[Volume 10 Issue 5, #2025] |
Talking About TATTOO On Me |
![]() 警告 WARNING 您的年齡必須為18歲或以上, 方可觀看內含之限制級圖片 You must be 18 years or above to proceed with viewing the rated images contained within ![]() Maroon 5's Adam Levine poses nude for Cosmopolitan UK's Prostate Cancer Awareness, with a little help from his girlfriend |
如果閣下剛才已㩒咗上面個鈕入去裝張限制級嘅相(我相信你哋全部都係啦, 哈哈!!), 請按此處繼續睇落去.. 我諗曾幾何時為一種禁忌嘅紋身, 已唔算得係乜怪誕嘢喇, 反而仲係今時今日嘅一種時尚呀.. 我本人就覺得紋身呢家嘢好型, 仲有諗過喺自己身上整個紋身㗎.. 當然, 我都仲未接受到全身都係大大片嘅紋身.. 我係有諗過紋一個幾吋大嘅圖案喺手臂/胸口/上背/小腿上啫, 而且真係一個就夠, 因為如果太多就變了唔搶眼喇嘛.. 暫時性嘅紋身我就有玩過下, 但係堅嘅就遲遲未實現, 因為以下種種原因(或者應該話係藉口)..
if you have clicked the button above to take a peep of the rated image (i bet all of you did lah, muahaha!!), click here to read on.. i think tattoo, for once a taboo, is already not something uncommon but in fact a fashion nowadays.. i myself find tattoo very cool and have been thinking of getting one on my body, but of course big patches and all over the body is way beyond my acceptance level.. what i have been tempting to have is probably one that is just few inches big, either on my arm, chest, upper back or calf.. yes, just one, as i find too many and the tattoos cannot stand out in view.. i have only had temporary ones, but a real one is still not realized due to the reasons (or rather, excuses) below..
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2015.05.28 | 紋身之說
2015.05.26 | 烹飪節目
[Volume 10 Issue 5, #2024] |
Hello (I Actually Like Watching) Cooking Show |
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首先我要同大家講清楚, 相中呢位男士唔係我, 佢側邊位女士亦都唔係家母, 哈哈.. 佢哋兩位只不過係我正在睇緊, 香港TVB正在播緊, 叫做《食平3D》嘅一個烹飪節目嘅兩位主持啫.. 好喇, 好喇, 我承認我同樣喺度(好似個師奶咁)追緊套經典鉅作劇《武則天》, 之但係我唔會寫啦, 因為已有好多人寫過嘛.. 反而呢, 我個人就比較enjoy睇呢個烹飪節目噃.. 大家實感到非常驚訝喇, 點解一個好似我咁不懂得(又不能夠)煮嘢食嘅大男人, 居然會喜歡睇烹飪節目?? 哈哈.. 其實唔好齋睇外表, 我其實好享受於睇住啲食材變成一道一道美食, 然之後靚靚上檯嘅過程㗎.. 我覺得就係變緊魔術咁, 你話係唔係?? 烹飪對我嚟講係一門藝術, 所以我只會落手整啲簡易嘅, 複雜嘅需要技巧經驗嘅, 唔好旨意我啦, 因為我唔想污辱烹飪藝術嘛!! 哇哈峆, 呢個係一個同人講你唔想煮嘢嘅好原因呀!! 講笑啦當然, 對於一個連最基本嘅蔬菜/肉/魚/香料都分唔清嘅我, 煮乜鬼嘢唧?? 所以呀, 我都好佩服可以煮得一手好菜嘅人㗎..要我「煮」嘢都得, 好似呢啲完全唔駛煮嘅咪得囉!! 嘻嘻.. ▶ 點解我會鍾意睇呢個烹飪節目?? 呢個烹飪節目已經嚟到第三季, 而我就從未錯過任何一集.. 有別於一般框於特定模式嘅烹飪節目, 佢就顯得更有生氣同實際.. 而我喜歡呢個節目啲乜??
first of all, let me clarify this guy in the photo is not me and the lady beside is not my mum, haha.. they are the hosts of a cooking show called "Good Cheap Eats 3" (食平3D) aired on Hong Kong TVB which i am following.. okay okay, i confess i am also following the epic drama series "The Empress of China" (武則天) like a drama-fanatic auntie, but i am not going to blog about that since many would have already done so.. instead, i find myself enjoying this cooking show more.. and you must be very surprise huh?? why a man who doesn't (and can't) cook or bake but only eats like me, yet likes to watch cooking shows?? haha.. don't judge me by my look, but i really enjoy watching raw ingredients being transformed into dishes and then nicely presented to the tables.. it's magic, don't you agree?? cooking is in fact an art to me, that is why i only hands-on on simple stuffs but not those that require skills and experience and expertise, i just do not want to "harass" culinary art!! muahahaha, a good reason to tell others that you do not want to cook!! just kidding, imagine how could i cook if i can't even differentiate the basic types of veggie and meat and fish and herbs and spices?? that is also why i always salute people who can cook.. if you really ask me to "cook"?? can also lah, simple ones like these that requires no cooking at all lor.. hehehe!! :p ▶ why i enjoy watching this cooking show?? this cooking show is now already in its third season and i have not missed any episode at all.. unlike conventional cooking shows that are always formalised to a certain boring model, this show is more lively and practical.. what i like about this cooking show:
我的簡單美食 My Simple Food

隔夜燕麥 overnight oats

三文治 sandwich
2015.05.22 | 兩地時差
[Volume 10 Issue 5, #2023] |
Time Difference: How Sensitive Are You?? |
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呢大半個月嚟, 都係寫關於我月頭嘅曼谷之旅, 希望冇悶親大家.. 今日轉口味寫下討論題材嘅貼, 都係同旅行有關, 我哋講下時差.. 多次旅途上, 我都遇到對時差特別「執著」嘅人, 「執著」於自己國家嘅時間而不敏銳於當地時間, 奇哉也.. 以下例子皆以一位馬來西亞人為背景.. 第一類 第二類 結論 第一類, 講親時間總係要refer返大馬時間, 而當別人同佢講緊當地時間嘅時候, 佢總係要多把口問「咁係大馬時間幾點?」.. 有啲唔係幾明啰, 既然身在該處就當然用返當地時間啦, make sense嘛, 仲要理馬來西亞幾點做乜?? 除非係要同返在馬來西亞嘅人聯繫就令當別論.. 下下要顧及兩個時間, 我覺得會亂晒大龍囉, 哈哈!! 最可笑係, 隻錶都仲依然係大馬時間, 每次睇時間都要計餐飽.. 而我呢, 一上機就即刻校隻錶去目的地時間啦.. 第二類, 堅持要跟返大馬時間做事.. 譬如話, 食嘢/瞓覺/起床都要跟足大馬時間.. 事前時間計餐飽唔在講, 其實有需要咁做咩?? 可能避免調節生理時鐘, 不過好似唔太方便啩?? 時差小同短期尚可以, 但係時差大, 而要長期咁樣, 大概冇可能做到啩?? 我就剛剛相反喇, 會盡量調節自己嘅生理時鐘, 咁樣對jetlag最有用, 而最有效嘅方法, 就係跟住當地時間做事!! 好呀.. 我其實喺度噏緊啲乜X??!!! ![]() 圖片取自 http://giphy.com/gifs/laughing-despicable-me-minions-ZqlvCTNHpqrio |
for the past half a month, i have been writing about my recent Bangkok trip, i hope i did not bore you.. today, I wish to have a discussion topic post for a change, yet still related to travel long, let's talk about time difference.. in many of my trips, i have come across people who are very "firm" towards time difference.. "firm" in the sense that they stick strongly to the home time but are never sensitive to the local time at where they currently are, how interesting.. Type 1 Type 2 Conclusion the first type, who always insist to refer to their home time whenever they talk about time, or when someone tells a local time, they naturally want to ask "so, that is what time back home??".. i find this rather peculiar, being at a different place away from home, it make sense to use the local time right?? why still need to bother what time it is at home?? unless we plan to connect to somebody at home, then it's a different story.. i would find it confusing to always remember two different times, haha!! what's more funny is that, the watches still show the home time, and whenever there’s a need to know the time, there’s a need to do some calculations first.. as for me, i always tune my watch according to the destination time once i board the flight.. the second type, who always insist to do things following their home time, for instance all the eating, sleeping and waking up must follow home time.. put aside the need to calculate the time, is this necessary?? perhaps this is to skip adjusting the biological clock, but rather it is quite inconvenient huh?? it would be fine when the time difference is small and for a temporary period, but if the time difference is big and for a long term, i don’t think this will be possible right?? as for me, i am totally on the other side, i will adjust my biological clock as much as possible, this is best to overcome jetlag, and the best thing to do this is to follow the local time immediately!! okay.. what the f**k am i trying to talk about here??!!! ![]() Image taken from http://giphy.com/gifs/laughing-despicable-me-minions-ZqlvCTNHpqrio |
2015.05.19 | 曼谷悠遊(Q&A)
2015.05.15 | 曼谷悠遊(3)
2015.05.12 | 曼谷悠遊(2)
2015.05.08 | 曼谷悠遊(1)
[Volume 10 Issue 5, #2019] |
Bangkok: A 90/10 Leisure/Business Trip (1 of 3) |
相信唔少讀者都很好奇我上個禮拜去咗邊.. 唔係咩又遠又高檔嘅地方啦, 泰國曼谷之嘛.. 呢次可以話係個九私(下遊玩)一公(幹)之旅, 去嗰邊見個potential partner, 然之後趁假期之便, 自己extend幾日逗留喺曼谷玩.. 其實冇諗過要寫呢個trip嘅遊記, 只係有讀者提醒咗我.. 點講呢?? 曼谷係「普遍」至好多人都有去過嘅地方嘛, 我其實冇乜特別嘢好寫喎.. 更何況今次已係我第三次去, 2007年十月都去過兩次, 所以新鮮感不大.. 都好, 與其絞腦汁諗要寫咩貼, 倒不如拎我(記得)影低嘅少少相片, 實行以相片分類說故事啦.. 不過放心, 呢個系列會係易消化嘅(因為只有3篇貼), 唔似得日本遊記咁heavy(我知悶親大家), 哈哈!! 希望各位慢慢觀賞啦.. :) |
i guess many readers were curious where i was away to for the past week.. nowhere far nowhere exquisite, just BANGKOK only lah.. it was a 90/10 Leisure/Business trip, went there to meet up a potential partner and then extended stay for leisure considering the long holidays.. i actually have not thought of blogging this trip until some readers "reminded" me with their expectations.. i mean, Bangkok is like so "common" and many have been there before, i have nothing special that i wanted to blog about.. furthermore, this was my third visit after the first two in October 2007, hence even less excitement.. okay, rather than having to scratch my head for topics, i shall just blog in categories base on the very few photos i (remember to, sic) have taken.. no worries, i promise you this will be a light series (only 3 posts) unlike the heavy Japan trip posts (i know they bored you), haha!! hope you enjoy~~ :) |
曼谷悠遊(Part 1): 交通, 住宿及通訊 Bangkok Trip (Part 1): Transport, Accommodation & Communication « » ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() |
2015.05.05 | 五年惡夢
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