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09.09.2010 | 電子郵件

  • 發電郵嘅時候, 我每次都會稱呼對方開始, 自己署名結束.. 有啲人發電郵就完全冇呢回事嘅, 一唔係就連名帶姓稱呼人, 感覺上都幾冇禮貌囉.. 雖則話收到電郵都明白自己係個target啦, 不過始終都係感覺好咩囉~~
  • 發電郵嘅時候, 我都儘量唔想牽連太多唔關事嘅人.. 但係偏偏就有好多人鐘意每次都cc晒全世界, 唯恐天下不知咁.. 其實我覺得有啲反感架, 所以啲cc我又同我無關嘅電郵, 我都一律刪除..
  • 發電郵嘅時候, 尤其商業電郵, 我絕對避免用i或you呢兩個字, 因為有時呢兩個字出現會令到個內容感覺好自我好責備對方.. 其實好多人都有呢個毛病, 所以寫電郵其實都係一門唔簡單嘅學問哦~~
以上幾點純屬同大家分享嘅個人意見, 多謝收睇.. :)
  • when sending emails, i will always start with salution and end with my own sign-off.. but there are many people who are not doing this, or else they address people by the full name, i feel it's a little not so polite.. although emails already specify the recipients and sender, but still don't you think missing the salutation and sign-off a little something??
  • when sending emails, i try not to involve to many unnecessary parties.. but there are many out there who like to put the whole world in the cc list, as if it's a global announcement, i find that rather irritated.. hence whenever there's any email copied to me but non of my business, i will sure delete that off immediately..
  • when sending emails, especially business emails, i always avoid using the two words i and you.. because i think sometimes there two words make the whole email sounds very self-centered and as if you are blaming the other party, still i see many people doing this.. writing emails is actually a big knowledge and skills to learn, agree??
the points above are totally my personal opinions, thanks for reading on.. :)


  1. gosh..i always use I and You.. how about giving some tips on how to write without using those words? Use yours truly and your kind self instead?

  2. OT again wtf... =.=
    long holiday = more OT leh... =.=

  3. later lunch time then come back comment la..

  4. well sometime cc is good because it means that other parties know what is going on, and if you dont reply/take action soon... then not your fault... anyway lucky i still have a yr to enjoy before really stepping into the real world!

  5. I usually only include people that needs to be kept in the loop in the CC.

    As for writing I and you... I usually use We, us... afterall I am not representing myself, I am representing the company. Use only I only if it involves only me (like when I made the mistake :P).

    Good said.

  6. Email protocol ar....usually I use "we" :P

  7. But I don't have my own signature o bro. You are so pro o. :D

  8. Yeah! I hate it when people CC everyone about the mails that they send to me. CC here! CC there!

  9. Yeah! I will also try to avoid using you. :p

    Anyway thanks for this post bro. Very good o.

  10. When I write an email, I will always make sure I write 'please' when I am asking the other party to do something, and 'thank you' at the end.

    When I can be cheeky to my colleague, I usually write something such as 'remember to cover yourself with blanket when sleeping', 'enjoy your deep fried food cook by Ukrainian cook', 'kiss from us in office', 'Mike is missing you'.

  11. 同意!尤其是那些什么狗屎垃圾都c.c.大老板的,搞到真的要老板take action的email都被jam 着,要sms他们叫他们看email,讨厌。


  12. is kinda hard not to put "i" and "you" in official email

  13. huh? how to avoid 'you' and 'i'?

  14. it's not only email, even in chats a good ettique is highly appreciated. Sometime ppl just tend to take things for granted... sigh..

  15. 我公司就好興cc,所以我都收到幾多e-mail。。。

  16. “發電郵嘅時候, 尤其商業電郵, 我絕對避免用i或you呢兩個字”


  17. 英文既sentence,系要用subject開頭,所以i同you走唔甩。

  18. My emails look exactly like my letters, those that I used to write. Old man mah...old habits die hard!

  19. 我都喺一樣會稱呼對方先,不過有啲無聊人好中意你一句我一句咁回嚟回去,就偏偏唔打電話講清楚,我就會直接寫嗰point要佢醒目停止,再唔希就一於冇回復。



  20. Hi,

    i like to involve many parties, because they can solve my problem. :D




    I dislike people just leave a message without greeting, somelike talk to the air although they send me an email :D

  21. SK, I'm with you on the first two points. In my company, we all sign off our emails with at least "Regards" followed by our name. As for salutation that's up to the individual but most of us address recipient by name, at least I do unless of course if it's a big group of people.

    I'm a stickler for just CC-ing only person or persons who have a need to know. No point copying the world. It's not only a waste of their time, it gets people worked up for no reason.

    The "I" and "You" is situational, of course, depending on the need.

    Indeed there is a lot to know about email etiquette in communication. One pet peeve of mine is when people write in all caps. Don't they know they're shouting all the way? Jeezzz..

    Great post, SK. Sure drives home a message. Happy holiday!

  22. 我也是有写名字的,
    他们可能习惯 msn 了,
    忘了礼貌…… >_<'

  23. thats what it calls "email manner" XD

  24. Isn't the 1st point an unspoken rule?

  25. err if business emails, i think there's no way for me to put I and You lerr. :) kinda strict ma the rules.

  26. n summore if business emails, will be reviewed by boss. mwahaha! so no mistake! :p

  27. Sometimes, my style of writing emails at work (very serious and business like) has influenced the way I write personal emails. Spillover effect..haha.

  28. 几日没来,那么多个Posts啊~~~

  29. 1) 係吖,我通常都会称呼对方Dear (亲热啲嘅会叫Honey或Darling)囉!称呼人係种礼貌嚟架嘛!

    2) 我都唔明点解啲人钟意cc嚟cc去,家阵关全世界叉事咩!觉得好bitchy囉!

    3) 哈哈~~~呢点你就考起我!唔叫I或You,唔同通叫粉肠或碌葛咩!嘻嘻嘻~~~

  30. email is meant to be simple.

  31. If formal e-mails then i would use the proper slutation etc, But if among friends then i'll be less formal

  32. hmmm I never thought of this!

  33. It all depends on the type of emails. It tends to be formal & straight to point if at work and it can be as silly as possible if it sends to a close friend! Happy Holiday SK :-)

  34. Shall "see dishes eat rice" [thai choi sik fun]..would have all the usual salutation, greetings,tQ regards and signature signoff with logo, address, tel etc..As for cc only to relevant parties and on 3rd part since representing company would always use 'we'. tQ

  35. 各式各样的电邮,最重要讲到重点,简单,容易明白。short and brief.

  36. 我曾经试过不小心cc一个叫做 "如何在工作时间偷懒"的email给老板,结果老板回复说 "为什么要鼓励下属偷懒?是否吃饱饭没事做?"。所以奉劝各位,写email或send email,都要好像立遗书般小心。

  37. oh yeah, i think without sign-off is still acceptable, but then without greetings is just a little rude.. that's why no matter what, i also make sure i have both~~ :)

  38. exactly.. i think if somebody send email to me and cc a lot of people, i will get quite frustrated, is that necessary?? especially if he/she is asking me for some explanation.. gosh!!

  39. hmmm, this is a good point.. nobody would like to read self-centered and harsh emails right?? but sometimes it's unavoidable lah, so gotta write that in a more polite way to cover up, hahaha~~ :D

  40. @ Donna:
    aiyah, nvm lah, your OT also relax relax waiting there more than working one.. but think about having a long break later, very happy also mah..

    @ reanaclaire:
    errr, if personal emails to friends then i and you are ok lah.. what i meant was for business emails, normally i'll use we and your end instead lor, i think like that is less harsh lah..

  41. @ fufu:
    yeah, of course we must cc somebody in any email, this is for acknowledgement and, sad to say, to cover up yourself.. but cc only those relevant lah, not to cc all the people because the recipients will feel quite irritated if you cc too many people lorr.. so, you'd learn this soon lah.. :)

    @ ladyviral:
    yeah, i think it's not good to cc a lot of people in the email.. this will only irritate the cc list and also upset the original recipients.. yeah, i always use we in my emails to customer, because i represent the company and not my own self.. :)

  42. @ uLi.佑莉:
    errr, not really email protocol lah, but maybe a best practice?? yeah, i think should always try to avoid i but use we instead..

    @ Tekkaus:
    #1: errr, not really signature lah, i mean sign-off with something like Regards XXX lah, i think this is necessary woh
    #2: hehe, yes, that's why i try to only cc as limited people possible and make sure they are relevant..
    #3: hahaha, i always use we instead of i, and if i need to use you i always start with "please" or "kindly", to make thing more polite..

  43. @ Ghosty Nana:
    yeah, i always read again what i've type in my email, and make sure that it doesn't sound harsh and must be polite, so you'd see lots of "please" and "kindly" in my emails, haha.. but then of course if for close and people i know well, don't have to be so polite lah, it's ok that we try to make fun and joke around a bit to feel less tense mah.. :)

    @ Casendra:
    是囉, 有時很討厭那些人cc一大堆人還要cc大老闆, 感覺上就是有意無意的要你死的樣子, 我很不喜歡囉, 所以將心比心, 我cc人都會很小心的.. 哦, 對哦, 我是用南極星的, 廣東字比較多.. :)

  44. @ Medie007:
    there's always a way to rephrase your sentence so that you don't have to use i and you one.. this is experience, haha~~ :p

    @ Merryn:
    errr, yeah i agree.. both email and chat has the ettique we need to practise.. but email is in a more risky position in that the reader might misinterpret the way you want to bring out the message..

  45. @ khengsiong:
    咪就係囉, cc人都要cc得精確囉, 唔係話cc全世界就得囉, 會令人反感架其實.. 其實如果你rephrase一下你嘅句子, 好多時候都可以唔駛用到iyou嘅, 我好多email都係見唔到呢兩個字架~~ :)

    @ suituapui:
    haha, actually letter and email is a little different.. letter can be more personal because at any one time only one is reading, but in emails because you might cc a lot of people, so the way how you convey the message is important..

  46. @ 海市蜃樓:
    #1: 我每次都會稱呼對方架喇, 如果冇稱呼通常好多時候都係因為對方冇稱呼跟住又你一句我一句咁囉.. 好煩架嘛~~
    #2: 咁其實cc有好亦都有壞嘅, 其實都係取一個balance, 可以令自己得到要得嘅嘢又唔令到對方反感, 唔容易喎..
    #3: 係啊, 而家email好多人都當係令箭架, 所以真係要非常之小心囉..

    @ Wois:
    yeah, it's quite rude without the greeting and straight away start with the instructions, and some even like to put all caps!! OMG.. haha, i understand your situation, but then if you cc too many and if the big boss also in the list, the other party may get irritated.. use with care~~ :)

  47. @ HappySurfer:
    #1: yeah, i always start with "Hi XXX" and end with "Regards XXX" in all my emails, unless the recipients kept replying without these then i'll also save my effort.. if for a group of people, then i'll use "Hi All", i think it's common now right??
    #2: oh yeah, i only cc the right person and if possible never cc the big boss.. because when you cc the big boss, what will the recipient think?? could be an offence to him/her actually.. so use wisely the cc list.. :)
    #3: yeah, as for i and you i think it depends, so if possible i won't use them, it really make things sound more self-centered.. oh yeah, also never ever write in all uppercase, that's very rude~~

    @ Ashley:
    對啊, 如果沒有署名, 那我覺得至少也要稱呼對方先才開始寫你的內容囉, 這是基本上的禮貌啊.. 哈哈, 可能現在的人就越來越忽略這些小細節吧??

  48. @ 安东尼:
    haha, actually to be more professional, i will call that "email ettique" instead, it's a lot to learn from experience.. :)

    @ Kelvin:
    errr, but there are many who didn't even know about this unspoken rule.. pity them~~

  49. @ Caroline Ng May Ling:
    yeah, normally i'd use we in business email because i represent the company and not myself.. haha, you have boss to review your emails ah?? actually it's good to send the draft to your boss for review first before sending to customers..

    @ Mei Teng:
    hahahaha, for me i seperate that clearly.. business will be very serious and professional, but for personal emails, i'll go wild and crazy.. hahaha~~

  50. @ -KeO-:
    才幾天咩?? 如果你看到很多post那就不是幾天的事, 是幾個星期的事了, 哈哈!! 唉, 對囉, 現在的人越來越是忽略了這些細節上的禮貌囉.. :)

    @ edward:
    #1: 嘩, 乜你咁風騷架, honey darling都出埋嚟?? 冇囉, 我email絕對唔會寫呢啲囉, 如果係honey darling都唔會email啦, 哈哈!!
    #2: 係啊, 咪就係嗰啲超kiasu同kiasi嘅人囉, 其實我覺得你cc到全世界, 我會有啲反感架囉..
    #3: 哈哈, 稍為rephrase一下你嘅句子, 你會發現其實你係唔一定要用到iyou嘅~~ :)

  51. @ wenn:
    errr, i don't think so.. instead i think email can be not simple, but what's important is the message must be CLEAR~~ :)

    @ smallkucing:
    errr, yes lah, for formal business emails, i think it's good to have greetings and sign off to make it polite.. as for personal email to friends, haha, just be as close and wild lah.. :D

  52. @ Big Boys Oven:
    hmmm, then this is no good.. i normally will read again what i wrote before sending out, especially to customers.. :)

    @ Dora:
    correct lah, what i mean is for formal business emails, it's always good to be complete and polite.. as for personal emails to close friends, we can do away with all those formalities, straight to the point lah.. haha~~ :)

  53. @ Bananazஇ:
    yeah, it has to depend on the situation like you say lah.. so i guess writing emails, to be precise a good email, can be quite challenging.. especially when you are trying to convince your customers on something that they are not happy with.. oh yeah, i always only cc the relevant parties only, because i know the recipient might be irritated if he/she sees so many people in the cc list, and those cc'ed who received nothing relevant will feel irritated too~~ :)

    @ 单身汉:
    對啦, 重點當然是要清楚, 但是你present的方式也是要得體嘛.. concise and clear, and also be polite.. :)

  54. @ 古小玉:
    哈哈, 你的情況真的很糟糕.. 這些joking chain mail怎麼會落到老闆手上呢?? 除非你的老闆是很開通很close那種啦.. 不過我就試過reply的時候, 不小心也把顧客給cc在裡面, 很malu的其實~~ :p

    @ victor:
    #1: yeah, i always make sure that i'll have the salutation and also sign-off no matter what kind of email i send out.. but of course, personal emails to close friends are exempted lah.. :D
    #2: yes, exactly!! i will also feel offended in that case.. that's no need to get everybody involved in a single email right?? that's an abuse of cc list..
    #3: errr, yeah, i always make sure my email is polite, even if i wanted to be a little harsh, haha!! this is how to not make customer upset.. it's a big knowledge~~ :)

  55. 我每次都有放Sir/Madam的

  56. when i sent out emails, i usually used a very informal way....sometimes used short forms too. hehe... and those slangs....la, le, hor..... i think you will hate receiving my emails. hehe

  57. @ 天王之子:
    哈哈, 我又沒有這樣Sir前Madam後啦, 這樣人家可能會覺得彆扭哦, 直接Dear XXX這樣叫會他的名字囉..

    @ mNhL:
    errr, if sending personal emails to friends then of course no problem lah.. but then if send out formal business emails, then cannot like that lor, must be polite and professional mah.. true??

  58. mmm i seldom emailing. :P

    feel surprise leh hehehe

  59. Eh Thamby ~ please send me an email coz I dunno what your style is like!

  60. Wah! So fussy ah with emails! I don't give a hoot unless it's for business. If ordinary friend to friend email, I dun even bother to sign up with my name or address the other person by name LOL!

  61. I like to cc only the relevant parties. Of course it's silly to cc everyone else that has nothing to do with the email.

  62. @ CH Voon:
    huh?? how come?? i think emailing is actually very common and is a must for jobs already woh..

    @ Twilight:
    hehehe, you want to read my emails meh?? my email style to you sure is something like this one.. யு வான்ட் டு ரேஅது மி எமைல்ஸ் மி ஸ்டைல் வில் சம்திங் பே லைக் திஸ் ஹஹா

    @ foongpc:
    of course i am talking about business emails lah.. for personal emails to friends, of course we don't need all those ettique, hahaha!! yeah, i always don't like to cc a lot of people, that's really something quick sickening don't you think?? :D

  63. yea loh, when i sent formal email usually start with dear xx or hi xx, then end with my own signature also!!

  64. most of my supplier also like that, but there is 1 from malaysia, KL very weird loh..

  65. din specify for who... sometimes the thing u ask them, they will reply in the subject, then the content is what u asked them.. FML..

  66. at first i din realize, i just tot they send the exact same email i sent back to me! Zzz..

  67. u say la.. weird or not.. Zzz.
    ppl from japan is very polite one!
    everything u ask also they reply nice nice, maybe just my supplier la..

  68. then korean one very very rude one loh! maybe just my supplier only la.. Zz
    then sometime will scold u one... aih... FML...

  69. yea.. when email, i normally just send to the PIC only, did not include too much ppl...
    coz very messy la..

  70. then sometimes, boss ask me to compile email then ask me to include whole village ppl one.. haiz...
    harm me have to say sorry to another colleague privately, tell them i was being forced... =.=

  71. coz the CC involved general manager and so many managers one.. Zzz

  72. besides CC, did u ever meet someone will ZOOM the whole content with 18-size-font???

  73. God... i tell you, i super hate that loh!!
    Dear Ms Donna,

    bla bla bla bla, blablablabla

    with 18-size and BOLD!!!!!
    normal font is like 10 only!

  74. until the GM tease him, ask him whether he tot everyone is blind...
    padan muka wtf..

  75. 3)
    the you and me.. =.=
    instead of you, i will normally use your side.. =.=

  76. for I, i will use my side.. or we...
    wont use ME, I, =.=

  77. but of coz those are manners for business/formal email la..
    for friend just start with oi... wei.. hey.. or just.. "you die to where liao.. "

  78. and 1 more..
    wei.. faster die out to entertain me la!!

  79. and lol..
    what is this?

    யு வான்ட் டு ரேஅது மி எமைல்ஸ் மி ஸ்டைல் வில் சம்திங் பே லைக் திஸ் ஹஹா

  80. depends on who am i emailing but there are many occasions when i don't put salutation anymore...the fact that i'm emailing a close friend or so

  81. @ Donna:
    wah, hahahahaha, LOL on your korean client lor.. reply on the subject only and then send the email ah?? eih, you must screen capture that and then share with us on the blog leh, but of course you gotta hide the sensitive information lah.. this is really the first time i hear about such things lor.. and that 18pt bolded font also very funny lor, then don't tell me that guy also use all capital letters woh.. that will make the email look like very idiot lor, somemore want to cc the whole village ah?? padan muka lah when your GM teased him, hahahaha!! oh, yalor, i also always use "we" and "your side" one, looks more professional mah hor?? but of course emails to friend no need all these things lah, just go straight type what you want to say lor, haha, if too polite then friends will feel weird instead.. you cannot read the Tamil meh?? use google translate lah, haha!! :D

    @ Ayie:
    yeah, of course when sending personal emails to close friends we can be casual and forget all about those email ettique, just be ourselves~~ :)
