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05.01.2011 | 一飯豐順

聽過好多人話佢哋係無飯不歡嘅, 有啲人甚至無飯不歡到咩程度呢?? 就係能夠以薯條/香腸/拿吉餸飯食, 果然係能人奇士囉!! 我個人就認為飯其實係可有可無, 唔食飯食其他粉麵包餃我同樣可以生存.. 我唯一鐘意食飯, 係因為飯本身已經有味道, 例如炒飯/雞飯/滷肉飯之類, 可以就咁齋食唔需要其他餸添架.. 係唔係好怪呀我?? 咁你又係唔係飯桶一個呢?? 哈哈~~
i've heard many people confessed they must have rice in their meals, and some can even go to that "level" that they can eat rice together with french fries, sausages and nuggets (this i actually find it amazing!!).. to me, i personally find rice very optional and i can survive without eating rice but some other noodles or bread.. the only time i will love eating rice is when the rice itself has flavour (for example fried rice, chicken rice, minced meat rice etc), that i can even eat the rice alone without the need of other dishes.. hmmm, am i quite bizarre actually?? so are you a rice addict or not?? haha~~


  1. I can do away with a rice for a certain period but I'll start missing them soon after. :D

  2. But not eating either rice or noodles at all, that I can't do. I'm Asian. XD

  3. and I have a very Asia stomach. LOL

  4. 我是个饭桶!真的是无饭不欢!

  5. I need rice at least once a day otherwise I feel hungry easily.

  6. i m a rice lover..if possible, once a day.. cukup! then i m satisfied.. but i cannot eat rice with french fries or nuggets, i must have "chap" (sauce) :)

  7. Hey I'm like you too! I like flavoured rice but not rice on its own. I can do without white rice at any one time :P I see people eating rice with durians too! White rice! I don't know how that's nice :P

  8. I prefer noodles more than rice...hehe! Lucky!!

  9. 看了口水直流.....已流成河.....哈哈!

  10. I confess...I am a rice addict

  11. 我應該都喺飯桶一名,不過又未去到餐餐都要食飯正生存到。如果有的揀我會揀食飯多過食粥粉面。

  12. I love rice when there are gravy to go with. example oyster sauce chicken. Yum yum...

  13. I don't mind not eating rice...but if I do not have meat, I'll get hungry very fast.

  14. Of course Thambee loves rice on banana leaves when younger! Now sudah kaya, sure eat fries and sausages!

  15. I sure love rice and rice loves me too!

  16. I can eat any type of food and so you can cook anything for me. Hear that Thambee?

  17. Kamala said you are sure sick to eat her rice alone without dishes. She thinks you dislike her cooking. How ungrateful of you Thambee!!

  18. I told Kamala to cook dishes and put some ganja inside so that you will fall in love with her cooking again! LOL...Kekeke

  19. Eating fries with rice is quite bizarre but my American friend eats rice with cold milk poured into the bowl with sugar sprinkled over! Yiaks!

  20. 哈哈!亚洲人原本就是饭桶嘛!试下去国外一个星期没吃饭,肯定觉得怪怪地呢.

  21. 呵呵...我不是饭桶,我是水果桶,太爱水果了,一天没吃会觉得怪怪的...可能自己原本就是属于怪怪的一群...

  22. 我以前系美國,都試過幾天冇食飯。

  23. 但是系呢樹,就最少兩日一次。

  24. 唐人菜,系最arm配飯。

  25. 不過我可以以饅頭或餃子代替“米飯”。

  26. 我不是饭桶,但我是垃圾桶。。。哈哈!!因为我什么都吃:)

  27. I don't need to have rice with every meal. I just go with the flow...and try to make sure I eat healthily.

  28. 我不是饭桶~~我什么都可以吃,吃得是福。。。

  29. Rice is like a stable food here in the Philippines

  30. Ha ha, rice with french fries.....add some kicap nice!

  31. I just can't imagine our lunch or dinner without rice being served

  32. but personally, i can also survive without rice.... i prefer eating veggies and meats without it

  33. rice with french fries? well i guess it's like you have potato as your toppings so nothing really extra ordinary

  34. have a great day and happy blogging SK

  35. i can do way without rice but not without noodles. it is 357 n i cant sleep. looking at yr blog n recollecting some of the posts i have read on yr blog all this while, hey, it seems like we r frenz in real life :) but i could never sit down n complete a Mona Liza. hey, not fair Twiligh visits yr blog n not mine :)

  36. i am not rice addict for sure.

    it is really depend on my mood.

    hot weahter, i prefer eat mee or bihun or etc rather than rice.

  37. I don't mind not having rice everyday but if I go too many days without it, then the yearning starts. I can eat rice with anything, even durians - which is quite similar to eating the thai sticky rice with durians. Nothing unusual about it. In fact, yummy! Ask Foong about it. LOL!

    In fact, rice can go with anything. It's just a matter of individual choice - no right or wrong.

  38. 看来,你的胃口很像老外呢!

  39. I am those who eat rice with fries XD

  40. What is the difference between 一帆風順 (smooth journey) & 一飯豐順 which sounds alike and you change the second word to *food* as a pun or its the original?

  41. Bananaz can whack curry mee for B,L,D no problem or biscuits for brunch & dinner also can. Me not fan tong haha.

  42. hi SK just blog hopping tonight
    dropping by here!!

  43. have a great day and happy blogging

  44. 做饭桶冇所谓,最紧要咪食屎屙饭!呵呵呵~~~我钟意食有味饭,而白饭一定要捞餸汁先至开胃架!:)几时得闲我去MV揾你食饭?

  45. 有啲人甚至食餸唔食饭..

  46. 斋饭? 肥人可以多多考虑,瘦人望吓好啦!

  47. i am also not a rice addict, because i prefer eating noodles than having rice.. though sometimes will choose to have rice, you know, you kind of miss something you have not eaten for quite some time right?? hahaha!!! :D

  48. but i definitely won't eat white rice with french fries and nugget, that sound rather crazy for me.. i guess too dry and too bland.. for me, white rice must be eaten with different kind of dishes, then only nice..

  49. come to think of it, still acceptable to have rice with fries.. have you imagine having rice with noodles together?? interesting yeah?? hahaha!!

  50. @ lina:
    yeah, i think it's true, i can do away with rice for a certain period but then i guess i'd also be craving for rice once in a while then.. errr, i have quite "internationa" stomach i guess, haha..

    @ H@rry:
    哈哈, 很亞洲人的胃口哦.. 我其實可以一段時間不吃飯的, 但是也不會好像西方人那樣, 餐餐馬鈴薯囉, 我會是個比較平衡的人喇.. :p

  51. @ wenn:
    hmmm, very true that rice can actually keep your hunger away for a longer time.. :)

    @ reanaclaire:
    haha, yalor, i am like OMG when i saw people eating white rice with french fries, nuggets and sausages!! that really seem very wrong to me.. haha!!

  52. @ iamthewitch:
    oh, i heard people saying durian with white rice is very delicious!! but i guess those are actually durians addict more than a rice addict though.. but then i'd never do that lor, for me white rice must at least have some gravy to eat with..

    @ uLi.佑莉:
    actually noodles are more fattening that rice lor, hahaha!! :D

  53. @ 保佑我:
    哈哈, 是看到照片那碗飯嗎?? 是我朋友弄的哦, 很可口吧?? :p

    @ Small Kucing:
    hahahaha, really?? but i don't see that you must eat rice for every meal right?? :p

  54. @ 海市蜃樓:
    咁都未至於去到飯桶嘅地步, 至少你唔需要餐慘都一定要食飯.. :D

    @ mNhL:
    oh yeah, i always need to have gravy to eat with white rice, or else i'd feel the rice is too dry to eat.. haha, your favourite dish is oyster sauce chicken??

  55. @ suituapui:
    hahaha, very true huh!! after reading your comment, then i think my favourite is actually MEAT and nothing else~~ :p

    @ Twilight:
    haha, Thambee never is a rice addict, infact he seldom eat rice also, because there is a big varities of roti, naan, chapati and tosai for him to choose from mah.. Arumugam just only love rice and not the chapati?? i heard from Letchumi Arumugam always used to love her cookings too, but then since Arumugam come to KL, already forgotten about Letchumi and now she's really curious (and also worry about) what Arumugam likes to eat.. so when is Arumugam going back to Tiruchirappali to see Letchumi?? i'm sure she'll cook all the best food and Arumugam's favourite food to welcome you home.. oh, rice with cold milk and sugar?? hmmm, so that must taste something like "tong shui"?? hahahaha~~ :D

  56. @ Wai Kitt:
    其實也不是每個都是飯桶喇, 不用去到外國, 在這裡我也是可以一個星期不吃飯的哦.. 哈哈!! 不過有時還會想念nasi lemak的~~ :D

    @ bluecloud:
    哈哈, 還是第一次聽人說水果桶!! 你很有創意囉, 哈哈!! 其實我覺得不錯耶, 每天都吃水果很健康啊, 是好事來的~~ :)

  57. @ khengsiong:
    咁我覺得你應該係睇環境食嘢啦係嘛?? 咁樣好喎, 適應力強, 去到邊都唔怕會餓死囉, 哈哈!! :D

    @ 孤傲的王子:
    哈哈, 那你有沒有一個綽號叫做DBKL呢?? 很好嘛, 證明你不偏食~~ :)

  58. @ Mei Teng:
    that is good, you eat a balance meal and that's very healthy lifestyle.. i think it's good that you don't incline to eating specific food only..

    @ cindy:
    那樣好哦, 證明你不偏食, 什麼都可以吃的人, 其實也應該很隨和吧?? :)

  59. @ bluedreamer27:
    i think depend on what type of cuisine you are having.. for our local food here in Malaysia, rice is actually something must-have.. but i really can just eat the dishes, or else i can still survive eating western food.. i actually find eating white rice with french fries weird, don't you think so??

    @ Pete:
    haha, you really have tried that before?? but i guess it's quite weird really, white rice + french fries + soy sauce!! haha~~ :D

  60. @ Bengbeng:
    hmmm, so you are a noodle person instead i'd say?? wow, 3:57am and you are still awake?? what happened?? you ate or drank some something that make you stay awake just now?? yeah, i guess blog really connects people from around the world in the blogsphere huh?? that's very amazing.. :)

    @ CH Voon:
    oh yeah, that means you don't really have a preference over food right?? because i see you can also survive in Russia for so long!! :D

  61. @ HappySurfer:
    yeah, i would think so too.. can do away with rice for few days, but then will sure miss it one day, after all for Asians rice is still something very basic to us right?? oh, you can eat rice with anything?? haha, but i really find it wrong especially with fruits and also fast food, haha.. anyway, likewise you say, it's just personal choice though, as long you love it and it taste delicious to you, why care?? :)

    @ Ashley:
    沒有喇, 其實應該說我的胃口很國際化喇.. 其實我還算是什麼都可以吃的人喇, 接受新食物的能力比較OK那種.. 呵呵, 對哦, KFC的雞飯和早餐的nasi lemak, 我是覺得很不錯吃的哦, 真的是迎合本地口味.. :)

  62. @ Kelvin:
    haha, then i really salute you!! so plainly white rice with fries?? that's very dry to me~~

    @ Bananazஇ:
    haha, of course 一帆風順 is the right one and 一飯豐順 is the pun.. meaning it feels rich, satisfying and lucky to be able to have rice to eat, something like that, haha!! i though Banana must have banana to eat in every meal?? haha, great actually you are not picky on food, just fill up your stomach will do right?? :)

  63. @ edward:
    嘩, 乜講到食屎屙饭咁肉算架, 我啋~~ 係啊係啊, 我係咁架, 白飯肯定唔會吸引到我, 除非有好好味, 好惹味嘅汁啦, 如果唔係我真係冇咩興趣囉..

    @ Chris:
    食餸唔食饭好閒啫其實, 我其實都可以架..

  64. @ 古小玉:
    其實也不可以這麼說喇, 看人的, 最重要是吃得健康囉, 對沒有?? :)

    @ victor:
    yeah, you find that weird too to have white rice with french fries yeah?? you are right, just too dry for me too.. and good point, rice with noodles!! hmmm, i guess rarely see people eating like that right?? or maybe i should try to do that one day?? hahahaha~~ :D

  65. 我就是那种所谓的饭桶。超过两,三天没有吃饭就会觉得浑身不对劲。

  66. rice with sausage and nugget is normal me think :P
    i have rice daily. haha

  67. @ imyuyu:
    哈哈, 原來你那麼愛吃飯哦, 那麼經濟菜飯肯定是你的最愛!! 其實西方人也有吃飯的, 但是不普遍啦, 外國也有華人餐吃嘛, 不怕!! :D

    @ goldflower86:
    hahaha!! so you are really those typical rice addict, so addictive that you also want to eat your nugget with rice?? hahaha~~
