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03.09.2010 | 唔該借借

各位睇到以下呢張相之後, 當然我唔係話張相touch-up之後嘅喜劇感, 而係當你喺火車上見到咁嘅情景, 有何感想呢??
when you see the photo below, of course i don't mean the funny touch-up, but if you see this situation in the train, what would you think??

前日偷偷哋影低對坐我面兩位八十後小朋友, 由我上車到落車, 始終都係雞啄唔斷交談.. 嗱嗱嗱, 你睇下, 兩個人坐三個位, 而且仲要面對面細聲講大聲(發姣發燉)笑.. 其他乘客想話坐低都嫌awkward啦, 見有位坐都得個望字.. 兩條友仔仲唔識醒目, 繼續忽視旁人, 時下年輕人係唔係咁冇品啊??

i secretly snapped the two late 80s youngsters sitting opposite when i was in the train the other day.. since i board until unboard the train, they have been chatting non-stop.. did you notice they are taking three seats instead, still happily facing each other laughing loudly while talking sweetly?? due to that, other passengers who wanted a seat gave up feeling awkward to be sandwiched in between that little available space.. but both of them still being ignorant as if they are all alone in the train.. well, youngsters nowadays, never think and never considerate is it??


  1. sigh, that's Malay-sian, just accept it.

  2. 他們是這樣的,討厭到死,還有現在的那個女車廂,明明是女的,男的也逼進來,看到都生氣

  3. people tend to be ignorant.

  4. Not to say Youngster now... i think most of the Malaysian are selfish and not considerate nowadays. If parent are behaving like this. What do you expect their children?

  5. 唉~ 只能感叹我国的教育真係...

  6. why don't they just seat next to each other rather than hogging three seats?

  7. this happens everywhere in the world!

  8. 普通啦,尼啲咁既人見得多啦。。。

  9. 個男既系未揸住牌啊?

  10. 你偷影人唔驚比人鬧咩?

  11. 你怎么没有一屁股坐在他们中间,大家肯定给你鼓掌。

  12. 生人霸死地的粉腸!

  13. 一于擘大对眼鄙视佢地囉!

  14. If siting too close, later other people will accuses them close proximity. hahaha

  15. 討厭這樣的事情討厭這樣的人。可是他發生在世界各個角落。

  16. I see a lot of that in Singapore!

    Even boys in Army / Navy / Police uniforms! Tsk tsk!

    But not just youngsters. Even Adults does the same sadly... some fake sleep, some will pretend never see.

    I encounter before on the KTM where the seats are 4 and facing each other types, two adults... two bags... 4 seats. I didn't know bags also need to sit.

  17. *sigh* . i think i will sound them if i am there. hahaha.

  18. When it is not crowded I guess it’s okay, if it is crowded they should be told off…..

  19. wth!? like dat oso can?!

  20. i think if im d passenger who dnt have seat, i will just sit there n dnt let them talk!! :p mwahaha

  21. haha...係咁冇品格啦,我们这些是少数良性恐龙,哈哈。。。

  22. Malaysia boleh! Jika kau fikirkan kau boleh! Haha :D What a shame. :(

  23. 回教徒男女授受不親,唔可以坐得太埋,因爲佢哋有個純潔之軀。(生到成竇仔女就得!!!)

  24. 看到这些人就闲了,都不知道他们怎么想的,为何那么自私!

  25. if me hor, i will just 'excuse me, i wanna sit here.'

  26. OH well they are very unethical and don't know how to act properly outside and to think it's a very public place. You should've revealed their faces!

  27. Things like this annoy me as well! Inconsiderate kids really.. not to say I'm old lar, still :P

  28. i will say excuse me and sit in the middle between them :)

  29. *sigh*, always make me sad to see that...

  30. The passengers are equally at fault - for failing to exercise their right to occupy a seat that is available.

  31. 姣婆遇着脂粉客, 十月芥菜又边会理得咁多, 总之冇"第3者"挟喺中间咪得囉~

  32. 朋友,睇开啲啦!

  33. 爱情盲目的~ 他们眼里心里不清楚!

  34. 全世界都有這種人的啦

  35. 人家受礼教,男女授受不亲嘛;

  36. SK, regarding the PLB sale. You can subscribe to http://www.shoppingnsales.com

    They will inform you on all sorts of sale.

    Btw, do you know where the CKT stall formerly at Tune Hotel moved to ah? Kempunan that CKT la

  37. last comment b4 i offline.. Yer.. U curi curi snap ppl pic.. Tsk tsk.. Haha..

  38. Youngsters...sigh...teachings are sometimes wasted on them.

  39. so hate these kind of ppl...

  40. Wah these ppl really "mou gong dak sam", so c2pid la....issshhh!

  41. 哈哈哈哈哈。。。这就是现代人咯:)

  42. 哈哈。。。这些人就是“车霸”或“椅霸”了。。。

  43. SK

    There was a Char Keow Teow Stall at Restaurant Cheong Hua in Brickfield. Very sedap punya. But now the restaurant converted into Tune Hotel. Don't know where the CT stall moved to. Since you mentioned, your office near YMCA, so Mamarazzi thought maybe you knwo where the stall moved to.

  44. @ lionelong:
    haiz, but i guess it's not a matter of acceptance, but i would say that we've already get used to it..

    @ venus:
    就是囉, 明明已經很清楚說明是女士專用的, 不知道他們是有心還是無意的, 硬是要往裡面撰.. 你們沒有把他們給罵出去咩??

  45. @ wenn:
    but these two folks were already too much.. i see many such cases but they do keep an eye on other passengers and will give the seat straight away when they sense that people want the seat.. this doesn't happen to that two folks at all..

    @ TZ:
    haiz, this is something very sad to see.. normally we will by instinct feel embarrassed for hogging the seats, but really these two youngsters never ever felt that at all.. but i do not know whether their parents also behave like that or not lah, hahahaha..

  46. @ nons:
    我覺得唔係教育唔教育嘅問題囉, 其實係好個人品德嘅問題.. 一般人都會覺得唔好意思啦, 但係呢兩位小朋友就冇囉, 仲懶係好型咁..

    @ Mei Teng:
    well, i have no idea but i guess most probably is because their dear religion prohibits them to get close to each other in public?? :p

  47. @ fufu:
    you may say that, but i still don't think this is something good to practise at all..

    @ khengsiong:
    呢種場面係見得多, 但係好似嗰兩位小朋友咁完全唔理嘅, 第一次見囉.. 個男仔揸住張車飛, 唔係牌.. 哈哈, 我好專業同好扮嘢吖嘛, 加上佢哋太過投入講嘢, 我連影四五張都察覺唔到啦.. :D

  48. @ 古克石屋:
    哈哈, 沒有囉, 我一進去就坐在他們對面的美麗位子, 所以只有看著他們的份囉..

    @ 单身汉:
    又唔好講得咁肉酸, 話晒我都係坐喺佢哋對面架嘛, 我真係啋過你囉, 哈哈!! :D

  49. @ edward:
    擘大對眼?? 哈哈, 講笑咩?? 我對眼有幾大, 你又唔係唔知喎.. 唔好打冇把握嘅仗好喎~~ :D

    @ Isley Chang~:
    yeah, i guess you are right, hahaha!! most probably because of that, they need to sit far away from each other.. :D

  50. @ bluesky:
    唉, 已經是這樣了, 沒有得再教育的了, 這根本是和個人品德有關啊.. 小妹妹你說得好像很憤世恨俗的語氣, 如果你在現場的話, 你會如何對付他們呢?? :p

    @ ladyviral:
    yeah, i really hate those who just dump their belongings at the seat next to them.. i mean, seats are for people and not for your bags ok.. please take hold of your belongings with you.. these are really inconsiderate and rude people, not civilised at all!! but then those who pretend to sleep so that they can safeguard their seat from giving away to pregnant ladies, errr, still acceptable lah as this is not obvious, hahahaha~~

  51. @ goldflower86:
    for me, i won't even make a noise, but will just push my butt down and sit right in betwee.. then squeeze them both to the sides..

    @ Grass:
    the problem is, there are many other passengers standing.. i think they rather gave up and stand, than to sit in between that awkward position..

  52. @ Caroline Ng May Ling:
    hahaha, that's a good one!! but i think you are too tiny to give any impact to them.. if you are as huge as me, maybe it works, because will sure squeeze them both the the sides lor.. hahahahaha!! funny right?? :D

    @ Casendra:
    真係非常之冇品囉, 我都唔知道應該講咩好囉.. 如果畀外國人睇到, 仲以為佢哋兩個係山番, 你話幾咁丟架??

  53. @ Tekkaus:
    hahaha, i think they sure were thinking that they are BOLEH to hog the seats~~ :D

    @ 海市蜃樓:
    可能囉, 如果坐太埋又怕畀人檢舉.. 不過被迫坐遠啲, 都唔係話你可以咁樣"生人霸死地"架, 係唔係??

  54. @ Chi Leong:
    就是囉, 自私到我也沒有話可以再講囉, 完全是沒有理會到其他乘客的, 只顧著自己的享受.. 唉!! 可悲..

    @ Medie007:
    errr, i think no need to say anything.. just push your big butt onto the seat, and then squeeze them both to the sides.. hahahaha!!

  55. @ Ayie:
    errr, i very much would like to do that, but i guess still it's very sensitive to do this especially in our land.. yeah, they are really inconsiderate, never have thought of the other passengers who wanted to get that seat..

    @ iamthewitch:
    of course it's not a matter of old and young.. it's about common sense and the sense of considerate responsibility right?? do not be a seat hogger in the train, it's that simple!!

  56. @ L²:
    i guess for this type of people, don't even have to be polite.. just say nothing and sit in between.. am sure your butt can push them both to the sides well, hahahaha!! :D

    @ smallkucing:
    haiz, yalor, really teruk to see them being so inconsiderate.. never ever thought of the other passengers who would want to sit down..

  57. @ 傑士:
    well, but don't think there's anything we can do on this right?? so just continue sighing lor.. :D

    @ HappySurfer:
    well, i think it's the environment that we've grown up.. rather just give up than to confront.. given me, i would also choose not to sit in the train most of the time..

  58. @ Chris:
    係唔係姣婆遇着脂粉客我就唔知啦, 不過見佢哋都係規規矩矩咁.. 其實之後都有個印度大嬸一屁股坐落去嘅, 嘩, 好心涼啊~~ :D

    @ 路人㊣:
    可能就係寵壞晒囉.. 一般人都會識得唔好意思啦, 不過呢兩條友仔就完全係妄顧其他乘客, 好自私好冇品囉..

  59. @ Chris Chia:
    我不知道他們是不是情侶啦, 不過也不可以這樣的嘛.. 要嘛就坐在一起, 要嘛就不要說話.. 這樣來霸佔那個空位, 真的很不應該囉..

    @ 天王之子:
    哈哈, 又不要說得那麼刻薄喇.. 人家都是好好的兩個人啊.. 我們是高尚人, 會尊重人的, 才不會和他們一般見識嘛.. 對沒有?? :D

  60. @ 十六:
    你可以這麼說全世界都有這種人, 不過還是一種要不得的行為啊.. 給外國人看見, 真的好丟臉哦..

    @ imyuyu:
    都是那種形式上帝禮教囉, 你認為他們會隨死相隨咩?? 其實那些平時保守的, 骨子裡才是最騷的.. 只敢包著sarong跑過全部人都看得見的長長走廊啊?? 哎唷, 那真的是虧欠他們了吧?? :p

  61. @ smallkucing:
    orh, i've seen that website before but i didn't subscribe, because too much information in there.. haha, maybe i can just subscribe to your blog and you tell me first hand news?? hahahaha~~ :D

    @ Donna:
    aiyah, i very professional one and somemore i pretend to play games mah.. actually they also kept talking and never realise also lor..

  62. @ Kelvin:
    haiz, i actually think it has nothing to do with the education.. it's just their personal conduct is really not acceptable, not civilised at all..

    @ Gabby洁玉:
    yalor, so given yourself in that situation, what will you do to them leh?? hahahahaha~~ :p

  63. @ uLi.佑莉:
    yalah, really "mmm sing muk" at all.. i really dunno if they are that c2pid or pretending to be c2pid lah, but really very irritating behaviour lor..

    @ 孤傲的王子:
    唉, 真的不知道該說甚麼好喇.. 完全就是不理會其他乘客的, 很自私很沒有品德囉..

  64. @ 发白日梦^^:
    哈哈, 對囉對囉.. 就是那些沒有品德的"位霸"嘛!! 看到都討厭, 如果是你的話, 你會如何對付這種人呢?? :D

    @ smallkucing:
    orrr, that one not Tune Hotel lah, but another budget hotel i can't remember the name.. the shop still there, they just moved further up a few more shoplots on the same row, very easy to locate lah.. the CKT is still there, and also the Pan Mee that i like, both also i like to eat lor.. :)

  65. (很認真的想)我覺得我應該


  66. something is veryyyyyy wrong with msian youth today...all races...did u notice?

  67. there is no xcuse for such behaviour. it is the same way with the way some people park their cars :(

  68. They followed the signs correctly and have every right to sit there. The lady is pregnant and the guy is disabled, got otak cacat as its a two seater seat..mah ish ish ish..

  69. 在馬來西亞,dinn stick to the rules是很普通的事情,但是自己要stick to the rules就好。。。哈哈。。

  70. haiz, it's quite irritated to see such situation, especially when the train is packed with passengers..

  71. i really have no idea why they could be so ignorant?? i mean for a normal person, sure they can sense other passengers eyeing on the seat and will immediately give way right??

  72. i think since they are so rude, i'll also fight back by placing my big ass on that seat in between, and then squeeze them both to the sides!! hahahaha LOL!!

  73. Haha! The photo is very funny!! : D

  74. Ya lah so inconsiderate these youngsters! But I think there are lot of people like that nowadays old or young!

  75. this is not a shocking matter, i don't mind it the train is not full! spacious sitting csn be very comfort!

  76. but hor no touch touch! I hope no one will have sex in the train! hmmmm....

  77. maybe they did not see the sign! **sigh**

  78. you should have told them mah! did you? tell them excuse me lar! you sitting on the wrong seats!

  79. @ bluesky:
    cheh~~ 講到那麼咬牙切齒憤世嫉俗那樣, 原來真的是只有一個講字啦?? 哈哈, 其實你不用狠狠得"gwat"這他們的, 可以用你水汪汪的可愛眼睛以楚楚可憐的表情看著他們~~

    @ manglish:
    ooopsss, i just mention the youngsters only ok.. i never even say the word r*ce ok?? this topic is not very hot and sensitive leh, please use with care~~ :p

  80. @ Bengbeng:
    oh yeah, talking about this!! those who park their cars without thinking is even worse!! they really can block the traffic and cause lots of inconvenience!! i hate them..

    @ Bananazஇ:
    hahaha, i don't know if the lady is pregnant, but if she is then she is in big trouble!! haha.. as for the guy, yeah, maybe he is mentally handicapped yeah?? ok ok, then it's good for them to sit there.. :D

  81. @ thomas:
    不過只是一小部份的人規規矩矩, 根本就其不了甚麼作用啊, 對沒有?? 只有自己覺得高尚, 其他不規矩的人很低級囉.. :p

    @ victor:
    yeah, i really hope you were there so that you can place your big ass on that seat in between, and then squeeze them both to the sides!! hahahaha, you are damn funny~~ :D

  82. @ foongpc:
    yeah, really inconsiderate and very selfish indeed.. never have thought of the other passengers at all, sigh~~

    @ Big Boys Oven:
    but then there are a lot of other passengers standing lor, they should not just hog the seat right?? ooopsss, you've seen people having sex in the train before?? wow, next time take video and show us, hahahaha!! i think don't even have to tell them anything, just sit in between and squeeze them to the sides.. :D

  83. 看心情啦!

  84. I think if I'm too tired standing, I will shift my butt and squeeze in between of them. hahaha......

  85. lol wew that kind of people are embarrassing

  86. Adoi that was the pix of Mat Rempit and Minah Rempit! I hate them!

  87. @ Ashley:
    哈哈, 也是看心情喇.. 如果我心情好的話, 就真的費事理他們囉.. 如果心情不好的話, 真的會一個屁股就坐下去的, 反正我那麼大隻嘛, 肯定可以把他們兩個狠狠地迫到兩邊的, 他們肯定會很狼狽哦, 哈哈!!! :D

    @ mNhL:
    haha!! yes lor, even if not tired but just want to give them a lesson.. just sit between not even give them any warning, then squeeze the both to the sides!! feel so nice right?? :D

  88. @ poorprince:
    errr, i guess they are not embarrassing anybody else, but they themselves~~ :)

    @ Twilight:
    oooopsss, you are invoking a very sensitive topic here.. ok ok, i don't know you, i don't know you, don't come and trouble me~~ :D
