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11.06.2007 | 一雨成災..

噚晚七點鐘落咗兩個小時豪雨, 就係呢兩個小時雨導致吉隆坡市中心發生水災.. 繼1971年吉隆坡大水災後, 舊年同一日同樣發生水災, 今次係四年嚟最嚴重嘅一次.. 市中心低窪地區水浸去到腰部, 錄得最深水位有8呎咁深.. 當時我仲係商場入邊唔知道出邊落緊大雨, 九點幾搭輕鐵返屋企時, 廣播市中心範圍幾個地下站水浸, 輕鐵前往市區方向不能運作.. 好彩我係往令一個方向返屋企..

今日報章頭條新聞, 吉隆坡一雨成災, 水浸隆市, 交通癱瘓, 災後狼狽善後.. 都唔知搞乜嘢, 已經唔係第一次啦, 當初口響話建個咩精明水道可以幫助避免水災發生, 耗資馬幣21億聞名世界, 原本呢個星期六就可以測試佢嘅精明功能, 點知就timing唔好, 一場「早到的雨」徹徹底底抹殺咗廣大市民對佢嘅期望.. 唔係場雨早到, 而係工程遲遲未竣工--其中好多因素, 我諗唔駛講到明, 挑通眼眉嘅廣大市民都知道當中原因啦..

就係咁, 樣樣收錢, 樣樣超支, 樣樣緩慢.. 啲錢去晒邊? 你知我知.. 想要成為先進國, 2020年做得到嗎??


  1. you asked where those money go?? well, isnt it obvious those stupid bitches and bastards use the money for themselves? seriously i really doubt malaysia will become an advanced country (so much as i believe in china) since there is sooooooo many uncontrollable corruption, and also very very very strange and stupid (and worse racist) policies! sigh very sad loh...

  2. true, we all know where the money goes!! and somemore that you have not mentioned - we pay to feed those so called "B", and yet we get nothing in return..

    p/s: B = a malay word that starts with B, 10-alphabet and 5-syllable..

  3. yup.. the smart tunnel is really smart... in reapig $$ from tax payers... the company i work in once showed interest in this project, but back out because too political
