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03.11.2011 | 塞完再走

[#1261] 大家都知touch-n-go係標榜唔駛排隊, 一觸即通架啦.. 不過城中城輕鐵站呢兩日就大排長龍, 噚日仲要嚴重到等咗成半個鐘頭先可以「嘟」張咭入閘!! 真係離晒大譜囉, 十幾個touch-n-go專用入閘, 竟然得三個開住, 其餘因為要更新系統全部關閉!! 下邊張相呢, 其實係一部份人咋..

真係激都冇話可講!! 更新系統就唔該你有完善啲嘅planning啦, 唔好搞到啲乘客同日常組足吖嘛.. 好地地一個touch-n-go系統唔好咩, 係都要推出多幾款新咭(嚟到擾亂我哋), 我真係好唔明解囉!! 個project manager梗係忙於喺屋企數銀紙, 搞到完全唔記得晒個進度同風險喇, 真係非常"能夠國"政府作風囉~~
[#1261] so everyone knows the selling point of touch-n-go is that you don't have to queue long but move ahead smoothly right?? but it's another story the past two days at the KLCC LRT station, there was such a big crowd queueing, as worse as i have waited for 30-minutes yesterday, to just pass through the gate.. absolutely ridiculous, for more than 10 dedicated gates for touch-n-go, only three were functioning with the rest shut down for system upgrade!! and to show you how crowded it was, the people in the photo above is just part of us..

ok fine, so you are upgrading your system, but can't you have planned that more efficiently so that it won't affect the commuters and normal operations?? and why isn't a single touch-n-go system not good, but insistingly introduced a few more ticketing systems (to confuse us)?? i really cannot comprehend that absurdity.. the project manager must have been counting his cash at home and forgotten about the progress and risks, wow that's so bolehland-government-style don't you agree??


  1. gosh.. i thought KL is famous for road jams.. but now it seem this is people jam! hahaha.. so cham..

  2. Sigh, I always have problem with how they manage their time for maintenance and upgrading... always choose the most inconvenient time to such thing... causing trouble to everyone =_=

  3. 哈哈哈~~~睇到你地排长龙都戥你地火滚,如果要更新系統就唔該早啲通知声,安排妥善对策或特设专行道,咪当你地成班係傻仔!嘿嘿嘿~~~

  4. they should just implement 'smart' where people just walk through those gates with the card.

  5. Hur hur, I understand that kinda frust feeling... Just hang in there lo, what to do?

  6. Totally agree. I cannot understand their management system. I have experienced few times in KLCC station that they purposely shut down few gates so that less people can pass through to the platform below, the reason being the platform below was too crowded and they need to do some "crowd" management. Besides, they like to do the "system upgrade" during peak hours. lol...

  7. 搵食生活已經相當艱難,依家仲要百上加斤,火上添油,睇到都火滾。

  8. my hubby came late yesterday because of this blasted thing. Late because there was only 2 gates that can use Touch n Go and you imagine the after work crowd at KLCC. @.@

  9. Should we really call our public transport 1st class infrastructure? We are waaaaaay below par. :(

  10. I agree with you. Bolehland government needs to improve their work efficiency a lot. Don't always abuse this sentiment, "Sorry for the inconveniency caused".

  11. as expected. actually cannot expect more from them haahah!

  12. Oh my....sure very frustrating.

  13. What's this? Immigration? Passport touch and go? Or something else that I'm not so familiar with...

  14. The world is getting crazy these days. Floods of water and jams of cars! Now human sandwiches right here!

  15. So my dearest SK Thambee kena stucked there? Why didn't you fake your fainting spell and let them carry you over first? LOL

  16. I always dream of taking subways like those people living in Hong Kong, New York and Tokyo. I think it is a nightmare la dei..... Better drive my car.

  17. If kena traffic jam, I blame myself instead as I am able to avoid jams. The pattern is always the same.

  18. I admire people who live in smaller towns! Lesser pays, lesser stress!

  19. Thambee we move back to Chennai ok. We sit buffaloes and cows for FREE!

  20. actually I feel like buying Touch N Go Card! Because I need to cross toll and sometimes I use LRT :)

  21. This case I heard before, they should upgrade the system on midnight . . . well maybe the timing is too long . . .

    I think they purposely choose the wrong timing. lol

  22. This is the entrance by entering the Train? If exit can go to next station and exit, easy and fast. If entry dam kao susah . . .

  23. sometimes I saw aunty use touch N go also the card got problem and the by pass way got block and aunty cannot exit. :X

    Buy ticket is the best way . . . still? hahah not really, I buy the tix at the end of my journey the ticket dun wan accept it . . . lucky the exit is still open haha

  24. wa... people mountain people sea

  25. where was this? I didnt know this happened .. upgrading to a new ticketing system?

  26. Oh dear! This is something that I don't see often as I don't use public transport. How to make a habit of using it when this happens from time to time right?

  27. 30 mins for touch-and-wait. And the crowds, man, overwhelmed with BO... kakakaka!

  28. Btw, to upgrade 7 out of 10 gates during peak hours - that's a stupid decision. The management should arrange the upgrade in midnight.

  29. Privatized company is still using bolehland gomen style.... sigh~

  30. 買一次過既飛會晤會快啲呢?

  31. Like in the toll plaza during peak hour pulak

  32. smallkucing,
    we pay toll and get stuck in a jam to pay that toll just to use an expressway / highway. :(

    Use touch n go at toll also sometimes not convenient if card cannot be read by the scanner. Kena hon by the car behind pulak! @.@

  33. @ reanaclaire:
    yeah, now that you know KL is already going to be people jam, haha!! and people jam can always be worse than traffic jam~~

    @ Daniel Chiam:
    yes, they always choose the most convenient time for themselves but have never thought of how inconvenient that would cause the people who are using the facilities and services!! haiz, really got so frustrated sometimes..

  34. @ edward:
    咪就係囉, 其實已經關閉啲入閘幾日架喇, 你話一日都仲情有可原, 不過幾日就接受唔到囉.. 如果係幾日就唔該分批進行啦陰公!!

    @ wenn:
    nope, they card must be scanned or else you will have trouble when trying to exit at another station.. they should have do the upgrade in batches and not all at once..

  35. @ Hayley:
    yeah, just nothing we can do besides waiting there.. cos that's the only way we can go, unless you go somewhere else and wait for the crowd to get lesser..

    @ Gabriel:
    yeah, and this is how they do the crowd management.. the KLCC station is always packed with people at the ticket counters, and now even at the entrance gate!! call it touch-n-go, and we are there to wait for 30 minutes before we can even reach the gates!! how ridiculous right?? this is called crowd management, oh well, how short sighted!! crowd management is not to block people from entering but finding other alternatives..

  36. @ lina:
    oh, so zaini was there with me also?? haha, that's really unlucky we were stuck there, it took me 30 minutes i wonder how long did he take to reach the touch-n-go gate?? haiz, we actually have everything 1st class, but always the 3rd class management who runs the operations and maintenance!! how sad..

    @ Sheoh Yan:
    well, that is what they always say to the public, but how often do we see they fulfill their promise?? always say one thing but do another thing.. sorry for the inconvenience caused, and never explain the situation also!!

  37. @ kyh:
    well, if we never even expect more, then they will even get worse from there!!

    @ HappySurfer:
    yes, i was there!! or else i wouldn't be so lucky to see such an epic situation in touch-n-go history~~

  38. @ mNhL:
    yes, imagine you are stuck there for 30 minutes, where it doesn't even need 3 seconds by right..

    @ suituapui:
    it's the LRT station at KLCC, we were all stuck there because only 3 gates are opened..

  39. @ Twilight Man:
    oh Arumugam, if Thambee is going to faint then Thambee is not being sent to the train but perhaps the hospital of just being dragged aside so that Thambee is not blocking the others!! hahaha, come on think bolehland and don't expect anything better to happen.. well, Thambee knows how much more crowded those metropolitan subways are, but at least there is always FLOW and not stagnant like what Thambee has experiences stuck in the crowd, Arumugam you understand?? hehehehe, seems like Arumugam misses the hometown slum so much, so when is Arumugam going to go back for good?? Letchumi misses Arumugam so much~~

    @ Kian Fai Koh:
    i think it's actually good and convenient to get yourself a touch-n-go, despite this rare incident of stuck-n-go, haha.. well, ticket may also have similar problem too.. they will just close the gates anyhow they like, or the reader may not read the ticket and also cause blockage to people behind.. the bottomline is that, it's the bolehland management problem, always 1st class infrastructure but 3rd class people managing them!! actually i wanted to walk over to the next station seeing this stuck, but it was raining and everyone just has no other choice at all..

  40. @ Bananazஇ:
    haha, i hope i am not the one doomed but that company after this incident, haha~~

    @ Medie007:
    oh, that is really instead people mountain people sea, as good as a mini concert watching the empty platform~~ :D

  41. @ Isaac Tan:
    oh, it's the LRT stations upgrading their gate, because they are introducing new ticketing system!! and this was the KLCC station where we were stuck..

    @ Merryn:
    haha, you are so lucky you don't have to take the public transport.. so just imagine yourself in a concert, then that's about what you will feel being stuck in the crowd..

  42. @ yvonne:
    oh, luckily there wasn't any BO i must say that's the best thing given to the frustrated waiting crowd, haha!! yes, exactly 30 minutes i have waited before i can even reach the touch-n-go gate to enter the platform!! how ridiculous!! well, they have left those 7 gates closed for few days already, i really cannot understand what kind of management that is!!

    @ khengsiong:
    唔會, 因為買飛嘅長龍其實同touch-n-go條龍一樣咁震撼!! 所以話, 你一旦入咗去就感覺入咗去黑點一樣!!

  43. @ Small Kucing:
    hmmm, at least you are sitting comfortably inside the car.. we are standing there in the crowd, imagine yourself in a mini concert, people jam is far worse than a traffic jam.. all the touching, knocking and BO~~ @_@

    @ lina:
    haiz, that's the problem.. 1st class infrastructure being managed by 3rd class people and that's those jam and frustration that you can see.. sometimes even those manual ones are a lot faster than the touch-n-go..

  44. What I meant actually was that you could have beaten the jam if you had bought a ticket and forego using the TAG for that ride. Oh well..

  45. 原来现在搭乘公共交通工具也难逃阻塞这问题啊!不是车赛车,而是人塞人...塞的无奈吧!

  46. OMG!! that's really a lot of people, all packed in that small LRT station?? it's scary.. LOL!!!

  47. yes, i do agree with you!! it's just so ridiculous people have to queue for so long to use the touch-n-go!! i just cannot accept that!!

  48. well, it's sad but as expected that's always how those people do their work.. never have proper planning and never have foresight for the future, haiz!!

  49. Got Touch n Go also must queue? What's the point of Touch n Go? Should rename it Queue n Touch!

  50. Yes they should service/upgrade those machines during non peak hours. WhAt an inconvenience!

  51. @ HappySurfer:
    well, i have thought of that but then the queue at the manual tickets were as overwhelming (as it always is) as those queuing for the touch-n-go.. furthermore the one i am holding is a monthly pass paid for my trips, so doesn't make sense to spend extra right??

    @ bluecloud:
    就是囉, 我覺得如果走路回家, 可能還要快囉.. 真的很難接受, 居然要等30分鐘才可以touch那張卡入閘!!

  52. @ victor:
    yeah, i guess easily few hundred of us waiting to get through the touch-n-go gates in that station.. imagine a 30 minutes wait, that's incredible right?? i agree with you, there's just no proper planning for their system upgrade, and it really caused great inconvenience to the passengers..

    @ foongpc:
    yes, sounds ridiculous right?? by right we don't even have to queue if we are using touch-n-go.. and that day we didn't just queue but also got stuck there not moving.. imagine a 30 minutes wait there, it can really be so frustrated..

  53. 哈哈哈 我没有touch n go
    一直都觉得不保险的 一定会遇到故障的

  54. You guess what? I was thinking why they never created the Smart Tag lanes for you all? Thambee just need to walk through fast & easy like cars!

  55. Every month I use so much Touch & Go on the highways that I forget it could be used in LRT and food outlets!

  56. So far I managed to claim rebates for free credits in my T&G cards like over RM300+ each time...in 3 to 4 months! That is how much I travel... So stressful man!

  57. @ 小雪:
    呵呵, 其實我覺得挺方便的, 而且這個科技也蠻久的了, 可以說是很成熟很穩定了.. 不用怕喇~~

    @ Twilight Man:
    oh yeah that would be a nice idea, hahaha!! smart tag for the LRT, cool!! but then not really necessary lah, imagine carrying a huge tag compared to just a card, Thambee would rather go the manual way of touching.. oh, Thambee didn't know we can claim the rebates for touch-n-go!! wow, Arumugam's claim is even more than what Thambee can spend, wakakakaka!! every month Thambee only pays RM100 for the transportation - inclusive of all the LRT, Monorail and Buses~~ :p

  58. I like your economical senses! You will be a rich fella having saved so much Rupiah!

  59. take your card to the T&G outlet and check your credit rebates! You might be shocked to see RM1000 inside!

  60. I hope the LRT route will finish fast and reach Subang Jaya by mid-2012 as they have started building the track to Bukit OUG/ Bukit Jalil part.

  61. Your post has inspired me to take monorail in future to Pavillion or Sg Wang for shopping instead of driving there. My parking fees always hit between RM9-18 !!! Kanasai!! CCB!

  62. Yesterday it rained so heavily and i got stucked in the worst jam in my life!

  63. I didn't know what happened but i guessed that tree fellings, floods and maybe road accidents caused the traffic jams!

  64. It took me 2 hours and 45 mins to reach home!

    That was when I wished was taking LRT like you!!!!! Just you touch and go! So easy and relaxing!

  65. While I was in the jam, I watched Shah Rukh Khan's dance videos inside my car! I imagine Thambee chasing Kamala all over the plantations!
