[Volume 10 Issue 6, #2026] |
The Comment Webpage: New Look, New Features |
我很好奇大家仲記唔記得我有一個專屬網頁, 係俾大家任何時間任何地點查看所有留言榜嘅呢?? 其實我知大家好耐之前都已經俾返晒我㗎喇, 哈哈!! 不過唔緊要, 為咗refresh各位嘅記憶, 本人要在此隆重宣佈, 該專屬網頁現已被提升, 有全新面貌, 附加功能, 而且更容易操作 - 但係網址保持不變, 請放心..今日有個小小嘅slideshow呈現俾大家, 只需按下面三個操作按扭(依據你所選擇嘅相隔時間)嚟個全自動播放.. 又或者可以另行按圖片下嘅個別號碼按鈕, 嚟個手作瀏覽.. 喺度要恭喜所有榜上有名嘅朋友, 你們都是最好的!! [注意]
i wonder if you still remember that i have a dedicated webpage for everyone to check out all the comment charts, anytime anywhere?? okay, i know you have already "given it back to me" since many moons ago, haha!! no problem at all, to refresh your memory about this webpage, i hereby proudly announce that the webpage is now updated with a new look, added with new features and enhanced to be more user-friendly - but the URL remains the same, no worries.. i have today a little slideshow to introduce the changes and enhancements, simply click on the three operating buttons below for an autoplay (with your preferred timing), or click on the individual numbered buttons under the images should you prefer manual viewing.. congratulations to and well done, all chart-toppers!! NOTE: the slideshow today could be a little lengthy, please take your time for interval breaks.. when you come back, the slideshow is intelligent enough to remember where you last stopped and will continue from there onwards, you don't have to start all over again :) |
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2015.06.02 | 新留言網
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So fast one month already, but I no eyes see my ranking, should be very low, wahahaha!! Come back later...
ReplyDeletePS: is it because of minion movie, so this month your theme is yellow and about minion ya??
that's what you thought only mah.. never seen never know woh.. hehe, this month is a special month mah, YELLOW nice right?? kakakaka~~
DeleteGood morning bloggers. So bright and yellow. Let me put on my sunglasses!
ReplyDeleteYou are so hardworking to create such a lengthy detailed chart explanation. I appreciate your effort to make us understand better.
So bright and yellow like banana only. Yellow is SK's favorite color. The color reminds me of his favorite characters, Minions. Adui !This SK is really like a small boy. So young at heart.
DeleteYou are spot on Yannie. SK gets younger each year while Anay gets more anay & older every year! I should start wearing yellow pants and pink dotted shirts.
DeleteCongratulations to all the winners. It has been a challenging blog where people come to spam like crazy and become friends. Many have come and gone but Anay is still here to stay. Let me ask again, will I get an award for the Best Loyalty Spammer? **Hint** **Hint**
i love YELLOW!!! after seeing all the blogs with very dark-colored and white or pastel colored background, it's so refreshing seeing bright yellow, don't you agree?? hehehe.. it's a happy color lah.. even the Empresses of China make this color his own prerogative..
Delete#1 When you first started this sophisticated chart system for your blog, this was not available yet and I remember having to use the longer route to reach the whole chart results. I had to specially save and bookmark that page in my computer. Now this link is a real short cut bonus with just one click at your side bar at the top. I do come here to check my status often besides seeing how much nonsense comments I had posted in my spam. So exciting to see the updates like the flight departures and arrivals screen at the airports! Well done Ah Boy!
Deleteyeah, I actually started the chart by manually counting them too, and that was really tedious and troublesome.. few months later, I thought it's not a good idea so I get my hands dirty and script up the whole thing to automate things as much as possible.. and of course along the way there are improvements and additions, like what we all should be doing for our lives!!
DeleteSK you are so IT smart and wise to learn along the way. Someday you would be able to create a new software template and patent it. I am sure it will happen as that's how IT gurus found ideas while dabbling in their hobbies.
Delete#2 Oh yes I do remember this olden day chart no matter how you blurr and fade them. Who says it was boring?? It was still impressive and canggih when you first posted them as no one else in the wide universe of blogsphere, did we see any blogger inventing this easy checking chart for everyone to monitor their stand and where to catch up. We were still proud of you from Day 01.
Delete#3 I must applaud you that this ALL NEW interface is the best invention by this IT Guru Thambee to make bloggers' lives easier. Everything that I need to know and check is within my own line with just one click, of course!. All other enemies and predator status could also be easily monitored with this new interface. Kudos!! Champagne toast to you!
Delete#4 This additional side bar to hide or expose the fullest is not necessary as I believe most of them didn't bother to drag it. I never did. Why should I?? It should be fullest view for better planning. Maybe you should make it very colourful like a carnival. It would be so friendly. Just look at all the milk powder brands and their websites with so much colours, pop ups and nice photos that turned many mums into their webpage addict to keep checking for freebies updates! How clever!
Delete#5 Aha! This one is necessary bar cos for a start I would be interested to see who are the less active ones. Once I know that they fall into the Touch & Go category, I never wanna see their progress and statistics again. At least I know who existed and who have fallen into the longkangs. Muahahahaha
Delete#6 Goodness! I never observed the usage of this part as I think it was not exciting. My eyes were only glued to the figures and percentages in the chart. That's only important like a life & death matter of a blogger.
Delete#7 This is definitely important for the TOP 5 bloggers to always monitor their chance to clinch the Blogger Of The Year status! It is like a final Jackpot Winner after getting the TOP 5 because this BOTY award does not imply that the Number One spammer gets BOTY award. Right??? This is making me sweat now.
Delete#8 The click to get more details of the BOTY is really necessary as many bloggers do not read hence they simply jumped into conclusions about your rating and ranking system. I was surprised when a blogger voiced out his/her effort in spamming and still could not climb in the chart. Oh goodness, the comments written by that blogger was so little like parrot feeds!!! Typing the words as comments are free of charge and yet they are so miser & soft spoken with words.
Delete#9 I like this one to one comparison which is a bonus to know deeper and better on my status. You are so meticulous and that clearly shows your nature & character of a very observant and busy body person. Muahahahahah...! Just kidding Thambee! All humans should be sensitive and very observant like you to make the world a better place to live or blog!!!
Delete#10 You are absolutely correct that I didn't know what was this f**rking thing like that. I wonder why nobody ever bothered to blast you with 1001 questions of this and that in your charts? In the end, you could smell our brains and came on to explain pula to the retards like me. Thank you for being so enlightening and thoughtful dei.
Delete#11 What a bombastic and mouthful word ALGORITHM!!! I had to google this word and discover how stupid & illiterate I am in English. You are so scary to write this document like a law firm barrister writing out Warren Buffet's will. Hey, why didn't you work for Shearn Delamore Advocates and Splicitors?
Delete#1.. the whole purpose of this webpage is to create excitement and i think we all love excitements right?? :p
Delete#2.. not much difference actually, a big portion of the page are the same, just that i moved the menu from the dropdown list on top, to show all at once at one side..
#3.. yeah, and whoever bother to click on the link to take a look, i think they actually perform way better in the chart because they know where they are standing..
#4.. muahaha!! just one little extra feature but i did that FOR YOU, Anay!! because i know you are still using a 800x600 resolution screen in office!! OMG.. but even myself will not go and show/hide the sidebar, it looks nice there, don't you think?? :D
#5.. oh yes, the details can really tell who are the touch-n-go readers very clearly!!! muahahaha.. and i know who has not come to leave comments on my blog, so i don't go to theirs too!!! muahahahaha
#6.. well, i think if you want to see everything, you can just ignore this part and take what the system suggested.. :p
#7.. i have so much excitement to see the Top 5 keep changing everytime i upload the latest score.. wow, nail biting but it is so much fun!!
#8.. oh, yes.. it took me some time to come out with how i should present this BOTY chart, it's a lot of information and a little more sophisticated.. hence, i have this method, scores with links to the details..
#9.. hehehe!! i know you sure love this, because you can always compare yourself to ChrisAu and see who is farting above who's head!! :D
#10.. i think by just reading this post you will not understand lah, you have to really see the chart and then this post side by side.. like a tutorial, then only you will appreciate the beauty :)
#11.. i thought algorithm is quite a common word dei?? or probably this could be an IT jargon, we use it very often actually :p
Morning! Morning!
ReplyDeleteAgree with Xiao Ying, how times flies, one month pass by...
ReplyDeletewe still have 7 months for 2015!!
ReplyDeleteGive you 100 Likes for the brand new space age, advanced tech Comment Charts Page that will be sure to overcome the space-time continuum! XD
aiyoh, no high tech at all lah, haha.. i find your Lazy Man's recipes even more high tech than my scriptings~~ :D
DeleteMorning everybody.. Wah, changed to bright yellow background, like lemon sponge cake or lemon curd icing.. Quite semangat also la to look at it.. Minions crazy time right, since you have changed your cover page and profile picture in FB too.. Like TM said, I think I need to put on my sunglasses, haha, very bright leh..
ReplyDeleteOk, I'm very frank one ahh.. Point 1 and 2, I understand.. In fact I felt very confident when I was clicking it, coz I've seen it before, and I know what is it.. I click on the chart almost everytime I visit your blog la, so I know.. Ok, point 3, I still cna get it, it's the new interface, sekali pandang, ok la, I know what is it also.. No issues. 4,5 & 6 still ok, it's the features and you are explaining what we can do or what the feature can do.. Wah, 7 onwards, canggih la your explaination.. You took so much effort to do this, really pui-fook you leh.. And lastly, 13.. Aiya, FF again ahh? Go where do what also got FF's share one.. But good la, sehati sejiwa nomatter what you do, where you go.. \
Ok, now I'm gonna click on your chart..
My eyes are killing me now! The yellow is shining so brightly like a sunny day in Summer. This yellow has so much meaning and got me thinking of egg yolk, sunquick, lemonade and even my urine! Muahahahaha
DeleteFing Fing has become the official mascot for this blog besides being his son to hug on his bed every night. Kikikikikiki
this yellow is such a happy color.. i want everyone to be very bright and happy everyday after seeing my blog lah.. ditch away all the black and white backgrounds..
Deletewow, Princess Ribbon analyzed all the slides woh.. aiyah, sure lah, because 7 onwards all are new to you mah, of course you find it difficult to understand if you have not seen them before lah.. by imagination is susah dei.. unless you are hardworking enough to RTFM and analyse the chart la~~ :p
Clap, clap, clap on the improved version of the chart. So innovative and creative. You are the best la ! SK, well done. Thanks for the effort for making the chart so interesting and transparent to all your loyal readers. You worth every minute of Yannie for spamming you daily.
ReplyDeleteI have a quick glance at all the points that you stated here. I can understand them well, but then I need some time to digest all the points in my brain. All in all, I know you have enhanced the chart web page into a better looking, more user friendly, more information, more transparent, more interactive and more professional. Thumbs up to you , SK.
DeleteI am so surprised to know that there is also a mobile version for the chart web page. You are so thoughtful for having all the features to ease your readers when browsing through their mobile phones. Dear SK, you should work for Apple or Google in US, as you are so talented.
DeleteI must praise SK0617 header bar picture this month. So nice and so lively this SK with Minions.
DeleteDear SK, I have one question regarding your comment chart. For eg, the winners of the previous months were announced officially. Can your reader still spam in your previous months posts and continue to gain points?
DeleteI agree that SK should work for Apple or Microsoft. Maybe Jack Ma should visit this blog and get into partnership with SK to run Alibaba. We will all give him a standing ovation.
DeleteErrrr I think those who missed the old posts could not go back to comment as Ah Boy is no maid to back track all the non stop comments that might be thrown in from time to time for one whole year. That would be cruel for him and his karipap hair might layu! I am just sharing my 2 cents as it was written somewhere on this matter.
Thanks anay for the reply on my question. Point taken. Who knows? One day, Sherman Khan will have his own brand SK0617 which will be more popular than SKII. Jack Ma, Bill Gate, and Michael Warren also want to shake hand with him. Luckily, we have also already shown our loyalty to his blog long ago.
Deleteyeah, i better do everyone for once and for all, because i cannot reply to tens of the same questions posted to me repeatedly with the same answer, might as well i explain everything in advanced and get everyone with questions to RTFM?? muahahahaha..
Deleteaiyoh, you think it's so easy to work for Epal and Macrohard meh?? i am just a dust if compared to those elites who are hired or head-huntered over lah.. this small little scriptings on my blog still okay lah, nothing great deal leh..
as for backdating of comments, Twilight Man has the answer.. once the chart is finalised, all new comments will not be entertained, i make this a point to be fair to everyone lah.. we don't look back, and this is to prevent a sudden surge of comments in old posts to put one reader rising up the ladder of the chart out of a sudden.. so, you can only comment in posts of the same month, provided that the chart is not finalised/ announced yet.. this is put as a note under every chart, if you have realised.. :)
I agreed to the backdating of comments. Sekali some fellas dig back the old posts and started spamming .... that will really cause some in-balance to the 'game'.
Deleteyes, this has been the model since day one, i will never take into account new comments after the chart is finalized.. else, anyone can backdate and it can be very messy..
DeletePening lah! LOL
ReplyDeletepening because of??
DeleteReading all those that you posted about.
DeleteI am so blur one, dunno much and understand much. :P
I pun pening la.... pergi lari better... but now tidur!
Deletehehehe, i thought you pening looking at the striking yellow like Anay~~ :D
Deletecongratulations to your top commenters cheers!
ReplyDeletegosh it's getting tough to be on top .. i don't think Im going to make it hehe... but being back to my blog hop routine just made me feel so much better yeah!
Deletewow, your blog is getting more and more improvements... you're so smart SK for coming up with this coding things .... I wish my sister can help me too as soon as she graduates Information technology hehe
Deleteare you going to buy your own domain soon? with the huge amount of followers you have, you deserve to have one! Cheers!
DeleteThanks for sharing SK.. have a great day
Deletehaha, things had changed a lot while you were away, and welcome back to enjoy all the "upgrades", hehehe!! still 7 months to go and never say you never have a chance~~ :)
Deleteindeed .. so many changes... hopefully I can catch up LOL
Deletei think you are catching up fast!! haha.. :)
Deletereally... nice to hear that haha.. gonna spam your blog more LOL...
DeleteBy the way Sk , thanks for dropping by at my Top Five site.. Cheers!
If you have time,, you can also visit me at personal blog.. i think I am more active there http://www.bluedreamer27.com/..
Have a great day ^_^
just in case you are still not aware, the charts are now updated "almost" realtime to give you the latest scores and ranking.. just click on the link on the sidebar :)
ReplyDelete仲好公然~~~ 哈哈哈哈!!
DeleteThank you for the refresher course on your webchart! I think I am the only one who took the trouble to read the documents in detail and try to calculate the Comment Effectiveness score based on the effective score that you have given for a particular comment but I can never get it. To keep my calculation simple, I am only posting one comment per post in order to know how you give the point for comment effectiveness but still I could not get the calculations as per your chart and as per your "worked example" in your SK0617_Commenting_System.pdf document. *scratching head*
ReplyDeleteoh yeah, i will never forget that you actually too the trouble and did the "experiment"!! i am so touched with this.. but i think you can easily confirm the calculation for this "BOTY Chart" since it's just a matter of summing up the stats and then ranking the individuals.. so you see your name in there huh?? if your name appears in in the Top 10 in either one chart, meaning you will be getting something from me, hehe!! :p
DeleteI lose out on comment effectiveness score though my number of comments may be a lot
ReplyDeletethat means you should comment more relevant stuffs to the topic :)
DeleteTrying very hard to be top ten, but I only got number 12 so far
ReplyDeleteLove the new yellow look on your blog, clean, bright and cheerful
DeleteBy the way, how you calculate the effective score, is it comment count divide by comment effectiveness?
Deletehaha, i think you are improving, now you are in Top 15, last time i think you always out of Top 20.. oh, the comment effectiveness?? it's the length of your comment after moderation divide by the original length of your comment before moderation..
Deletecomment effectiveness = the length of our comment after moderation divide by the original length of our comment before moderation
DeleteThe above formula is not in the document that I read. Do you really change the comments after you moderate them - everyone of them? This is because there is no 100% for comment effectiveness which is the score if the length of the comments before and after moderation is the same.
Actually do you moderate comments here? I did not notice that you do because the comments I left here I think is exactly the same as the way I left them. Maybe now I need to keep a copy and compare my comment against what is shown in your blog comment section after you have given us a comment effectiveness score.
no, i don't set the comments moderation for my blog, your comments appear as it is.. this is blogger and not wordpress that allows the blog owner to edit the comments, i respect what readers commented, good or bad, and will not go and edit the comments and somehow tweak the original meaning, so no worries.. but for the comments chart calculation sake, the "moderation" is to strip off things like punctuations, html tags, enters, unrelated to topic etc.. so that what is really taken into account is the real contents.. you know, some comes with lots of symbols and lots of enter keys.. i didn't want to put this in documents as i do not want to go too much into details which can be confusing, also, lazy to update the document lah.. in general, the idea of "how much your comments earn you scores" is still valid.. just enjoy the fun of commenting and you don't "test" my program lah, so stressful, hahahaha~~
Deletehahaha.. maybe it's late but after I went through all the slides, I think I give it back to you already. :P Anyway, kudos for a job well done! I really think you did spent a lot of efforts on the blog.
ReplyDeleteI also inspired by you, thus I change my blog layout a bit. I will applied a new theme soon, can't able to find a good one so far cos it's too many ....muahahahha....
Love your new yellow theme... yellow depicts joy, and it counters depression! Anyway, its too bright also ..hahaha..
no problem lah, i understand that.. sure all given back to me one, hahaha.. hey, yellow is nice right?? happy color to make your day in the morning for a good start!! :)
DeleteEh..are you updating the source codes ? Some of the links doesn't seems to work when I go into the chart web page, like blogger of the year, overall winner and etc.
ReplyDeleteMaybe you want to do it in staging first next time so that the page won't fail when your readers come in. :)
no lah.. of course i tested thoroughly before uploading the page, it's just a small file and no need staging lah, haha.. maybe the host is down, you know lah, free web hosting mah, cannot complain about the performance :p
DeleteHow time pass by and it's June and I am glad I still visiting and spamming your blog and the chart seems motivated me...hahaha... TM also did very well this year! Well, finally the two uncles here managed to stop the ladies from topping the charts like last year....hahaha....
ReplyDeleteoh yeah, look at how you are topping the charts, fuyoh, like "orang atas" leh.. anyway, thanks for your support, really appreciate!! :)
Deleteerrr... I don't think I will refer to the guide or FAQ in pdf ... already read a lot of IT stuffs in work, don't think I want to read anymore at midnight...hahaha.... Just come here and spam la...
ReplyDeleteAnyway, it's great for you to update your readers on how the chart works and did up a presentation slides to simplify it, and of course ,with that chimp coming out to thank everyone. hmmm...was showing that chimp a necessary slide ? muahahaha....
I am sure your new readers will benefit from it , besides admiring the cute chimp.
hahaha, yalah, i won't go and RTFM also lah, that small document is quite lengthy and can be confusing also.. anyway, just have fun commenting and enjoy reading the bog is enough lah, haha!! :D
DeleteYeah ...finally no more bugs... I can see the overall blogger chart now! Wow... seems like TM and Phong are competing neck to neck with each other as the points are so close to each other... that will be an interesting second half of the year!
ReplyDeleteyalah, i guess it's the free web host downtime, i always have that problem leh.. but free one, cannot complain leh..
Deletewow... the BOTY was really complicated and glad im in second..hahaha... Again, kudos to you for putting in the all the efforts to create the chart!! There are so many measurements to take into consideration for the award and all are auto-calculated!! Well done!
ReplyDeletecomplicated at first but i guess once you get used to it, it's actually quite straight forward lah.. RTFM, muahahahaha!!! :D
Deleteoh..you also make the page web responsive so that it render to mobile devices! Good , sometimes I do comment on my mobile while on public transport. Can come in and check the scores..hahaha..
ReplyDeleteWell, tell you what, even corporate websites in a lot of companies are not web responsive yet! And don't mentioned about those cob-webs especially in the garment websites......!
errr, not really that responsive lah, still got things imperfect when viewed on the mobile gadgets leh.. last time also can check the scores lah, but probably not that optimized for mobiles, now slightly better.. :p
DeleteMaybe you consider record a video and give a presentation on how it works... that might be better too...muahahaha.. Put it on Youtube and all the ladies, aunties, uncles and boy-boys can see your handsome face in action..... :)
ReplyDeletei actually wanted to do that, but then two concerns lah (1) my voice will scare you off and give you nightmares, (2) the file will be very huge and then needs streaming, some readers may not be able to view it leh.. hahaha!!
DeleteLoL at the 'give back to me' part. Those top commentors in your blog are really hardcore fans weh. Not easy to beat them. I really salute you lah. Dunno how come you are so intelligent until your blog oso following your footsteps. So genius ini blog.
ReplyDeleteif there is a will there is a way!! many readers said they cannot beat those regulars, but then after a while, they actually joined in the gang and have fun spamming!!! come, maybe you can ask Ethan to do that for you~~ :D
DeleteHonestly, looking too long at your blog really make my eyes sore la! Haha! No doubt yellow is a happy color~
ReplyDeleteYes, noticed the changes in the chart, bravo! Improvements from time to time! That's an attitude every boss will like, :p
So you have added lots of elements I see, very flexible. Can view by summary or full listing, by months some more.
And you even explained how things work (as usual), nice~ Just that currently I don't have so much time to explore each and every elements yet, sob sob....
I can see we have someone who becomes FC this month, not Sheta anymore, hehe~ Perhaps she is busy?
Deletei did not add any elements but they are actually there all the time.. probably you have never clicked for details, that's why they seem new to you when i now explicitly show them out, haha!! :p
DeleteOK, I did notice that your comment charts is becoming more and more comprehensive. Already the older version gave quite a bit of details and now even more enhanced.
ReplyDeleteSlide 1 - Yes, it is good that the comment web page is still at the same place so that auntie can find it easily. **clap clap**
DeleteSlide 2 - It looked fine to me lah. Not boring at all. Now I got to get used to the new interface.
DeleteSlide 3 - Oh I see that this one displays much more information. Just like the new version of Excel and Word which gives lots more choices and giving this auntie a headache! Got to learn new things and by the tine I get used to this new interface, SK will upgrade pulak version 3.0 ***pengsan***
DeleteSlide 4 - So auntie can hide the sidebar so that she is less giddy. Good, good, I like this option.
DeleteSlide 5 - This is quite straightforward. I can choose to see the top 15 or all commentators and summarized or full statistics.
DeleteSlide 6 - This one I got to play with the charts to understand. I am slowly getting blur....
DeleteSlide 7 - Ooohhh..yes, yes, this is exciting! Now everyone can see how close they are to the piala cemerlang SK charts!
DeleteSlide 8 - So this one explains what BOTY is all about. I want to go and read.
DeleteSlide 9 - Wah got side by side comparison pulak! Hhmmm....
DeleteSlide 10 - OK, auntie is lost here muahahaha!! Got more reading to do liao.
DeleteSlide 11 - This one looks familiar and I think I read it before and don't understand 100%. But it doesn't matter. I just spam enough already.
DeleteSlide 12 - This mobile version is more pruned down, more to my liking heh..heh...
DeleteSlide 13 - Fing Fing! Yes, auntie must go and read more at this webpage and gain better understanding so that auntie can get another awesome CD!
Deletewell well well, there is actually just one new chart, the other details in the monthly charts are nothing new if you have actually clicked on the links provided in the earlier version, hahahaha!! and yes, am showing more and more information and being more and more transparent now, allowing everyone to see their own progress and if they are able to secure one cheapo CD as a cheapskate reward, muahahahaha!!
DeleteThe chart has indeed become more transparent with your latest program. I just need to check the chart and it will tell me if I had left out any post. Great improvisation.
ReplyDeletehahaha, i have got all the things necessary and it surely is not any improvisation at all.. improvements, yes, i always find ways to improve and being more transparent is one of those.. :)
DeleteAlo ..still remember your comment thing..lol...
ReplyDeleteAdoi..slide show ah...wait ah..i go kfc or mcd and see.now cannot see. Too slow la
alo ...am back liao. errr. slide show ah....okay okay i made coffee jor...pray hard my bandwidth will sustain while the slide show is going one la.
ReplyDeleteaiyo your monthly chart going to be more and more innovative la. I think one of thesedyas one of those big reality games show people going to stumble upon this blog and ask you to create one of such chart for them la...that is if they tarak celup your idea and do it themselves la. now many will simply celup idea without giving credit back o the owner. My friend baru kena one in FB where her drawings were being celuped and sold online. grrrr!! super angry
1. yes i noticed the link to comments are now permenantly placed at the side bar LOL....tred of me asking the link again and again ah? Just joking la. Placing it there good also la. make it easier for us to see at one glance the chart topper. ANd also we no need to dig up your old posts to find the link. You know la. You blog post titles all in mandarin. susah banyak (not sikit) for those minions like me to go hunting for the blog post to find the link. end up i pakai hentam only la. LOL
ReplyDelete2. aiyer...i thought my glasses suddenly blur or what ...why suddenly the chart so blur one or worst...my laptop rosak....giving me heart attack la. "old and infirmed" kucing like me cannot stand all those heart popping moments you know. LOL
ReplyDeletejangan marah ya...your old chart am one of them that after looking then tarak go and take in mind. Only see the arrow up or down. me so bad hor...you susah susah make...i senang senang after 1minute looking then closed the chart jor
3. errrrr got the emoji with mouth open wide punya ka? It's situation like this that i need emoji rather than words. wah lau eh...new barang on the chart ah. I baru buka.
ReplyDeleteIt feels to me now the chart itself have become a separate blog of its own or a website leh. Got information (about) then also got Frequantly asked questions (FAQ) and copyright. Mak datuk...this is BIG man!
wah....i baru notice up there Anay is the First Commenter of every postfor this month wor. Jiayoh Anay! go go go!
4. ah? hide side bar...why want to hide sidebar? Hmm...you have thought of everything la Sk . No eyes see....got option to change color of the template or font colors or not. Kihkihkih...joking only
ReplyDelete5. the bottom part where there is option to see summary or the top 15 only is redundant kan? Already on the side bar jor .Why need to put at the bottom some more. Hmmm maybe can invent also like what you did in this main blog where readers have to option to choose reading in chinese, english and chinese plus english for the bottom of the chart there. The website remember the reader's preference then will straight show whether it's top 15 or summary or hampalang masuk
ReplyDelete6. aiyak...please ignore my comment on number 5 item. looks like you have already addresssed the matter in this item number 6. I tengah geleng kepala coz how the heck you can think of everything.
ReplyDelete7. BOTY LOL....sound s kinky la like shake your booty :p
ReplyDeleteHmm...not sure if i like too transparent. Like previous years there is some thrill of anticipating on who will be blogger of the year . but now all show liao. no stripe tease like takes out the fun of the chart la. Like Grammy awards...if already know who are the running for the grammy then reveal also who are the number 1...so no need the MC to announce la. I feel it lack of thrill la. would suggest hide the top 5 so that the top 5 runners will compete kau kau mah then baru announce the top blogger
8. i give up liao...very lenghty to read up everything . no eyes see. will proceed with my pakai hentam method la instead of see how to get points. As if keep chaing those points will only lead to unhappiness. Just need to be my own self and comment accordingly. Rest assured that I will come and comment when I have time and the internet line is good. Jiayoh to myself :)
ReplyDelete9. now you have gone very high tech jor, comparison betweeen two bloggers? Wah lau...like handphone company comparison between two or three types of handphone and specifications.
ReplyDeleteerr...i tried clicking but doesnt work geh. Is it click baseline of two bloggers? But all i get is <<<. Am using FF
10. spot on! I really blur sotong and have no idea what the F*ck you are trying to say in number 9 . I am very simple only nia. Too complicated my tiny cat brain cannot process leh
ReplyDeleteerrr.... as for the sidebar like for guidance...hmmm.... for the moment at the risk of sounding like someone ahem ahem....i would temporary give it a pass. Today having enough headache about eraser liao . If read some more am gonna explode..
11...okay okay...since highly recommended by you...will try and read it one of these days. Just not tody. Yes i think this document if it is what i suspect it is..it will be very useful for the newbies who have no f*cking idea what the heck this chart business is about. LOL. as for old timer like me..I guess i can say on behalf of old timers, we don't care la how it works. No matter what will will still come with our kopi , coffee, teh tarik , roti and biscuit ..come here to chat and also to spam as you have always picked topic that is very debatable. Jangan marah ya. I know you have put in a lot of efforts in the chart to guide us.
ReplyDelete12. wah have mobile version also ah...means we can also check our position on the go lo. Useful especially when wanna know who have the top place in the next chart
ReplyDelete13/ the most hapiest slide i ever seen...Fing Fing. Hello Fing Fing. How are you.? Hope you are doing fine :)
ReplyDeletewokay la will look into the two links la....
Have a great day Fing Fing