香港同事噚日send咗張電子賀卡過嚟, 好有創意好有心思.. 你哋睇唔睇明啊? 第一次睇覺得係玩嘢, 應該唔係要帶啲咩message.. 但係第二次再研究研究, 其實係多國語言混合一體.. 就等我喺個original message度加返係咩文畀啲貼士啦.. 有咗貼士就可以上網找翻譯, 就大概可以知道個message大綱喇..
[印度文] Janam Din ki badhai! [法文] Joyeux Anniversaire! [日文] Otanjou-bi Omedetou Gozaimasu! [西班牙文] quando você volta?? wij missen u!!! [荷蘭文] Vind zo spoedig mogelijk een meisjesvriend!! [德文] Et liefert viele Mädchen, um für unseren Jungen zurückzukommen!! [國際文] HAHAHAHAHA!! [拉丁文] Pour finir, li amiamo...
好中意呢個表達形式啊.. 下次都要傚法祝賀啲朋友仔生日至得..
[Hainamese] Hi Bang Lu De Jit Hwan Hee [Hakka] Jook Nge Sang Yid Fai Lawk
ReplyDeleteA happy birthday to you my old friend. Welcome to the Big 3-O!
thanks a lot lar, my dear old friend.. now that we are in the Club 30s, imagine 10 years later what will be the situation neh?? hahaha..
ReplyDeletewow, i must say that ur colleagues are very sweet and do envy that u have so much birthday surprises!! i guess it must be one of the most memorable and warm hearted event!
ReplyDeleteyaa, they are really sweet to arrange me surprises!! was really moved by their act.. haha!!