[Volume 10 Issue 3, #2004] |
Myopia, Hypermetropia & Presbyopia (1 of 2) |
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繼「唔記得自己幾歲」事件後, 我由同一位朋友口中得知佢多年前做過雷射視覺矯正手術, 不過近視又再返嚟(當然冇以前咁深), 而且同時間, 上天仲俾埋遠視(俗稱老花)佢.. 唉, 人老咗問題就自然多!! 我自己係個大近視(左眼650, 右眼700), 一直以為呢兩樣嘢係唔會同時發生.. 如果大家仲記得以前返學時嘅生物科, 我成日諗, 一個影像點會同時間聚交於視網膜前後兩邊呢?? 好明顯, 我唔單止視覺上有近視, 視覺知識上都係有近視, 哈哈!! 嗰啲戴雙鏡眼鏡嘅朋友, 及睇遠近時需要除低或戴上眼鏡嘅朋友, 就係最有力嘅證明.. 待續... 今日呢個話題有啲長篇, 所以我將分兩個貼嚟寫(方便讀者之時, 我又可以呃多一個貼).. 今日第一貼就不設留言喇, 大家睇埋明天出街嘅第二貼, 先一次過強勢留言啦.. 或者你都可以打定啲留言, 到時直接copy and paste嘅, 呵呵!! 聽日見.. :) |
following the "i can't remember my age" thingy, i heard the same friend who did LASIK many years ago to correct her short-sightedness, has it back again (of course much lower power), and on top of that she's now "gifted" with long-sightedness at the same time.. ah, talk about aging!! me being a heavy short-sighted (left 650, right 700) always thought these two things will not happen together.. if you could still remember a little biology we learned in school, i always thought how could an image focuses both in front and behind our retina?? obviously i have a myopia not only in vision but also in my knowledge, haha!! those wearing multi-focal glasses, or those who need to put on and take off their glasses alternately while seeing near and far, prove me wrong.. To be continued... due to the long story of this topic, i am splitting it into two posts for easier reading (and to tipu for one more post).. this is the first post where commenting is disabled, save your thoughts and only spam one-shot in the second post that will be published tomorrow.. or you may want to type your comments first then straight away copy and paste then, hehe!! see ya again tomorrow.. :) |
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