[Volume 8 Issue 7, #1763] |
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可能大家會覺得係一個頗難以啟齒嘅話題, 不過我真係有感近幾年自己係放多咗屁咁.. 可能我有長期食乳酪嘅習慣, 所以肚內嘅菌製造不少氣體, 又或者真係我自己個消化系統有問題?? 不過都係我自己嘅事啦, 我其實係有感而發, 想話問下各位讀者.. 當你放咗屁之後, 你會(a) 坦然承認, (b) 咋咋臨行開, (c) 繼續留低扮冇事發生, 有或者(d) 即刻將矛頭指向其他人?? 哈哈, 對我而言, 當然唔同情況之下我會有唔同嘅反應動作啦, 熟朋友面前我會坦然承認, 如果人少少我會靜靜地行開, 如果當時有多人在場我就會詐傻扮矇, 至於降罪於他人, 就當然只有係細個嘅時候冤枉其他同學啦, 呵呵!! 老實講, 好多時候連我自己都會頂唔住我自己嘅臭屁囉, 哈哈!! 話是話, 有冇人可以解釋到點解喺浴室同泳池內放屁, 會特別臭嘅呢?? :D |
maybe some may find it a taboo topic to even talk about, but i think i have been farting more in recent years.. maybe i've been eating yoghurt and the bacteria produced more gas in my guts, or it could really be my digestive system?? anyway, that's my problem, but this inspired me to ask my readers a question here.. if you just farted, are you one who will (a) honestly admit, (b) quickly walk away, (c) stay on the spot pretending nothing happened, or (d) quickly blame somebody else for doing that?? hahaha, it will be different reaction at different situation for me i would say, i admit in front of close friends, walk away if there are just few people around, stay and pretend if there are a number of people around, and finally blame other classmates only when i was a kid at school, hahaha!! frankly, i have to admit many times even myself could not take the unbearable smell of my own farts, hahaha!! by the way, anyone can explain why it's more smelly if you fart inside bathroom and in the pool?? :D |
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31.07.2013 | 非同凡響
30.07.2013 | 企理雙手
[Volume 8 Issue 7, #1762] |
係, 上面張相係我隻手揸住支潤手霜, 不過我今日唔係要寫咩product review又或者sponsored post, 所以大家可以安心睇埋落去, 呵呵!! 係咁嘅, 最近手指頻頻生死皮角, 自己又鬼咁手痕要去搣喎, 結果漸漸變成習慣, 好多次都搣埋多餘嘅皮, 搞到手指變得幾咁難睇!! 越係覺得難睇, 我就越係要搣乾淨, 到最終只會沒完沒了.. 而且睇到呢張相, 先發現我對手原來都幾乾喎.. 我知我知, 男人老狗用潤手霜係幾女人嘅, 尤其係搽緊嗰一刻(囧), 不過呢個時候唔理得咁多喇我, 唯有趁冇乜人注意嘅時候搽啦(不過做乜我又喺度公開??!!).. 聽好多美容達人講過, 你塊面可能可以掩飾你嘅年齡, 但係你條頸同對手絕對會講晒出嚟!! 點都好, 我唔係好在乎, 我在乎嘅係企企理理嘅一對手囉, 各位男士們都應該正視手指嘅整潔呀, 因為污糟嘅雙手係會俾人一個唔好嘅第一印象㗎噃~~ :) |
yes, that's my hand holding a tube of hand cream, but of course i am not doing a product review or a sponsored post, so it's safe to read on, haha!! it's just that cuticles are growing on my fingers cannot and i can't resist to peel them off.. in the end, it has become a habit lately and many times extra skins are peeled off together leaving my fingers look so horribly unsightly.. the more they get unsightly, the more i'll peel the skin, and it becomes never ending.. also by looking at this photo, i realized my hands are actually very dry too.. i know i know, it may seem pansy for a guy to put on hand cream, especially that moment he is applying (geez!!), i don't care and just have to do it when no one sees (but why the heck i'm blogging publicly here??!!).. i've heard beauty experts say, you can conceal your age with your face but your neck and hands would tell it!! anyway, i don't really bother about that, what's more important to me is the neatness and cleanliness of my fingers and nails, i think guys should take this seriously as dirty hands will give a bad first impression~~ :) |
25.07.2013 | 戲院開餐
[Volume 8 Issue 7, #1761] |
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如果閣下係90年代前出世, 我諗你應該仲記得我哋以前啲舊式戲院, 無論喜歡食乜飲乜, 都可以光明正大理所當然咁全部帶晒入場.. 所以當時有各式零食如蝦片同瓜子, 有用膠袋打包然後用尼龍繩綁住一邊嘅汽水, 有用膠袋裝住放好多酸梅粉嘅水果, 有用蠟紙包住然之後辣椒醬不停滴出嚟嘅漢堡包, 有一盒一盒嘅美味炸雞等等.. 當然今時今日嘅摩登戲院, 為咗各位觀眾喺戲院內嘅舒適, 我哋係限制性地只可以帶特定食物同飲品入場, 而且必定要向戲院購買.. 身為馬來西亞人, 我哋都算係幸福喇, 因為食物選擇算係多, 由爆谷到薯片到熱狗到魚旦都應有盡有.. 不過我的確好支持禁止魚旦入場, 因為實在係超級大陣味!! 至討厭隔離有人食魚旦, 喂, 你究竟係嚟睇戲定野餐唧??!! 講開又講, 我哋都知道呢個係戲院壟斷手法, 逼使每位觀眾都只可以買戲院提供嘅食物, 當然大條道理殺你一頸血啦.. 我就係一個非常不願意就範嘅人, 所以有時候會去超市買啲嘢然後"偷渡"入戲院, 平好多㗎喂!! 咁我想知喇, 大家有冇做過又或者仲係做緊類似動作呢?? 呵呵~~ :D |
if you were born before the 90s, i bet you remember those old style cinemas back then, where we could freely bring anything we like to eat and drink into the cinema.. so there were all kinds of crackers and kuaci, there were drinks packed in plastic bags tied with a nylon string, there were cut fruits sprinkled with asamboi in plastic bags, there were burgers with eggs and dripping chili sauce wrapped in papers, there were boxes of fried chicken etc.. of course with the modern cineplexes nowadays, to ensure the comfort of all patrons, we are only allowed to bring in limited types of food and beverages sold at the cinema counters.. being malaysians we are so pampered to have quite a variety of choices from popcorn to chips to hotdogs to fishballs, but i would strongly suggest fishballs to be banned because they really smell horrible inside the cinema!! hate the neighbours having them really, are you watching movie or having your picnic??!! on another note, we know that's the monopoly strategy in which the cinema force us to buy more expensive food and beverages.. i am one patron who is so not willing to pay the extras, so at times i just "smuggle" things bought from supermarket (which is so much cheaper) into the cinema.. by the way, how many of you did that or still do that?? hahaha~~ :D |
24.07.2013 | 鬧鐘響起
[Volume 8 Issue 7, #1760] |
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你是否下下都需要有個鬧鐘嚟叫醒你?? 我絕對係需要嘅, 又或者話我係個依賴鬧鐘嘅人.. 再者, 嚴厲要求鬧鐘有snooze功能, 因為我會將鬧鐘較早半個小時, 等我可以snooze夠三次之後先甘願起身.. 係呀, 我真係好享受倒頭再瞓嘅感覺㗎, 所以就連週末, 我個鬧鐘都會響, 靜咗佢之後再大被蓋頭眠, 直到大概兩個鐘之後自然醒為止, 爽呀!! 呵呵~~ 當然, 我梗係冇個正正式式嘅鬧鐘啦, 不過就係手機set咗每日都叫醒我咁囉.. 仲好添, 可以放自己喜歡嘅音樂做鬧鐘聲, 唔駛同隔離鄰舍同一個普通聲嘛.. 你想象下, 如果其中一個響起, 其他人都以為係自己個鬧鐘響, 該煨囉, 咁娘爆嘅嘢我點做得出?? 講到鬧鐘聲, 我就肯定唔會放好舒服嘅音樂啦, 咪盞搞到自己更加渴睡?? 放啲嘈喧巴閉得令人聞之煩躁嘅音樂, 譬如我依家用緊嘅呢一隻, 肯定非常有效地叫醒我呀!! :D |
are you someone who need an alarm to wake you up?? i definitely need one, or better say i gotta rely on alarm to wake me up.. indeed, an alarm clock with snooze function is a must, because i set my alarm half an hour earlier, so that i can snooze for three times before i am finally willing to wake up.. ah, i just love that feeling of going back into sleep, that is why my alarm still goes off on weekends, i'll just switch it off and go back to sleep until i wake up naturally, perhaps two hours later, shyiok ah!! haha~~ of course, i don't really have an alarm clock but my phone is set with an alarm to wake me up everyday.. better still, since i can set my own music as the ring and not the common one like those of the neighbours.. imagine one rings, everyone thought that is their alarm waking them up, nah, that is so not stylish and i am so not going to do that!! and i never set soothing music as the ring because that would me we feel like want to sleep more, but rather some very noisy and irritating music like this one i currently have, surely effective to wake me up!! :D |
23.07.2013 | 小心串字
[Volume 8 Issue 7, #1759] |
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昨日見到一位打扮非常時髦嘅女士, 賞心悅目之時忽然留意到佢件俾人感覺好高貴嘅T恤上, 竟然印住「FORTURN COOKIES」呢兩個字, 正一大煞風景呀!! 非常明顯, 想必係串錯咗FORTUNE COOKIES吧?? 於是我今日就想話語重心長咁勸戒大家, 唔該一定要非常在乎件衫上面印咗咩字, 本來係搶盡風頭, 但係一旦件衫上面印咗嘅字有錯, 成個image都會即刻cheap晒, 都真係唔方唔搶風頭喇!! 至於點解我又貼上紋身圖片呢?? 係咁嘅, 本來係要上網揾啲T恤串錯字嘅實例, 不過搜查結果俾咗我更多嘅紋身串錯字實例.. 我就諗, 相比之下T恤都未必係最壞情況啦, 反而係紋身, 本來以為好有型, 但係偏偏有個咁礙眼嘅spelling mistake!! 該煨囉, 跟足你一世人, 咪真係俾人笑到面都黃晒, 由隻老虎變成隻老鼠?? [是日教誨] 一係唔做, 要做就要準!! 當你唔肯定某字點樣串嘅時候, 請謹記要查字典呀~~ :p |
saw a very fashionable lady yesterday and while admiring her fashionista way of dressing up, i suddenly realized on her very classy feel t-shirt it was printed with these two words: FORTURN COOKIES.. oh that was just so potong stim, very obvious that was a misspelt FORTUNE COOKIES right?? hence it inspired me to strongly advise everyone to be ultra careful with what was printed on your clothes.. it could be a very nice one attracting lots of attention, but once there is a misspelt word on it, your entire image will become utterly cheap, and i guess that's even more attention seeking!! and what's with the tattoo pictures above?? i was actually googling for some real examples of tees with misspelt words but the search result returned me more pictures of that in tattoos.. i thought to myself, the case of clothes may not be the worst, but in the case of tattoos, the one who got it thought it must be something so cool until in the end found out there is such an "interesting" spelling mistake!! OMG, and it's gonna stay on their skins for the entire life, laughed at by many and surely from a mighty tiger turn into a timid little mice?? [lesson learnt] get it right or leave it!! always lookup your dictionary if you are unsure about the spelling~~ :p |
22.07.2013 | 可惡司機
[Volume 8 Issue 7, #1758] |
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日前在網上見到一篇國外新聞報導, 有指去年亞洲出租車調查當中, 馬來西亞嘅的士服務排行最差第一名!! 其實我一啲都唔感到意外, 仲覺得「實至名歸」添囉.. 尤其係唔跟跳錶, 就咁同你開個漫天殺價, 又或者跟跳錶但係跳錶其實已經做過手腳, 可見呢啲的士司機係幾咁無良.. 跟住呢, 唔啱心水嘅地方佢可以拒載, 又或者完全唔識去某個地方仲調轉頭要乘客帶路, 可見呢啲的士司機係幾咁唔專業.. 再來呢, 零頭錢佢唔打算找返俾你, 又或者以你個地方兜出去市區一路冇客而要求增加車資, 可見呢啲的士司機係幾咁不守誠信.. 數日前就係非常之黑仔, (買唔到壞蛋獎門人之余仲要)俾我遇到一個咁樣嘅的士司機, 以上提到嘅六項罪狀佢就中咗四項咁多!! 真係佛都有火, 所以我堅持一毫子都要佢鈞鈞真真找返俾我, 任佢幾唔鍾意啦, 最後落車前我都仲係忍唔住呻咗佢幾句.. 好彩佢之後冇揸架的士撞埋嚟啫, 你知啦, 我在明佢在暗, 哈哈!! 講到尾, 我係真心覺得有關當局應該更加嚴厲管治的士司機嘅專業操守囉.. :) |
saw a news report by a foreign media the other day, results of a survey did on hired cars last year ranked malaysian taxi service as the top worst among asian countries!! i actually wasn't surprise with the result at all, i even think we actually can't "deserve" it more.. especially taxi drivers who refuse to charge by running the meter but offered you a ride with an exorbitant fare, or even running on meter but that machine was already modified, we can clearly see how not conscientious the drivers could be.. next, the drivers can refuse to take the passenger to a place they don't like to go, or perhaps they need to passenger to direct them to the destination instead, we can clearly see how not professional the drivers could be.. then, the drivers may not intend to give you the exact change, or they even ask for extra fares because they will need to go back downtown without a passenger from your place, we can clearly see how lack not trustworthy the drivers could be.. last week i was so unlucky that i met such a taxi driver (besides unable to get any minions), he "scored" four out of the six vices mentioned above!! i was really pissed off and hence i demanded to have every single sen clearly changed back to me, regardless how unhappy he was, i still can't hold it but to condemn his attitude.. lucky he did not drive his car and hit me from the back, haha, well you know he could always do that!! anyway, i just truly think that the authorities concerned should more strictly govern the professionalism of our taxi drivers.. :) |
18.07.2013 | 真假難辨
[Volume 8 Issue 7, #1757] |
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大家有冇試過喺條街度, 有個陌生人突然行埋嚟問你要錢?? 睇落一臉驚慌嘅陌生人, 話俾你知佢啱啱發現唔見咗荷包, 問你可唔可以俾錢佢搭車返屋企?? 而通常個數目係非常之雞碎, 譬如話係RM1.50之類你一個唔覺意跌咗都唔察覺嘅數目.. 我要講嘅係, 當呢種情形發生喺我身上嘅時候, 我都會好覺得好徬徨, 如果我幫佢又可能係騙局一場, 如果我選擇唔幫佢又可能佢真係咁黑仔.. 可是好多時候都真係好難辨別真假, 再加上呢個越來越唔安全嘅社會, 發生咗咁多欺詐案件, 所以可能大家要原諒我, 寧願選擇鐵石心腸唔幫啲陌生人, 都唔想因為同情而俾人呃.. 又或者我應該往好嘅一方面諗, 能力做得到嘅就幫啦, 同自己講係做咗宗善事, 就算真係騙局一宗, 都同自己講佢咁做係有佢嘅原因.. 如果換著你, 你會點做呢?? 做個好人, 定還是個衰人呢?? :) |
have you ever been approached by some perfect strangers on the street asking you for money?? they looked anxious, telling you that they lost their wallets and asked if you could spare some money so that they can take transport home?? and most of the time, the amount they asked for will be just minimal like RM1.50 that you may anytime accidentally dropped it without realizing.. i have to say that i am always caught in a dilemma if that happens to me, if i help and that could be a con, if i choose not to help and that person could be real unlucky.. many times it is impossible to differentiate the genuineness, and with the many deceptions that had happened in this society which is getting less safe, please forgive me but i would rather be a bad guy refused to help than to be conned at the cost of my sympathy.. or a second thought, perhaps i should think a little more positive, just help if i can afford to help and make myself believe that i have done a good thing, and even if it was a con, that they actually did that with a reason.. how would you react then?? to be positive or to be negative?? :) |
17.07.2013 | 旅程結束
[Volume 8 Issue 7, #1756] |
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與某朋友whatsapp之際, 無意中提及生老病死呢一個話題.. 所以就今日就好自然地寫呢一個題材, 不過我覺得生老病死始終都係人生必經嘅階段, 與其畏懼避談, 倒不如坦然面對來得實際.. 於是我就係度認真探討, 如果臨老嘅時候我係孓然一身嘅話會係點樣?? 如果將來知道自己其實淨低只有一個月甚至係一日命, 我會點樣?? 結束生命旅程前一刻究竟會係咩情況?? 我仲能夠繼續堅強同正面, 定係已經變成畏懼同負面?? 今日呢個post好短但係非常之有份量, 或者應該咁講, 有時後能夠正視生命之旅不同階段, 其實都未必係件壞事.. :) |
was whatsapping with a friend and out of a sudden we touched on the topic of age, health and death.. which naturally inspired me to blog on the same topic today, but i think they are stages of life that we should positively face rather than to avoid.. so that actually invited me to ponder, what if i am left all alone when i get old?? what if i already knew i am left with only a month's or even just a day's life?? how is my life going to be towards the end of the journey?? will i still stay strong and positive, or will i turn weak and negative?? a short post today but i guess it is heavy enough to make all of us think, instead i sometimes do think it makes no harm to seriously think about all these natural stages of the journey of life.. :) |
16.07.2013 | 好耐唔見
[Volume 8 Issue 7, #1755] |
fing-fing話好耐都冇同大家見面, 非常掛住大家, 所以今日佢無論如何都要同大家say hello咁喎.. 講到呢個好耐唔見, 老實講, 你係唔係一個經常都主動約朋友出嚟見面嘅人?? 有或者你係個等朋友約見面嘅人?? 我本人就應該係屬於後者, 哈哈, 唔係我高竇, 係唔主動咁啫, 如果朋友約見面我通常都會應約嘅.. 其實好多時候, 朋友之間都唔駛話經常見面㗎, 因為大家都有自己嘅生活圈子.. 家下科技先進, 大家平日保持聯絡都好方便嘅, 耐唔耐聚埋一齊反而能夠增進感情啦.. 講到呢度, 如果係平日連基本聯絡都冇, 突然間有個朋友打電話俾你話好耐唔見, 不如呢個週末出嚟飲茶.. 你第一個反應係咩呢?? 我會覺得呢個朋友一係結婚請飲, 一係就要你買保險或者啲咩銷售產品!! 正所謂無事不登三寶殿, 通常都係逃不過呢兩個可能性嘅, 呵呵~~ :p |
fing-fing says he has not met everyone for a very very long time, he misses everyone so much and hence wants to say hello to all of you today by hook or by crook.. okay we talk about "long time no see", so frankly, are you one who would take the initiative to always ask your friends to meet up?? or are you one who always wait for friends to invite?? i think i should be the latter type of person, haha, not that i am an ego person but just that i am quite passive, and if friends invite me out, i usually will go meet up.. i somehow think that friends do not necessarily need to meet up often, because everyone has their own circles of life.. technology is so advanced that we can always keep in touch on a daily basis, perhaps a meet up once in a while would better bond the relationships huh?? on the other hand, if a friend of yours whom you have not been keeping in touch suddenly calls you one day, and told you to meet up the coming weekend, what would be your first reaction?? i would think that it's either this friend is going to invite me to a wedding dinner, or this friend is persuading me to buy insurance or those MLM products!! usually it couldn't be out of these two possibilities, hehe~~ :p |
15.07.2013 | 抗老欖油
[Volume 8 Issue 7, #1754] |
我某位博客朋友曾經話我知佢保持年輕嘅秘訣, 就係每日飲兩湯匙橄欖油落肚, 見佢年近半百都仲係冇乜皺紋又皮光肉滑得似剝咗殼嘅雞蛋, 我都非常羨慕.. 近日的確喺某健康雜誌睇到關於橄欖油嘅益處, 裡頭話:「橄欖油能夠減低男性老化跡象, 因為裡面嘅角鲨烯(squalene)能夠幫助抵抗自由基對皮膚嘅侵害」.. 不過就咁齋飲兩湯匙, 我肯定會嘔返出嚟啦(囧), 況且雜誌話係每日攝取兩茶匙, 唔需要飲兩湯匙咁惡心.. 所以我覺得可以結合橄欖油與香醋嘅好處, 感覺上應該好得多啩?? 於是就產生咗我自己嘅香醋油(我買市面上最平嘅, 因為香醋同橄欖油可以去到好高價位), 就咁點麵包或做沙律醬, 味道好唔錯哦~~ :p |
a blogger friend of mine once told me his secret of staying young by drinking two tablespoons of olive oil everyday, and it's quite convincing looking at his almost wrinkle-free face and complexion as smooth as a peeled boiled egg for his age of almost half-a-century.. i recently also read an article from a health magazine, that "olive oil can reduce aging in men, as the squalene contained within can help to fight against free-radical damages on the skin".. bluergh, but it sure feels squeamish to chug that down the throat right?? furthermore the article says that we don't have to chug two tablespoons but rather to consume two teaspoons a day.. so i thought of combining the goodness of olive oil and vinegar, doesn't this sound a lot better?? therefore here comes my very own "vinaigrette" (of course i bought the cheapest olive oil and vinegar available, since they can be very expensive), good as dipping for bread or dressing for salads and taste good too~~ :p |
12.07.2013 | 即時一貼
[Volume 8 Issue 7, #1753] |
屋企嘅internet connection由噚晚到依家都神神哋, 不停斷線搞到無法上網.. 依家搭緊車, 唯有用手機個apps即時寫今日呢篇post, 都唔係大問題嘅, 不過始終手機都不甚方便, 所以今日盡量從簡喇.. 話是話, 其實今年我本來就已經係打算每篇post都好精短, 一張相加兩三句嘢止, 但係唔知點解都係囉囉嗦嗦張篇大論嘅?? 人老咗就自不然"語重心長"?? 呵呵!! 不如下個星期開始就試下呢個精簡方式啦, 到時可能讀者們唔知要如何留言.. 正好似facebook上某些朋友, 貼上(懶係)好有深度嘅message, 但係同時間又貼上一張毫無關係又極端白癡嘅相!! 救命~~ 唔好意思, 三句不離本性, 其實今日呢篇post, 篇幅都唔算短噃, 哈哈!! :D |
the internet connection at home was not stable since last night, hence i couldn't go online due to the frequent line drop.. am commuting by train now, so i am using the apps on my phone to blog this post for today.. not really a big issue but afterall it's still a phone, things get a little quite inconvenient, so i'll try to keep this post short.. actually i have planned to write short posts starting this year, short as in a photo with just two to three sentences, but always ended up with a long one.. does it have to do with age?? we get more long winded as we get older?? haha.. why not i start the short post style next week, perhaps my readers wouldn't know what to comment then.. could be like some friends on facebook, who often post messages that are (seem to be) very deep in meaning, but at the same time tag along a totally unrelated yet super stupid photo!! help~~ sorry, i guess it's difficult to change, that's why this post is not short and simple at all huh?? hehe.. :D |
11.07.2013 | 簡單幸福
[Volume 8 Issue 7, #1752] |
昨日在面卜睇到有位朋友post咗以下金句.. 當我們細個嘅時候, 幸福可以係好簡單嘅事 我個人覺得好啱呀, 而且仲非常之認同.. 以雪糕打個比喻啦, 細個嘅時候, 就算大人冇買支雪糕過我哋, 但係只要係咁意准我哋舔一啖佢哋支雪糕, 我哋都會開心大半日, 因為真係得來不易呀.. 到了長大了之後, 當然有能力甚至獎賞自己市面上最貴檔嘅雪糕, 不過好多時候簡單一支由快餐店買嚟嘅評價雪糕, 都可以有好大滿足.. 說到底, 我係覺得決定於我哋有幾珍惜眼前一切, 無論得來容易與否, 而唔係覺得凡事都係必然.. 當然我係講緊我自己同買以前(唔係當今)嘅小朋友啦, 大家對我嘅睇法又認同幾多呢?? :)當我們長大了之後, 簡單可以係好幸福嘅事 |
saw the following quote posted by a friend in facebook yesterday.. when we were young, happiness was a simple thing i thought this is so true and can't agree with that more.. let's take for example ice-cream, as a kid we would be so happy already even if we were not given our own ice-cream but the adults allowed us just one bite of theirs, because that didn't seem to come easily most of the time.. on the other hand, as a grown-up with the ability to pamper ourselves with even the most expensive ice-cream in the market, many times just a cheap RM1 plain sundae from fast food chains would be so satisfying.. in the end, i guess it all depends on how much we actually appreciate things and not take things for granted, be they easily available or hard to reach.. of course i am referring to myself and kids last time (not nowadays), haha.. how much do you agree with me?? :)when we grow up, simplicity is actually a happy thing |
09.07.2013 | 清新簡單
[Volume 8 Issue 7, #1751] |
老老實實, 今日真係冇咩靈感要寫啲乜嘢.. 對我嚟講, 攝位post通常都離不開食物㗎喇, 哈哈!! 摷到呢張數月前影低嘅相, 兩條烤豬肉香腸配一碗兜嘅生菜+青瓜+粟米粒.. 當然有咗呢張相嘅啟發, 我依家知道要寫啲咩喇, 呵呵.. 冇囉, 我冇咩好特別嘅沙律醬囉, 其實我都唔係幾喜歡嗰啲好creamy嘅沙律醬(例如好多人都以為係整沙律必然要落嘅蛋黃醬又或者千島醬咁), 我其實比較喜歡cream-free囉, 所以啲油醋之類比較清新又冇咁heavy嘅沙律醬會比較啱我口味多啲.. 當然, 好似我咁十年先入廚房一次整嘢食嘅人, 手頭上係冇咩材料喺度㗎喇, 就見步行步, 隨意唧啲檸檬汁同灑少少鹽啦.. 嗯, 簡單新鮮不過絕對有滿足嘅午餐.. |
okay, let me be frank that nothing much actually comes to my mind about what to blog about today.. filler posts always happen to be food post for me, haha!! found this photo i took couple of months ago, two grilled sausages on a bed of coral lettuce and cucumbers and corn kernels.. of course, inspired by this photo, i now know what i want to talk about, hehe.. nope, i didn't have any complicated dressing for my salad, in fact i kind of dislike creamy dressing (for example, mayonnaise and thousand island that many worship them so much as if they are the "de facto" dressing for salads).. i would rather like my salad to be "cream-free", hence light and refreshing types of dressing (for example, vinaigrette based) would be my preference.. but of course to someone like me who hardly prepare food for myself, i have limited ingredients with me.. so i improvised, squeezed a little lemon juice and sprinkled a little salt as the dressing for this.. hmmm, that was a simply fresh yet satisfying lunch.. |
08.07.2013 | 吸煙請遠
[Volume 8 Issue 7, #1750] |
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我從來都唔理其他人吸煙, 因為我覺得吸煙係個人權利同自由, 不過我對於吸煙者自私又不為其他人著想嘅態度, 就頗有微言.. 由室內開始啦, 基本上都唔係問題嘅, 因為好多地方都已經禁止在室內吸煙啦.. 問題所在係好多人依然好不負責任地喜歡喺廁格內吸煙, 以為冇人見到就可以吸煙掩蓋啲「開大」嘅丁烷氣味.. 老實講, 廁所依然係室內囉, 最討厭喺廁所問到煙味喇!! 有次我個朋友潑水入某個有人正在吸煙嘅廁格內, 呢個動作簡直令人拍案叫絕, 教訓之余其實係幫佢防止啲丁烷氣體因吸煙而燃燒呀, 呵呵!! 我哋嘅法律都只係管轄室內吸煙, 去到室外個個人都可以自由吸煙.. 但係我始終覺得應該再做多樣嘢, 譬如劃定室外吸煙區咁.. 我十分討厭啲一邊行路一邊吸煙, 跟住一邊吞雲吐霧嘅人, 尤其行喺佢哋後面嘅路人, 肯定要吃下唔少有毒二手煙.. 唔該, 難道唔可以企定定一個位置慢慢享受, 享受完畢先繼續路程咩?? 我估佢哋都想有啖煙好食, 不過可唔可以顧慮下其他路人, 唔好搞到一街都係煙, 嚴重污染空氣呀?? 麻煩大家想象一下, 街度有隻夠唔肯原地撒尿而係一邊走一邊撒.. 唔好意思, 可能咁樣比喻有點過份, 希望冇得罪任何人, 不過如果提起我認為唔顧慮他人嘅人, 我就會好扯火㗎喇~~ :p |
i don't care about people smoking, since that really is their own rights, freedom and choice.. however i do have my own voice on smokers being selfish and inconsiderate to others.. let's start with indoors, basically not an issue as many places have already forbidden smoking indoor, but problem is, many still like to smoke inside toilet cubicles, thinking that nobody could see them so they can smoke to cover the butane smell from their "business"?? sorry, but toilet is indoor and i hate smelling smoke in toilets!! a friend once splashed water into the cubicle in which a guy was smoking, i find that awesome because it's a punishment but also saved him from fuming up the butane gas in the cubicle, haha!! our law only governs indoor smoking, when it comes to outdoor, everyone is free to smoke.. sorry, but i still think something extra needs to be done, perhaps dedicated outdoor smoking areas.. i hate it when people smoke while walking, puff the toxic nicotine everywhere especially to the face of people walking behind.. can't they just stay on a spot to smoke, done and only continue their journey?? i'm sure they would like to have a nice cigarette break too, but not creating trails of smoke and pollute every inch of the street.. imagine a stray dog not pissing on the spot but instead piss while walking.. apologies if i sounded mean and i hope no one is offended but when it comes to those i-think-they-are-incosiderate people, i get rather mad.. :p |
05.07.2013 | 開心玩具
[Volume 8 Issue 7, #1749] |
唔知係唔係返老還童, 我記得以前從來都唔點樣會留意麥當勞玩具㗎, 但係近呢幾年, 我發覺自己非常鐘情於呢啲麥當勞玩具!! 又或者因為佢哋嘅marketing做得太過成功?? 當然, 我都仲係好理智嘅, 只不過係有啲時候會喜歡某啲特定嘅玩具啫.. 好似前排嘅多啦A夢同藍精靈, 以及依家呢個壞蛋掌們人兵團.. 係喇, 呢一個月內我又要比較勤力咁啃開心樂園套餐, 而且重要同其他粉絲爭玩具添噃, 因為好多分店喺幾個小時之內就已經售罄(冏)!! 哈哈, 不特止呀, 我仲托遠在英國及美國嘅朋友幫我買我哋亞洲冇推出嗰幾款添!! 我承認我係俾呢啲小生物嘅趣怪表情同搞笑動作所吸引, 佢哋真係好可愛!! 大家睇咗呢一條短片之後, 應該會明白我點解咁講喇.. 當大叔變成孩童嘅時候, 其實快樂本來就不分年齡界限㗎啦, 係唔係?? :) |
i don't know if you will call this "rejuvenation", i thought i never cared about any McD toys last time but in recent years, i realized myself loving them so much!! or was it because they did better marketing lately?? of course, i am still very rational and just occasionally crazy about some particular toys wokay?? the previous doraemon and smurfs, till the current Despicable Me's Minions for example.. yes, it shall mean that i will be walloping Happy Meals more frequent this month, and trying to fight with other fans out there for these toys, because they are sold out within hours in many outlets here (OMG)!! hahaha, what's more, i even got my friends in as far as UK and USA to get me those not available in Asia!! i admit, these little creatures with priceless expressions and hilarious actions have driven me bananas, they are indeed too adorable!! watch this video clip and you'll understand why i said that.. it's uncle turns a kid, but happiness is indeed something not bound to age, agree?? :) |
04.07.2013 | 互動回應
[Volume 8 Issue 7, #1748] |
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當你去(馬來西亞啲)快餐店嘅時候, 櫃檯服務員通常都會主動同顧客打個招呼.. 其實我哋都唔會太在乎服務員用咩方式打招呼啦, 重要嘅係打咗招呼之後表示雙方可以開始個交易喇.. 又或者換個情況嚟解釋, 大家接電話之時, 照常理我哋係唔係都會先應一聲, 而唔係等打電話嚟嘅人先開聲嘛, 係唔係?? :) 好喇, 話說某日我就去咗間快餐店, 個櫃檯服務員睇落唔打算同我打招呼喎, 佢個樣話我知, 你可以直接落order喇咁.. 好唔習慣不過算啦, 我就問佢仲有冇個暖水壺優惠餐呀咁, 一次兩次都毫無反應, 咁我就重複第三次, 再俾一副你知唔知我講緊乜嘅面色佢睇.. 佢先有氣無力問我「有啦!! 咁你想要邊一個顏色??」.. 嚇咗下不過都算啦, 我就同佢講要咩顏色, 佢轉頭就拎咗我要嗰款暖水壺俾我.. 呢個時候, 我其實係expect佢問我要邊一仲口味嘅炸雞同要邊一種汽水, 點知等極都冇反應.. 有點呆濟不過算啦, 喺隔離櫃檯嗰位比較有禮嘅服務員協助之下, 我主動話佢知我要咩雞咩汽水.. 好怪雞囉, 咁被動都有㗎?? 大家睇咗以上敘述, 應該都估到係邊一家快餐店店啦?? 不過估中冇獎~~ :p 真係百思不得其解呀, 係我嘅expectation定係我覺得係必然呢?? 通常服務員都會主動打招呼, 跟住都會再次確定order㗎嘛.. 而我每次都會等服務員引領我交待有咩要求, 因為咁樣先可以遷就佢哋將要求輸入系統嘅步伐嘛.. 偏偏呢一個服務員就另舍唔同, 究竟係態度問題定還是佢真係有啲慢呢?? 不過我又冇發盟憎, 因為老實講佢其實又唔係冇禮貌, 係有少少怪辟囉, 始終我都係覺得顧客與服務員之間應該有互動, 同佢交流就好似同緊堵牆講嘢咁~~ :D 第1頁 (共3頁) |
when we are in fast food chains (in Malaysia), waiters at the counter will always take the lead to greet the customer.. i mean we don't actually quite care about the greeting, but it's more about signalling the start of transaction, agree?? maybe put it in another way, when you pick up a call, it make sense that you would initiate the conversation rather than to wait for the caller right?? :) so i was at a fast food chain the other day where the waiter didn't greet me at all but rather waiting for me to place my order directly, unused to it but fine, i started to ask about the availability of the promotional thermos flask set.. once and twice but there wasn't a response, so i repeated for the third time with that do-you-know-what-the-f**k-i-am-talking-about expression on my face, only then he responded by asking "yes lah, which color you want??".. shocked but fine, i told him the color and he returned to get me the right flask.. as he returned, i expected him to ask which flavor of chicken and drinks i would like to have.. waited and no action though, awkward but fine, i just told him what i want one shot, and that was with the help from the more polite waitress at the next counter.. so weird he was so passive!! by the description you can guess which fast food chain right?? but no prize for the correct guess, hehe~~ :p i really have no idea, was it my expectation or did i take things for granted?? but most waiters will greet and confirm orders by repeating or at least showing signs of acknowledgement, and i always wait for waiters to lead the questions on requests because that will suit their own pace while keying-in the items on the register.. this waiter was so different, could it be his attitude problem or probably he is indeed a slow person?? anyway, i didn't make a fuss because he wasn't rude at all i have to be frank, maybe just a little weird because i would expect some interactions between a customer and a waiter, but he just made me feel like talking to the wall instead~~ :D Page 1 of 3 |
02.07.2013 | 次季戰績
[Volume 8 Issue 7, #1747] | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
點擊圖片查看留言金榜 | Click picture to view comment chart
你準備好迎接五強贏家未?? Are you ready to meet the Top Five winners?? 請選擇揭曉五強的速度.. Please select the speed to reveal Top Five.. 慢速 Slow 普通 Normal 快速 Fast ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
見到上面張相, 你以為又有人送禮物俾我?? 唔係啦, 其實我都有送禮物俾我啲讀者朋友㗎, 哈哈!! 呢啲禮物仔就係送俾第二季留言最多嘅讀者嘅.. 冇錯喇, 今日為大家揭曉2013年度第二季嘅留言排行榜.. 前五名讀者每人會獲得如圖中嘅一份cheap禮物(包括熊熊講座, 電話繩, 鐵筆盒, 憤怒鳥本子以及自製個人賀卡).. 咁究竟係邊五位讀者可以論功行賞呢?? 點擊上面相片睇下你係唔係其中之一?? 最後, 當然要萬分感謝各位嘅鼎力留言, 恭喜晒所有榜上題名嘅朋友!! 下一季你想得到禮物?? 咁你就要由呢一刻開始多多留言喇~~ :p | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
you saw the photo above and thought someone gave me presents again?? nah, i also giveaway presents to my readers okay?? haha!! and these are the presents for my top commenters for the second quarter of the year.. yes, you are right, i am hereby announcing the comment chart for the second quarter of year 2013.. the top five will each receive one set of the above cheapskate presents (bearbrick trophy, cars handphone strap, steel pencil case, angry bird notepads and a DIY personalized card).. who are the ones rewarded for their hardwork?? just click on the photo above to find out if you are one of them!! last but not least, tons of thank you to all of your comments, and big congratulations to everyone who made it to the chart!! you want something in the next quarter?? then you should start to leave more comments from this moment onwards~~ :p |
01.07.2013 | 六月金榜
[Volume 8 Issue 7, #1746] | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
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如果你尚未為意, 2013年剛剛過咗一半(又或者可以話係仲有一半), 今日就係下半年嘅開始.. 下半年第一日, 為大家揭曉六月份嘅留言榜成績, 我哋嘅三甲人馬繼續穩守各自嘅位置, 如巨樹盤根毫不動搖, 好犀利呀!! 金榜在此, 我就無謂再多作詳述喇, 因為明天將會陸續為大家揭曉本年度第二季嘅成績呀, 呢個當然需要隆而重之啦.. 首先恭喜晒六月份各位榜上題名嘅讀者, 亦都要多謝各位嘅留言支持!! 究竟邊位會係第二季贏家呢?? 大家拭目以待~~ :) | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
if you have not realized, half of the year 2013 has just gone (or we can also say that there is still half a year left), it will be the second half of the year starting today.. on this first day of the second-half, i am announcing the comment chart for june, and we still have our top 3 intact at their respective position.. they are surely like huge trees with strong roots, even hurricanes could not move them a single inch, awesome!! now we have the chart right in front of us, so i rather not comment too much into details, because i will be announcing back-to-back the comment chart for quarter two tomorrow, and that needs more highlights of course.. congratulations to all who made it to the chart of june, as well as thank you all for your comments!! who are the winners for the second quarter then?? stay tuned.. :) |
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