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21.03.2007 | 繼續,又係食..

本以為連續兩日暴飲暴食之後, 今日可以收心養性食少啲, 食得簡單清淡啲啦.. 點知lunch time都係畀老細擝去飲茶, 又係食埋一大堆嘢.. 不過今日就唔係叫咗好多嘢, 對於七個人尚好啦僅僅夠.. 但係今日我卻覺得我竟然食得比前日果餐多, 尤其食咗個叉燒包同埋半籠馬拉糕.. 返到去office之後一坐低對住個mon, 就即刻覺得昏昏欲睡, 熒幕上啲字好似喺度發晒咁越嚟越矇.. 飯氣攻心啊, 搞到要去一趟廁所「清減」下, 先至令到個人重新振作起嚟, 哈哈哈哈.. 唔係講笑, 有入必有出的而且確係個事實..


  1. actually me too, that's why nowadays in the evening, i only have yoghurt + oak + honey, which is recommended by the trainer... so, when i have some dinner like yesterday, i don't have to worry too much h ah ah ah ah ha ha ha :)

  2. you have OAK?? did you mean OAT?? hahaha.. well, if only i could be as disciplined as you.. so you have signed up for personal training?? yeah, good for you..

  3. ha ha ha ha no lah :) i talked to him, and asked for some tips mah, so he told me lah... :) i am not rich to have a personal trainer!! and yes it is OAT :P
    hee hee

  4. that is something what i have for breakfast everyday, muesli+yoghurt..
