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11.07.2013 | 簡單幸福

[Volume 8 Issue 7, #1752]
當我們細個嘅時候, 幸福可以係好簡單嘅事
當我們長大了之後, 簡單可以係好幸福嘅事
我個人覺得好啱呀, 而且仲非常之認同.. 以雪糕打個比喻啦, 細個嘅時候, 就算大人冇買支雪糕過我哋, 但係只要係咁意准我哋舔一啖佢哋支雪糕, 我哋都會開心大半日, 因為真係得來不易呀.. 到了長大了之後, 當然有能力甚至獎賞自己市面上最貴檔嘅雪糕, 不過好多時候簡單一支由快餐店買嚟嘅評價雪糕, 都可以有好大滿足.. 說到底, 我係覺得決定於我哋有幾珍惜眼前一切, 無論得來容易與否, 而唔係覺得凡事都係必然.. 當然我係講緊我自己同買以前(唔係當今)嘅小朋友啦, 大家對我嘅睇法又認同幾多呢?? :)
saw the following quote posted by a friend in facebook yesterday..
when we were young, happiness was a simple thing
when we grow up, simplicity is actually a happy thing
i thought this is so true and can't agree with that more.. let's take for example ice-cream, as a kid we would be so happy already even if we were not given our own ice-cream but the adults allowed us just one bite of theirs, because that didn't seem to come easily most of the time.. on the other hand, as a grown-up with the ability to pamper ourselves with even the most expensive ice-cream in the market, many times just a cheap RM1 plain sundae from fast food chains would be so satisfying.. in the end, i guess it all depends on how much we actually appreciate things and not take things for granted, be they easily available or hard to reach.. of course i am referring to myself and kids last time (not nowadays), haha.. how much do you agree with me?? :)


  1. I still happy n satisfy with the happy meal + Minions. anyone care for giving me a happy meal + minions :)

    1. Adoi! This big boy TZ wants a free meal!!!! I can treat you anytime. So kesian.

    2. I can give him my minions too... share share...

  2. The words are meaningful to me. As I often said, happiness is all around us, just that we failed to see and appreciate them. As I get older, I get more contented easily. Gone are the days when I could get upset over tiny matters for many hours.

    1. Anay, I always keep your golden advice in my mind. "Don't let the situation control you, instead we should try to improve or change the situation." Ever since, I have this piece of advice from you, I am a very happy woman now.

    2. for me, I am very simple minded one.

      I don't really ponder and wallow in deep thoughts.

      Am not philosophical either.

      Happiness is just being contended enough but yet yearn for a bit more for me.

    3. when we are a kid then we dont think much abut just happy get what we wanted, when in twenties we are more agressive la....but when older we tend to get mellow and some things just not worth it to argue. Waste time and makes ones unhappy.

      Just yesterday i went to mini market. There was a staff shouting at the manager . It seems a colleague had pissed him off and he just resigned and walked out like that.

      Those older colleague just looked at him and shake head.

  3. Happiness like every other feeling is a state of mind. You think you are happy, you are, likewise sad, rich, etc. We can control how we feel, not let others influence how we feel.

    Simple is good. It leaves life uncluttered. :)

  4. Good morning. I love those words and quotes that some of my friends would share in Facebook. Some of the words make me ponder, some of the words give me lots of inspiration, some of the words are a reminder, some of the words are so encouraging and meaningful like this one you posted here.

    1. Now I love words like "don't trap under dogma", "When you are in doubt, believe in yourself.", "Life is too short to be stressed by people who don't deserve to be an issue in our life. " and etc.

    2. Yannie is a very contented and happy woman after waking up from a very nice afternoon nap with her kids.

    3. I don't trade my afternoon nap with anything, not even a shopping trip or movie trip.

    4. Is that your alarm clock, SK? Very classic and simple one.

    5. Yannie is back in action!! Haha xD

      Miss you ladies la, hows life?

    6. I wonder if I should learn to take naps?

      I don't.

      And I sleep for max 6hours daily.

      Naps would be such a luxury for me so I guess I should learn to enjoy that sometime. ;-)

    7. if you like words of wisdom, Yannie, do go and ike Paolo Ceolho facebooks. He always post up very good words of wisdom. Here is the link. https://www.facebook.com/paulocoelho?fref=ts

      I find that he is like a child in the heart. Not sure what is his "real life" action maybe la but i do like his qoutes.

  5. SK Thambee has definitely grown up from a simple half-naked village boy hailed beyond the slums of Chennai to a Beckham-styled yuppie growing up in a Metropolitan city! You used to be very happy just to eat plain roti chanai with sugar or diluted curry's gravy. Now you only get contented and sleep well after feasting on the Holiday Villa Chef Mario's Beef Ribs barbequed to perfection with gardens of salads as decoration and doused with vinaigrette sauces!!!

    Anay shakes his head East to West to East to West!


  6. I had a poor childhood, eating ice cream was a luxury...nowadays my kids take Baskin Robbins, HD... and anything that is slurp-licious! :)

    1. Ice cream was a luxury for me too but the happiness gotten when my parents bought them for us all to share remains. And its priceless.

  7. Yes, time has changed. But I still enjoy our own simple things in our own simple ways. No need to follow the crowd - let them do what they want... More important to have a mind of one's own and please oneself.

    1. That's so true STP.

      Its when we tried hard to follow others, judged and let ourselves be judged by material stuff that we may let ourselves be unhappy.

  8. Kids seem to be happy most of the time. They have no worries but they do throw tantrums to get what they want. We as parents have to deal with that and that particularly could stress us up. As they grow up, parents still have worries all over their head. How to be happy all the time?

    1. It's up to us to make our day. Just do our best for our kids and everything would come to place. Stay happy and be happy for our own sake.

    2. Anyway, it's no simple life as we grow older. Life could be complicated and it all depends on how we manage it.

    3. Yea, childhood is somewhat the happiest moment in our lives. But being adults/parents is definitely not easy, lots to worry about.
      But that's LIFE, like you said, life can be hard, can be sad, it all depends on how we manage it.

  9. Good morning to SK and everybody!!

    Weekend is coming again, lalala~ ^^

    1. I've seen this quote before, shared by friends in FB.
      Totally agree with it!!
      And actually when we were young, we used to dream to be more 'complicated', being adventurous and so on, when we grow older, we realize the simplest the thing is, the better!

    2. For myself, I loved to go clubbing and all few years back. Now that I have a family and a son (and also become wiser already), a 2-3 hours of nap is so satisfying already!!

  10. I couldnt agree more to that sk,
    that makes a lot of sense which shows
    the reality our life has

  11. it even shows with the clothes we wear right?
    if i would illustrate that i would definitely compare
    that way young people has a huge tendency of over dressing
    but but those on the borderline they tend to have simplier

    1. young people were happy because of material things they get to have while elderly people are being happy of the thing they didn't get to have often which was attention of their love ones theire hapiness lies to their children or their children's children

  12. coincidentally, I just have my photo oldified just recently
    and it shows how would i look like when i reach
    that certain age if only there's a way to stop that process haha

  13. by the way i have received you previously sent package
    and thank for these, i love it all, too bad i was a bit busy to blog it
    but i'll do when ever i get enough time

  14. have a great day and happy blogging sk
    take the best of care and God bless you always

  15. the older we get the more complicated. more and more thing emerged

    yea..last time one 20sen ice cream already very happy but now...20 sen ice cream tak main lah coz....now scared of this scared of that...20 sen ice cream got coloring lah...some more not hygenic la this and that lor

    hence the "enjoyment' part are diminished

  16. It's up to us to be happy with whatever we have, more of less of it.

    Some people are happy when things get complicated. All very subjective. :-)

    Sometimes I'm happy with that RM1.05 sundae, sometimes I'm happy to eat "free ice cream" i redeemed using my cards points, sometimes I'm to happy to splurge and pay obscene amount for a cone of ice cream.

    But most of all, im happy i get to share them. And actually have people to enjoy them with. :-)

  17. ah ceh, by looking the title, I thought tai kor you 谈恋爱了哈哈哈

    1. well, when last few years ago, gaming is a must for my daily routine.

      now . . . I think I realize it too late as if gaming is not really for me lol...

      I might play games probably once a week? (PC game)

      And I do appreciate simplest thing such as ice cream you mention above at your post hehe

  18. Maybe I still have children thought, so I'll be satisfied easily by received a small gift!!! =]

  19. Actually everything is just depend on how to look into it, 幸福其实好简单!!! =]

    1. Maybe I'm too young to say it because I still look at things at a very simple way!!! =]

  20. Even though hate to grow up, but we can't stop the time, the only thing can do is 活在当下!!! =]

  21. The beauty of children is they don't harbour 隔夜仇 géyè chóu *overnight animosity* they can easily forget in less than a few minutes and be happy without worries.

  22. Why these days SK like a small kid huh? Hahaha never mind. Even myself missed being a small girl too.

    1. Being kids worries are all gone in seconds. Don't they? Looking at my two rascals growing up. I feel very happy too.

    2. Yes as simple as that.

    3. Live simple and have a happy life. *_^

    4. Although I'm blurr like sotong... but I never forget to keep myself happy all the time. When I'm happy everyone surrounding me will feel the same way too.

      "Tian Zhen" is one thing. But think positive is another way to describe how to live better everyday.

  23. A tad complex...

    we should always count our blessings and not take things for granted.. Yet the fear is that when we're satisfied with only simple items, we may not be motivated to work hard or harder.

    But if we keep chasing for better things...life can be a tad tiring anad meaningless.

    1. But most of the time, people never think of that and always take things for granted. Everybody makes mistake so do I. As long as we realized earlier, we felt regret and I'm sure there's a way for us to go back to our own route.

      Stubborn people will only ended no where to go. Too late no turning back. Times wait for no man.

    2. Yeah why people keep chasing huh? got trophy is it? Better join marathon event. Muahaha...

  24. I always believe in simple joy simple happiness because I am a simple person. Oops not that simple person who has been missing in action. take joy in simple things, and count your blessings.

  25. 说真的蛮容易的,但做起来真的蛮难的~~一起加油吧!

  26. 家陣啲小朋友太過幸福囖,兩餸一湯擺喺面前竟然流馬尿,原因喺太少選擇,好可憐喔~~~~
