or you are preparing to quit the job at any time?? haha~~ :D

    @ iamthewitch:
    yeah, in my previous company, i've been there for 5 years and things keep accummulating - souvenirs from colleagues, and also those freebies i got, they are all on my desk~~ :D

  57. @ William:
    well, a mess of documents, at least that means you still got a job~~ :p

    @ Schrodinger Cat:
    haha, very true with that point too.. i still remember i have 1/3 of my desk occuppied by my toys in my previous company, i tried to avoid but things are just accummulating, haha~~ :D

  58. @ Dora:
    hmmm, so meaning you are always very concentrating on work?? :)

    @ Chris Chia:
    哈哈, 不過如果把自己喜歡的東西放在桌子上, 當你工作到很煩的時候看一下, 其實也可以放鬆自己的..

  59. @ edward:
    哈哈, 咁你其實係咩多啊?? 公司啲文件定係你自己啲私人嘢多?? 你print太多紙, 唔環保喎~~

    @ Danny:
    haha, last time in my old company, i really have 1/3 of my desk all occuppied by my toys lor~~ :D

  60. @ cindy:
    哈哈, 其實你觀察得也對, 雖然這個人很多東西, 但是都整理得很整齊囉, 肯定是很organise的人..

    @ 海市蜃樓:
    嘩, 你喺坤寧宮已經十幾年架喇?? 咁而家換宮, 你啲嘢係唔係全部翻新晒架??

  61. Agreed agreed! My desk don't have much personal stuff :P easier to 'zao lou' :P but definitely will have some small plant!

  62. actually in my opinion, it doesn't matter how much personal stuffs you have but more on how tidy and organised they are on your desk..

  63. your two points may be very true, but there are always exception that we cannot just judge a book by its cover right?? hehe~~ :p

  64. well, as for me, besides documents all i have are the souvenirs from colleagues on my desk and partition.. i would say still quite tidy desk i have.. :p

  65. it is cute! I guess it is belong to girl.

    I think i have not much personal item on my office desk.

  66. 我唔中意收嘢,今次掟咗好多,由4個大柜縮到得返2個。

  67. 我认为如果桌面有很多自己东西的人,

  68. @ Casendra:
    haha, so you are always prepare to "zao lou" one meh?? actually don't put too much things also good lah~~

    @ victor:
    you are absolutely right dude, it's actually how tidy and organised that is more important.. hahaha, i have also a lot of souvenirs accummulating on my desk in my previous company.. but in current company, i have a very clean desk.. :)

  69. @ Chris Chia:
    我說得也是有根據的哦~~ :)

    @ CH Voon:
    yeah, i also have a feel that this desk belongs to a lady, haha.. errr, i also have very little personal stuff on my desk now..

  70. @ 海市蜃樓:
    掟好多都仲有兩個大櫃嘢?? 仲以為你換宮之後一切會重新開始?? :D

    @ Ashley:
    很多私人東西的肯定對公司有一份很深的歸屬感, 不過多東西也應該要井井有條, 太雜亂對工作也不好喇.. 呵呵, 你公司分明, 那麼少東西, 是不是也隨時打算一走了之呢?? 呵呵~~ :p
