[Volume 10 Issue 5, #2025] |
Talking About TATTOO On Me |
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if you have clicked the button above to take a peep of the rated image (i bet all of you did lah, muahaha!!), click here to read on.. i think tattoo, for once a taboo, is already not something uncommon but in fact a fashion nowadays.. i myself find tattoo very cool and have been thinking of getting one on my body, but of course big patches and all over the body is way beyond my acceptance level.. what i have been tempting to have is probably one that is just few inches big, either on my arm, chest, upper back or calf.. yes, just one, as i find too many and the tattoos cannot stand out in view.. i have only had temporary ones, but a real one is still not realized due to the reasons (or rather, excuses) below..
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2015.05.28 | 紋身之說
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Yah lo, who's below 18 here, all adult already ya!!
ReplyDeleteI thinking of doing tatoo also but I heard is even more pain if want to remove it, so better don't la, and I'm very scared also, hehe!
i think nowadays the removal is less painful, but i think still painful lah, haha!!
DeleteThe removal process is same as when you just start to ink new tattoos but it depends on the treatments today. There are some who use the conventional method of chemical acids and some opt for laser which is faster and just as bad. I have yet to see any tattoos being removed and you get back your original flawless skin before tattoo. When one had new tattoos, they would proudly wear revealing clothes to show off and flaunt their master piece.
DeleteWhen they removed the tattoos, they had to wear long sleeves or long pants to hide all the ugly scars!!! WTH? WTF? Forget about removing them!
i have heard of the acid removal but that should be something quite outdated today since laser removal is replacing that old method.. i thought laser is painless and will not leave any scar behind, at least that's what i read from all those ads.. :p
DeleteDon't know leh, I remember few years ago 大S, she writes a book talking about beauty stuffs, she mentioned about her tattoo thing, she said is cool do tattoo but when want to wedding gown you will feel the tattoo very "jor ding" then want to remove it, it's even pain leh. Maybe it was long time ago, now it less pain ba!
DeleteNow I recall back few weeks ago I watched ellen show, they invite Victoria Beckham to the show, then Ellen gives her question to ask where Beckham tattoo his children and her name on his body, actually I found out that is very sweet ya! Maybe you can wait one day you want to get marry then before the day you went for a tattoo, tattoo your wife name on your body and later few years later tattoo your kids name on, guess that's more memorable, hehe!
wah ... so sexy ...
ReplyDeletenow i only know Japan yakuza not allowed tattoo guests = =
the yakuza onsen will allow, but i think all other normal onsen will not allow..
DeleteHow to find out the Yakuza onsens? Let me go google them so that I can visit one in Tokyo this coming Winter. It would be nice to selfie with all these tattooed monsters in the water!
Deleteyeah.. i am definitely very happy to be enlightened by that!!! take more photos, selfies and wefies!! :p
DeleteI do not know how to 欣赏 tatoo, so never come into my mind to do it...
ReplyDeletemaybe you should start to 欣賞 and then make one on your body!! haha..
Deletewoi...me at McD la...have to look left and right front and back see if got ppl looking or not...cham...many x rated image ka?
ReplyDeletecheh...you make me suspense only...i thought you so terrer o and pose "rated" photo with your new tattoos.
Deleteactually hor.....no need to click on the photo coz the thumbnails appeared on my dashboard... muhahaha...lucky tarak orang sitting behind of me
Deletewah ... this mamarazi hamsap already ... check left and right first bfre open but ended up disappointed..
Deletehehehe, no need to be so secretive lah, i think your "office hour" also not many people there lah :p
Deletegetting a tattoo is a very big responsibility leh. Sure you want a permenant tattoo ah?
ReplyDeleteLikethat you had better keep going to the gym daily lor. Must keep up the 6 packs like Aaron kwok lo....50 yrs old also still hv 6 packs.
Coz if not, later old already ...then skin wrinkled liao...very ugly looking tattooo leh.
lol! Meow, are you suggesting SK to make his tattoo on his six packs. Very painful dei!
DeleteAgree! This is a legit concern!
DeleteMake tattoo is easier than 6 packs... thats the hardest thing to do when you have flabs around your abs. Btw, no point put the tattoo on the bs, cannot see leh unless you go to the beach or pools daily.
DeleteMight as well put it on the arms or legs, people can see.
Hey Fatty Chris. I have got a brilliant idea now. You and me go to get the artists to tattoo the shape of 6 packs on our stomach!!! Wakakakaka
Deletei have thought about that before and actually i don't think this idea has been put off also.. but then, you reminded about having to keep the body tone even after 50 years old to keep the tattoo looks nice, hmmmmmm *raise eyebrow*
DeleteWah, sexy leh.. Love it.. But hor, after I clicked it ahh, I faster minimize the whole window, coz it’s so big and clear, scared colleagues at the back see it leh.. Bosses walking in out up down somemore, kekekeke.. Then after 3 seconds, I maximize back the window, phew, lucky the image gone liao, and back to the “If you are 18” image..
ReplyDeleteSo, today we are talking about tattoos.. When I was in college, I thought of making a tattoo near my cleavage, on my chest there, how to say leh, the bouncy part there, just like Mariah Carey’s butterfly, have you guys seen it? But then, I didn’t do it la in the end, coz I was not pretty, I was not slim, I was not glamorous enough, so I just forget it..
DeleteBut there are many parts which I wana make tattoos geh.. Like the bouncy part cleavage area there, neck also got, then at my ankle there.. Wah macam-macam.. But all dreams only, in the end, never did it.. Imagine I get old, skin sagging, how would the tattoo look like?
DeleteThere’s this show called Ink or something, in Astro.. Wah, whole body tattoo until…. There’s no one place which you find empty in this person’s body.. They admitted they got addicted after each tattoo.. Imagine from eyelids to toes, all tattoos.. OMG..
DeleteThen, that’s not all, some obsessed until can inject themselves with hormones or something, to grow horns, grow stuffs on their heads.. then some sliced their tongue into half, to make it look like a snake’s tongue.. Oi, macam-macam la wei…
Princess Ribbon, making the tattoo of butterfly on the cleavage part ah! Sexy lo! Good idea also. I would love to consider this. I have no cleavage, I have flat airport only.
DeleteMuahahahahaha!!! Then why not tattoo an aeroplane on the airport runway??
DeleteI wanna die laffing now.
Anay, you are so creative. Now, you make me consider tattooing aeroplane on the airport runway. So unique, and I wear deep V gown, I sure will be the center of attraction. Kekeke!
DeleteYeah yeah ...a butterfly on the cleavage sounds sexy and kinky. Princess..can try!!
Deletehaha, i know i know where you mean lah, just right above or on the top of the breast, right?? oooh, that would be a sexy spot for a tattoo, i think for both male and female also leh.. very true leh, actually tattoo has become like so common already, but those "horn" that you mentioned ah, i cannot accept lor actually..
Deletehaha, i think two mountains or one airport runway, still got the person who will admire lah, it's for different people mah :D
True la...now tattoo is no longer a taboo like old days. In the old days only samseng or the kongsi gelap /gangsters have tattoo.
ReplyDeleteNow it is very common liao. It's like a promises of what you are passionate about. Some put image of Cross on their body as their pledge to their religion....some put flowers ..butterflies for beauty...
some put girlfriends or boyfriend names. That one very dangerous leh...later break up or divorce...really no eyes see.
Betul hard to decide what image to put on .
I have a friend who put image of a book on her arm. Yes, she is very passionate about books and reading.
Meow, you are right. tattoo for someone is a promises of what you are passionate about. Some people want to remember something for life, therefore they tattoo to make the image forever in their mind. May be a painful lesson, painful memory, passion and love.
DeleteMy American classmate used to tattoo the whole face of his girlfriend on his upper right arm. He has married someone else and his wife often fought with him physically as they both are sicko & loved violence. She would always scratch his ex girlfriend's face on his arm until bloody! She even used a salad fork to scratch the tattoo once! Wakakakaka
DeleteThe worst thing is the girlfriend asked the boyfriend to do the tattoo in order to show his love for her. hahaha..
DeleteHe has to remove it if they breakup but that's really terrible!
oh yeah, not a wise idea to tattoo names or face on your body unless you can guarantee that relationship to last.. if *touch wood* the relationship doesn't last, then how ah?? need to keep that or remove that?? hahaha~~ :p
DeleteToday topic is a very interesting topic, SK.
ReplyDelete1. I have the same feeling like you too. I can’t decide on the pattern, and also the part where I need to do tattoo.
2. I always ask Jin Jin to go tattoo with me. But he refused with a reason that he scares of pain.
3. This is also true. I also afraid I will not like my tattoo after it is done permanently on my body.
4. I support this sentiment 100% “Tattoos only look sexy on toned and defined body” For eg. David Beckham. Not Tom, Dick and Harry can do one. Those Ah Beng, Ah Seng and Ah Lian do already make me laugh only.
5. This one I don’t know eh! Thank Goodness you told me. I still want to go onsen in Japan too.
Actually, I would love to tattoo on my finger that I wear my wedding ring. I want to tattoo my jin jin’s initial there. I also want my jin jin tattoo my initial on his fat finger. But he always refuses. May be he wants to have “小三” (may be already have) , that is why he doesn’t want to tattoo my initial on his fat finger. Yannie cries buckets.
DeleteOh no, better forget about tattoo since you need to soak inside the Onsens for 1001 nights. Trust me, these onsens are the best retreat I have ever enjoyed with bliss in my life. So shiok as you know me until I booked the hotel in Fukuoka with huge onsens inside so that I could soak day and night for a week. I came back so much healthier, lighter and happier. Some more complimentary one otherwise I would have gone bankrupt for a week's bliss.
DeleteYannie - who is Jin jin?
DeleteSo, are you doing one ?
Maybe some onsens allowed tattoo bodies but then, not sure if its safe to go in...muahahahaha...
DeleteOh dear, you always blurr like sotong again. This Jin Jin was Yannie's university sweetheart during their campus days. After a whirlwind romance in UM until the fishes jumped out of the lake, they got married. After that Jin Jin became Yannie's muscled hubby and after many ding dongs, their JY union became JAMY. Am I confusing you?
DeleteNow Yannie wants to tattoo Jin Jin's name on her wedding ring finger which will hopefully allow them to marry again and again for many lives until happily ever after! Dei, my cerita dam panjang la, nanti potong markah, I blame you Chris.
yeah, i think you really need to think very carefully before you decide to get a tattoo inked onto your body leh.. it's like something so permanent and will follow you for the rest of your life, and if that tattoo means something or someone, then it will remind you of that for your whole life.. no joke and should take into serious considerations..
DeleteWah! This one macam hamsap pix today! Oh well, I am impressed with your "Over 18" warning click button that could slide into viewing the man. So canggih la your HTML always. We are so proud to know this fabulous blogger SK Thambee.
ReplyDeleteHonestly, I started admiring the tattoo on the men's bodies at the gym sometime ago. There are more and more of them now with the trend for them to proudly display by wear revealing singlets inside the gym, pumping irons! Goodness, this art is really nice as I am in the creative industry.
DeleteIt is true that tattoos are strictly forbidden in nearly all Japan today. I have seen foreigners being turned away at the entrance even for the slightest small tattoo on their wrists! It was as small as 50 sen coin!!
DeleteWhen I say "nearly all Japan" it means there was one that I was surprised to see yakuza looking guests soaking inside and no one uttered a word. They were all relaxed and no fear. I made me guess that they would be the owners themselves as these triads own many types of business establishments in that country.
So if you get yourself tattooed, you can enter their onsens but which one? No one seems to advertise which one is allowed.
I find that those luxury spas in China's Shanghai and Chengdu is a sight to behold as you could find plenty of men with tattoos inside. In fact they were proudly parading themselves in birthday suits and they were mostly triad members flanked by their numerous bodyguards. It is actually a safe place but they just needed to be on guard as rival attacks could happen anywhere.
DeleteSo when they stood near you, one's eyes would automatically and naturally admire their designs and drawings all over the bodies. I am sure they got the tattoos to proudly show off especially behind on their backs as hey themselves could not see them. Correct?
So far I found that many Malaysian men love to get the mantra tattoos done in Thailand on their backs and shoulders. I found that amusing and made me ponder. If I had this mantra tattoos on and died somewhere isolated & not found, would this mantra all over my bodies get help by the spiritual realms? It might, honestly, by the spiritual world, if the survivors know how to.
DeleteSo far I had seen one gym guy who was fat looking and had the whole of his back tattooed with the picture of the Di Zang Wang Bodhisattva's full sitting pose complete with his metal rod held by one hand and flanked by his long mantras! That guy's back caught my attention with dropped jaws. All sorts of thoughts ran through my mind for weeks.
DeleteWhat if he slept on his bed every night with his back crushing the deity's picture, who it be deemed as not respectful? I even asked myself with more silly questions pertaining to toilets too.
I even teased my mind that he was probably thinner when he tattooed the deity and now has expanded sideways like a fatty. That means the deity's tattooed picture would be expanded too. Muahahahaha
TM - I saw some folks who tattoo mantras or 'foo' on their body. Not sure why, maybe they could have been rasuk before or for religious purpose or for protections. However, they look weird and scary to me.
Deletethat HTML is very simple stuff lah, i always do this kind of things, don't i?? hehehe..
Deleteoh yeah.. it's like you can now see tattoos around more often than you can see piercing!! if you mention the gym, yeah, that's the place where the gym goers actually show off their muscles and also the inks on their muscles, hoping to get attention.. of course, i guess those who inked their bodies are actually looking for attention dei.. i would actually admire those tattoos, and the pattern one may choose for the tattoo on his/her body actually reflects what a person he/she is..
Eh how come click on the Enter button but see nothing? But can see thumbnail on my blog lah :)
ReplyDeleteOh you want to do tattoo? Haha! Do and show us! :)
ReplyDeleteafter you tattoo panda eyes on yourself lah~~ :D
DeleteI don't fancy tattoos. One or two small tattoo is OK but not the whole arm or the whole body!
ReplyDeletesame here lah, i would think one or two is good enough but not the whole body with large patches of them.. that won't look nice to me already..
DeleteTo me, those tiny one or two meaningless tattoos are nothing but just stains! Better tattoo large areas like whole shoulders and thighs. They really looked cool like nice masterpieces to be admired. It also adds oomph to being sexy!
DeleteOh never go for tattoo if you think you will regret it later. Some people tattoo the name of their boyfriend or girlfriend then later regret it when they break up. LOL.
ReplyDeleteyeah, unless you can guarantee that relationship to last, else NEVER tattoo names or face of another person :p
DeleteOK I tried clicking the button again, and now I can see the image. Don't know what happened the first time haha. Mana ada nude? Still covered by hands. Hahaha!
ReplyDeleteSaw the photo on my sidebar dy... comes out as icon for your blog update so it is no surpise. LOL
ReplyDeleteooopsss, missed that!!! :p
DeleteDo a tattoo where the hands are at lah SK. Baru risqué. LOL
ReplyDeleteyou suggest this to your hubby lah.. muahahaha!! :D
DeleteHarammmm :P
Deletedid you mean "hamsap"?? muahaha :p
DeleteQuite a number of my friends have theirs around the ankle area. Male and female alike.
ReplyDeleteOn the biceps also nice, if the biceps are toned and muscular, that is. Hihihi
In fact, tattooing at one or two places is fine, but don't over do it until whole body has tattoo. I heard that some people may get addicted to tattooing, just like some people get addicted to plastic surgery.
DeleteNot just tattoos will get people addicted. Even SK's blogs have contaminated us and turned us into addicted paranoid spammers! See who will be in this month's top chart, is proven as chronic blog addict.
yeah, like i mentioned, the tattoo will look sexy only on toned and lean body lah.. the ankle can never be fat right?? muahahaha~~ :D
DeleteI've always wanted a tattoo until someone told me that I can no longer donate blood so i decided not to do it.. but Hena would be safer right?
ReplyDeletecheers I finally saw my comment haha.. been trying to comment on your blog for the past few days but comments are somehow not showing up LOL
Deletejust glad to be back here ^_^
DeleteWhat? After tattoo, cannot donate blood. Something new to me here. Anyway, thanks for sharing .
DeleteI did some research to clarify this since I, myself is confused.. and I just found out that you can actually donate blood six months after getting tattooed
DeleteBluedreamer you are back!!! I thought you got blown away in the typhoon to African continents! Welcome back boy!
DeleteOh yes, this is first time I hear about tattoo freaks not being allowed to donate blood anymore. Maybe their blood contained colourful dyes!! No?? Someone please verify this joke. Muahahahaha
Yes TM...I'm trying to get back cheers! Will visit your blog later!! Yeah!!
Deletequite surprised about it too.. but they somehow linking it to Hepatitis so it was not safe to donate blood if you just got a tattoo.. you have to wait for six months in order to do so
Deletehmmm, now this is something new i learn.. cannot donate blood within 6 months after you did a tattoo.. i guess probably that is because of the ink that may have run in your body huh??
Deleteand welcome back bluedreamer27!! :)
yes.. that's what I found out too...^_^ I haven't really had a chance to donate blood but I would love to if there is an opportunity
DeleteYay! Thanks... happy to be back cheers!
Deleteright, it would be good to donate blood and i am sure you will also feel good after you have donated blood.. :)
Deletehaha... I thought you are going to blog x-rated post today and a gay one ... SK always full of surprises!! The picture really looks a bit rated type due to the ladies hands...hahaha.... though that Maroon 5 fella is sexy. Good voice , talented and with sexy bod... Did anyone notice you are looking for tattoo pixs which ended up with these types? hahaha... They may misunderstand you.
ReplyDeleteNext time can posed ladies shots similar to this one ? muahahaha...
Why would anyone misunderstand him? I think we all knew that there is nothing SK would not try his hands on. He could do wonders to tease our eyes and let your mind run wild. Yours just ran wild as proven! Wakakaka
Deletemuahahaha.. i think my blog is still not going that controversial yet as to blog about such a sensitive topic.. :p
DeleteYeap, I totally agreed with you tattoo is no longer a taboo thingy unless you stayed at some conservative neighbourhoods. It's very common everywhere to see the young and not too old , males and females ...spotting tattoos on their bods. Mostly, it's at their arms, with a 'thick wired' type of drawing that surrounds their muscular arms. Some have behind their necks, shoulders, slightly above their knees, lower behind their neck and so on.
ReplyDeleteIn fact, some tattoo are very nicely drawn and placed on the body parts. I find some were quite sexy especially on ladies but still, I find tattoo more appealing on a male bod.
Oh..I remember once I saw a lady tattooed a arrow sign just near her cleavage , pointing down. She wore low cut and everybody can see it and was young, probably late teens. My dad was also there and being a conservative man, he was commenting what's wrong with people nowadays , having tattoo all the way there... hahaha .... just sharing.
You mentioned tattoos on the young and not too old people. In overseas, it is a common sight now to see very old people with faded old tattoos. They didn't even bother to get updated inking and touch ups to keep their designs vibrant. Such ignorance and lost of interests actually made their tattoos looked saggy and faded just like their age. Poor thing to see such sights. So think twice before going under the ink needles that when you reach old age like 70s and 80s, would you just leave them there as faded and sagging????
Deleteyeah, tattoo is like so common now and you would see more tattoo than hair dye or body piercing around, hahaha!! and i actually enjoy looking at nice tattoo, errr, ugly ones also enjoy lah since it is amusing mah~~ :D
DeleteI would admire anyone who has beautiful and artistic tattoos. I totally dislike all those piercing stuffs as it looks weird with those who pierced their eyebrows, belly button, tongues and even cock rings!!! bluek! They must show you that they have rings here and there!!
Deletetrue, same here, give me five!! i think beautiful tattoos on a beautiful body is really something worth admiring, it's a piece of art dei!!!
DeleteI think it's best you think through it as I heard once you do it, it's not easy to erase it. And, I wonder would it invite troubles with the underworld especially if you are in a pub or something?
ReplyDeleteYes, I agreed with you it looks good for muscular toned body but you can always trained yourself. I just came across someone with lots of tattoo over his bod in my gym. I find that overdo may not be that nice but looks more like the underworld gang of yesteryears...
ChrisAu, I think you have the same thinking as my husband. I always label his thinking as "Uncle Thinking". He said that too when I asked him to tattoo my name on his arm like David Beckham, he said " I am not gangster, later police catches him at the road block."
DeleteYannie - hahaha... The opinion came from our parents which pass on to the next generation. In other words, they wants us to stay out of troubles..
Deletewow.. asking your hubby to tattoo your name on his arm, no wonder he don't want la... muahahahaha...
Some retarded muscle Marys in my gym who have many tattoos are always seeking attention and admirers to see their investments inked on their bodies. They would often go topless of wore most skimpy singlets to pump irons. When they realised no one is looking, they would suddenly start screaming ~ Argh! Argh! Argh! as they carried the heavy weights. By then, all eyes would turn and focus on them, eventually gazing at their tattoos! Ahem! They would suddenly slow down and let people admire. Funny geh!
DeleteIf you approached them to give compliments or pose questions about their tattoos, they would be so pleased to entertain you and eventually add you in their Facebook. Have Tattoo Will Have Friends!
This is solely my own opinion at my gym***
TM - hahahha...that's a funny description of these folks. Well, there are a lot of tattoo men in my gym where some really have their entire bod inked. And, of course, you are right, they usually wore singlet and revealed the tattoo during workout.
DeleteIt's difficult not to notice them with all the inked bods but usually, I don't really look at them and just bo chap. I find that it's too messy ... There are even ladies which have their bodies heavily tatooed and that really put me off.
yeah, i think nowadays the technology allows for removal of tattoo with less pain.. but still, it is more painful to remove than to put on your tattoo i heard..
Deleteand yes, tattoo looks nicer one toned and defined body lah, it's just not for everyone.. i can see tattoos every time i go to the gym, the muscular guys especially likes to have tattoo on their body, guess that makes them look even sexy and masculine huh?? of course, that has to depend on what pattern is inked on their bodies lah.. haha!!
I think its common nowadays to put on a tattoo but if you ask me, preferably do a small one on the arm. The arm is easy to train to flatten the flab away and unlike the stomach,there are not so much fat there. Thus, you can consider putting one there.
ReplyDeleteIn addition, you can wear sleeveless shirt to show-off your tattoo on the arm.
The least fat areas would be your feet soles and palms!!! Wakakakaka
DeleteArms ok la... can also easily trained to remove the flabs...
Deletefeet and palms? muahahaha... maybe can tattoed a iron man blaster on the palm.......!!
haha, maybe just tattoo on your elbow and ankle lah, these spots sure cannot be fat lah~~ :D
Deletehahaha.... So, you got any friends who like to do with you ? I think it's slightly painful right? Anyway, do go to those established ones which uses clean needles to avoid contracting diseases. I saw some tattoo shops here which are quite nice with nice design and look classy. I guess they must have serviced the rich ones.
ReplyDeleteI wonder how expensive is a tattoo? It's an art and I think its not cheap.
They are very cheap for you who earn the mighty Sing dollars. Here it could start from below RM100 till over thousands!! The best places to get them done cheaply are in Thailand and Bali, as I was being told. Maybe SK could verify this which I am not sure. I am not a tattoo fan but have to spam so much tattoo tales here just to get my chart points!!! Muahahahahaha
Deleteis it ? anyway, Im like you, not a fan too. SK may know better.
Deletehehehe, the two friends whom i talked about tattoo with, already went to have theirs already, and i am still not decisive here, hahahahaha!! :D
DeleteI watch some tattoo shows on the cable tv and those angmohs are really passionate with it. They will create the tattoo on a piece of cloth or paper and then simulate it on the client's arm. If its ok with the client, then they will start the real thing. And, these clients have lots of tattoo on their body.
ReplyDeleteI was wondering whether tatoo can be addictive, with these people keep going back to do a new tattoo each time?
I also watched those Australian Tattoo documentary shows on TV. So damn boring and they could run into series programs with so many followers!!! You bet, this could be addictive as you have seen some ladies and men who put tattoos all over their bodies and genitals till no more areas to ink.
DeleteYes, I think so else they won't do it again and again. They probably found it as an art. They can go all over the world and search for some nice designs painstakingly but which gave them inspirations or simply, feel good.
DeleteThen, they present the design to the tattoo artist , who after listen to their stories of travelling to the most farther corners of the Earth, starts drawing on their body with enthusiasm.
very true, it's no surprise at all that there are people who are so into tattoo.. it's an art and also a passion to them, i guess it's no difference to people who loves cooking who will cook dishes upon dishes.. so, they will have their body inked, and probably already planning for a big project but to have them tattoo little by little at a time..
DeleteTo me, I don't fancy tattoo, not sure why , probably just personal preference. I am ok with those temporary ones but if you draw something permanent on me, I don't think I want to have it.
ReplyDeleteAnyway, it's all personal preference.
ChrisAu, you are right. I would tattoo my eye brown, eye liner and lips. But, on body, i can only accept those temporary tattoo just for fun.
DeleteYannie - Those eyes type tattoo are common la.. even my mom and cousin sis do that. Most ladies did that to longer the eye brows.
Deleteyeah, I would do temporary ones for fun too.
Honestly, it is necessary to tattoo one's eyebrows and lips to get the best face feng shui. I am not kidding. Do I need to tattoo somewhere?
Deleteerrr... all I know is it helps makes one looks better with longer eye brow and maybe makes the eyes looks bigger.
DeleteAnyway, feng shui is everything and everywhere ...so I am not surprised too.
i am just neutral, i won't mind to have one but of course i need to think deep before doing it, and also i won't die if i don't have one lah, hahaha.. it's so common now like ear piercing only, many people are doing it..
DeleteAnay, thanks for letting me know that I have done the right thing for my face fengshui. I tattoo my eye brows,my eye lids and my lips long ago.
DeleteNo wonder Yannie's self confidence is all time high with abundance of luck & windfalls rolling to you one after another! What a lucky Mama!
DeleteI may sound like a joker but it is true la.
i should then have my eyebrows tattoo to make them look thicker and darker!!!
Deletewaahaahahahh... so the yakuzas with tattoos can enter the onsen without problems? OK la, they are the taikos there, and who knows, their big boss could open one? Its better the owner don't cause trouble by letting them in. I guess they will have their special pool there and not joining the public else they may chase the public away...muahahahha...
ReplyDeleteNo man, those yakuzas are strictly banned in all onsens in Japan. Just that when we observed one or two rare ones with them inside could give you the instinct that their bosses could be the secret owners!
DeleteNo special pools la unless they go rent a resort hotel room with own private onsen. I think the thrill is different in big public onsens. Some drunkards go there after a hard day's work and jolly drowned their blues away. The most amusing hour is midnight when all drunkards would show up tipsy and red like lobsters!!! Some forgot they had tattoos and they got thrown out after stripping naked.
Tattoos are forbidden passwords to enter the onsen. Period.
TM - woah...thanks for the enlightening!
Deleteonly those onsen that are run by yakuza for yakuza lah.. i guess you won't want to be in there also, soaking yourself in the same pool with all tattooed bodies surrounding you, hahahaha..
DeleteI guess you have to search carefully for your choice tattoo since it's likely will be permanent. Think of something that you want to tattoo on your body forever which helps you to remember someone or something. I remember David Beckham tattooed his wife's name on his arm, which signaled she's forever with him.
ReplyDeleteDo some research on what pattern appeals to you, which has a meaning. Maybe can try tattoo you favorite chimp..muahahahahha...
I have seen friends who were getting own personal tattoos. They would spend months to research and sketch their fantasy patterns until they found one to their fancy before engaging the artists to carry out. What irked me was the amount of 100 hours they invested looking for a simple tattoo. Their tattoo came out nothing so great.
DeleteTM - Yeah, that's what I mentioned in my previous comment. They painstakingly go and search for that perfect design. And, to them, it's worth the while.
Deleteoh yes, i definitely agree that lots of research and decisions needed to be made before you will ink that tattoo onto your skin.. it's like something so permanent that will follow you for the rest of your life, so it has to be something done with 500% serious and thorough considerations.. :p
DeleteSo, we can expect you to workout very hard from now so that you will have a toned-bod for your tattoo. Whoa.. who knows the pic up there will be replaced by your pix in a few months time? hahaha....
ReplyDeleteHey this SK already got toned-bod and 6 pack Abs!!! I thought you knew it already. You and me still have 1 pack only and still expanding. Sobs! Sobs!
DeleteAiyo...this SK pulling our legs... yeah, me still 1 pack despite all the long runs .... *sob* *sob* ....
Deletehahaha, at least what you have there is still considered as pack.. what i have it here on my body is already categorised as a "ball"~~ :D
DeleteHello SK. I didn't know you have a ball instead! Ballominions Thambee!
you have no balls ke?? :p
DeleteDoraemon. You can never go wrong with Doraemon tattoo :P
ReplyDeleteLOL, or Minions tattoo for SK, muahaha
DeleteGive you 100 *Like* !
Deletehahahah....blue doraemon! On where? hahaha...
DeleteI think SK would never get the tattoos of Doraemon or Minions on his body! It is no class la. He will prefer tattoo faces of serpents or skull heads or Mega Deaths or Borneo Tribal patterns. These are most popular ones.
DeleteTM - wah ...then SK will transformed to a rocker !!!
Deletechoy!!! cannot lah, Doraemon and Minions won't be cool at all as tattoo lah, hahahahaha!!!
DeleteWhy not? If Doraemon and Minions are cute, they surely make good and popular tattoos. That depends on the design of these 2 cartoon characters, not just showing them straightforward.
Deletemaybe Doraemon and Minions fighting like the street fighters would be cool huh?? muahahaha~~ :D
Deletehahaha, at Merryn remark of a Doraemon tattoo. I don't think I have ever seen a Doraemon tattoo at all. Are they even available?
ReplyDeleteFor me, your reason - it is permanent and you are afraid you may regret it one day is my reason too although I don't have a desire to have a tattoo on myself. Want to continue to go to onsen is a very good reason not to have a tattoo so I guess as long as you still want to go to onsen you will not get a tattoo.
Of course the Doraemon character cartoon has his own tattoo of Doraemon himself. Probably behind his back and unseen. LOL
DeleteLOL ... at TM comments...
Deletesure no cute cartoons as tattoo lah, that is so uncool!! and somemore we all know tattoo is something permanent and it cannot be wrong!! hahaha..
DeleteMust go those qualified or professional places for tattoo, if not your tattoo might end up look like a patch of shit or dirt
ReplyDeleteNever ever in my life have I thought of tattoo because I scare of pain
DeleteYes, and some are not safe too , can get Aids if the needle not clean.
DeleteI heard that these days the pain is very minimal and lesser than ant bites. Some tattoo artists even have some numbness lotion to help to make it minimal or painless. Don't be a coward, just go try it ok and you won't get AIDs so easily.
Deleteerr... don;t want... But I saw some documentary on how tribal folks in the jungle tattoo themselves. It's black and white and they used some kind of liquid to disinfect before inking.
DeleteYou better go to Colorado to get tattoos done as smoking weed is legal there. You can get high and numbed while they ink your body with needles!
Deleteagree.. after you have decided what to be done, it is also very important to find the right person to get it done for you.. it's permanent and you just have no room to allow for anything to go wrong.. :p
DeleteSugarrr~~ Yes please~~ Won't you come and put it down on me~~~
ReplyDeleteFor me, I don't like tattoo on my own body, just because. Well, maybe I just don't like putting anything that is unnatural on my body permanently. For me, natural is best.
i thought you are such a young man who would love this trendy and kinky stuffs! You can put your lazy man's tattoo by pasting a sticker. I noticed the tattoo stickers in the market are plenty but they are not big at all. Probably it won't stick well when it is too large.
Deleteyeah.. rather than inking himself, this Lazy Man might as well soak himself with the grease in the kitchen huh?? :p
DeleteI thought this lazy man would love to tattoo all his kitchen utensils, pots and pans all over his body. That would look like a Chef or Mobile Kitchen. Muahahaha
Deletemuahahaha.. only his kitchen utensils?? what about tattoo all his Lazy Man's cooking too?? :D
DeleteAre you serious? I mean getting a tattoo... ? I dont think its cool.. Its painful! And looks so fierce... I heard there are stickers that look like real tattoos.. Maybe you can try that first... Lol....
ReplyDeleteWe are uncle and aunties era la. Just close one eye and think it's cool otherwise they will ask us go live in old folks home.
DeleteUsing stickers is just temporary and doesn't appear 'cool' when friends know it.
it has to depend on what type of tattoo you are inking onto your skin lah.. some may look horrible but some are really looking cool to me.. haha, actually the stickers ones are good, but they don't look real.. :p
DeleteNow you just got me thinking that tattoo is only suitable for lighter skinned people. How about those very dark ones? I guess I had never seen them having tattoo or they did, but it was not showing.
DeleteIf one is dark skinned, they can use tattoo stickers which last for weeks and could come in vibrant colours that shows well as the sticker lies on the skin's surface only.
hmmm, true enough the ink will look more outstanding on fairer skin huh?? darker skins, probably would look nice also as it's more subtle?? i guess it all has to depend on what patterns are tattooed..
Deletei always wanted to have a tattoo, but i'm afraid of pain :(
ReplyDeleteask for anesthesia then.. :p
Deletetattoo also need anesthetic meh? lol
Deletebecause you said you are afraid of pain mah~~ :p
DeleteWah! This post could attract lost zombies like bluedreamer to come back. Now we have Leumas!!!! My long lost friend!!
DeleteYou scared pain? Just take sleeping tablets and go to sleep!
yeah.. that is indeed a surprise!! Adam Levine attracts them back to leave comments~~
DeleteI wouldn't consider any tattoos as it's definitely very painful. Furthermore, it will be permanent.
ReplyDeleteI heard some guys told me the pain is so minimal like getting acupuncture which I think is not true. The best thing was those fools had never tried acupuncture while I have many times and could say that acupuncture is almost painless!! What a drastic difference to make such comparisons.
DeleteTo me, the ugly side of tattoo is when you want to remove it, the scars are horrible and inevitable. My friend's wife had to remove her tattoo before taking their wedding photos and I was grossly shocked to see the ugly & rough scars on her arm which looked like acid spilled or being mauled by some wild lions. Muahahahahaha
indeed!! getting yourself a tattoo does require lots of serious and thorough considerations :)
DeleteIt's true. There was a guy in our tour trip who has a tattoo on his arm. He was told that he couldn't go for the onsen.
DeleteHaha, yes I bet everyone click to see the photo la! You din't add on secrity to check the age, so everyone can click :p :p
ReplyDeleteAnyway, it's nothing hamsap also... The important part already covered, cheh, nothing interesting to see pun... xD
Adam is very sexy hor? I first knew him from the band Maroon 5, then the show The Voice, he's really good looking and talented. And even though he has lots of tatoo on the whole body, looks complicated somemore, but it won't make him looks like samseng wo!
You know not all people are suitable for this kinda tatoo... One or two is ok, but some people have tatoo all over the body! Until like no empty area are nude skin, to me it looks complicated and not nice lo! May be I don't know how to 'yan siong' la! Haha!
Hmm, I have always wanted to get a tatoo on the back of my neck. Erm just a small one. But until now no courage, and most importantly is I am scared that the color will cause any side effects to the skin... Anyway I can only dream of having tatoo la, cause my hubby will never allow me to have tatoo, even a small one. Temporary/sticker one ok la, LOL!
I thought of 先斩后邹 one, go and do already then only show him, like that he can't do anything right? Haha! But erm, better don't la, later he revenge something else on me how? xD
Hmm, speaking about pattern... if you have no idea you can always go Google for ideas, or look at the catalogue in the tatoo shop. As for where... I think the most significant place is the arms lo, if you have like muscular arms, it will be perfect! But just tatoo moderately is enough, don't overdo lo...
DeleteSo who you have in mind to go do tatoo with you? Best friend? Sibling? Hehe! Why want someone else to do together? Scare? xD
Erm, regret one day? That's what I have in mind too, that's why always procrastinate... Like people say, if you grow fat/slim, the skin will stretch/shrink so don't know what it will look like later.
Your body too wobbly? Hey who says tatoo must be on body leh? On arms legs also can ma! These parts not that wobbly la I think... =)
Anyway, if you really want to get a tatoo, then work hard to get fit lo! Hmm, like this is a great 推动力 to get slim, right?
hehehe, actually hiding a little bit is way more sexy than showing all right?? a little bit mysterious for you to imagine deeper inside mah.. ooh, maybe after you have the tattoo, your hubby finds that very sexy and he also wants to go and get one leh?? hahaha.. but really, it's actually something very common nowadays already leh, maybe your hubby should tattoo Aden and Toby, just like David Beckham did for his kids, haha!! but seriously leh, getting a tattoo really needs a lot of serious and thorough thoughts and considerations lor, it's not like going to the shopping mall to buy a piece of clothes leh..
Delete我唔會去紋身,原因好簡單 - 怕痛
ReplyDelete我三个弟妹都有纹身,只是我这个大姐没有因为我怕死啦。 (曾经有人因为纹身而染上爱滋病 :P) touchwood~~ choi choi choi
ReplyDeleteAll I can think of when I clicked, is how lean and fit Adam Levine looks! So well toned. Haiz! This fellow spends a lot of time in the gym and doesn't eat like me muahahaha!
ReplyDeleteI am not a fan of tattoos. Never fancied them on me but I was fascinated by tattoos on other people. Nowadays it is very popular and I see girls sporting tattoos very proudly and it is a fashion statement.
DeleteSo this uncle is so cool huh, considering getting a tattoo done? I understand that it is painful as a needle is used to inject dye under the skin. Too scary of you ask me.
DeleteYou don't know what pattern to choose? I think the tattoo parlor has got catalogue for you to choose right? Or you can design your own. How about Fing Fings's face on your bicep? hah..hah...
DeleteOh, so you want companionship while getting your tattoo done. For moral support is it? If you have friends who are interested in getting a tattoo then you can pakat together one shot to get it done. Maybe can get group discount some more.
DeleteYa lah, it better be something you want to have eternally or else the process to remove can be quite extensive. Imagine having to remove your skin to erase the tattoo. If I remember correctly, Angelina Jolie had her ex-husband's name tattooed on her arm or something like that.
DeleteAre you sure you are wobbly. You look quite well toned to me. I mean I can see your arms. OK mah?
DeleteOh, I didn't know that the onsen in Japan is so serious that they bar guests with tattoos from entering. That won't be good for you lah. Or get a tattoo located where you can hide it. If on your arm, you can wear long sleeves.
DeleteMaybe you should consider those non-permanent ones. At least you can change the design every now and then.