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20.01.2011 | 十指大動

仲記得以前食KFC, 啲雞係用個碟上嘅, 而且仲會畀買刀叉你用.. 唔似依家咁, 求其用個紙盒托住, 用手食就算架喇..

以前用刀叉嘅日子, 最搞笑係見到有啲人一刀一叉, 成舊雞飛咗出碟外, 落喺自己大脾上.. 不過, 唔係飛入對面小姐乳溝中就算係不幸中之大幸喇, 哈哈!! :D

依家一律用手嘅日子, 我反而會睇下啲人究竟要用幾隻手指去食舊雞.. 我自己就最多四隻喇, 不過都會見到有人全部十隻手指盡用噃, 我覺得好似大細路咁, 非常趣緻囉.. 你呢?? 有冇留意自己其實用到幾隻手指咁呢?? :p
i still remember our chicken were served on proper plates with fork and knife in KFC years back, unlike now that everything are served on paper trays and you just eat with your bare hands..

those days when we were using fork and knife, funniest thing i saw was someone got his chicken flown out of the plate and landed on his lap when he was trying to cut the chicken.. anyway this was considered lucky, as the chicken didn't fell into the cleavage of the girl sitting opposite.. hahahaha!! :D

these days when we are using our hands, i switch to observe how many fingers people need to use to eat their chicken.. for me, the maximum is four, but many times i see people using all their ten fingers and i find that rather amusingly cute, just like a giant toddler.. how many fingers do you normally use to eat your chicken?? :p


  1. wuhahahaha got the chop today

  2. i love chicken than any other meat... and about the fingers thing... haha i really don't mind using all of my fingers to get all the meats out from the bone...

  3. i can always wash my hand anyway haha

    and for those who will be watching me..... "Mind your own chickens" LOL

  4. 恕我食相斯文唔惯用手食鸡,我每次都会要求刀叉架!放心,我啲刀法已经炉火纯青,绝对唔会发生你所谓嘅失手事件!:p

  5. LOL 6 fingers.

    Hey, KFC in Carrefour K.Damansara still give plates but no more giving knife and fork.

    A prawn from the next table once fly over to my table when I was having steamboat with my colleagues. It was quite funny.

  6. i normally eat use 2 fingers.

    eat using fingers maybe the taste is better right

  7. I have never been bothered to use fork and knife. Why? Because our fingers are way better to enjoy our food. :)

  8. Wow...you actually observe how many fingers were involved? You will be shocked to observe me. :p

  9. By the way...you are not supposed to use fork and knife to enjoy your KFC. If not it will not be finger lickin good anymore. :p

  10. Ya...it's "finger-lickin' good", so use your fingers. Fork and knife for high class people in classy restaurants, KFC where got high class. Muahahahaha!!!

  11. Last time, go KFC already feel so classy. Have to eat with fork and spoon some more. :D

  12. Nowadays, no class oredi! LOL

  13. I eat my chicken with my pinkie out. I am a lady. LOL

  14. four fingers. eat at home... no need to worry about fork and knife :P. eat with hand, leg or none also can! hahaha! :P

  15. @ lina, pinkie out? lol

    4 fingers I guess...

  16. 吃KFC用刀叉。。。很假!如果是我的朋友,我一定狠狠吐槽他:装什么装啊?!


  17. 真喺冇留意喔,通常食完之後啲手指都油淋淋,要即刻去洗手。


  18. 我驚食到一半有人打電來,都系用刀叉。

  19. 馬來人系用右手手指撕一細片出來,再放入口。

  20. “唔係飛入對面小姐乳溝中就算...”


  21. Oh no blame it on suituapui who first spread the bird flu with his Bishop's nose in his 'How bizarre' entry about sago worms tasted like ayam buntut and now its getting chickenny around the blogosphere. Now the flu settled here hope not from my last chicken post? haha.

  22. Have not really thought about it. Hm not mindful enough. Wait let me see ..three fingers. Seems food taste better using fingers sometimes will do that at home on my normal meals..

  23. Wah must learn from sifu how do you manage to curi curi snap the pixz? I am like you like to kaypo but just dunno how and not feeling too good to invade into others privacy. Seen one guy opposite my table during lunch time talking over the phone with his left hand waving here and there, fingers counting etc non-stop. How nice if can capture that on video it would be fun..haha.

  24. Laughing at small kucing's comment that 'alive' and kicking prawn can sure know how to "jump" from the pan into the fire. lolz

  25. 用刀叉吧..我連吃螃蟹都會牛到用餐具而不是用手吃*直到旁人有可能看不過眼不要給我吃為止噗噗^^*


  26. HAH! Finally I have prove! U know I told my hubs that during the earlier days, we had proper utensils to eat KFC, he said he can't remember! Maybe when he was younger he tak makan KFC! i use maximum 4 fingers... a finger and a thumb from each hand!

  27. hahaha....you are so 'pat' by observing how people eat their chicken. Just kidding.

    I used 4 fingers. Never like to dirtied the rest of my fingers. haha

  28. For me, it's thumb and index finger on one hand and fork the other. I'm glad they still retain the metal fork (and knife).

  29. ahahahahha, here in the Phils. people enjoy eating foods ith their bare hands, so if you ask mu how many i use?ahahahahaha, all of it!, lols!, with the twist of linkin' every after biting! :)

  30. 没注意到用几只手指,应该十指吧?

  31. Some food is best enjoyed using your hands! :) Like eating burgers. You don't tuck into burgers using a fork and a knife? ;)

  32. KFC是快餐,说了要快啊,用刀叉会不会影响了吃快餐的速度啊...呵呵...

  33. usually i hate getting my fingers dirty with food (as am lazy to rush to the washroom for cleanups later,a and not mentioning the smell it left on our hands even after foaming it with soap). with exceptions, like french fries. hehe.

  34. @ bluedreamer27:
    haha, there's no right or wrong to use how many fingers when you eat your fried chicken.. just that i find those using all 10 fingers rather cute and amusing, hahaha~~ :p

    @ Medie007:
    wow, you only use 2 fingers?? i don't know why but in my opinion you should be somebody who uses all 10~~ :D

  35. @ edward:
    嘩, 果然係上等斯文人囉, 難道你去KFC都真係會要求刀叉, 當人人都豪氣非常地用手食嘅時候, 你就喺度鋸雞??!! 好掃興喎~~ :D

    @ Small Kucing:
    i think KL Sentral one also give plates but of course no more knife and fork lah.. haha, you use 6 fingers, you loose to me, hahahha!! hahaha, so you got a free prawn to eat?? or did you pick up the prawn and return it back to the next table?? :D

  36. @ TZ:
    hmmm, i also maximum 4 fingers only..

    @ CH Voon:
    wah, you so skillful one can only use 2 fingers ah.. yalah, eating with fingers is more convenient, and actually more tasty hor?? why leh hor??

  37. @ Tekkaus:
    hahaha, that is why KFC now also recommend everyone to eat with their hands by not giving you fork and knife unless you ask for it.. hehehe, not all the time i'll be observing other people lah, just that sometimes when i find people who use up all 10 fingers, i find that quite interesting.. and you must be one of them?? haha~~ :D

    @ suituapui:
    hey, last time KFC also considered high class restaurant one ok?? only after they decided to go the fast food model to fight with McD, then only they become so down to earth.. hahaha!! :D

  38. @ lina:
    yes, exactly!! last time KFC is considered high class place, and not everybody can afford to go there.. i also went there for special events only.. hahahaha, eating your chicken with your pinkie out!! you are hilarious~~ :p

    @ ladyviral:
    hahahaha, at home or outside, i still use maximum 4 fingers lah.. because don't really like to dirty the rest of the fingers, feel quite inconvenient leh..

  39. @ Ayie:
    haha, yeah, pinkie out!! that's so hilarious of lina.. yeah, i guess most people will use 4 fingers..

    @ 保佑我:
    其實以前他們給刀叉的時候, 我真的會用刀叉的, 因為懶惰洗手.. 不過現在真的沒有刀叉, 所以就回到最原始囉~~ :)

  40. @ 海市蜃樓:
    咁你下次洗手之前, 麻煩你數一數究竟用幾多隻手指?? 係呀係呀, 以前食KFC係大件事嚟架, 好架勢堂架..

    @ khengsiong:
    嘩, 原來你一直都咁堅持用刀叉食KFC架?? 電話響?? 食晒先算啦.. 馬來人用一隻手5隻手指, 都係輸畀我4隻, 哈哈!! :D

  41. @ Bananazஇ:
    haha, no worries, this is really not about chicken if you read in details.. it's all about fingers, banana-like fingers, hahahaha~~ so 3 fingers on each hand, meaning 6 in total?? i use only both the thumbs and index fingers, so that's 4.. hey, those are not photos i snap lah, but i grabbed from the internet and collate them into one picture here.. i always do this, didn't you notice?? haha, but there was once i really curi curi snap a guy in a restaurant, where his striking blue t-back come into sight from his low waist pants when he sat down, that's really a thrilling experience being a "paparazzi"~~ :D

    @ bluesky:
    哎呀, 不過現在感覺那些人連吃KFC也要用刀叉的, 好像有點怪怪的樣子囉.. 不過說得也是, 每次吃KFC就算用肥皂洗了手, 還是有那股雞味留在手指上的, 幾核突一下的.. 要洗第二次手, 而且要用那些消毒洗手液, 才可以把味道洗掉的~~

  42. @ Merryn:
    yes, no need any prove lah, i think many of us know KFC really give us all the forks and knifes without need to ask.. hmmm, maybe your hubby haven't been to KFC before they decided not to give fork and knife?? hahahaha~~ :D

    @ mNhL:
    haha, not "pat" lah but then sometimes just noticed and think those who used all 10 fingers are quite cute indeed lor.. yeah, same here, the most 4 fingers also, don't want to dirty the other fingers lah, else feel very weird..

  43. @ HappySurfer:
    yeah, you are still using the fork?? in KFC?? you requested for a fork?? hmmm, smart idea also to use fork and then just 2 fingers huh, maybe i should just try that.. :)

    @ stevevhan:
    i think it's quite common that people just eat with their bare hands in KFC, unless those are boneless chicken else i think eating with hands is still more convenient.. hahaha, you eat with all 10 fingers, and lick each and every one of them after that?? hahaha, so funny~~ :p

  44. @ cindy:
    哈哈, 女生用完10隻手指來吃好像沒有看過, 女生應該比較斯文最多也是4隻手指吧?? :p

    @ Mei Teng:
    of definitely eating burgers with hands is nicer.. and pizza as well, it's quite weird we were encourage to eat with knife and fork here in some of the pizza chains right?? :)

  45. @ bluecloud:
    其實以前的KFC不是快餐來的, 是蠻high class的餐廳哦.. 後來才改變營業方式變成快餐店.. 哎呀, 其實我覺得大多數人都是用4根手指的囉.. 所以對那些可以把10根手指都全數用完的, 感到非常可愛~~ :p

    @ kyh:
    yeah, no choice especially in KFC we just need to use our fingers, unless you specifically requested for fork and knife.. so i allow only maximum 4 fingers, and make sure i wash my fingers with soap before leaving, and then back at office.. haha!! exceptions like french fries, meaning you can use all your 10 fingers for those?? haha~~ :D

  46. Do you mean the plastic forks and knives? I think it's ridiculous to eat chickens using plastic cutlery!

  47. I don't mind using metal knife and fork though, although fingers are best!

  48. How many fingers? Does it matter? As long as you enjoy your chickens, you can use all 10 fingers for all I care! LOL!

  49. But personally I only use 2 fingers. Haha!! I hate to get my hands all dirty and oily! : D

  50. 在外面我都喜歡用刀叉
    可是吃KFC當然是用手比較好吃 XD

  51. ya, 2 fingers n 2 thumbs the most.

  52. 哈哈,我係10指大動嗰個:P

  53. ooo, i use 3 fingers. hehehe

  54. oh yes, i remember that too.. going to KFC last time is actually something very classy.. unlike now they've changed to run business in the fast food model..

  55. HAHAHA!! LOL on your description on the "flying" chicken!! so was that a real incident that you've seen?? damn funny!! :D

  56. errr, for me, of course i only use 4 fingers.. 2 thumbs and 2 index fingers.. don't feel like making my other fingers greasy and dirty :)

  57. 我从小就被宠坏,不会斯文的吃饭。

  58. @ foongpc:
    no, not those plastic forks and knives but really metal ones, you didn't know that?? yeah, that's it, don't feel like getting your fingers dirty and greasy right?? haha, you only use 2 fingers?? next time you must show me how, i have to use 4 fingers..

    @ venus:
    哈哈, 在外面當然是比較注重形像囉.. 不過KFC好像大家都會很自然地用手去吃呀, 用刀叉反而覺得很奇怪~~ :D

  59. @ wenn:
    hehehe, so in total you'll be using 4 like me.. i guess this is normal right?? :)

    @ 路人㊣:
    哈哈, 好可愛囉全部10隻手指都用到晒.. 你驚捉唔穩舊雞?? 呵呵~~ :D

    @ Isaac Tan:
    oh, 3 fingers?? you mean 3 fingers for each hand or 3 fingers for both hands??

  60. @ victor:
    haha, you are right, going to KFC during those days is rather classy because we are being served by waiters.. unlike now we just queue and get the food at the counter.. haha, just my imagination about that "flying chicken" not real one lah, but flying out of the plate is quite common right?? yeah, hate to get more fingers dirty and greasy, that's why i use max 4 fingers.. :)

    @ Ashley:
    哈哈, 如果是在家裡的話就還好喇, 但是到外面就不要囉, 怎樣還是小姐一個, 要注意儀態一下哦.. 用三根手指, 哈哈, 比我還要多.. 不過對喇, 最重要還是好吃囉.. :)
