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15.09.2009 | 痞子英雄

唔係, 我唔係要講最近好紅嘅台劇《痞子英雄》, 因為我睇都沒睇過.. 我係對於幾日前MTV頒獎典禮上發生嘅一段小小插曲有感而發啫, 如果你有睇應該知道發生咩事..

當晚究竟發生咩事呢?? 下邊可以直接去片.. 如選擇睇文字敘述,

我想講嘅係KW呢種痞子作風, 非常之冇風度囉.. 係, 姑且勿論TS或BK誰優誰劣, 佢亦都有權欣賞BK或者杯葛TS, 但係咁做簡直就係侮辱佢自己, 我鄙視佢呢種行為同人格!! 相反, BK嘅大將之風, 顯得佢實實在嘅大方同得體, 呢啲就叫做英雄, 叫做天后架勢喇.. 真係令我更加欣賞佢囉..

if you have watched the MTV Music Award few days ago, this post is regarding the little incident that happened that night ..

so what happened then?? you can watch the two clips above, or if you prefer to read on,

what i wanted to say is, it was so not gentleman of KW for his act.. put aside who is better between TS and BK, and yes, he has the rights to love BK and loath TS, but doing such shameful act on stage is just something i cannot bear with.. on the other hand, look at how classy BK was and how she has handled the whole incident so flawlessly.. so, this is what we call a real diva on stage, and some quality that makes people admire her more..


  1. Yay! First commenter here! :) Hello SK!

  2. I wanna blog about it too...but then I thing a lot of people would have. Kanye West is indeed a sucker! He is such a sore loser! :(

  3. I don't know why he wanna do that. But I believe it was purely for cheap publicity! :/ He even dragged Beyonce into his game! And this is not the first time he had ever done such stupidity!

  4. beyonce不愧是我的偶像

  5. It wuz just another el cheapo trick for free publicity. Not much brains needed for rapping neways.

  6. 昨晚听新闻时也是看到这则娱乐新闻,那个KW真的没教养,脑袋装草,气4人。应该把KW列入黑名单,十年内不可以去颁奖典礼,也不可以拿奖。

  7. Didn't watch it but read it in newspaper. Stated KW walked the red carpet with a bottle of liquor and he was drunk. Anyhow, drunk is not a reason to misbehave. TS deserve a public apology lor.

  8. beyonce is so hot as always~~

    well... poor ts >.< i think i gonna stop listening kw's songs... such a dork!!

  9. KW was making himself stupid. What a shame. And TS was speechless on the stage, really felt pity for her. She probably felt blank and in shock.... But Beyonce did great. :)

  10. I guess that's one reason why KW is not as popular as BK....

  11. 想攪咩呀?? 想死定呀﹐咁嚟蝦我嘅 TS 。。 @#$%^$

  12. waaa how come he like tat one? so uncivilised :)

  13. Kanye was sent packing. He had to leave but later he apologised to Taylor in his blog. Too bad, damage was done.

    I think he needs attention and recognition because he was many times deprived of major wins.

    Beyonce felt for Taylor because as a member of Destiny's Child, they first won a major award when she was 17 so she understood how excited it must have been for Taylor and to be robbed of that moment on stage could have been disheartening to say the least. Taylor was already a fan of Beyonce, so that gracious act further made a better impression.

  14. haha i really didn't know bout these news till i read on some other bloggers haha ~~ yea Kanye totally brainless come out such words on his mouth lol .... yet on my Goddess !! XD

  15. 嗰黑鬼KW好冇風度啫!

  16. oh ho ho ho ho... i read about the news too. i'm a fan of TS and boy i'm glad she won that. so "IN YOUR FACE" to most of the other veteran singers. hahahaha. she's a rising star! WOOT WOOTTT!!!! :D

    KW is just plain jealous.

  17. beyonce果然有大姐風范

  18. oh i agree with you, what an idiot Kanye was, although he has openly apologised to Taylor on his blog later on, but still that cannot heal the ruins!! i like how Beyonce did her part actually.. :)

  19. Tekkaus:
    yeah i saw some bloggers blogged about this, initially didn't want to blog but later on second thought, i'll just blog to show how pissed off i am with KW, and i want to get this even more publicised so that more people will know about how shameful he has been.. well, really have no idea but maybe like you said, it's for cheapo publicity, since he has not got any award that night thought he got a few nominations.. well i think his time has ended, he has ruined his career with that..

    我很欣賞Beyonce的風度, 那席話很有大將之風, 而且願意站在一邊把焦點都落到別人身上, 的確是很好的一個榜樣.. :)

  20. Gratitude:
    well i think he just purposely do that for exposure, since he has got nothing for all his nominations.. maybe just feel sour for a 19 year-old to get something but not him..

    Chin Weng 茶先生:
    可能就是為了暴光律吧, 整個晚上坐在那邊甚麼獎也沒有, 不過很低EQ的做法就是硬吧別人也拖下水.. 人家才19歲女生, 入世未深, 真的很提她難受..

    at first i thot who KY is, hahaha!! well, once did nothing can cure the mistake, it will still leave a crack.. he did openly apologise to TS in his blog later on, but that's just not making any good - the fact is, he has done something so cheapo!!

  21. fufu:
    oh yeah, Beyonce was so hot with her performance that night.. but more obvious was how classy she was when she invited Taylor on stage.. hmmm, i have not been listening to KW since after his "Gold Digger" already..

    well, KW was a real idiot.. for TS, really it was such a shock and we can't really expect she could handle such awkward situation, for she's just a 19 year old and there's just not much experience she got.. yeah, everyone thinks KW was a dork and BK was the hero of the night..

    well, after this incident, the gap will sure be a lot bigger.. KW an idiot and BK the hero.. :D

  22. mynicole:
    係囉, 我覺得好過份囉, 當面咁嚟到奚落!! 直頭係兜口兜面星一巴掌咁囉, 好冇品囉!! 不過TS其實都handle得唔錯, 仲可以繼續表演, 之後BK請佢上台佢都可以再次坦然面對..

    haha, i really have no idea why he was so uncivilised!! such an idiot to have done such humiliation, he thot he humiliated Taylor, but actually he has just humiliated HIMSELF and no one else!! agree??

    yeah, an apology will not work as the damage has already been done, that's the end of him.. that's what i thot also, deprived of an award thought he has got quite some nominations.. and perhaps just trying to bully a little girl to get more attention and publicity, but this proves his stupidity!! beyonce has did a fantastic and beautiful job, not just hot on her performance that night, but totally classy for inviting Taylor on stage.. don't mention only Taylor, i think everyone who have seen this will get a better impression on Beyonce.. :)

  23. Ivan:
    haha, me too, didn't know until i found taht from facebook and the blogsphere.. didn't intend to write but after second thot, i just want more people to know about how shameful Kanye West has been!! :D

    咪就係囉, 我睇佢係咁大架喇, 可以執包袱返鄉下耕田架喇..

    i'm not a fans of TS, but anyway i feel pity for her being humiliated in such a way.. KW is just an idiot!! but in a way, that has gained her more attention and publicity right?? haha.. :p

  24. tagnan:
    係啊, 儘顯佢嘅天后架勢, 大姐風范啊!! 我好欣賞佢囉, 唔係個個都可以做到咁樣架喎..

    yes, the damaged was done, and even an apology will not totally cure.. hope TS will get tougher after this incident.. and kudos to Beyonce, she was the hero of the night!! a big clap for her.. :)

  25. Actually what is so great about Kanye? Although I like one of his current song "Knock You Down" - actually is that his song? It's actually sung by Keri Hilson and just featuring Kanye and Neyo.

  26. So rude of Kanye to interrupt Taylor Swift like that but I'm glad he apoologised to her on his blog!

  27. Beyonce is definitely a class above Kanye. It's good gesture of her to invite Taylor Swift on stage.

  28. YouTube has deleted the video before I can see it. Beyonce is very graceful and wise to do that.

  29. foongpc:
    errr, i have not listen to his songs since "Gold Digger" already, and though he has openly apologised in his blog but then i think the damaged was done and there's really nothing that can be done to heal the crack right?? yes, i agree with you, it's so classy of Beyonce to do that.. you really see the contrast between the two in a night..

    you are right, i have been constantly updating the links to those clips, as youtube kept removing them.. glad that you now have a chance to watch, and bet you also have the same thoughts as me right??

  30. KW's actions was so uncalled for!

  31. Yes i agree with you. He is just asking for trouble. He think he is robbie william? Even Robbie don't do that. Stupid.

  32. Ayie:
    yeah, everyone who has watched the show was sure cursing for what he has done..

    obviously he has gone insane, trying to get attention but used the wrong method because he hasn't thought of the impact that will caused.. that was so not gentleman and so not professional act!!

  33. i went wtf when i saw that.. lol..
    he's nuts! =P


  34. kenwooi:
    yeah, totally miserable and shocked.. but luckily we have the classy beyonce to save her day.. :)
