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17.01.2011 | 陰男陽女

某日同某位朋友喺某商場閑逛, 發覺呢間商場都僱用好多所謂嘅「中性人」, 尤其化妝部就簡直係佢哋嘅天下.. 其實我覺得, 佢哋可以勇敢企出嚟面對社會, 而商場又絕無歧視, 係好事嚟架.. 其實佢哋多數都係心地善良, 比女人仲更加女人嘅「姐姐」, 我都幾敬佩佢哋對於選擇自己生命嘅嗰一股勇氣架..

不過我同友人都有個同樣嘅疑問, 究竟佢哋係去男廁定女廁架呢?? 入女廁會唔會嚇親啲女士, 入男廁會唔會驚啲男士冒犯呢?? 都幾左右為難喎..
was in a shopping mall with a friend one day, where we noticed there are quite a lot of transgender being employed, especially the cosmetic department.. i think this is a good thing, as they stand out bravely to face the community, and that the mall is giving equal employment opportunity without discrimination.. i would think they are actually nice people, more feminine that most females, and i rather respect their courage to be firm on what they choose to be in their life..

but both my friend and i share the same doubt, which toilet do they go?? if they go to the ladies, will the ladies in there feel unsafe?? if they go to the gents, will they feel insecure on the other hand?? hmm, rather complicated yeah??


  1. we can only respect them.

  2. oooh i saw lots at here too. :D but here i saw lots working in pubs like dat one la. :/

  3. i think i only saw one when i went to SASA outlet. mannnn, he can help ppl do makeover so pro! very soft summore! :X

  4. eihh,.. yea horr, never cross my mind bout which toilet they will go. haha! quite difficult to guess eh.

  5. but i think maybe they will go for unisex toilet. :p

  6. 係人都有三急架啦!话是话佢哋可以趁冇人时用oku厕所,相信明眼人都唔会阻止佢哋嘅係咪?:)

  7. i agree with that... no matter who they are, transgender, bi sexual, autistic or what, we should always offer respect to them

  8. just like the golden rule!
    Do unto others as you would have them do unto you”

  9. as long as they're doing nothing bad..

  10. any way, regarding about the toilet... hmmmm
    i guess they should still go to the man's room.....
    they might be girl at heart... but they are still men physically
    and there are toilets specifically made for us that woman's room don't have

  11. i've thought of this too! wondering... @@

  12. Maybe they just tahan...wait till they get home. LOL!!!

  13. P.S. I've linked you in my post today...

  14. Yeah...some of them are more feminine than the normal female. LOL :D

  15. Should have another toilet for them right? :p

  16. They are friendlier and much more talkative than female, that's for sure.

    My hubby loves buying stuff from them, because he likes to ask for freebies and they always obliged him. LOL

  17. Maybe you should ask them, SK? XD

  18. 上帝開既玩笑。。。

  19. 聽講泰國有中性人既洗手間。

  20. 馬來西亞保守,唔駛指望會有中性人廁所。

  21. I think they make the best BFFs.

  22. Yea their service is actually top notch! Much better than most females if I dare say :P I think they go to Female toilets lahh.. :P

  23. 他们应该会去女厕所的,

  24. 可以用executive toilet解決嘛。

  25. there is one too in Affin Bank Seri Petaling branch

  26. The Postal service sent your letter or parcel as per the address. Likewise regarding to your question which toilet do they go to would so much depend on their current dressing or status. But then if they are not mindful then..*chiak lat liao*..hehe ~;).

  27. satu Malaysia!so boleh satu tandas juga for those!

  28. One time, I saw a person who definitely looked like a male leaving the female toilet in Mid Valley. Me and another woman stared at disbelief at that person's oblivion to our incredulous looks. He must have realized too late and decided to act cool or maybe he wasn't aware he was in the wrong gender toilet?!

  29. as long as they have a penis, the "gender" column will always be "Male".

  30. u talk abt a public toilet n insecurities. i met a couple of trans praying at the tua pek kong in Sibu. apparently they told a fren of mine they had been rejected by all the other major religions when it comes to prayers n hence they had to leave their religions n go to the tua pek kong where there was no hangups n they were accepted freely with not a single raised eyebrow

  31. 去女厕也ok的,反正他们又不会怎样的。。

  32. 等等看,我国几时会有属于他们的洗手间,这样他们就不需要站在门外犹豫应该踏入哪里...

  33. Mmmmm, don't know how to answer leh! LOL!

  34. 喜歡bluecloud的留言.



  35. u shud stop them and ask! :P

  36. Oh! So Malaysia is more open now? In Thailand, it is a normal sight to have these transgenders working at cosmetics shops.

  37. Which toilet? I think they still go to men's toilet. Cos I think females will scream if they enter the female toilet! LOL!

  38. Unless if they did a sex change operation and are officially recognised as females.

  39. Perhaps there should be toilets purposely built for the 3rd gender? : D

  40. Or maybe even better - have unisex toilets! Then they will no longer go to the wrong toilet! Haha!

  41. dont go in first, stand there for 1 min. i think there are some body come out ... so, you can define which toilet is male or female.

  42. 真的是头痛的问题:进女厕还是男厕?


  43. hahaha.......I still remember during my training days (many many years ago). I got to know this person. In the morning, he is a HE (so will use MALE toilet) and in the evening, he will turn SHE and use the FEMALE toilet. Morning, he will be known as Sulaiman. Night, his name changed to Sally.

  44. @ wenn:
    well, we can not only respect them but also to treat them as normal people.. :)

    @ Caroline Ng May Ling:
    oh, they definitely are very good in fashion and makeup work, you can see them help customer to do makeover and very professional ok.. hmmm, i also think they will prefer going to the unisex toilet.. cos this will be the safest place for them.. :)

  45. @ edward:
    我咪就係好想知囉.. oku?? 嘩, 我諗咗一陣現知道你想講乜.. 都係喎, 呢啲oku廁所都係unisex嘅, 我覺得應該係佢哋嘅最佳選擇囉..

    @ bluedreamer27:
    yes, i think every human in this earth are born equal and we should treat everyone equally without discrimination.. hmmm, i really have no idea.. they are girl at heart but still men physically so they should go to the gents.. but then they really look like a lady, and i think it would be very weird if they appear in the gents right?? because they are woman from outside..

  46. @ kyh:
    yeah, do you have this kind of friends?? perhaps you can help me to ask.. :p

    @ suituapui:
    hmmm, i'm not surprise they can tahan but sure there will be times they need the toilet urgently right?? that's the moments of truth where they choose to go..

  47. @ Tekkaus:
    errr, i think i've not seen any other toilets besides male, female and for disabled.. maybe they most probably go to the unisex disabled toilet..

    @ lina:
    hahaha, so your hubby always like to flirt with them?? you are not angry with that?? hahaha.. well, since your hubby always like to talk with them, perhaps next time you can get your hubby to ask~~ :p

  48. @ khengsiong:
    可能真係上帝一下子失手囉.. 中性人廁所, 嚴格嚟講係冇, 不過其實殘障人士廁所算唔算呢??

    @ HappySurfer:
    oh yeah, because they really understand both the gender right?? :)

  49. @ iamthewitch:
    yeah, they can be very professional makeup artist and cosmetic sales person, good service.. hmmm, so you have seen them in the female toilet before?? i've not seen any in the male toilet..

    @ Ashley:
    其實也對喇, 他們外型和舉止和心態都是女生, 所以上女廁所應該比較恰當吧.. 最重要還是你們不會覺得不安囉.. 如果男廁看到他們, 可能我們反而覺得不安~~

  50. @ 海市蜃樓:
    唔係個個地方都有executive toilet架嘛.. 平時百貨公司邊有架?? disabled toilet就或者適合佢哋去囉, 因為屬於unisex??

    @ Small Kucing:
    oh, sure she is a very popular staff and i bet her service is good?? i think inside the bank they have unisex toilet so should be fine for her??

  51. @ Bananazஇ:
    haha, but i would think they will all the time keep their outlook as a female right?? am sure they always makeup very nicely so that they look like a real woman all the time.. so does that suggest that they actually go to the ladies rather than gents?? have you seen any of them in the gents?? no right?? :p

    @ Wai Kitt:
    hmmm, rarely see those 1-tandas, normally will split into the gents and the ladies one mah..

  52. @ Mei Teng:
    haha, so you are very sure that is a man, and actually a real man and not those transgender?? well, talking about that, there was once i saw a lady shouting for help, she caught an african black man hiding in the toilet peeping at the ladies.. that was in pavilion 6th floor near the Wong Kok Restaurant..

    @ Medie007:
    hmmm, but they always hide their penis and definitely look like a lady from the appearance woh..

  53. @ Bengbeng:
    oh, that's very sad news, how would the religion reject them just because they choose what they want to be?? i thought all religions are guiding people to live well and be kind?? i definitely think they are the kindest and friendliest people on earth.. so disappointed with their original religion.. good that tua pek gong treats them like normal..

    @ 发白日梦^^:
    想一想, 其實他們去女廁所比去男廁所比較恰當吧, 因為他們外表看上去真的很女人嘛.. 再來, 他們可能比裡面的女生還要嬌柔囉~~

  54. @ bluecloud:
    我覺得我們這個可愛的國家思想還是很保守喇, 肯定不會像鄰國那樣那麼開放, 聽說他們有中性廁所哦~~

    @ Pete:
    hmmm, you got this kind of friends or not?? maybe you can help to ask :)

  55. @ bluesky:
    其實也沒有必要用有色眼鏡看人呀, 你看人家, 人家也看你呀.. 妹妹說得對, 這些都是很個人的, 我們沒有勇氣做的, 並不代表別人沒有勇氣.. 可能對他們來說, 就是一個選擇, 也沒有什麼大驚小怪哦.. :)

    @ Merryn:
    i don't dare to ask, i'm scared leh~~ :)

  56. @ foongpc:
    errr, i think i've seen more and more transgender working in shopping mall, and they can be very professional also.. as for Thailand, they are always more open-minded on the gender thing than any country else in Asia.. i think unisex toilet still not a good idea in publis, but if under private venue unisex toilet should be fine.. hmmm, actually i've not seen any in the gents, but maybe most of them choose to go to the ladies, where they will feel more secured??

    @ CH Voon:
    errr, no need to stand there and see right?? there are always signs in the toilet to let you know which is gents and which is ladies.. :p

  57. @ cindy:
    對哦, 其實也很好奇, 可能他們會選擇進女廁所吧?? 因為他們外表舉止心態都是女生嘛.. 可愛的大紅花國肯定不會接受囉, 很可悲, 什麼時候才可以像鄰國那樣呢??

    @ mNhL:
    oh?? so he is actually a professional with a part-time drag queen job?? well, i think that's actually nothing wrong, that's just a job for him/her.. so maybe that answered my question already?? you go to the ladies, because your appearance looks like a lady, and regardless of your real self?? :)

  58. SK, this shade of red not too bad lah. I expected that angpow red. Then I would have to put on my shades each time I visit. haha..

  59. @sk,
    angry at hubby for flirting? Waste of my time only. LOL

  60. hey dude love the new look of your house here

  61. 重要是外界不要給他(她)們標籤,其實人人平等,就讓他(她)們自己選擇吧!

  62. yeah..i really do respect those transgender who dare to come out to face the society..what they need is encouragement and not criticism...

    i think they use the female toilets la coz saw bfore they enter...hahaha my friend have a transgender friend as well and she said they went toilet together...haha

  63. makes me wonder too, where do they go?

  64. @ HappySurfer:
    hahaha, this can also be angpow red what.. hmmmm, maybe you want to switch to using a monochrome monitor when you read my blog?? hehehe, isn't that a great idea?? :D

    @ lina:
    hahaha, of course i know you don't have to.. because you sure are the best in your hubby's heart~~ :)

  65. @ bluedreamer27:
    hey, yeah, i make it red to welcome the Chinese New Year~~ :)

    @ 保祐我:
    就是啊, 其實到目前為止, 我覺得還是有很多人戴著有色眼鏡來看他們的.. 其實人人平等呀, 他們的勇氣才是我們應該敬佩的.. :)

  66. @ Eric Lee:
    yeah, it really takes a lot of courage for them to choose their life and to step out and face the forever gossipping community.. this is something i think they deserve our respect, as everyone is born equal.. haha, oh, then answer is there.. they go to the female toilet lor.. :)

    @ Ayie:
    hmmm, after reading comments from bloggers, i think they most probably go to the female toilet..
