[Volume 10 Issue 3, #2008] |
That Day on Last Saturday |
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我睇返以前寫過嘅貼, 發現有幾多我報導自己一日內做過啲嘢嘅貼, 仲要詳細到有時間流程.. 我醒起自己當時點解要咁做, 因為當時每日寫貼, 呢個報導活動嘅題材相對易寫, 簡單完成任務(易在唔駛絞盡腦汁諗嘢寫, 但不表示我唔駛花時間寫), 哈哈.. 好啦, 咁我今日又想再做一次, 不過當然有互動元素提升啦, 呵呵!! 對上一次寫呢種報導活動題材已是數年前, 所以我冇成日借機折磨大家囉.. (或者我應該多啲寫咁嘅貼??) :D >> 睇下我上個禮拜六做過乜... |
i looked at some of my old posts and i noticed that i do have a handful of posts that i just reported what i had done for the day, i even had the activities detailed in chronological order!! now i remember why i did that, i was blogging daily and this is one easy way to get done with a post, simply simple (simple as in i do not have to scratch my head for ideas, doesn't mean i don't need to spend time writing), haha.. okay, i also want to do this again today, but enhanced with interactive scripts, hehe!! anyway, i guess the last time i did this was years ago, so i am not doing this to torture you that often lah.. (or maybe i should do this more often??) :D >> Read what i did last Saturday... |
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2015.03.31 | 週六那日
2015.03.27 | 生活智慧
2015.03.24 | 網上購物
[Volume 10 Issue 3, #2006] |
Online Shopping : Online Shop-king |
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我曾經有一度係個「牌子奴」, 不過現時的我已不再計較咩牌子喇, 反而係著重買嘅嘢伐唔伐算(講得白啲係慳家, 呵呵!!).. 其實呢, 如果你可以將一件$5嘅衫著到佢似係$500, 咁你就贏足將$500一件衫著成$5嘅人九條街喇!! 當然, 我未有資格做到前者咁, 不過至少我唔可以俾自己變成後者嘛, 哈哈!! :p 所以, 近年來都幾經常網上購物(差不多可做網購之王喇, 哈哈!!)㗎.. 唔係咩高檔嘢啦, 而係比較「平民」嘅Loopon, Radada, Sanora嗰啲啫.. 冇牌子(最多係OEM), 唔須門市同宣傳經費, 無憂交換或退貨, 所以又平又抵買!! 我最近因為朋友介紹而學識去中國「討好」網站尋寶㖭呀, 仲可以一成日瀏覽上百樣貨品同埋精明格價(罪過, 罪過!!).. 令人興奮嘅係, 同一件貨品包埋國際運輸費, 居然少於我由本地網站所買嘅一半價錢.. 所以我相信有好多本地買家係由呢度入貨, 再賣出去賺取牟利嘅.. 當然, 每次網上購物時, 我都謹記幾點嘅.. 第一小心提防贋品(尤其係名牌), 第二設定消費上限.. 精明為上呀!! :) 後註: 以上網站名稱皆為刻意䁥稱(因為我唔係幫佢哋賣廣告), 不過相信醒目的你係會容易估中嘅~~ :p |
i once used to be a "brand slave" but now brands are nothing to me as i only consider what's worth for money (a better way to say i am thrifty, hehe!!).. the thing is, if your $5 clothes looks like $500 on you, you win hands down compare to those who wear $500 but look like $5!! of course i knew i can't qualify to be the former, but at least i cannot let myself be the latter, haha!! :p therefore, i am now quite gungho about online shopping (almost an online shopking, haha!!), not premiere ones but those more "grassroots" like Loopon, Radada and Sanora.. no (or just OEM) brands, no retail and marketing costs, no frills exchange and return, hence cheaper in price and better in value!! lately i even got hooked to Baobao (a huge China online shopping website) after a friend recommended it to me, i can spend one whole day browsing thousands of goods and comparing prices offered by various sellers (sin, sin!!).. what's best, i get the same thing i previously bought from the local sites at less than half the price even with international shipping charges.. now i think probably the local resellers also source for their goods there and make profits.. of course, i always hold on to the basic principles when it comes to online shopping - be cautious on fakes (if buying branded stuffs) and set an upper limit on how much you may spend.. be a smart shopper!! :) NOTE: all brand names above are intentionally tweaked a little (as i am not advertising for them) but I believe the intelligent you could figure them out easily :p |
2015.03.20 | 近視遠視(II)
[Volume 10 Issue 3, #2005] |
Myopia, Hypermetropia & Presbyopia (2 of 2) |
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今日呢篇貼係個兩集系列嘅下半集, 如果閣下尚未睇過上半集, 本人建議你繼續之前, 點擊此處先睇埋日前嗰集.. :) ...知道咗近視及遠視可以同時間發生之後, 話說某日我將某器材放在大脾上面, 下巴之下及靠在胸口上,而雙手伸直放在電腦鍵盤上.. 為咗方便自己(其實係懶得郁動), 我就直接由呢個姿勢低頭望落個器材, 想話讀出佢個篇號.. 誰不知愕然衝擊, 我竟然睇唔清楚個篇號!! 係要提高頭, 拉低個器材, 有個遠啲嘅距離後, 我先睇得清楚個篇號!! 我當下一驚, 心想「老花眼唔係咁早要嚟吓化??」*流汗藍臉*!! 冷靜落嚟之後, 我上網goo下老花眼*電燈泡*.. 令人放下心頭大石的是, 綜合幾個網站資料所得, 人類正常視覺係可以清楚看見25cm遠至無限遠距離嘅嘢.. 即係話我咁近距離(約15cm)睇唔清楚器材嘅篇號係實屬正常啦, 呵呵!! 嚇得我吖.. 喺度同大家分享呢個小小知識, 同埋事情未經證實前就唔好自己嚇自己喇.. :D |
this post today is the second part of a two-parts series, if you have not read the first part, i would recommend that you read it here before you continue with this.. :) ...after being "enlightened" that both myopia and hypermetropia could happen at the same time, there was this day when i was placing a device on my lap below my chin and resting on my chest, while my hands stretched beyond and placed on the keyboard.. for convenience (actually lazy to move), i was trying to read the serial number of that device by looking down right from that position.. to my utter horror, i could not see the serial number!! i have to move my head up and lower the device a little for a bigger distance before i could read it clearly.. i immediately got alarmed, "oh my, is this long-sightedness coming too early??" *blue face and sweat*!! i calmed down and quickly googled hypermetropia *light bulb*.. relieved was what i read from a few websites that, a normal human vision allows one to see things 25cm away up to an infinite distance.. meaning it's absolutely fine that i could not read the serial number from such a close distance (about 15cm), hehe!! terkejut badak i.. a little knowledge sharing here, and remember never get paranoid before you confirmed thing is happening.. :D |
2015.03.19 | 近視遠視(I)
[Volume 10 Issue 3, #2004] |
Myopia, Hypermetropia & Presbyopia (1 of 2) |
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繼「唔記得自己幾歲」事件後, 我由同一位朋友口中得知佢多年前做過雷射視覺矯正手術, 不過近視又再返嚟(當然冇以前咁深), 而且同時間, 上天仲俾埋遠視(俗稱老花)佢.. 唉, 人老咗問題就自然多!! 我自己係個大近視(左眼650, 右眼700), 一直以為呢兩樣嘢係唔會同時發生.. 如果大家仲記得以前返學時嘅生物科, 我成日諗, 一個影像點會同時間聚交於視網膜前後兩邊呢?? 好明顯, 我唔單止視覺上有近視, 視覺知識上都係有近視, 哈哈!! 嗰啲戴雙鏡眼鏡嘅朋友, 及睇遠近時需要除低或戴上眼鏡嘅朋友, 就係最有力嘅證明.. 待續... 今日呢個話題有啲長篇, 所以我將分兩個貼嚟寫(方便讀者之時, 我又可以呃多一個貼).. 今日第一貼就不設留言喇, 大家睇埋明天出街嘅第二貼, 先一次過強勢留言啦.. 或者你都可以打定啲留言, 到時直接copy and paste嘅, 呵呵!! 聽日見.. :) |
following the "i can't remember my age" thingy, i heard the same friend who did LASIK many years ago to correct her short-sightedness, has it back again (of course much lower power), and on top of that she's now "gifted" with long-sightedness at the same time.. ah, talk about aging!! me being a heavy short-sighted (left 650, right 700) always thought these two things will not happen together.. if you could still remember a little biology we learned in school, i always thought how could an image focuses both in front and behind our retina?? obviously i have a myopia not only in vision but also in my knowledge, haha!! those wearing multi-focal glasses, or those who need to put on and take off their glasses alternately while seeing near and far, prove me wrong.. To be continued... due to the long story of this topic, i am splitting it into two posts for easier reading (and to tipu for one more post).. this is the first post where commenting is disabled, save your thoughts and only spam one-shot in the second post that will be published tomorrow.. or you may want to type your comments first then straight away copy and paste then, hehe!! see ya again tomorrow.. :) |
2015.03.17 | 今年貴庚
[Volume 10 Issue 3, #2003] |
How Old Are You This Year?? |
![]() HOW OLD ARE YOU. A Rosshan Andrews movie, produced by Listin Stephen. |
好記得有一次我嘲笑一位連自己幾多歲都唔記得嘅朋友, 我覺得自己依家面對住同一個困境(現眼報!!).. 我知各位尚後生, 所以一定會覺得呢件事好搞笑, 不過我可以話你知, 係真係會發生㗎!! 可能個數目太大唔易記, 又或者人老咗記性差啦.. 好多時候, 我要講出或記得自己幾歲之前, 都要停兩秒, 用心算將今年年份減去自己嘅出生年份.. 幸好, 都仲記得自己邊一年出世同今年係乜年, 哈哈!!! 係啦, 我實知你想八下我今年幾歲啦.. *兩秒鐘之後* 好嘅, 本人即將於今年6月17日(暗示!!), 慶祝我19歲生日呀!! 當然, 係人生中第二次19歲啦!! xD |
i still remember there was once i laughed at a friend who cannot remember immediately how old she was, and now i think i am going through the same thing too (padan muka!!).. for the young people out there, you may find this rather nonsense but I guess it does happen!! maybe it's too large a number to remember, or our brain doesn't function as well as we age.. many times before i can tell or remember my age, I would need to hesitate for a couple of seconds, do the maths by subtracting my year of birth from the current year.. well, at least I still remember my year of birth and what year it is today, lucky huh?? muahahaha!!! okay, i just know you sure wanna gossip how old i am.. *paused for two seconds*, okay, i will be celebrating my 19th birthday on 17th June (hint!! hint!!) this year.. duh, 19 for the "second" time of my life, of course!! xD |
2015.03.13 | 常長九久
[Volume 10 Issue 3, #2002] |
Celebrating [SK/0617]'s 9th Bloggoversary |
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之前我嗰篇第2000個貼, 可能令到大家誤會我已經寫blog寫咗十年, 唔好意思, 其實今日先至係我呢個[SK/0617]嘅九週年紀念日.. 意思即係話, 今日開始我係正式邁入我寫blog嘅第十年, 而十週年就要等到13.03.2016(即係明年)先係.. 分別在於邁入同埋已經, 大家get唔get到個意思?? 算啦, 我諗你都唔係幾明㗎喇, 不過其實都唔重要.. 重要嘅係, 今日係我呢個blog嘅大日子呀, 持續活躍寫blog寫滿九年, 我肯定係好期望下一個週年嘅來臨 - 十年, 一個黃金十年!! 本來都從未諗過自己可以維持下去, 仲要係一轉眼九年, 至目前為止一共寫咗2002個貼.. 人生真係有乜幾個十年㗎, 所以大家應該做啲自己喜歡又為之驕傲嘅事情哦!! 基甚至連Fing-Fing, Sing-Sing, Ben-Ben, Julius, Minions及多啦A夢都要齊齊嚟恭賀佢哋嘅嗲哋呀, 哇哈哈哈哈!! :D 唔知大家有冇留意到上面header之下post之上嘅flash banner呢?? 正如佢所說:- 致各位親愛的博界朋友, 狂熱粉絲, 留言狂客, 神秘讀者, 經常或偶爾到訪, 到訪一次或訪後不再見, 以及所有正在睇緊呢篇貼嘅朋友: 多謝大家一路支持.. 我好珍惜!! :) 我歷年來的blog週年紀事: |
sorry if i made you mistaken i've been blogging for 10 years with that 2000th post earlier, in fact today is the 9th Anniversary of [SK/0617].. meaning starting today, i am entering into my 10th year of blogging and only on 13.03.2016 (i.e. next year) i will have been blogging for a full 10 years.. the difference between entering into and have been, you get it?? nah, i know you're confused but anyway, this is not important. the cream of today's post is instead, this is a big day for my blog, 9 full years of active blogging and i surely look forward to the next anniversary - 10 years, a decade!! i've never expected myself to stay on for so long and bagged 2002 posts to date, i mean, how many decades do you have in your life?? so do something you enjoy and are proud of!! even Fing-Fing, Sing-Sing, Ben-Ben, Julius, Minions and Doraemon are proud of their Daddy that they gathered to congratulate me, muahahahaha!! :D i wonder if you notice that flashy banner right below the header and above the post on top?? like what it says, i would like to say:- to all my dearest blogger friends, hardcore fans, comment spammers, regulars, silent readers, rare visitors, one-time visitors, come & gone and whoever you are reading this right now: THANK YOU for being there.. love ya!! :) chronicles of my bloggoversary: |
2015.03.11 | 美食雜記
[Volume 10 Issue 3, #2001] |
A Random Post on Food.. |
係嘅, 大家見到美食出現喺我呢個blog, 應該都知我今日冇乜特別嘢寫啦, 嘻嘻!! 以下有幾張我由手機內摷出嚟嘅相, 祝大家有個愉快嘅一天.. :p |
okay, you see food in my blog.. you know it's food because i have nothing special to blog about, hehe!! so here are some random photos on food that i dug out from my phone, have a great day ahead.. :p |
點觸下面按鈕或相片瀏覽 Click buttons below or photo to navigate |
2015.03.09 | 開心二千
[Volume 10 Issue 3, #2000] |
HAPPY 2000!!! |
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我當然知道今年係2015唔係2000啦, 哈哈!! 不過如果你有留意嘅話, 我每一篇貼上面都會有個[Volume X Issue Y, #NNNN]咁嘅嘢, 而你又唔知佢係乜叉嘢.. 其實呢, Volume X代表我已進入寫blog第X年, Issue Y代表該年嘅Y月份, 最後#NNNN代表自第一日來嘅第N篇貼.. 所以大家依家知啦, 今日呢篇係我寫blog多年以來第2000篇贴呀!! 好嘢!! 不過我可以話俾大家知, 呢個算得上係一個大成就, 要keep住活躍而又有2000個post喎, 真係唔易㗎其實(至少對我而言).. 所以, 今日呢個我期待已久嘅一日, 係值得俾個贊自己喎~~ :p 為咗慶祝我達到呢個目標(兼知道呢個post有乜可以comment), 今日就同大家分享個竅妙啦.. 大家應該都知點樣喺個post入面, 將啲字轉bold或italics啦?? 咁你又知唔知留言要有同樣嘅效果, 應該點呢?? 從來都冇更簡單呀!! 你只需要打多幾個如下嘅HTML tags就成事喇!! 不妨一試吖.. :)
of course this is year 2015 and not 2000, haha!! but if you notice on top of my every post, there is this thing like [Volume X Issue Y, #NNNN] and you wonder WTF that is?? okay, Volume X represents i am into the Xth year of blogging, Issue Y represents the Yth month of that year, and #NNNN represents the number of post since the 1st post on Day 1.. so now, you know this post is my 2000th post throughout my years of blogging!! HIP HIP HOORAY!!! but i can tell you, this is indeed one great achievement as i would say staying active and bagging 2000 posts is not a simple task (at least to me).. so, a pat on my shoulders on this day i've been waiting for long!! :p to celebrate this milestone of my blog (plus i know there's nothing to comment for this post), i'll share some tricks with you then.. you know how to bold or italics your words in your post, don't you?? but how can you do that in your comments too?? it's never more simple!! you just need to type in some extra HTML tags like below, give it a try!! :)
2015.03.05 | 我可以嗎
[Volume 10 Issue 3, #1999] |
Can I Have... |
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未開始之前, 我想聲明一下我今日呢篇貼, 唔係要明嘲暗諷任何人.. 只係每次聽到有人落單嘅時候, 同個侍應話 "Can I have xxxxxx please??", 我會覺得好怪, 譬如說係間快餐店內有人話 "Can I have a McBig please??".. 我知咁講技術上係冇錯, 我亦都明白係購買用意, 但係咁樣講感覺就好似一個小朋友喺度懇求媽咪俾佢食個McBig咁樣.. 我哋肯定係用錢買啦, 係唔係先?? 如果講 "I'd like to have a McBig, please." 之類嘅, 會唔會更好呢?? 係嗰種確定性嘅表明, 而唔應該係請求性問題啩?? 點都好, 只要溝通得到就無傷大雅, 係一時間醒起先快快寫佢落嚟啫, 嘻嘻 :p 話是話, 你會唔會同服務你嘅侍應講唔該㗎?? 我至少最後都會, 就好似習慣咗一樣咁.. 同埋呢, 千其唔好得罪啲侍應呀, 因為你唔會知道佢哋喺你背後, 會對你嘅食物做啲咩喎!! 哈哈.. :) |
before i start, let me disclaim that i am not trying to insult or even insinuate anyone with this post.. it's just that i find it rather weird to hear someone says "Can I have xxxxx please??" when they are placing order with a waiter, for example "Can I have a McBig please??" at a fast food restaurant.. i know this is not technically wrong, and i totally understand the intention of buying, but it just feels like a kid is begging Mommy to allow him/her to eat that McBig if said that way.. i mean we are paying money to buy a McBig right?? wouldn't it be more appropriate to say something like "I'd like a McBig, please.", which sounds more a firm statement than a "requesting question"?? well, just something that came across my mind and i quickly blog it down, nothing's wrong if the communication goes right, hehe :p BTW, do you say thank you to the waiter that serves you?? i always in the end, like it's already a natural habit.. and it's always wise not to offend your waiter, because you'd never know what they can do to your food behind you in the kitchen!! haha.. :) |
2015.03.03 | 食藥姿整
[Volume 10 Issue 3, #1998] |
Of Taking Pills and Probably (A Little) OCD.. |
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如無估錯, 最近應該有好多人發病, 即係我哋話嘅「農曆新年後綜合症」?? 哈哈.. 係嘅, 不幸地本人都中招, 只係不幸中的大幸, 我唔駛請病假之下已痊癒得九九十十.. 多得呢啲我一察覺鼻喉有啲唔妥, 就去藥房買嘅藥丸.. 鍾意佢哋全天然嘅傳統成份, 唔會令人昏昏欲睡同埋幾有效於我(雖然藥效唔係一劑好嗰啲).. 當然最重要係有充足休息, 足夠水份同埋要「怕死」, 凡大病小病都應向淺中醫, 千其唔好一拖再拖.. 就好似我咁, 呵呵!! :p 聲明: 呢篇唔係商業贊助貼文(而且大家都知冇乜人搵我啦), 以上提及嘅藥未必對每個人都有效益, 有何疑問切記先詢問你嘅醫生.. :) |
i guess many people have been feeling under the weather lately, what we would call "the post-CNY syndrome"?? haha.. and yes, unfortunately i was one of them, but lucky amongst the unlucky, i'm pretty well recovered without the need of sick leave.. thanks to these pills i grabbed from the shelf once i sensed something with my nose and throat.. i like them being all traditional natural ingredients, not making me drowsy and quite effective on me (though not those immediate recovery type).. of course, being most important is to have enough rest, fluid intake and be kiasi enough not to drag but get treatment while the sickness is still rudimentary - like i did, haha.. :p disclaimer: this is not a paid post (because you know spot on that sponsors hardly engage me), and the pills featured above may not work the same on every individuals, consult your doctors if in doubt.. :) |
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講到食藥, 我諗都冇乜幾個會好似我咁姿整喇, 哈哈!! 藥丸拍咗出嚟之後, 我會將空殼剪走, 跟住再將剪出嚟嘅利角修圓.. 第一, 我唔喜歡見到啲空殼; 第二, 利角要修平先唔會割親人.. 當然, 要收埋啲藥時先會咁做啦, 幾個鐘之後要再食嘅話, 我真係嘥鬼氣咩?? 所以其實都唔係太姿整啫呵, 哈哈.. :D |
talking about pills, i guess no one is ever more "OCD" than me, haha!! after popping out the pills, i will cut away the empty shells, and then trim the sharp edges to make them rounded.. first, i do not like to see that unsightly empty shells; second, the sharp edges need to be trimmed so that they won't cut.. of course, only when i am to keep the pills for future, if i'm consuming again in a few hours, who cares to do that?? not quite trivial i hope, hahaha.. :D |
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