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11.01.2011 | 一角幾毫

每次買完嘢找咗錢之後, 你會隨手將啲碎銀擺埋一邊, 定係跟手就用咗去呢?? 我係屬於後者, 所以有時去超市買嘢, 我會自己先計下條數, 將手上啲碎銀儘量清晒, 不留半點眷顧.. 發覺身邊都有幾位朋友習慣將啲碎銀儲起嘅, 係等到最後關頭先會拎啲嚟用.. 其實我覺得咁樣都唔錯喎, 以備不時之需吖嘛(例如付款機淨係收銀幣), 唔知大家有冇呢個習慣呢??
after you get your loose change from shopping, do you normally put them aside, or you'll follow up using the coins available?? i belong to the latter type, that explains why i sometimes do my quiet sum-up before paying when i go shopping, so that i can clear off my coins in the exact amount.. i also noticed few friends who used to keep the coins somewhere, and will not use them unless really needed to.. i kind of think this is not a bad idea, save your coins for some unforeseen situations (for instance, pay machine only accepts coins), do you have this habit??


  1. I use my coins to pay toll. Dun have Touch n Go. :D

  2. I like to clear them off. I never put them aside because money is meant to be used.

    Otherwise, put in bank lah.... LOL

  3. Whoa! Nowadays, I always am first with my ramblings here, ah? Great!

  4. 餐館已經收咗服務費,沒理由再比tip屎既。

  5. 碎銀比泊車費好有用。

  6. i like to see coins in clear bottle, i dunno why but i find this attractive.

  7. hubby will usually keep it .... I will use it :P

  8. Nope...I would want to get rid of them at the earliest opportunity. Used to keep in a piggy bank...but a whole lot, the total still not that much. Had to count half dead, didn't think it was worth the effort.

  9. 我会全丢进入硬币包,然后有需要时会拿来用~

  10. I'd save some coins if i know i have to take a bus to somewhere... Esp Rapid Penang, they don't find you change (or so i was told!).

  11. i think i have a few flower pots with coins everywhere in my house...lol ;p

  12. Like what Justin said, I once saw in a shop or was it in a pub, a huge (really huge) glass bottle half filled with coins and I thought it looked so delightful!

    Me? I use my loose change. I figure it's less of a hassle trying to get rid of the collection later on.

  13. Almost got stuck in a parking lot some years back as they merely accept RM1.00 coin on exit and I was having problem with the coins as it flows out conveniently but got it done after a few tries. Some drivers got stuck at the toll without the RM1 coin..imagine the ordeal towards the middle of the night where to exchange for RM1.00 coin and the jams at the toll. What a silly system. Cant remember which shopping complex.

  14. Coins are important to me, must have them in the car for meter parking purposes. Love to keep 50sen coins in my piggy and its almost filled up now. Have been collecting 5sen coins since 70s but not many in circulation. Like the idea of HappySurfer put them in bottles, flower vase or even my empty fish tank.

  15. first of all... this is what most of my classmates teasing about me...
    my surname is Coyne and it is pronounce as Coin

  16. this coins can really come in handy if you hit the malls...

  17. i don't prefer storing the coins it is such a non sense thing to do... i better spend it than keeping it

  18. but storing the coin in a piggy bank will do

  19. I used to do it when i was in high school... but i just can't stop my self breaking it if i really want to buy something LOL

  20. Of course I'll use my coins!! They're still money to me. LOL! I guess we girls won't have much problem since we have a purse anyway.. but guys usually keep coins in the trousers pockets. That's why Saucer's coins always end up in my purse! :P

  21. coins still money worth ma. though i dnt really like to keep coins, but still will keep it. :D

  22. haha! but for sure, i will try to keep use it to pay anything till it lesser in my purse! hahaha dnt like heavy purse. :p

  23. but sometime if end up really ditn use it up in a day, get home will put it into my piggy bank lor.

  24. our coin box at home has about 300 in them by the end of the year. :P

  25. Last time kept in my car, then got stolen at night.. but now still keeping but not much.. then some in my office drawer just in case forget to bring purse..

  26. We save our coins for the kids to put them into the piggy bank when we need some 'peaceful' moment at home. haha... they will be enjoying putting the coins for at least a few minutes or so.

  27. Keep the 50 cents for the octoberfest @ one u. And others coin for the train and bus. What else?

  28. haha...i used to keep, then realize there are too much coins in my room, so nowadays i will bring some extra coins out in order to clear them during meals or shopping. :)

  29. I keep coins in my wallet. They come in use when you need to park your car in public space.

  30. I put coins in my wallet. And always find ways to get rid of them - buying stuffs or donating.

  31. 碎銀随身携带好麻烦架,仲成日整坏我嘅荷包,通常我都会同你一样將手上啲碎銀儘量清晒!要收都係逐张红生鱼咁收啦,费事等你扑烂个猪仔钱罂逐粒都有排你计囉!嘻嘻嘻~~~

  32. 我同你一樣,一定會第一時間用曬佢。

  33. 收收收的,不知不觉的抽屉都要被压坏,呵呵呵。。。

  34. 我是两者兼施,储下用下。。。

  35. @ lina:
    haha, i think touch and go is very convenient, you don't even need coins at all.. yeah, very good philosophy of you, money is meant to be used!! i like that, hahaha :D

    @ khengsiong:
    係啊, 餐廳找錢我通常都會拎晒架, 因為係唔係都格硬收服務費, 我實唔畀貼士囉.. 啱啊, 碎銀畀泊車費真係好好用..

  36. @ wenn:
    haha, because you always give changes to customers who never bother to bring exact small change??

    @ justin net:
    haha, so meaning you actually keep all your coins inside clear bottles??

  37. @ uLi.佑莉:
    haha!! very good lor, your hubby keep the coins for you to use~~ :p

    @ suituapui:
    haha, i also always try to get rid of them earliest possible.. too troublesome to carry them home lah.. hahaha, maybe you count before putting into the piggy bank everytime, then just add up the total will do.. :)

  38. @ Shell (貝殼):
    女士們通常都有硬幣包的, 隨手一放然後隨手一丟就在手提包裡面, 很方便.. 男生就不能了..

    @ Small Kucing:
    yeah, keep them inside the car for parking and toll..

  39. @ kyh:
    but cannot always carry so much coins.. if you are taking public transport i think better own a touch and go, more convenient right??

    @ Danny:
    so what do you do with all those coins in the flower pots?? just for decoration??

  40. @ HappySurfer:
    yeah, so that huge glass bottle is actually to collect tips and loose change from customers?? hmmm, i also try to get rid of my coins on hand too, too troublesome to carry them with me..

    @ Bananazஇ:
    oh yeah, definitely a hassle that you can only pay by coins.. but i guess nowadays the parking payment machines in shopping malls are already accepting notes, and changes in notes too.. i hate those that give change in coins, that is really not good!! i think a lot of people will keep coins inside their car, absolutely useful for parkings.. hmmm, you are collecing 5 sen coins for 30 years?? wow, keep on saving, who knows 50 years later they might be very valuable..

  41. @ bluedreamer27:
    hahaha, so your nickname is coin?? that's a good one, can mean you are a rich person, haha!! oh yeah, i agree with you, i'd rather spend the coins than to keep them.. i have not really got a piggy bank too, i guess the last one i had was when i was 7.. that's it and i never save the coins since then..

    @ iamthewitch:
    hahaha, exactly!! ladies have purse big enough to keep all the coins, and you can just dump into your handbag.. but for guys, we normally put them in pockets, if there are a lot, it would really be very inconvenient..

  42. @ Caroline Ng May Ling:
    but i think most ladies will have a coin purse big enough to put a lot of coins, and then they just dump it into their handbag, so shouldn't be a problem right?? but for guys, this is really a problem..

    @ Medie007:
    so who contributes the most?? that's quite a good figure yeah, saving about RM1 a day..

  43. @ reanaclaire:
    yeah, that is what i meant by keeping for unforeseen situations.. wow, keep in car also got stolen, there must be people eyeing on you..

    @ mNhL:
    hahaha, maybe you can try to get those piggy bank that allow them take out the coins, and then refilling in them again.. so that you can have more peaceful time, haha!!

  44. @ TZ:
    train and bus can use touch and go lah, more convenient because you don't need to prepare and carry them mah.. haha, so 50 sen a day for the october fest?? cool..

    @ Gabriel:
    hahaha, how much is your too much?? maybe you can consider putting them into your bank account?? but good also to slowly use them up, you'd find that your notes actually stays longer in your wallet~~ :p

  45. @ Mei Teng:
    oh yeah, exactly!! one thing i find coins most useful is when you need to pay for your parking..

    @ Shingo T:
    haha, so you are so generous huh, just donating them to get rid of your coins?? cool~~

  46. @ edward:
    你啲碎銀放荷包架?? 我唔係啊, 我放褲袋架, 所以一多就好麻煩囉, 好重架嘛, 行起路仲會有聲, 幾咁尷尬.. 都不失為個好提議喎, 一日幫自己儲蓄十蚊, 一個月就有三百大元喎..

    @ 海市蜃樓:
    就係囉, 袋住咁多碎銀, 好重好唔方便架嘛, 儘快洗晒去最好..

  47. @ cindy:
    哈哈, 連抽屜也被壓壞, 肯定有很多在裡面囉, 有沒有數數看到底有多少錢?? :p

    @ Casendra:
    哈哈, 這樣也不錯喇, 就是說你會儲蓄到一個數目然後一次過用光??

  48. 我会直接放在钱包里,需要的时候就马上拿出来用的...所以sikit sikit,lama-lama jadi bukit...不是我的作风...

  49. 呵呵,我有个小扑满,满了就掏出来用咯 :P

  50. yes, clear and shiny objects attract me a lot.

  51. I always keep in coin box until full, forgot to use......LOL!

  52. normally, i will fill up my piggy at home. After that, i will bank in or clear it by paying toll.

  53. 我会收5分钱因为公司会用到,如果要在外换会很麻烦。而且在银行用纸币换硬币是要付服务费的,但我不知道是收多少。

  54. here in the Philippines coins are really important especially if you commute. :)

  55. 我的钱包比较大个,可以放银钱的,

  56. Me now collecting coins to pay for parking... =_______=

  57. i usually use to syilings to pay tolls

  58. in west msia everybody is chasing after shillings. not the case here probably bcoz few use public transport n it is not cheap either like it is over there

  59. 我留著,要給parking的。。。以前都不留

  60. 我会尽量清掉它们,因为荷包负荷不了那么多银角咯。

  61. @ bluecloud:
    呵呵, 我也是, 那些銀幣肯定不會在我的口袋超過兩天的.. 我每次買東西都會儘量把他們用完的, 銀幣也是錢嘛, 所以可以用呀~~

    @ Casendra:
    呵呵, 小扑滿?? 不知道你的所謂小有多小呢?? 一次可以放多少百塊錢?? :p

  62. @ justin net:
    hahaha, then i think you must have a few jars filled up with coins in your house!! hmmm, beware of thieves~~ :p

    @ Pete:
    hahaha, next time i help you to use if you forgotten to use lah.. :D

    @ CH Voon:
    but i heard now banking in coins need service charge right?? hmmm, so unfair.. better use them to pay toll lor i guess..

  63. @ Chris Chia:
    呵呵, 你真的很為公司著想, 果然是最佳員工一個!! 我以為存銀幣銀行才會收服務費?? 換也要啊?? 唉, 那些銀行真的什麼都要收費..

    @ stevevhan:
    yeah, of course!! especially in here, the coins are very important for paying parking.. because some machines only accepts coins..

  64. @ Ashley:
    所以說囉, 你們女生比較方便呀, 把銀幣全部拋進錢包或手提袋就可以了.. 我們男生都是丟進口袋的, 太多的話很麻煩.. 一就是儘快用完, 一就是把他們放一邊懶惰帶出去..

    actually i think it's a good idea to save you coins for the purpose of paying parking.. because many machines sometimes only accepts coins..

  65. @ L²:
    toll can use touch and go mah, more convenient.. but save those coins for parking lah.. :)

    @ Bengbeng:
    oh, really have no idea how valuable those coins are in east malaysia.. but still i think coins are money also, can't treat them as something useless right?? that's why i use every value of them, haha!! :D

  66. @ venus:
    對對對, 我個人覺得其實那些銀幣最好用在給parking的了, 滿方便的, 尤其一些machine只收coins的話, 果然是恰到好處!!

    女生還好吧?? 通常都會有個銀幣包包, 然後放進自己的手提袋裡面, 不會不方便吧?? :)

  67. i usually keep the coins and then after i have about rm20 , i exchange it with my friend who sell char kuey, he need a lot of coin ma. hahahah

  68. 也因为这样,女生被抢手袋的机会高过男生多多倍!

  69. I don't like to carry coins! In fact, I don't carry coins!

  70. I prefer if they get rid of coins and just round up to the nearest number whichever is smaller! Haha!

  71. I don't even have a wallet to put coins! So everytime I receive coins, I will put in my pocket and then my pants become so heavy! Grrr!

  72. And I drop all my coins into the coins compartment in my car. And I only use these coins to pay for tickets.

  73. save it because in time it will be worth some bucks already!

  74. @ goldflower86:
    oh, then this is good lah, you help your friend to save the coins.. wow, your fried sel char kuey one ah?? so you always have free char kuey to eat lor??

    @ Ashley:
    你們女生也可以穿男裝褲子嘛, 呵呵!! 不過你們拿手提袋的, 真的是要很小心囉..

  75. @ foongpc:
    ok ok, so you never bother to even look at how much coins you have.. just pay by notes and dump in all the small change into your pocket, and then keep them all inside your car.. actually i think it's good idea, because most of the time, coins are really useful for parking payment.. :)

    @ Ayie:
    i would say save it for convenience in time.. especially when paying parking machine.. :)
