[Volume 8 Issue 1, #1660] |
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其實打從舊年就很想去睇《孤星淚》呢一齣電影, 但係始終冇機會, 直到上個星期三卒之都一圓心願喇.. 呢部經典鉅作同劇中多首金曲我聽就聽得多, 但係未曾睇過, 甚至連原著小說都為讀過, 電影算係俾我一個了解佢嘅機會.. 的確係一部好電影, 有人預先提我可能會流一桶眼淚, 其實都唔係真係咁賺人熱淚啫, 同個戲名"Less Miserables"一樣甚少悲哀啫(我知係個爛gag, 如果你仲未知, 其實正確發音係/leɪ ˌmɪzəˈrɑːb/).. 不過劇中演員們嘅唱功的確俾到我意外驚喜哦, 真係抵贊㗎, 尤其由Anne Hathaway飾演嘅Fantine如泣如訴咁唱"I Dreamed A Dream"嗰一幕, 簡直令人拍案叫絕, 難怪佢以呢一幕演技橫掃多個獎項啦.. 本人真心覺得好㗎~~ :) |
i wanted to watch the movie "Les Misérables" so much since last year but haven't got the chance.. until last wednesday, i finally made time for the movie.. heard a lot about this epic musical as well as some of its classic songs, but nope, i have not watched any or even read the novel itself, guess this movie gives me a chance to know at least what the story is all about.. it's a nice movie and i enjoyed it very much, though some warned me it's a sad movie and many cried a bucket of tears, i wasn't that moved actually.. perhaps just like the title it's just "Less Miserables" (lame joke i know, if you didn't know it's pronounced /leɪ ˌmɪzəˈrɑːb/), but i was impressed by the actors and actresses who sang with their own voices, cool!! i am especially touched and awed by the scene when Anne Hathaway who played Fantine sang "I Dreamed A Dream" with weeps and gasps, no wonder she has won so many awards for her role in this movie.. thumbs up from me~~ :) |
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29.01.2013 | 孤星之淚
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Good Morning!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
ReplyDeleteYay! I gotta the first sip!
DeleteGood morning TM!
DeleteGood morning, SK and all!
DeleteMy first day returning to office after looong hiatus!
happy morning all people..
DeleteI also just came back from a long holiday rest in the house..
Welcome back Ah Hua!!
DeleteI bet you had a great time at Legoland huh!! Hehe, looking forward to read about it in your blog!
good afternoon everyone!! so many holidays these couple of weeks.. the KL people are having Friday off again~~
DeleteCannot wait for Friday! :)
DeleteGood day everyone...so sleeoy leh.
DeleteFriday off ah..i totally forgot about it. sure this fri u will guai guai stay home. don't wanna be "de miserable" fight with the crowd at shopping complex
Oh, Friday's off again for KL, so nice.... yes, meow, I think my working life is kinda "miserable" because we do not get to enjoy the most of the public holidays.
DeleteAnd the crazy management sometimes would change our public holidays to "somewhere" else, like the case during our Christmas. Most of the Christians complained and finally they didn't dare to change.
Hayley, I don't think I'll blog about it... maybe I just post a bit here and there. Don't want to bore my readers with words and boring pictures of us, hah!
yeah, really a lot of public holidays especially for Federal Territory people these couple of weeks.. errr, maybe can go to malls for a while but definitely won't be long lah..
Deleteif wanna go to the mall have to be there early else habis sure no parking. Trafic jam in the Mall's parking lot. Cham moe? It's like no need money to go mall one leh.
Deletewhen did you go watch this movie ah? If not mistaken Wednesday cinema have offer low price leh
No thanks, I still dare not watch this movie! Anay will cry buckets of tears wiping with Letchumy's saree!
ReplyDeletehaha..maybe both of you would cry on each other shoulders? :) For me, I can't escape crying. I cry easily.
DeleteI don't really like sentimental movie, I don't like crying and I can cry easily. So, yes, I'm avoiding this movie at all cost!
DeleteUnless it's aired on Astro next year, then I watch lor....
is this really sentimental movie?
Deletefui fui ask me to accompany her to watch..
but I am afraid that the show will be sien to me..
Hmm, I like sentimental movie! I would cry easily one, hehe... But then I wish to watch this kinda movie at home la, cause very paiseh if cry in the cinema, later the person sitting next to me laugh at me how? LOL!
DeleteIs it? No touchy-touchy, sentimental scene? Then how come the reviews said it'll make audiences cry buckets?
DeleteOr is SK not sensitive enough? :p
errr, i don't really find it sentimental actually, haha!! most of the times i was enjoying their singing.. and perhaps, i am really not sensitive enough, haha~~
Deletesince i watch Titanic, i try to avoid all sad movies leh. pay money to cry wor.
DeleteNot so sure about the "musical" part leh. Maybe it's good but then the whole thing is sad mah..no meh?
Those who watched the live drama play will not cry but cannot escape the movies. I am sure SK Thambee cried but never confessed!
Deleteit's alright to cry in discreet. Just wipe the tears away without anyone knowing in the theater. :)
DeleteIt's okay if Thambee cried, I bet everybody in the theater cried during the show. You cry, I cry..... if you don't cry, you are not sensitive enough towards the scripts and story line :p
Deleteso far i have not cry when watch movie.
Deletebut maybe the extreme one will make my eyes watery only...
but not cry until my tears come out..
I remember I cried when I watched Titanic N years ago. Fulamak, I cried so hard, but my jin jin never shed a single tear, he also never passed me a tissue. So bad, I wiped my tear with my palm that time.
Deleteerrr, i really didn't cry at all, not even weeping also, errr, then i am not sensitive enough?? haha..
DeleteMak Yannie was crying even watching Titanic?? errr, i think i have not really watched that movie before.. your JJ didn't shed a single tear?? hmm, maybe he was secretly crying and pretended to be macho~~ :p
Hey, that Titanic movie moved my heart too! "You jump, I jump", LOL!
DeleteEverytime I watch it, I sure shed my tears, even up to now. Not only Jin Jin's heart is as hard as a rock, mine doesn't even want to watch it whenever this movie is shown on TV. He'll simply switch to another channel. Maybe he is scared he'll cry when watch the ship sinks with 2 forbidden lovebirds trying to save each other? And he still wanna show his machoness? Muehehehehe!
Ya lo, that "you jump I jump" is so classic, Jack and Rose's love story is really touching la! I watched that 2 times in the cinemas.
Deletehmmm, really that touching meh?? when i think of "you jump i jump" i just think of all those parody only, hilarious!! hahaha, i think MM doesn't want to watch at all because he is afraid that he will cry and feel ashamed in front of the ladies.. :D
DeleteConfess ! Sure no cry meh? hard to believe lor.
DeleteYannie...i think hat time Jin Jin did not give you tissue paper coz he was concerntrating not to cry leh
I remembered my former colleague went to watch this play back in 1993! I could not recall whether he watched it in Singapore or US.
ReplyDeletedid Anay watch this play before when in US?? aiyah, it's a classic and an epic, should watch!! like me, didn't watch the play but at least i've finally watched the movie :p
Deletehaven't watched this film yet but I am very eager to.. I've heard a lot of positive reviews about this film especially Anne Hathaway's I dreamed a dream performance
ReplyDeleteoh yeah, i just love that scene when she sang "I Dreamed A Dream", so different from what you usually heard from Elaine Paige and Susan Boyle.. this is more touchy, because she acts and not only sing..
Deleteanne hathaway is truly a goddess of beauty and she is indeed a talented and versatile actress.. she actually makes me laugh during her SNL guestings
ReplyDeleteI like Anna Hathaway, she's an awesome actress. I fell in love with her when I watched her in "The Devil Wears Prada". She is good!
Deletei love that movie too
Deleteshe is indeed very gorgeous, and nobody thought she could play the role of Fantine, but she just showed everyone she did, and grabbed so many awards for that role!! :)
DeleteYa she is good.
DeleteI think to be good actress she have to be versatile la
But at least unlike other broadway musical adaptations like HairSpray and Phantom of the Opera... I guess this film is way better
ReplyDeleteI like the Phantom of the Opera. Very touching story. Guess this "Less Miserables" is touching too.
Deletethis is the first time the actors and actresses sing live while they are acting.. i guess this way is better than having the songs sung at the background, cos they can easily get involved and put their own emotions into the song..
DeleteWhat? The actors and actresses sang live in the movie eh! I didn't know this movie is all about la! I am so ignorant. SK, you should also write a bit of the storyline to enlighten your readers.
Deleteyes, no one has done that before.. all the past movies have people sung the song beforehand, and then when the actors act, the songs are played and they just pretend to sing.. but this Les Miserables 2012, they sing live while acting, that means, they can put more emotions into the song to match the scenes, and they are in total control.. i find this better..
Deletedies....now the three of you makes me feel like wanna watch this movie pulak. But then am still chicken
Deleteoh but of course nothing can beat the original broadway production
ReplyDeletei have not watched the original broadway production.. would love to if i've got the chance.. :)
DeleteI must go for this movie. It sounds interesting as I like to cry a bucket of tears. :)
ReplyDeleteLike to cry buckets of tear? LOL, same like yannie's comment.
DeleteI don't really like sentimental story, or those with sad or bad ending. I prefer to watch action-packed or fictional movie, with lots of effect :D
errr, i think it depends.. i didn't cry or weep at all but some say it's just too sentimental they cry the whole movie.. go watch yourself and see how sad the movie is, haha~~
DeleteHmm, this movie sounds like those Bollywood movies with lots of singing (and dancing?).
Delete"Les Miserable" - what is the story actually? Ar, I will go google later for further information. Maybe it'll capture my heart and I'm interested to watch :D
eih, cannot compare Bollywood sing & dance with this classic epic musical lah.. you are comparing a ciku with an apricot, haha!! go youtube and find some clips, sure you'll be fascinated..
Deleteto go or not to go..that is the question...maybe i buy DVD la...at least can switch off when it became too sad. But then it will loose the quality of watching in big screen
DeleteAlmost everyone is singing praises for this movie! But i didnt watch it.. hahaha... I thought it was some kind of boring movie initially... but after reading the reviews from you all, it must be a nice one not to be missed.. hope I can watch it one day..
ReplyDeleteit's a nice movie i think, but then everyone has their own tastes on what genre of movies they like.. anyway, i think the movie is near 3 hours and worth the ticket, haha~~
Deletenear 3 hours ah...like that 100% i cant go lo even if i wanted to. J mana can sit still for 3 hours. Even watch the Cars movie he already halfway bising jor :(
DeleteAiyoyo, I love watchinng touching movie one. I love crying at story like this. Too bad, my jin jin will give this type of movie a pass. So, I have to wait for DVD lo!
ReplyDeletemu hubby also wouldn't like this kind of touching story. Men hardly cry.
DeleteMy hubb wouldn't like it, too and I'm not very keen to watch this, so we'll give it a pass :)
DeleteNow I'm searching for Bel Ami, slurpsss....
Aduh! !!! These aunties love to cry lah. Good to bathe your eye balls. If the funeral parlors today still hire professional mourners to cry buckets like olden days, you will be hired!!! Wakakaka
DeleteSame lo Yan and Yvonne, our men doesn't like it :( So no choice la, have to wait for DVD or download from Internet and enjoy ourselves.
Deletesometimes it is not so good to see those sad movies....
Deleteit make our body sad and depressed..
better watch those nice and happy show...
your body can release those endorphin and make us feel good..
Now, I want to watch that Jack Lam Tuck Weng's movie during Chinese New Year. It must be a very happy movie. I will bring my youngs and my olds there.
Deleteaiyoyo, since all your hubby wouldn't want to watch this movie, perhaps all the sisters should have a girl's day out, watch that movie together and ditch the husbands at home taking care of kids, haha!! great idea right?? :p
Deletehuh?? those Astro and myFM CNY movie ah?? errr, i am not interested at all~~
I also want to watch the Singapore movie Taxi Taxi. Don't know I will local and Singapore movie during Chinese New Year.
DeleteYan is really a supporter of local productions!! claps claps for Mak Yannie~~ :p
Deleteboth kaldip and me also not keen on the sad movies. I like musical la. I preferred happy , comical show instead of sad movies.
DeleteUsed to chase after the stephen Chow movies. all funny ones. but now no longer lor
hehe, might go watch this movie too~ =)
ReplyDeleteit's really a nice movie, you shall go watch.. :)
DeleteHathaway has won many awards for her role. I think the latest would be the Screen Actors' Guild...or was it the Hollywood Press? Is she nominated for the Oscar?
ReplyDeleteAh! It was the Screen Actors'.
DeleteOutstanding Female Actor in a Supporting Role (Motion Picture): Anne Hathaway, Les Miserables
I was waiting for the Christmas release for months...only to find that they would not be showing it here in Sibu. Would just have to wait for the dvd, I guess...
Deleteoh oh, did the Monsieur le Food Mayor watch this musical play before?? too bad, not showing in Sibu huh?? yes, definitely she is nominated for the Oscar, i would certainly like her to win too..
DeleteGood morning to SK and everyone spamming here!!
ReplyDeleteNice sunny Tuesday here~
I wanted to watch this so much! But my hubby wasn't interested :( Go watch alone pulak a bit boring... So, have to wait til it's downloadable then only can watch liao~
DeleteDuring the recent Golden Globe award, Hugh Jackman won best actor from this movie, right? Hmm, it must be a nice show (as what I've read), plus it has all my favourite actors/actresses inside!
DeleteAnd I always love Anne Hathaway! She is tall and gorgeous and her voice is very unique to me!
DeleteShe's a great actress. I love her too!
Deleteyour hubby doesn't want to watch?? then you ditch him at home to take care of Aden, you go watch with Yvonne and Yannie lah, haha~~ great idea?? i am impressed by Hugh Jackman, never expect he can sing so well (so much better than Russell Crowe), and of course Anne Hathaway did great for her rendition of "I Dreamed A Dream"..
DeleteWanakum, yeah crying is good for the eyes killing two birds with one stone, get to enjoy the movie and same time cleanse the eyes, save on eye lotion.
ReplyDeleteso it's not bad crying after all.
Deleteso i think Bananaz should go to watch this movie?? cry for a good 3 hours!! haha~~
DeleteWait... Les Miserable is a 3-hour long movie??
DeleteAh Hua faints!
the movie itself is 160 minutes (2hr 40min) long, plus all those opening advertisements and trailers of next showing, yes, you will be sitting in the cinema for a good 3 hours.. worth to pay the ticket right?? but good thing is, i didn't feel like it was 3 hours.. :p
DeleteThis is a great movie lol!!! =]
ReplyDeleteerrr, it's a great movie.. but why you ended this statement with lol!!! =]?? haha, means you don't actually think so~~ :p
DeleteHello everyone!
ReplyDeleteFirst day of work. Cannot wait to Friday and cuti again! ;p
yalah, these few weeks, work 3 days rest 1 day, work 1 day rest 3 days, work 3 days rest 3 days, then work 5 days and it's CNY!!
DeleteSudah watched the movie, when are you going to see the Broadway show pulak? ;)
ReplyDeleteaiyah, no chance to watch the Broadway one lah.. unless somebody sponsor me lah~~ :p
ReplyDelete各人有各人口味嘅, 成齣戲95%係唱歌, 得5%係對白, 好多人會接受唔到..
DeleteI like this movie and after that i was listening to the live musical stage in Youtube.
ReplyDeleteyeah, i think this movie kind of help more people to know and to like this musical huh??
ReplyDelete我所知道嘅中文譯名係《孤星淚》.. 個「之」字係因為我要湊夠四個字做標題加入去嘅, 哈哈!!
DeleteI haven't seen this movie
ReplyDeletebut I wanted to watch it too
i think the plot of it was spectacular
yeah, it's a great movie and i think you will like it since you love singing so well~~ :p
Deletewell unfortunately singing hates me hahaha
Deleteif I have a voice as brilliant as those theater
actor i'll be singin all the time
anyway anne Hathaway is one of my
ReplyDeletemost favorite actress, her face were
really awesome and her voice were stunning
oh, she is awesome and i'm really awed by her rendition of "I Dreamed A Dream".. :)
Deleteyeah she's a total package
Deleteboys would be dying to ask her to marry
hugh jackman is quite an interesting
ReplyDeleteactor as well, did he sing in this movie
he is the lead actor of the entire movie, and of course he sings a lot!! i am very surprised by how well he can sing..
Deletewow I never though of him as a singer hahah well perhaps his role as wolverine was tattooed on my mind
DeleteI dreamed a dream was one iconic song,
ReplyDeleteand a really tough one
i saw on the trailer and
anne nailed it
and I guess most of the people
Deletewere watching this for that,
it was i guess the climax of the whole movie
yeah, you are right!! i think this is the best scene of the movie and has become the scene most sought after.. but too bad, can't really find this clip from youtube..
Deletewell i think that was the scene anne hair was being cut right
Deletei think they really have it cut because anne's hair now
were really short right?
one of our singers sung this flawlessly
ReplyDeletehave you ever heard of miss Lea salongga?
I think she played the role of fantine in broadway
oh really?? i have not heard of Lea Salongga.. well, i ahve not watched the broadway production actually.. :p
Deletewell lea is one of the iconic singers who played that role
Deletebut her most famous i guess was on miss saigon which i think will also have a movie soon
amanda seyfried was on the movie too?
ReplyDeletethat makes two of my most loved Hollywood actress
on that movie
oh yes, she played the role of Cossette..
Deletewell I think Anne Hathaway deserve all
ReplyDeleteof the awards she got for that movie,
it is given that she acts well but her voice
really makes her character shine
oh yes, she has proved to many that she can play the role of Fantine.. and all those awards she has won are recognitions to her acting.. :)
Deletewell we often see her with a jolly charcter
Deleteas most of her movie were comedy genre
and this movie shows a lot of her deeper side
I love music but i haven't watch
ReplyDeletemusical show that much
I enjoyed Dream girls it was a Broadway
musical as well right?
i also watched Dream Girls, i guess many years ago.. hmmm, i have no idea if it was a broadway musical..
Deleteyeah i was first been a broadway and jeniffer holiday was a monster vocalist if you can see her performances on youtube yo'll get what i mean
Deletehave a god blessed day sk,
ReplyDeletetake the best of care and enjoy blogging always
chao :)
you have a great day and happy blogging too.. :)
DeleteI have yet to watch Le Miserables!! Boo hoo!!
ReplyDeleteI wanna watch it!!! I want to watch Anne Hathaway sing!!!
ReplyDeleteSo how much you rate this movie out of 10? : )
ReplyDeleteI went googling for the movie story line and youtubing some clips and guess what? I am very impressed by it. The background, the cast, the music and the story.
ReplyDeleteI don't think I'll be able to catch this in the cinema, but I'll look out for its DVD :)
p/s: I'm bias you know, I want to see Hugh Jackman more :p
This isn't those lovey dovey movie, I read the plot and find it quite catchy and interesting.
DeleteAs long as it involves good and bad people, thieves and cops, I'll watch, hehe. Guess it was too early I made my decision to give Les Miserable a pass. Now I need to take back my words.