所以我話, 我唔會係個成功嘅收藏家.. 開始可能會有心機收藏自己認為有紀念價值嘅嘢, 但係隔咗一段時間, 我就會嫌棄, 之後就連望都唔望多眼, 就通通掟落垃圾桶.. 由此可見, 我收嘢叻, 掟嘢更加叻!! 哈哈.. :D
a minute ago, they were kept for not less than 10 years.. a minute later, they are forever gone..
i was tidying up my wardrobe last night when i found all these empty perfume bottles, some of them are even more than 10 years old.. i remember back then i purposely left a little and was thinking of keeping the perfumes as my own collectibles, but now i'm asking myself: "what the heck are you gonna do with all these??".. and so without any hesitation, i just packed them all in a garbage bag and threw them all away..
that is why i would consider myself a lousy collector (of any kind).. initially i would perhaps be able to keep things i think are worth to keep, but some time later, i would most probably get sicked of them, and without giving an extra look, they will just end up in the garbage bin.. so, as a conclusion of this, i am good at keeping things, but even better in dumping things!! haha~~ :D
so many bottles...i cannot decide if you are telling us you are a bad collector or you just simply smell bad AHAHHAAAHHAHAHAHAHAHAH.....oiii kidding har.....happy monday..
ReplyDeletei also collect ( almost ) empty perfume bottles.. cos i just like the shape n the smell...
ReplyDeletebtw, we have totally different taste ( i mean in choosing perfume la ;p )
poor bottles... i've been collecting beer cans too... now i'm thinking of throwing them too... :(
ReplyDeleteYou can recycle those empty bottles. Cen they be reused?
ReplyDelete我有樽, 邮票,杂志, 剪报超过10年都有.
dont throw, give it to tzuji...
ReplyDeleteperfume bottle can be recycle...
maybe, one day u will throw all ur toy collection :p
曾经用心收藏的哩!不心痛的吗?是我就不舍得了 ... 十年喔 ~
现在 铁石心肠
没有用的 统统都丢
要不然 不穿了的旧衣物 统统捐出去
而且现在丢东西 好像有一种 ‘快感’
ReplyDelete其实就是不想 被那么多身外物牵绊
Throwing away things is an art we need to learn maybe you can start a degree course in it haha.
ReplyDeletewhy u buy so many perfume har? =.="
ReplyDeletehaha ...我也是这样,收收收了不久就丢了。。。嘻嘻!!
ReplyDeletei collect err.... clothes kot. hahahahhahahahahah
ReplyDeleteI used to collect bus tickets as a hobby. Collected bags and bags of it.
ReplyDeleteAnd then I dump it away, not understanding why I collect it in the first place.
A colleague collects perfume bottles. Wonder if she's still collecting them. She likes the different shapes and there are beautiful ones too.
ReplyDeleteAnother friend collects bus-tickets, like Shingo, and not sure if he still has his collection. He also collects postcards.
I know people who collect phone-cards too and they do have nice ones in Sgp.
Collecting stuff is rather tedious and space-consuming not to mention the cost involved. I have a former colleague who collects stamps and I imagine he's spending a fortune on purchasing new issues from philately houses.
Life is like that. The world is made up of hoarders one day, and not the next or ten years down the road. Oops! Did I hit the nail on the head? No offence, ya?
Have a great day, SK..
Shucks! I could have made five comments from the above and be listed in your Top Commenters list, eh? Come to think of it, it's about time to make it to your list. Yes? We'll see..
ReplyDeletepoor them~
ReplyDeleteAre they expensive or limited perfume?
ReplyDeleteHahaha...we belongs to same group. I also got alot of empty fragrance bottles lo...when come to clean-up time...sorry le...buang buang buang!!!
ReplyDeleteHaha! I think I'm like you although I don't collect perfume bottles!
ReplyDeleteI tend not to throw things until a few years later when I found them again!
ReplyDeleteBut it's good to throw things and remove clutter in your home - good to bring in fresh new energy, good feng shui too : )
ReplyDeleteOMGawd...your home space must be so cluttered with old stuff!
bro...some perfume bottles are nice to keep ler....can become a deco item next time...
ReplyDeletei think i am a little like u.. i dump things away to get rid of clutter.. it comes with living in a limited living environment
ReplyDeletemang, actually that was only part of them, i remember i have used more perfumes.. haha, yes, i smell bad that's why i need to put on perfumes!! hahaha :D
i have the same thought like you, but after having too much kept in the wardrobe, i think they are taking up space instead lor, so just throw them all away!! err, how different is our taste leh?? you like cologne one ah?? :p
Teddy Beh:
haha, see?? our liking will change after some time.. many of a time, you would think what you have been keeping is taking up spaces, haha!!
Mei Teng:
ReplyDeleteerr, those bottles are just designed for perfumes.. they look nice but really are very impractical to be reused for other purpose.. :)
其實我還有很多東西都keep了很久的, 十多年也有.. 不過就是一段時間過後會通通清理掉!! 哈哈~~
hmmm, maybe you are right, i should send them to recycle instead of just throw them away like household garbage.. well, you might be right, i don't deny the possibility of clearing off my toys.. hahaha!!
Kai and Baobei:
ReplyDelete當你覺得不再喜歡, 你就會認為是垃圾多過收藏品.. 空瓶子一大堆, 真的很佔空間又不知道要用來做甚麼..
釉釉 (幼幼):
對囉, 就是看到甚麼新奇的就要收.. 之後就往往會覺得, 這麼多垃圾收來做甚麼?? 就是不要被那麼多身外物牵绊.. 所以看到你家那麼簡潔, 就略知一二了.. :)
yes, of course it's an art we need to learn!! you have to clear them off in the most efficient and effective manner, not easy ok?? maybe you start a degree course for that, and i'll be the lecturer.. haha!!
ReplyDeletehuh?? you asked me why?? because i use perfume mah.. eih, for more than 10 years that is not a lot already lor..
對囉, 除非真的有很多地方可以擺, 要不然真的很佔位子, 以後惹塵囉.. 丟掉就一了百了.. :D
i also "collect" clothes, and my wardrobe is almost overloaded.. same thing, i'll clean up once in a while.. and it feels good to clean them up actually!! :D
Shingo T:
ReplyDeleteerr, i think i've collected bus ticket before, but one piece of each type.. haha, see?? we always do that right?? kept that and now we don't understand why we did that, haha :D
hahaha, yes you could most probably split your long comments into 5, so that you'll win the most commented blogger!! :p well, i have collected lots of stuffs over the years, and similarly, i have thrown away lots of stuffs over those years too!! guess this is why i never have completed a real collection.. errr, maybe CDs would be one, i didn't throw any, as they are real money i have spent, i could have more than 200 now, hahaha!! and don't be surprise one day i might just write off my toys collection.. good news to lots of bloggers out there who are eyeing on them huh??
nope, they are not poor!! they have finished serving me, and their mission accomplished with pride!! :p
ReplyDelete你有咁多嘢掟咩?? 得閑我幫你吖, 哈哈.. :D
err, how should i answer you?? they are normal perfumes that you can get from the shelves of shopping malls lor.. :)
haha, yalor, last time die die want to keep.. and then some time later sure think they are very "jor deng".. and i guess you must have dumped a lot when you're moving to your new house..
ReplyDeleteyalah, of course we don't just collect and throw.. must be able to keep them for years, and later feel sicked of them and throw them off without any hesitation.. haha, so what are you collecting so far?? and what have you thrown away for the sake of feng shui??
哈哈, 不過我好似積埋積埋好多好多個新春囉, 仲叫做好示範?? 而且我都可以舊嘅唔去, 新嘅照樣來, 呢吓就犀利啦, 係嘛?? 哈哈哈哈!! :D
hahaha, actually yes, i admit that.. that is why i am clearing off all these empty bottles!! why did i keep them, for god sake??!! :p
ReplyDeleteerr, i was thinking like what you are thinking then, but then after keeping them for so many years, i find i really just keep them aside and never look at them since then.. that is why i just throw them all away :p
Chin Weng 茶先生:
搬家當然有很多東西丟啦, 更何況你是搬去"外國"住, 東西肯定不能夠帶那麼多啊.. :)
i think to be exact is, we create the clutter and then later on we just have to get rid of it.. well, that's life i guess, things just come and go, old ones go and new ones come.. btw, there's never unlimited living environment i can tell you, hahaha :D
ReplyDelete10 years! Can use again?
ReplyDeleteI wonder what is the smell?
No more smell nice… but possible shit …
Throw better!
Looking again at your post, YOU ACTUALLY add those eyes and stuffs to the pics?
ReplyDeleteHaha, I thought it was a borrowed pic from other sites, so sorry.
And the I remembered, not everyone steal pics like me.
u throw all alr??
ReplyDeletethe empty bottles look beautiful lo!!
有一天你不再喜欢你的gf,会不会也丢进垃圾桶? :P 开玩笑啦 ~ 哈哈哈!
ReplyDeleteseems like you are changing perfume every now and then and never stay the same for one brand. Hm...
ReplyDelete哈哈, 對對對!! 我現在想我也是這樣的, 因為天性就會收東西, 那些不懂要如何處理的就先收著吧, 反正你說的, 若干年後就是全部一並丟掉的!! 哈哈~~ :p
天啊, 怎麼那麼多人有這樣的習慣?? 就是一味的收, 然後覺得很無聊, 就很鐵石心腸地通通丟掉!! 哈哈..
Chris Chia:
嘩, 你這一招果然是高超!! 竟然找人幫你代勞收藏東西?? 呵呵~~ 這麼多年, 幾十瓶你姐都一一收藏沒有丟掉??
CH Voon:
ReplyDeletei didn't intend to use lah, just keep them up only.. but before i thrown them away that night, i slightly open and have a sniff, well, the smell of the fragrance actually didn't run too much.. isn't that cool??
Shingo T:
haha, now you know my photos are mostly originals right?? i enjoy taking photos and do the touch-up, with that it's linked closer to my post contents.. :p
haha!! aiyah, you want those empty bottles ah?? you should have told me earlier mah~~ :D
Kai and Baobei:
ReplyDeletegf不是收藏物嘛, 所以不在這個category裡面, 呵呵!! 那你呢?? 你的寶貝又是甚麼category?? 哈哈~~ :D
Shell (貝殼):
不知道要怎樣安置?? 很簡單啊, 就是通通把它們丟掉囉!! 我就是這樣的.. 呵呵!! :)
haha, yes!! i keep changing, because there are just so many brands out there that keep coming into the market.. i've only tried 3 brands twice so far.. :p
ReplyDeletei think i am a good dumper too...but then i nvr keep things. hehehehe...
ReplyDeleteHappy 101~ 快乐来领奖!^_*
ReplyDeleteI wished I could photoshop like you, SK. And wished I didn't fail art in school.
ReplyDeleteYour touch up pics are so cute! ^_^
ReplyDelete係啦, 都一把年紀啦, 仲要好似以前做仔嗰時候學人玩收藏cutie嘢咩?? 而家見到一大堆冇用嘅嘢, 真係一嘢揼晒去囉, 積埋積埋又牙訂又惹塵, 係咪??
Kai and Baobei:
呵呵, 我也是有我的"寶貝"哦, 而且和我一起長大成人的哦.. 不能夠沒有他的哦.. 哈哈!!
hmmm, you never keep things so how can you be a good dumper?? or perhaps you are too good that you have nothing else to dump anymore?? haha~~
Chris Chia:
ReplyDelete哦?? 有獎拿?? 謝謝~~ Happy 101, 那是甚麼獎啊??
Shingo T:
errr, i didn't use photoshop cos it's not free.. i'm using another free photo editing tool call photoscape.. can be downloaded from www.photoscape.org, quite a useful tool and you don't have to be artistic to use it.. give it a try!!
ReplyDeletei don't have the habit of keeping things.. but i have no idea why i have so much stuffs with me, that i have to keep dumping?? hahaha :D
ReplyDeleteKai and Baobei:
ReplyDelete呵呵, 我們都有大寶貝哦!! 你的寶貝也很喜歡你的寶貝喔.. kekeke :p
haha, you are being funny!! don't keep things but still have so much stuffs?? well, maybe you didn't dump enough?? :p
她当然喜欢啦,这是她一生的幸福嘛 ~ (-_-)
ReplyDeleteI used to collect those too but I am not too keen with perfumes so I didn't get to collect much. My biggest collection are my garfield and stationaries i left back home.
ReplyDeletei always clear things i that dont want too, even thought i thought of keeping them earlier.. haha..
Kai and Baobei:
ReplyDelete哈哈!! 你的寶貝是你的寶貝的幸福.. 所以你要好好的照顧你的寶貝和你的寶貝喔~~ @.@
garfield!! i once love this character very much, i have a collection of garfield stationeries too!! but i have no idea where they are now, i just left one phone book with me.. :p
i always keep things, and then years later i find them of no use and i'll straight away thrown them all away.. no hesitation!! :D
umm.. old perfume my hubby still have them. its on the makeup table and he not use at all.
ReplyDeletehmmm, did he keep that for a purpose or just stop using after every time getting a new perfume?? well, at one time i'm sure you'll think they take up space and gotta throw all of them.. haha!! :)