每日放工滿懷憧憬想話去健身院減肥, 結果去到見到每架機器無時無刻都逼爆人, 要企喺度等, 好喇, 終於輪到你喇, 又到人家眼金金等你.. 嘩, 大佬, 成個人謝晒啦, 好似成盆冷水兜頭淋落嚟咁, 邊度仲有心情去操至得架?? 所以我咁肥, 又成日畀人講我淨係認得行行企企, 都唔係冇原因架喎, ..
最近好多大減價, 雖則我知間商場一年大減價十次, 每次都係拎番同樣嘅嘢嚟拋, 但係我都係好興奮咁去捧場架喎.. 弊就弊在所有人都同我一樣諗法, 結果又係寸土萬人情況, 我咁斯文邊夠人爭噃?? 所以好多時候大減價, 我都只係買到超市兩支特價橙汁咋囉, 都相當之失敗呀呵?? :p

almost everyday after work, i rush to the gym so ambitiously for my trim-down plan, reach there and only to find out every machine is occuppied (not to say some hogging).. gotta wait for my turn, and finally my turn, and other people are eyeing on you while waiting for their turn.. i say, come on, give me a break!! it's like pouring cold water onto a burning flame, where can i still find motivation to workout?? so you see why i couldn't trim down, and somebody says he only sees me walk walk stand stand in the gym, there's not no reason ok?
sales everywhere now, and though i know this mall is having sales like 10 times a year and everytime they have the same items on price shall, i still am very excited to go and try my luck.. but too bad, guess many people think alike, everytime i'm going for sales shopping, there must be like 10,000 people on a 1-inch floor, and due to myself being such a soft guy, how can i fight against them?? and so most of the time, i just manage to bring back two bottles of orange juice on promotion.. really a loser yeah?? haha :p
Soft guy? Wow! *visualizing Lurpak danish butter spread* :P
ReplyDeleteI thought Thamby's usual rant is "DEI! Get out of my way!"?
ReplyDeleteTaking the LRT in the mornings can be a nightmare. Like you, I seriously don't know how to push ppl to get my way into the train. I am thankful I have a car.
every month sure got SALE! which drives me GaGa~ XD
ReplyDeleteluckly i no nid to peak in LRT or KTM everyday.
ReplyDeleteStar LRT 还好,不怎么挤。Putra LRT(以前旧称)就不好搞... KTM 简直要叫救命,出来什么味道都有,有会死的感觉...
ReplyDeleteI'm not joking, each time I take LRT/Putra during busy hour, I feel vomit and dizzy... :(
ReplyDeletebtw,happy birthday !! 你在FB提醒人幾十次。所以,我在你部落正日就不留言啦!今天才說多一次。你這個人要人說多少次呢?哈哈!
This show how popular LRT is. :P
ReplyDeleteMaybe should tell rapidkl to buy more cabin :P
I don't take LRT or Monorail or KTM. Only drive car or worse comes to worse, take a cab. Haha!
ReplyDeleteBetter not go to crowded places these days - risky with H1N1 around! Hehe.
I avoid sales like the plague. I go and shop when there is no sales. Haha!
You want to lose weight? No need go to gym. Just jog in the park good enough. Less crowd and no hogging! Or if want to do weightlifting, then go in the non peak periods, like during lunch time? : )
ReplyDeleteI hate it when I had to take LRT and it's too damn full. Those days were long gone =)
but yea, i can imagine the LRT. and sales. horror... but gym... hmmmm....
幸虧我家附近的是star line
I hate the crowd too. However most of the time crowded places mean there are good stuff there, quite places mean nothing good or special, hence no choice have to fight to survive, the fittest will survive. haha:-)
ReplyDeletefor me lah, im tak malu one, during sales, when im high i will squeeze through the mountain ppl mountain sea to get wat i want. i guess im more auntie than u :P
taking KTM is scary. 色香味俱全。。
ReplyDeleteu will miss the crowd when u r in a small town like where i m at now.. it is even worse when all the students are gone.... i miss the crowd!!!
ReplyDeletehmmmm, that lurpak danish butter spread is still not soft enough.. you must imagine that WOBBLING spring water tau fu fah, now that is call soft!! haha.. hmmm, do i give you such get-out-of-my-way impression?? ;p
其實從你那一篇篇詩歌當中, 我也大概可以知道你是個比較喜歡安靜的人哦, 對沒有?? :p
Mei Teng:
yeah, it's always very terrible in the morning.. and you're not totally right, because i've been trained to be a very "professional pusher" already.. practice makes perfect, don't you think so?? just like how you can make your way through the traffic every morning, right??
其實有時真的是身不由己, 不喜歡還是要硬著頭皮和人家爭.. :)
Rebecca Kheng:
ReplyDelete係啊, LRT個月台係高出地面架嘛你唔記得喇?? 唔會吵, 我屋企離開車站都有成100米嘅.. 你又啱, 其實我哋馬來西亞真係小兒科囉, 我上年去北京, 認真係見識到咩係"逼"地鐵囉, 北京人果然係個個都好勇啊~~
Queen B:
yes you are right!! sales is almost anytime anywhere, that is why i never buy things at normal price, because i know soon they will be at least a 50% off.. hohoho!!
oh, then you should feel so lucky.. so you are driving to work?? i guess the traffic is equally bad too right??
唉, 對囉, 其實我是覺得應該要好像Star那樣, 這樣才可以應付乘客的流量啊.. Putra不講了, 那個KTM就好像你說的, 要命!! :D
ReplyDeleteoh, that is very pity of you.. at first i think i might have the same problem, but now i think i am already immuned to the situation, hahaha!!
哎唷, 看來你真的不知道這裡的情況有多差了, 你以為我很想和別人逼咩?? 你以為我不希望可以舒舒服服寬寬倘倘去上班咩?? 問題就是--迫不得已啊!! 呵呵, 我現在會事先做好準備知道有甚麼特價品可以買, 到時就有備無患啦, 對嗎?? 哎唷, 人家就是厚著臉皮要你留言祝賀人家生日快樂嘛, 你那麼不識趣的?? 硬是要識破人家.. 哈哈哈哈~~ :D
it's not because LRT is popular, the problem is they have problem catering the passenger flow.. i've heard them saying to get more cabin for 10 years and yet no action has been taken.. anyway, i still should feel happy because i'm not taking KTM.. haha!!
well you are rich, you drive or just take taxi, we just gotta take the cheapest transport mode available.. haha!! hmmm, seriously i think packed trains are very high risk with H1N1, but *TOUCH WOOD* i will be safe!! hoho.. again, i gotta say you are rich, you don't buy discounted items, but we just can afford that!! haiz~~ :p
ReplyDelete那你好命囉, 我就是每天早上要和幾百人一齊擠進一列火車去上班啊.. 那種人靠人貼近門口的情況, 你有幸可以避過..
hmmm, and you mentioned those were the days?? and if you are to experience this again today, it's already more than 10 times worse!! believe it or not, for i've been taking LRT for the past 10 years..
我是先寫中文, 然後才翻譯成英文的.. 不知道, 就是突然有這個習慣, 而且雙語可以照顧到更多階層的讀者啊 :)
haiz, well sometimes it's really frustrating and yet still funny when you talk about those LRT and Sales crowd.. the gym is equally worse i can tell you.. :)
你好命, 有Star Line可以搭, 我家的那個就是永遠都擁擠的Putra囉.. 不過還算是不幸中的大幸喇, 因為不是KTM那臭名昭著的Komuter.. 呵呵呵呵~~ >.<
ReplyDeletehmmm, i think this is your typical singaporean kiasu philosophy huh?? hahaha.. that is also what i realised, when you see people queue, without giving thoughts you will think that it would be something good.. but i gotta say, most of the time i don't find this thinking correct.. hehehehe :)
the happy go lucky one:
oh, then i think next time i should get you to go shopping with me together.. i'll tell you what i want, then you can help me to snatch it from the pool of aunties there!! hahahaha :D
嗯, 你講得都有道理, 我哋一出世就係註定要同其他人爭, 唔係明爭就係暗斗架啦, 所以要做到適者生存!! 哈哈, 難怪你同阿Becca姐係好朋友啦, 原來樣樣嘢都鐘意慳家, 鐘意DIY, 鐘意自己嚟~~ :p
haha, you are a bit 變態 i supposed, you miss that 色香味俱全 from that notorious KTM??!! OMG.. i am so speechless, or perhaps you would like that more when you take a train in India?? kekeke~~ :p
如果周休都冇人 咁我就PK咯
ReplyDelete十點正到 一點前走就包冇事
ReplyDeletei admire those who can find clothes they like from stacks of promotional items.
ReplyDeletei could only pick from those hangs on the rack. also found myself quite often pick those on mannequin... such lazy butts
ReplyDelete而家每個週末都逼爆人, 咁咪代表你發達囉?? 唉, 放假梗係瞓晏啲架啦, 分分中一點都仲喺屋企囉..
如意阁~ 美食@保健:
呵呵, 說道適應不適應, 其實應該說習慣比較正確吧?? 不過要我在田園生活和繁華都市之間選擇, 我還是會選擇後者吧.. 就是習慣.. :)
呵呵, 對喲, 那些安娣就是沒有和你講理的, 而且也不會在意形像, 反正就是要得到好處就是了.. 哈哈!! :D
Chloe (蔻依):
oh really?? i always thot that you are those who can really find good and cheap things around woh.. but sometimes you can really find "precious" from those basket stacks, and such items will really thrilled you like hell, haha :D
Your last para cracked me up. Oh well, it is still fun jamming in, right(?) and reward yourself with two bottles of OJ. LOL!
ReplyDeleteOh boy! That morning view of the LRT platform can really get you down! You need to move on to more beautiful and relaxing images. Eh?
Well for shopping, I always starts early to avoid the crowd. Usually I will reach the Mall around 10pm, when they just open.
ReplyDeleteThe sales items are all neatly folded and stacked early on. So you can have a better choice and view.
不全安静啦,有几个人坐在一起叽喳不停也是蛮不错的,我也会很享受那种说话的分享,要不然。。。 :P
ReplyDeletelolz ~ jst push the crowd away la~ with ur body size...u can do it geh~ :P
ReplyDeletehaha, yeah at least i didn't just go home empty handed, see i got two bottles of orange juice and i saved RM5, hahahaha!!! hmmm, the station is just like 100m from my house, that is why i can see clearly the platform packed with people everyday.. nothing upset because i'm already used to it..
hmmm, to me i will most of the time sleep till quite late on holidays, most probably couldn't reach the mall before noon, haha!! i am never an early person i can tell.. hmmm, those stacked in basket, i think they are nicely folded only on the first day.. the sales will never bother to fold them nicely again, knowing that the customers will again mess things up, right??
至少你給我的印象是那種安靜的人啊.. 不過沒有見過和認識你, 也不能立刻下一個定義的.. 剛從一位朋友哪學會了一個辭, 叫做"悶騷", 我想你應該是屬於這一類人吧?? 呵呵呵呵~~ :D
大減價係有少少恐怖, 但係通常我都係等到大減價先買架喎, 因為平時啲嘢真係mark up得太高囉..
hmmm, not really laa, but i think if we go together, your size will sure add power to mine, we sure win!! hahahaha~~ :D
Somebody sees u walk2 stand2 at gym? So bad lor that guy...tell me who is that so I can revenge for you..hehe. Agreed with you that the gym is sooo full after office hour. I'll paiseh also if ppl keep looking at me while I do weight, even friend...DON'T LOOK AT ME!! Next time shopping ask me and Danny along la, can be your bodyguard...
ReplyDeletehmm...no choice one the lrt....
ReplyDeletealways so pack one.... @_@
well, about the gym, it really common during peak hour but i'm sure there is a machine that is free to use one =)
else, just wait till your turn or you can ask for a share....
once your turn, just be focus on your workout, dont distracted by other especially ppl eye sight...
if they want to share, then they will ask else, just focus on your workout till you finish loh....
that me lah during gym :)
ReplyDeletehmmm, that guy not only sees but always complain that i do nothing but only walk walk see see in the gym, you fast fast go take revenge for me, hahaha!! hmmm, next time i'll STARE at you working out, hahaha!! good good, i can get you and danny to protect me, you are physical protection by your size, and danny is mentally protection by his laser mouth.. hahaha!!
就是不認識你才要猜猜看你是不是悶騷嘛.. 你那麼會就要刮人家一巴掌, 嗯, 果然是騷, 呵呵呵呵!! :D
yeah actually LRT is still bearable as compared to the KTM lor, you know i take KTM to MV gym after work, that is really a nightmare lor!! hahaha.. hmmm, i don't know, if i see the gym so crowded with people, my mood to workout will always go down to level zero already.. don't like the idea of sharing with others, unless that's my gym buddy lor.. haha, i'm quite a difficult person huh?? so good for you loh, you can survive in the gym, hehe :)
還好喇, 我家距離LRT站都有100公尺的, 沒有吵到我喇其實, 還有那個月台是高上來的嘛, 所以很容易就可以看到啊.. 不如下次我帶藍天小妹妹一齊去和那些auntie搶囉, 我覺得你的身手應該是不錯的哦, 那時何止是搶到鮮橙啊?? 士多啤梨蘋果橙都有啦.. 哈哈!!
Er...what physical protection by my size? Remember I lifted weight much lighter than you did? Hehe, can scare people but cannot fight 1 lor.
ReplyDeleteHere we have to always use car, commuting is hard. back there in the Phil when i feel lazy to drive I just commute so those were the days =)
ReplyDeletehaha, yeah, i surviving..... but now, i got my gym buddy.. so can more focus!~ hahaha...
ReplyDeleteget your gym buddy loh...then you can focus on your workout plan...
that not difficult, that is "yau sing kat"! hahahaha
ReplyDeleteaiyoh, i forgotten you joined the gym and how have a better physical appearance - so your size is not enough to protect me already, i protect you better!! hahaha~~
haha, sometimes it just depend on the situation whether driving is better or commuting is better.. but for my city here, i think both are still very bad.. hahaha!! :D
wow, good that you have got a gym buddy.. well, i think i've used to workout alone all these years, i still can drag myself to the gym though just that lacking that little spice.. i always go together with my friend during weekends, but too bad we do separately, hahaha!!!
you're right about that sk =)
ReplyDeleteloner wolf =__=
ReplyDeleteyaakkss!! 搶到你自己吃完它啦, 我都不吃榴槤的.. 還有啊, 你吃完了之後記得要刷牙, 還有用肥皂吸收, 然後還要離我三尺啊, 知道沒有?? 呵呵~~ :p
haha, i am always true about my own country - it's equally bad for both commuting or driving, haha!! :D
huh?? loner WOLF?? why wolf leh?? -_-"
sometimes, same thing goes for my country. =)
ReplyDelete我不理我不理, 我就是不喜歡liulian, 你要離開我三尺, 水果之王又怎樣?? 我照樣沒有面子給哦, neh-neh-neh-neh-neh~~ 你拿liulian, 那我就拿紅毛liulian, 呵呵呵呵!! :p
hmmm, have been chatting with you so long, but where are you from actually?? :p
hahaha, I'm from the Philippines and just migrated here in US recently =)
ReplyDeleteoh i see.. hmmmm, i heard that traffic in Philippines is always congested, with lots of honking, is that true?? haha :p
lots of honking yes, including me! I have road rage when driving! hahaha! It's normal during rush hours and in high density places but there are window periods with no traffic =)
ReplyDeleteoooh, didn't expect a small lady standing at 5' to be a road rage huh?? that's amazing, hahaha!! or shall i say it's the environment that make you one?? hehehe :p
I'm quite impatient at times when driving =) hehe
ReplyDeletehmmm, i think you can't be blamed for that.. sometimes the heavy traffic and road rage are just very annoying.. :)