最近層樓嚟咗間新租戶, 大公司所以員工應該有好多個.. 大廈每層樓都有個廁所係所有租戶公用嘅, 因為呢間公司遷入, 個廁所突然間變得烏煙瘴氣, 成地煙灰.. 每一次上廁所, 實有人企喺廁所窗前食煙, 個位置就喺個正中間, 去尿兜/廁格/洗手盤都一定會行過.. 見啲人喺度吞雲吐霧(講到底咪就係趁工作時間之時吞扑囉), 我真係好唔中意, 因為出嚟實成身煙味, 好臭架嘛!! 以前都未試過成層樓有半個人食煙, 點解呢間公司一搬入嚟, 就製造咁多煙鏟架??
我吸二手煙, 畀佢哋死得仲快啊, 吸煙唔該行遠啲啦.. 至憎人食煙, 實在係忍受唔住, 好想自行整件大大大張poster貼喺廁所各角落, 話畀那眾煙民知, 吸煙危害健康, NO SMOKING啊!! 吸一支煙短7分鐘命, 你哋收手啦~~~
hmm i always thought in malaysia nowadays everywhere is no smoking... but i guess i am wrong... here is worse, which is not surprising... i mean even though the toilet has "no smoking" sign, ppl still smoke like hell and that certainly makes me want to kill them!
ReplyDelete傑士: nope, i remember the law only states that smoking is not allowed in closed air-conditioned venue, and it's totally up to the owner of the venue whether smoking is allowed..
ReplyDeletemynicole: 我都曾經有咁嘅打算.. 不過去廁所上上落落有係幾麻煩喎..
ReplyDelete唉!! 我又何得何能叫佢哋死遠啲去食煙吖?? 咁點啊?? 咪唯有自己儘量避開囉..
ReplyDeletePut this in your toilet:
哈哈!! 最後是不是見神仙就不懂啦~~