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21.11.2011 | 漢堡神偷

[#1267] 最近本人發現一種現象, 尤其係我呢啲七十後嘅人就更加能夠體會到嘅.. 有冇發覺好多當年嘅童年卡通人物都重見天日?? 譬如多啦A夢, 早前嘅藍精靈Smurfs, 到最近嘅丁丁Tin Tin.. 究竟係集體回憶, 定係啲人冇晒創作靈感所以要翻兜呢?? 哈哈..

好喇, 講返下邊呢個漢堡神偷.. 我記得細個嘅時候(超過20年前, 好, 我認老!!), 麥當勞仲未有開心樂園套餐玩具之前, 家姐會買上色畫冊俾我, 裡頭我最鐘意就係呢個漢堡神偷喇!! 上個星期無意中見到佢, 嘩, 果然係驚為天人呀!! 真係趣緻到哩~~ 所以一定要擁有佢!! 就係呢個漢堡神偷偷偷偷走我個漢堡包㗎喇!! 呵呵~~
[#1267] i realized a recent trend, especially making sense for those born in the 70s like me, that many of our childhood cartoons seem to be "resurrected", for example Doraemon, Smurfs and recently Tin Tin.. i kind of wonder, are we really remembering the past, or people started to get mind-block on new creations so they went back to the old ones?? haha..

okay, back to Mr. Hamburglar in the photo above.. i still remember when i was a kid (that's more than 20 years back, ok, i admit i'm old!!), when there was still no McD happy meals toys yet, my sister used to buy me the coloring books, and Hamburglar was my most favorite character!! accidentally saw him last week, and wow wow wow, i was so thrilled!! he is such a cute thing and i told myself i must bring him home!! it's him, it's him, the Hamburglar who has stolen my hamburger away!! hehe~~


  1. Haha I kinda sorta remember this character :D Doraemon is my fav :P

  2. Sure the meeting brought back lots of memories to you ;)

  3. I don't recall this character..... maybe because he's a thief

  4. When I was young, I loved everything nice and pretty. Definitely I gave Hamburglar a pass - he is dressed in black and white stripes....

  5. But I gotta admit now, he's kinda cute. With his big eye and red hair, chubby cheek and wide smile.

  6. This sure give me another good reason to visit McD XD

  7. 返老還童吖你!哈哈哈...

  8. I was 70s baby too, but I don't know Hambuglar. May be I am early 70s and you are late 70s. I don't remember I had McD when I was young. I only remember KFC.

  9. that's indeed cute!
    I also like Doraemon and Toyota has made a new ad involving all Doraemon casts at the age of 30

  10. Oh my so cute! U know I have seen all the characters from McD before but never knew their names (except for Ronald :P) So this is a Hamburglar! haha

  11. Bananaz not born in 70s then have not seen or heard of Hamburglar? hehe.

  12. Again, you accidentally walked into MCD and the hamburglar accidentally stole away your hamburger? haha.

  13. Ya, I remember them too. So old lah me. wakaka

  14. and now, Son is so excited getting them for toys, just like I was when I was small. ^^

  15. You remember all the characters'name or not.

    I can only remember got 1 purple "girl", that 1 blob fella apart from Ronald and Hambuglar. xD

  16. So the Hamburglar stole your heart all over again! He's cute, alright. Thanks for the heads-up, I might go get one too. :)

  17. i have the 'Too Tall' serious still http://franshouseofdollsandtoys.com/mcdonalds%20and%20other%20fast%20food%20items.htm

  18. Hambuglar looks cool, and Mc Donald is the victim that burger kena stole by him hahaha

  19. now I am addict in to Cheese Fries! Buy a large set of meal and they will give you fries shaker with cheese! hahah dam addictive for me last week eat twice constructive day ahaha

  20. I think I have enough of MC D burger, saving up for some nice pork dish at ss15, gonna update soon :D

  21. so you like eat burger from MCD? hahah not the toys la . . . dam boring XD unless they come out the purple man again *i forgot what name*

  22. I baru bght yesterday LOL. But the quality feels a bit "yellow fish". Like senang rosak

  23. Haha! It's easier to rehash an old character than thinking up a new one! : )

  24. Hamburglar? Haha! Such a funny name! I don't know this Hamburglar!

  25. U mean McD is selling this Hamburglar now? Need to ask cos I seldom go McD! Haha!

  26. Hahaha! I nvr really collect cartoon characters.. but i like watching doraemon and some other cartoons LOL!

  27. Nah!!! When she was small, my daughter went to her cousin's birthday party at McD's...and when Hamburglar came out, she got scared and cried...and insisted on going home. End of party! LOL!!!

  28. Cute Hamburglar. Sk, I'm very much much older than you but yet I'm still keeping those McD's toys, hahaha...

  29. goodness! talking bout those colouring books! U brought back fond memories... back in those days, having McD or KFC is a special treat! Unlike these days when it is just another meal on any ordinary day..

  30. It ios actually good marketing and sales sense to bring back all the famous gadgets/songs etc of yesteryears. The new generation should be able to appreciate them.

  31. Hahaha I think they bring them back cos they wanna attract more generations? Market will be bigger LOL transformers also so old already

  32. Hmmm not sure if the link is allowed here, but here's the video of the Doraemon ad I mentioned in my first comment: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=h0LAhtp6E7U

  33. he he he, cute toys...remind me of my childhood!

  34. 看来卡通界也学服装界回归复古路线吧!呵呵呵...

  35. I think we have run out of ideas for new cartoons. :/

  36. I have never seen Hamburglar before....I mean I do but I don't know it is called Hamburglar. LOL :D

  37. O-M-Gut!!! You were born in 70's?!! I actually tot u were frm 80's... man, u sound and look much younger...

    Ok, recovered frm surprise... yeah, miss all those cartoon characters tht reminds us our childhood... (not the aging part though).

  38. Hey, have a nice day ahead!

  39. i remembered this character but now only know his name! hahahahahaha

  40. Since u like him so much, I have a picture for u hahaha https://lh4.googleusercontent.com/-FuPs7VvRG80/TsrnsN35sHI/AAAAAAAAHJ0/iNE9t5DUiD8/w380/funny-gifs-dammit.gif

  41. 我真的忘记有他的存在。

  42. 唔怪得你话自己好似永無止境嘅橫向發展,搞到你成柜靓衫冇件好著,原来係畀麦记靠害!哈哈哈~~~

  43. Thambee loved toys! Now Thambee is already so grown up but still missed the toys!

  44. I saw this Hamburglar and thought it was a clever invention! I liked its name and character!

  45. You thought Hamburglar stole your Hamburger?? No it was Kamala who stole it cos she was HUNGRY like hell...

  46. These junk food outlets make lots of money attracting kids and Thambee.. Haiks! Once I sat in their marketing meetings and was surprised that they targeted kids instead of parents!

  47. When the kids wanna eat, the entire parents and grandparents have to tag along! End up 3 generations will go! That will be RM100 paid just because the kid wanted the toys.

  48. The best part is that the toys come in a series or sets so that kids have to go again! They have to buy set meals but they ended up eating small bites and the maids or grandpas have to habis the leftovers!

  49. In advertising industry, I learnt their tricks and won't become their victims easily. I will use the skills to sell my stuffs to them lo.

  50. So how many sets of Hamburglar you have today??? Gimme one dei!
