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28.03.2007 | password-protected blog??

平時唔覺我個blog會有好多人睇, 因為來來去去啲comment都不過係得小年大發慈悲施捨於我啫(哈哈, 講得是乎有啲灰, 點都好多謝佢一路支持).. 之不過有時候都會見到一啲朋友失驚無神懟埋過嚟嘅comment, 至發覺佢哋平時都有casually捧吓場嘅, 但係就不留任何蛛絲馬跡咁解啫.. 甚至有日我老細竟然同我講, 佢都有靜雞雞睇我個blog噃.. 我諗其實就咁一傳十,十傳百, 傳傳吓都應該會有好多人睇啩?? 咁豈不是要處處小心行事, 唔可以喺度透露太多以免泄漏天機?? 不過又係嘅, 既然寫得blog就預咗要畀人睇啦, 唔通要畀個password先至可以睇咩?? 咦, 話是話, password-protected blog?? 又幾好嘅一個提議噃, 可以控制邊個睇得, 邊個唔睇得.. 有冇人得閒研究下啊??


  1. not to 泼你冷水 :) i think you can also control who view your blogs from blogspot...

  2. i used to have a blog in yahoo 360. everyone in my ym list can see that. the YM also shows if u have any updates.
    I received a few enquiries from my colleague. funny isnt it? instead of posting comment in your blog, they post IM to you. Then I decided to quit, on yahoo 360.

  3. yeah, i just found out they have the viewing control features in the settings - but it's to the blog level instead of down to the post level.. hahaha!! anyway, with my blog written in chinese, i think i somehow avoided certain people from reading?? hehe..

  4. yeah, in a sense why we write blogs is to gather comments from the readers.. if they just YM the comments to you, it somehow defeats the purpose.. agree??
