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2014.04.28 | 配水日子

[Volume 9 Issue 4, #1887]
我哋喺上一篇博文討論飲品, 今日呢篇博文, 就將飲品課題延伸去到水供課題啦.. 相信有不少朋友喺呢兩個月內, 經歷過兩日有兩日冇嘅配水日子, 如果你冇嘅話, 就應該謝天謝地喇!! 聽聞呢個配水政策仲會維持多幾個月?? 我哋暫且將「點解有關當局可以計劃未來數月嘅配水活動, 而唔去計劃下能夠解決問題嘅有效方案」呢個疑問擱置.. 至少呢次嘅配水, 教識我節省用水同珍惜水源, 每月水費應該都會減半?? 最近用水真係好小心, 絕對唔會可以浪費.. 平時沖涼兩桶水減成八嘜水, 洗衫由每日減少至每隔兩日, 冇水的日子都係儘量煮最簡單方便嘅嘢食.. 係有少少唔方便, 不過反而逼使大家節省用水同更加珍惜水源, 絕不以為自來水供應係必然嘅.. 不過始終有一件事都幾閉翳, 就係大小二便急call時, 會三思是否真係需要, 因為沖廁真係用好多水嘛, 哈哈!! 各位朋友呀, 水源珍惜不過開始供不應求喇, 大家真係要好好愛惜呢個天然資源, 唔好搞到最終後悔莫及呀.. :)
we discussed about drinks in the previous post, in this post let us extend the topic to water supply.. i believe some of us have been experiencing the water rationing exercise for the past two months, for those who are not, you are so blessed!! heard that this will still go on for months?? anyway, let's put aside the issue "if the authority can plan for water rationing for coming months, why could they not plan ahead a solution to the problem".. at least i think i learned to save and appreciate water during these days, and possibly water bills reduced to half?? the use of water has been very careful and there has been no deliberate wastage.. two tubs of water to shower reduced to eight scoops (of course every inch of body cleaned lah), laundry reduced from daily to alternate days, cooking are most basic and minimum on days with no water supply.. a little inconvenient but it gets us to be more cautious of water usage, appreciate water more and not taking the supply for granted.. though one thing actually bothers me, whenever the nature calls, i have to think twice if it is necessary, because flushing the toilet is very expensive of water, haha!! dear folks, water is precious and is getting less, let us all treasure this resource before it's too late.. :)


  1. Morning!!! Morning!!! =]

    1. The water rationing is super troublesome, hope it will stop soon...heard they said unless it has heavy rains for two weeks if not it won't be able to cover back the water level!!! =[

      Beside water, there're some place out of electric as well, what a nightmare, no water no drinks, can't shower while no electric no entertainment and no need to work already!!! =[

    2. I wonder 8 scoops equal to how many bucket? I never count how many scoops I use la, but I know is one and the half bucket, that's my limit already...got to wash hair and I'm long hair some more, if didn't wash for two days will become smelly!!!

      For me is one and the half bucket but for my second nieces, she can just half of the bucket only...because she lazy to carry the full of water scoop to shower......but like normally shower she can shower for almost 40 minutes one...sigh!!! When she's showering she opens the door so I can see inside...this girl is dancing and posing inside, not cleaning herself...don't know la...she got a lot of patterns one!!! 40 minutes of showering equal how much of water? I don't know la...don't ask me...I can't do anything...

    3. Morning 小影, you always got the first sip here... Probably SK will give an award for that this year! hehehe....

      I have problem to wash my hair during that rationing period. I'll try to wash that night before the rationing started...it is troublesome right.. but what to do.

    4. Yep, Xiao Ying very fast everytime, keke..

      Water ration or not, i MUST wash my hair everyday, if not, can die..

      That's why I say, lucky still got water from the tanks.. Whole block sharing one tank, if you don't use the water also, somebody else will.. if you don't want mop floor also, somebody else will.. If you don't wan use washing machine wash clothes also, somebody else will..

      Errr, will I be cursed talking like that?
      *yuin sat* mode (realistic)

    5. 小影 got first sip again!! =) Yea, she is indeed very fast!
      Haha, true true, may be SK can do an analysis of who get the first sip the most then give an award like 'the number 1 early bird'? Hehe, pardon me, just a funny title came to my mind xD

    6. And Angeline, glad to see you again! You went MIA for a while ya? Busy with works?

      I think your in laws place was affected quite badly during the recent water rationing? Your area near to my parents so I guess should be almost the same? What about your mum's place? At town area should be better la hor?

      My mum's place was affected, 2 days got 2 days don't have, really one drop pun takda one... Ki si! Then the van distributing the water only came like once or twice nia! Aiyoyo... Luckily only my mum and dad at home, imagine if it's a big family then susah lo! Like your in laws' place....
      Wash your hair at night? Hmm, sounds not too healthy but like you said, what to do? Sometimes have to act according to situations also.

      Ok it's late now I must go get some sleep, I will come back to spam tomorrow! Good night guys!

    7. Aiyo, because that's very fun to do that mah, and it makes me always have my breakfast on time, it's a very good daily routine, hehe!!!

      I can't wash hair everyday la...I'm very lazy, always two days once!!!

    8. Hey Hayley, I noticed you deleted the comment down there and realised your comment is up here...hehehe....

      Ya my mom place is at town area. During the catuan, town area also affected accept the main General Hospital lane...that is totally not affected, they know GH needs water mar... They didn't close that piping area.

      My mom place actually affected early of this year... not to say no water, but the water flow is quite slow because the pressure is low. I think they started to control it at town area rather than housing area...

    9. By all means.... "I will survive yeh yeh"....remember this song? I think everyone who is still under this water rationing issue, please sing this song to keep all of us motivating...*_^

    10. 小影,yea I remember you said that before, it's your breakfast time so you always got the first sip =) Indeed a good routine ya? ;)

      Me too, I cannot wash hair everyday... Lazy :p Cause I have long and curly hair, need to blow dry them then apply serum and gel ('tam leng' ma xD)
      I cannot tahan if the hair is still wet then continue on doing my thing, must at least blow dry a bit... Cause if the hair is wet, it'll wet my top too!

      My hair is the dry and frizzy type so if wash hair everyday, it will worsen the hair (regardless of how good the shampoo is), hence I stick to washing hair every alternate days. Of course there are exception too sometimes, like if I sweat too much in yoga class then I will wash hair too even though I have wash my hair the previous day.
      So Princess Ribbon, you don't have the problem of dry hair though you wash hair everyday? What kinda shampoo you use ar? Is it those mild one? Cause I heard expert said if wash hair daily then have to choose those mild shampoo, if too strong one will damage the hair.

    11. Angeline, yep, supposed I replied your comment here but don't know why when I click publish, it go to the bottom pula!! Kinda irrelevant la so I deleted it and post here again ;)

      You very observative huh? ;)

      Yep, certain area not affected at all, actually those areas cannot be affected la, like you said, hospital lane, must keep the water running. Lucky lo for those who stayed near those lanes, won't be affected.
      My in laws place was affected during that period, but luckily our tank is big enough to supply us the water. I use water a lot one everyday, wash this and that, haha! But the water heater in my room is not functioning la cause pressure not enough, water cannot come up... So sometimes have to bath and wash hair with cold water, brrrrr~!

      I will survive yeh yeh? Hmm wonder what song is it?

    12. Hayley sorry to be observative huh... because I think it was just right below my comment, so I noticed it.

      I will survive - Gloria Gaynor???

    13. You mentioned aboutwater heater - mine also not functioning... it's cold for us still ok... but for my kids leh. You know what I did. I have an electric thermo pot in my room.So I heat up the water then used it to mix with the cold water to bathe my son and my daughter. At least the water is warm for them.

    14. Oh, that's the song, ok I know =)

      Yep, kids cannot tahan bath with cold water, I also do the similar thing, boil the water then mix with cold water and let Aden had a quick bath. Must do this for him, we adults can tahan and cincai bath with cold water but kids better don't, later catch cold, we also susah. But Aden also loves cold water sometimes, he likes to play pouring water, I told him it's cold but he seems to enjoy it.

    15. No matter how, for kids definitely need a bath...kenot say don't want to bath.My mum always say kids who don't take bath will get and fall sick easily.

    16. so inconvenient when there's no water.. but at least with this water rationing it's not as bad as one whole week or even one whole month that we have no water supply.. i still remember before the water rationing thing, we gotta run to the water truck and queue up for water.. but with this water rationing, at least we know when there will be no water, and for how long, so we can store up water for use when there is water.. it's said that water supply will go resume to normal after mid May, hope this time is real..

    17. Nah nothing to worry anymore because Taiping, almost everyday is raining like cats and dogs..., but let us not forget the lesson we faced. So appreciate every drops!!

    18. yeah, that means Taiping has already "escaped" from the water rationing?? good~~ :)

  2. First thing that comes to mind – what’s the white thingy that is curling up on the black cover? Plastic bag? Err, call me jakun, please enlighten me, teehee..

    You actually counted and limit yourself to 8x of scooping the water with the bucket?

    1. Ooohh, so today, we are talking about water rationing huh? This catuan thingy is making me stressed.. But so far, thank God, fingers crossed, they are religiously following the schedule on time, and they are honouring their word – two days with water, two days without.. On days without water, they will turn off the taps around 10am-ish, on days with water, the taps will be on same time, around 10am-ish too..

    2. I live in a condo, and I have no individual tanks on my own.. The whole block shares a big tank on top of the condo, and thank God (touch wood), so far, we were “not affected” coz we still have water running from our taps (from the tanks)..

      The thing about living in a condo is, we won’t know exactly when there is water, or when there is not.. Like on days without water, we still have water from the taps, on days with water, well, we still have water from the taps (of course!).. Unlike landed houses, certain taps are from the tanks, and certain taps from the main pipe.. So you will know real time when there’s no water..

      But like I said, thank God & touch wood, til today, I don’t feel “affected” by the catuan air, coz the water from the tank is enuff to supply us with water for the two days on the no-water days..

    3. Pssstt, call me selfish, I still wash clothes (using washing machine) on the no-water days.. With kids in the house, it’s hard not to wash clothes.. They vomit, they “laosai”, they spill Milo on the sheets, the list goes on..

      Being a person with mild OCD, I just have to wash it.. But instead of selecting the 1-hour cycle, I select the 25 minutes one lor.. Janji ada basuh, then I’m happy liao.. *sum lei* (psychology)..

    4. Just in case the water in the tanks run out, I told myself I will bathe standing on the tub.. I will scoop the water into the bucket, then bathe myself standing on the tub.. Once there is enuff water, I will re-use back the water in the tub, scoop back the water into the bucket and use it on myself.. Ya I know not clean, but what to do, have to jimat water lor.. This is emergency case la, but so far, like I said, touch wood, not affected yet coz we still have water from the tanks..

    5. That’s the laundry part.. Now, come the eating part..

      Actually if wana cook still can, but we try not to.. mana tau, cook cook ha, no more water in the tanks, then how? We’ll never know ma.. Altho this has never happened before, but to play safe, we still don’t cook on no-water days.. Later neighbor can hear we open wok fry this fry that, then wash plates and pans, then curse us, mana tau?

      You know la, neighbors can hear everything.. Even the washing machine, I bet they curse us when they hear our washing machine running, but can’t care much, coz with kids around, I really need to do the laundry everyday..

      We usually tapau “chap farn” on no-water days.. Do you know buying “chap-farn” is more expensive (for two), than cooking our own? “Chap-farn” already cost about RM20 (for 2 adults and 1 toddler).. For 2 days, it already cost RM40.. ! week, sure kena 4 days no water rite? That’s already RM80.. Hubby goes to the market on Sundays and buys back 1 week worth of meat+vege, and it’s not even RM50!

      Now, do your own Maths. But again, what to do, nothing we can do but to wait patiently on the announcement when is this catuan gonna stop..

    6. I think is black cover la!!!

      That's good for you that they're so on time for the water rationing as my aunt place the water was that on time before...around 10am but it stops at 7am something some days, not very punctual on time one lo!

    7. Go away to unaffected places for a short vacation ?

    8. Chris where got so easy to just ignore it by a short vacation leh... we cannot avoid that all the time mar..hehehe

    9. Like my area when water rationing that time, even hotels also short of water supply, how?

    10. Came back here to check, already got 33 comments..
      Ok, I purposely come back here before I go for my lunch..
      Hotels, dobby, perm-parlour, everywhere also kena the catuan.. So there's no way out.. Unless you wana bring your laundry to further place, where the area is not affected..

    11. Terrible ...no way to go!

    12. Short vacation? Is been two months lo, tak kan go for short vacation for two months and they don't know when it's end!!! =[

    13. Hahaha, 小影, ya lor how to go vacation for two months right? just to escape from water rationing issue... Lol. That is far too much.

    14. Princess Ribbon, I think those are cloth?

      Hmm, living in a condo memang got pros and cons. But glad that you were not affected, cause with kids in the house, things will be much more inconvenient without water, right? They need to bath la, later poo poo need to wash la and all... Hehe!

      I prefer to stay at landed house, preferably single storey will do, if double storey need to house keep more ma! Plus later when we grow old, knees not well cannot climb stairs (Erm I think quite far hor? xD)
      But if single storey then must make sure the area is big enough to have at least 3 rooms =)
      Eh sorry, a bit out of topic pula!!

    15. that piece of white thing is a piece of plastic (cut out flat from a big shopping bag) to cover the big tub below it's black cover.. previously without this plastic, dunno how the hell insects get into the tub even if it's covered.. but with this additional plastic, no problem anymore, the water is clean and we use this huge container to store water for the two days without water supply..

      and very true lah, problems with landed house but condo seems to be quite okay if they have very good management.. condo usually share one big tank per block, so if you stay in the low-rise one good lah, less people sharing and probably there is no such thing as "no water day" for you.. but landed houses, one small tangki only, cannot last long also, in my case 1 day only..

  3. Good morning SK and everyone... I'm blessed then as I'm not affected...

    1. Good Morning Sharon. Yeah you are lucky cos your pipe comes from Johor which never had water issues like Selangor and Penang.

    2. SG always got water but then, water not cheap here!

    3. SG they have their own system of controlling water supply, electricity and so on. It is expensive but it makes the SG citizens are more alert and treasure every drops of water they use and also thei electricity supply.

    4. Jealous apa, this is call well plan from their authority. Good system that makes people willing to pay higher price because it is worth it to pay. SG people not kiam siap - stingy, kiasi and kiasu. Actually think of it, they are well prepared before the rains come...

      They are alert and warn themselves not to waste water and electricity.

    5. Sharon, lucky you!
      Well I always think being a Singaporean is a blessing! Of course every country also got its own issues but if to be compared between Sg and Msia, I guess everyone knows which is better overall la!
      Even security is so much better there!! Hmm, I guess everything is also better there, I got a girl friend who is working there since graduated, her family is still staying at Taiping, but she just don't wanna come back already, it's been about 10 years she worked there, I guess there must be something which keeps her there!!

    6. Hayley - the strong exchange rate lor ....

    7. yeah, i think this happens only in Malaysia huh?? seldom hear water supply disruption happening so often in other countries.. well, what does this say?? i don't have to be obvious but we all understand the reasons behind right??

      when i was in SG last month, i heard they have 17 water dam or reservoir in the country!! yes, one small country but 17, how many do we have in Malaysia??

  4. Lucky me ... I stayed in the south and was not affected. I know how hard is it without water, as I always experienced it when I was studying in kl. Those folks really poor thing.

    1. Lucky you la ChrisAu!! Actually I din't expect Taiping will be affected as well cause it's raintown ma! Sure got enough water supply every year! Guess the hot dry weather 2 months ago really make things worse!
      Yea, kesian those at KL, heard the water rationing will be extended!!

    2. yeah, lucky those in the southern region, and for Chris who spends most of his time in SG lagi no problem with water lah right?? and true also, i am actually quite surprise when i heard Taiping also affected, haha~~

  5. Yeah , I agreed with you. If they can plan for water rationing , why can't they worked out a solution. I am sure there are ways.

    1. Hmm, they sure hiding something la! It rains here almost everyday, heavy some more, I am sure the tank is full and got enough supply. Even got officers go and check and snap photo as prove that the water level is full! But then water rationing is still on going!! Wonder why....

    2. that's why!! but i am not going to comment too much about this lah, such a sensitive issue that involves politics..

  6. Errr. ... toilets must flushed la ... can't help it.

    1. If really tangki also habis water, cannot flush lor.. Can only rinse with (bathe) water.. Bathe, standing on a tub, re-use that water (from the tub) to rinse the toilet.. Wat to do?

    2. Since just me and hubby (and the kids) in the house, after pangsai ahh, no need flush lor (how to flush IF no more water in tangki?).. Just use tissue paper cover lor, keke..

    3. Got to use bucket fill up full the water then use scoops to "flush" it...because use the auto flushing gonna waste a lot of water!!! =[

    4. When it rains, we collect the rain water and use it to wash the floor, flush the toilet etc. My aunty even use the rain water to bath, she said its cooling one wo! ;)

    5. My house used to use the new big trash can to collect the rain water, but after we had collect whole full tank, it has water back so never get to use it!!!

    6. aiyoh, how can not flush after pangsai?? cover with tissue also so geli - got smell and also very not hygienic lah!! so disgusting!!! we store water from laundry (when got water) and then keep those to flush toilets..

  7. Gosh!!! How long has it been? Two months yet? So so so long already, no water. My sympathies. I know how it feels as at my daughter's jungle school, they depend on the rain...but they have the giant tanks to store the water...and if used carefully, that should last quite a while.

    We would bring filtered water from home though...every week - for drinking and cooking especially, dunno what are in those giant tanks. Her colleagues would buy drinking water by the boxes!

    1. STP - Poor thing your daughter. So troublesome!!

    2. Kesian your daughter la!
      But glad that at least you guys still can provide water, and they can buy drinking water from the stores, if not.............

    3. yeah, since March and it has been two months, and heard that it will continue until mid May.. or that's the more optimistic way of saying if they announce water supply resumes in mid May..

  8. Good Morning Bloggers! Happy Monday!

    I read in the news last weekend about the MB announcing that water rationing might be called off next week if ................ Let's pray for more rain to hit the safe target level. It has caused so much inconvenience to many folks esp those who live in high rise apartments and condos!!

    1. It did rain here everyday, what about other states?
      Yep, let's pray that it will rain everyday, and see what excuses they can use some more!
      Indeed very inconvenient la, imagine those staying at higher floors in the condo/apartment! Even if the van which supply water comes, those people also cannot carry/take so much water la!

    2. Yah, that's very inconvenient like the news today, an old lady died because over depressed about this water rationing, she's 60 years old something she can't stand for the heavy depression of it then passed away, how sad!!! =[

    3. Huh? Really ar? OMG!! But is water rationing the only cause for her passing? Or got other issues? Pity her... May she rest in peace!!

    4. yeah, let's hope the water rationing will end soon and water supply resumes to normal as per what's announced lah.. it's really quite inconvenient without water..

  9. I have been very fortunate that my house was not affected so far while other roads in my area were affected few times. I thought it was due to the fact the "Water Boss" lived 2 roads away from me and he would be exempted but I was wrong!! He also kena few times until wifey showed me the leaflets of water rationing that says one section in my area is exempted because there is a small medical centre there!! It is next to my street only and we probably share same water pipe! It is nothing to shout here but just sharing that if you live near hospitals and medical centres, your house might be exempted. Maybe SK should live next to the Bomba!! Wakakakaka

    1. I heard about this too.. If the area is next to the hospital, then that area will be spared..

    2. Anay TM is a devil, your house is not affected by water rationing. My house was affected in April water rationing . Taiping is a rain town, how could we survive with no water. I screamed for help that time.

    3. Luckily it was one month, and now we are back to normal life. I also urge my daughters to be more cautious when using water. Don't waste water.

    4. Yan, not so happy yet, it could be happen again... probably in May and June...I also pray better not to do so! Very troublesome.

    5. yeah, how lucky!! and now that's a piece of good advice, find a place near medical center or bomba to stay in!! but after this water rationing thing, i guess we should also be careful with using water, because nobody can guarantee that it will not happen again..

  10. When I lived in Taman Desa before, I went to the gym to shower so often for free when water supply was cut off at my house so often. Sometimes I just used the water in my tongs by wetting a small towel and scrub myself all over. I only used only one litre of water for my bath and brushing teeth. My neighbour pee in his back longkang to save water!

    1. Twilight - aiyo...the back longkang sure smell good~

    2. TM never fails to make me laugh - again!

    3. Hahaha....easy right? longkang there definitely got water to wash it away... good idea lar

    4. During water rationing period, I brought my daughters to shower in the club also. I worked out in the club and shower in the club before going home. Thanks to the club, otherwise I don't know how could I survive through that few weeks.

    5. But, I had problem how to wash my smelly gym attire during that time. I needed to soak my gym attire over night because I couldn't wash them on that day.

    6. This incident sounds like what I heard from the radio, this lady has a neighbor always pee at the longkang and influenced his son to do that also and the lady said luckily it's not smelly!!!=.=!!!

    7. Louiz, "Pang sai" What I can think of is something relate with cats and dogs? They poo and they covered with sand? It can be a fertilizer I suppose...hehehe.... Come to think of it is Yucks!!! See how important water supply to us...Every flush can convert to how many litres of drinking water?

    8. hahaha!! yeah, it sure is interesting to find out and learn the different ways of saving water from other people.. flushing toilet uses a lot of water, if we can do something about it, that would be good..

  11. My area once a while also water rationing. But that was like once in a week only nia....so far, not much problem for us coz we still can rely on tangki water.

    1. Last time in my hometown (many many years ago), water rationing is like so normal to us. And also no electricity. Aiyo....life was so troublesome without these water and electricity.

    2. No water, eating out also scary hor.......don't know what water they use. hehe......

    3. There was one major water rationing in 1997 (was it?), remember?

    4. My aunt always said if can't see what water they use is okay...don't ever think about it, if you really think about it, you won't feel like eating it!!!

    5. aiyoh... you know people can buy water by the tank loads from commercial supplier...

      But of course la... even the one Syabas send to houses, got issues one. What to do.. no eye see lor.

    6. 1997 was not water rationing, but totally no water at all for months!! i remember everyday need to run to the water tank once heard it coming and queue for water.. at least this time, two days ada two days tarak and follow strictly the schedule, at least can get us prepared lor..

  12. No water very cham one especially in our humid weather... hope the authorities will resolve this issue soon.. heard that there will be dry spells ahead this year...

    1. Not only cham, makes one depressed also... Yep, I'm talking about myself..

    2. yeah, really very inconvenient and sometimes wanna pee or poo also gotta think twice :p

  13. So far no water rationing in Ipoh.. hopefully none... otherwise must uproot... hahahaa... just kidding.. where can I go..

    1. haha, good lah.. Ipoh has got lots of water sources right?? :)

  14. Agree on the flushing part. We waste precious water flushing countless times a day. I'm one of those yet to be affected by the water rationing...

    1. lucky you!! and with the water rationing, we store the water used for laundry to flush toilet..

  15. Hi SK! Yesterday suppose to be no water at my place but so surprised got water, This morning also got. I wonder if the water rationing has been called off. Me too become very resourceful in saving water. Now after washing veggie, I use the water to water the garden and not throw it away like I used to. We have to do our part and the government should do theirs by coming up with measure to conserve and harvest more water form alternative sources. Hope no more water rationing, it was a torture :)

    1. I hope the catuan 4 will be over soon.. My area is the catuan 4 area.. Not affected by catuan 1,2 & 3.. Shall wait and see..

    2. Actually my area was like this also, states as no water, but surprisingly it has water......Few months back my house always no water, or maybe should say something wrong to the tangki, no water goes up to the tangki so the bathroom has no water, so we got to use the pipe pull from garden to the bathroom!!! If not got to use bucket to fill up water from the kitchen then carry into the bathroom, super troublesome and tired...

    3. errr, lucky you.. but for my area, the schedule never failed as stated!! no water means no water, got water means got water.. at least got us prepared lah.. unlike previously, one whole week no water, and gotta rely on the water truck..

  16. It is a history for Taiping-nese... water rationing for 2 weeks. Everyone starts to complain and said why the authority to this and that. Even heard rumours saying the opposition party when to check the water damp, it is full of water...Sometimes it is frustrating to complain so much.

    1. It's raining everyday, sampai flooding too.. But then, they said if it doesn't rain near the catchment area also no use..

    2. Yeap, so we must understand that point too. All they knwo is to complain and never thry their best to be responsible for sake of the town usage.

    3. Sometimes, just stop complaining and try to manage it as we can. I'm sure it can be control, just a little effort from all of us only. Yeah this catuan makes everyone feel water supply is very important and appreciate the water supply they have right now.

    4. Not just us need the water, other living things also need water to survive.

    5. During the water rationing:

      1. We try to cook easy food, like porridge and those which can cook all in one pot. If it is hard then we dine outside lor.

      2. We keep supply for the household during/when the time we have water back again for the next two days.

      3. Try to take bath as quick as possible. We're working in the office - so not much sweat, dirty and etc. So it is possible to take a quick bath and wash out. For my kids, I arrange to take bath for both of them together.

      4. During schooling time, I prepare wet tissue for him to go school. I did asked my son, he said school also don't have water. So I advice him to sue wet tissue to clean his hand and face when needed.

      5. MIL will plan to wash clothes a night before the water rationing scheduled... Alternate every 2 days... So far everything is fine.

      6. We always make sure every water tank got enough of supply during the two days of rationing.

    6. As a result from the water rationing here, I realised we tend to appreciate more with the water usage we have right now. Every drop is very important to us.

      During the water rationing period, many shops and restaurant close early because of no water supply - they can't run the business smoothly.

      And for the authority, please be aware and monitor closely the water damp area... I know it definitely shown an larming sign if the water is below a certain %... why didn't act quickly? waiting for the last minute....make a havoc for the whole town... Chinese people always said "Dai si far siu si, Siu si far mou si " - try to minimize the problem before it gets serious.

    7. Hmm, same here, I use less water to bath and keep more for my hubby as he sweat more and has more dirt all over his body. And my laundry, I do it every 2 days too. As for cooking, I can see MIL cooks slightly simple during the rationing, but still got soup la, and I couldn't bake lo! Been stopping baking for a while, now thinking of baking something, haha xD

    8. Ya I kept water for my hubby too, usually will come home take bath again after badminton. As for three of us, we try to "han han dei" lor... should be ok. I even placed a packet of wet tissue. Easy for the kids to clean their hand and faces.

    9. yeah.. actually i would say at this water rationing exercise is not a bad idea lah.. instead of having certain areas with no water supply AT ALL for months, everyone of us help each other and all go for the "2-hari ada, 2-hari tarak" thing.. at least we are prepared because we know the dates, so store up water for the next two days when we have water, and during the two days with no water, we learn to use water wisely and ultimately, we learn to appreciate water supply.. not at all a bad thing, and i actually didn't complain but think it's rather a good temporary solution to the water shortage.. but of course, for long term, something has to be done..

  17. oh luckily we didn't experience any water rationing in Ipoh. Indeed it's very troublesome when we are faced with such problem. Well, we need to be very thrifty when using water. Save water if we must!

    1. yeah, lucky you!! i guess it's because there are a lot of water sources in Ipoh huh?? :)

  18. My places raining almost everyday, till my clothes can't dry, hahaha..
    I am consider lucky, no water rationing so far, and hope never got...

    1. oh lucky you!! haha, while we all pray for rain, you don't need to~~ :p

  19. Yeah... everytime got water rationing, I am really bothered about going to toilet and answering nature's call!

    1. LOL.....must check wither got water or not when i go public toilet. If no water dare not do big bsiness . Takut cannot flush. maluuuuuuu

    2. yeah, same here!! i will try to tahan on the two days without water.. but if in public toilet, cannot bother that much lah, pee or poo but no water, cabut first, hahaha!! :D

  20. One thing we learn from this, although hopefull it won't happen again is how precious water is, right?

    Though yeah... hope government and relevant bodies can slove it soon.

    Plus they should also realise how important water catchment is.

    We tend to clear green areas in the city without thinking the effects of doing so.

    1. totally agree with you. Sometimes because of political agenda and also some personal gains henc this happens.

    2. yeah, totally agree with that!! this drought actually has taught us many lessons, and i hope these lessons are learned and things are being done to resolve the issue in a long-term perspective..

  21. 其實點解突然間要制水啫?(唔好意思,我冇睇/聼新聞)

    1. 冇水咪要制水囉.. 幾個月冇落雨, 水塘乾晒~~

    2. 咩年代啊?咁嘅大話都講得出嚟.

  22. I feel lucky as we are not affected, it would be very troublesome with water rationing

    1. You are right Libby. Everyone needs water everyday, cooking, laundry, bathing, washing and all... it's indeed so inconvenient without water!

    2. yeah.. i think maybe such frequent water supply disruptions only happens in Malaysia??

  23. Rain town has no water supply, I can't accept at all. Something is wrong right? Please check why Taiping has no water. You will get the answer if you think deeply. The whole Perak state, only Taiping is affected.

    1. "Rain town has no water supply" This reminds be a post I read it yesterday...he was saying if the government don't try to do something on it or prevent it, even a forest country end up will just turns into desert country!!! =[

    2. First time happening leh... Remember we sent email out the water rationing schedule from LAP to you...You even thought that is an April Fool joke! LoL....Not many Taipingnese can accept it lor...how come no water?

    3. Yes, first time in the history! I also wonder why is it so weird?

    4. yeah, i was also shocked when i learned that Taiping was also affected!! i always thought the whole Perak state has an abundance of water sources..

  24. Didn't realize the water rationing is still going on for so long.. Feel sorry for you guys! But of course, it does teach everyone a lesson to appreciate water more!

    1. yeah, it is still ongoing.. heard authorities say it MAY end mid of may but then there's still no promise or guarantee..

  25. My water bill is double up since the water rationing , means we use (or keep?) more in that period!

    1. oh really?? that is quite a surprise your water bill doubles!! how can that be??

  26. Good to see water level in dams rising! We need more rain in the right places.

    1. yeah, spot on!! rain in the RIGHT places, else this water rationing will not end because they only hope rain in the right places, and not thinking of doing the right thing for the right places..

  27. Hello SK! I am back for the third time! So how's your day so far?

    I agree, the recent water rationing has taught us all to appreciate water more! We just cannot survive without the natural water supply straight from the tape~ Actually it's just like the electricity, when there's is power failure we also can barely survive, it actually teaches us to save electricity whenever we can, that's why there's this earth hour thingy going on, to show how important and precious electricity is!
    Yea I heard the rationing will keep going for some times for certain areas!! How terrible! I wonder the recent rain din't help at all meh? Impossible right?
    Pity those people leh! I experienced water rationing for 2 weeks already tak boleh tahan, needless to say those people!

    1. 不經不覺 already two months, and i think actually quite used to it already, haha.. at least this water rationing is way better than totally no water for the whole month lor, agree?? and yes, we learn to use water more carefully and appreciate this very precious resource :)

  28. Kesian la to know a lot of my Kl friends are like that now. :(

    Anyway, I am back to the Blogosphere! Welcome to pay a visit! :)


    1. yalah, lucky those who are not affected.. :)

  29. I read from news that water rationing in Selangor will be stopped by this weekend. Amitoufo!

    1. errr, will be or just "may be"?? my area is still affected..

  30. Good morning SK and all

    Water rationing hot topic

    sure will reduce water usaage? Bill decrease a lot ka? i am not convinced that it will reduced a lot. after all when the days that water comes, the people will sure want "fresh" water. Those stored ones will use to water plants and whatever. and when all used up will store fresh water. so how can reduce much?

    1. actually true also lah, because not that we are not using water at all during the two days without water right?? we still store up water on the two days with water.. so in the end, the amount still the about the same.. but one thing is that, we learn to be more careful with water usage now..

  31. No more water rationing!! Yippeee!!!!

    1. not for me though, it's still ongoing for my area..

  32. My water bill this month and also last month is RM1. Good eh? Of course, most of it is paid by Selangor Government. Thank you!! :D

    1. wow!! how nice!! but then you are staying alone??

  33. But I think to make people really careful not to waste water, perhaps they should have a billing system where the first XX cubic metres of water is free, then the next XX cubic metres is charged at normal rate, then if exceed a certain XX cubic metres of water, the charges should be very expensive. This way, at least people will think twice about wasting water.

    1. yeah, that may be a good idea also.. have the water charged at different usage level just like our tax percentage huh?? :)

  34. During 2 days of water rationing, I only flush the toilet after every 2-3 peeing. Can't be helped, otherwise not enough water to use.

    1. yeah, flushing can be so expensive of water.. that's why during the two days of no water, i think twice before peeing or pooing~~ :D
