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23.02.2011 | 嗜辣程度

我覺得人年紀越大, 食嘢嘅口味真係會變, 尤其係接受食物味道嘅程度.. 我記得以前自己都幾食得辣架, 咖哩辣椒有幾辣我都可以處之泰然.. 但係數年前開始覺得自己已經不復當年勇喇, 腸胃開始對辣敏感, 尤其係油辣食物就肯定可以搞到我終日與馬桶為伴, 哈哈.. 係可憐到咩程度呢?? 譬如話經已被我證實嘅崎A芙斯辣味炸雞效應, 可以話係一擊即中, 六合彩都冇咁準嗰隻囉.. 唔知大家又有咩食物係一定要避忌下咁嘅呢??
i think as you aged, most probably your taste on food will change, and especially you tolerance level to the taste of the food.. i remember i could take very spicy food, no matter to what degree i can still manage to take the spiciness.. but couple of years back i started to realise i wasn't as good, my stomach started to get sensitive to spicy food, especially oily and spicy food will definitely get me frequent the toilet like no business, haha.. to give you an idea how bad it is, i've already proven to myself that kay-eff-cee hot-and-spicy is definitely a culprit that i must avoid.. so, do you have any food that you must refrain from eating??


  1. 肠胃也不很好..也开始不吃辣了..

  2. yeah I don't take super spicy food now but normal spicy stuff like curry noodle/nasi lemak once in a while.

    SK, do u drink green tea? If not, drink it daily it's very good :-)

  3. Oh dear.. You can't take KFC hot and spicy already? That's MILD! :P I love hot and spicy food! (I'm sure you know that already) haha.. and whenever there's spicyness levels in a restaurant, I would choose for the most spicy one! :P

  4. Oh gosh your number of years eating so burning hot and spicy food has burnt a hole in your stomach haha. Try a few more times again to re-confirm if its the culprit KFC's is not that 'hot'.

  5. I believe anything that is too hot numbs the tastebuds preventing one from savoring the actual taste of the food. Oh well.. to each his own. I do agree that taste changes over the years due to a number of factors.

    KFC OR (Original) is normally what I'd order. I find H&S too dry. Have you tried their new fish rings or whatever they call them?

  6. lol!! since i ever lost my voice for a week during high school cz of chili, i stopped eating it for a year. :/

  7. n since then, whenever i eat spicy one, tummy also cannot take it, n i cant handle the spiciness even it is mild to others. :/

  8. i cant even take KFC spicy fried chicken!! LOL! even curry also is a no-no to me. >.<

    My Stories

  9. I'm not supposed to eat spicy food because of my tummy problem, but cannot stand not having them. I need spicy food! XD

  10. Not supposed to drink coffee oso, but I still indulge once a week.

  11. Ooi...speak for yourself. I'm as old as the hills but I have no problem with anything I eat. Just hantam...all ok!!

  12. huh? kay eff see hot n spicy kenot? that is not spicy pun! kesian... u r turning into doraemon :P

  13. 我都系冇以前咁食得辣。。。

  14. 有時食辣嘢要飲可樂降溫。。。

  15. 但系飲可樂又驚對身體冇益。

  16. 另外,麥記既炸薯條都系食一半姐。

  17. I can't take fresh green apple juice (if too sour) because I will vomit. I tried it once....awful!

    But I can take tomyam and asam laksa. No prob. haha.....

    Maybe you should try that kay-eff-cee again to see if that's the culprit. I don't think they are spicy at all!

  18. i loveeee spicy food last time
    but now donno y cannot tahan real thai tom ya @@ taste bud cannot be shocked too hard liao

  19. i like chili.. yum yum

  20. i can eat almost any kind of food but in a small portion.

  21. 暂时我还能应付辣,看来我要称自己还受的辣的时候,多吃吃辣的食物呢!呵呵...

  22. 我跟你一样,现在不太能吃辣,最好少碰为妙,吃辣椒容易上火和造成肠胃不适,一字记之曰越——避!

  23. I like moderately spicy food, not too spicy though : )

  24. I experienced diarrhea one time I ate spicy chili pan mee. I even felt burning sensation down there for one whole day!!

  25. Now I limit the chili I put on the pan mee to avoid getting those reactions. Haha!

  26. 煎炸辛辣都戒咗兩三年了,家陣多數會食啲無色無味嘅食物,麥皮食得最多!唔認老都唔得,唉...

  27. I like spicy food but nowadays have to cut down liao!

  28. 以前无辣不欢;现在可有可无。

  29. I love kay eff cee hot and spicy wor. But I cant stand a sort of tomyam. The one with a lot of santan one. That one sure come out again if i eat.

  30. huhu... i can never tolerate too spicy. :p

  31. Perhaps the chillies today are genetically modified to be spicier? :p

  32. If this is an indication of aging...I think I am getting old too. :p

  33. I don't know...I don't have any food that I particularly refrain from....hmmm...nothing so far. Perhaps in another few more years... :p

  34. 认同认同!以前什么垃圾吃下肚子都没事,现在啊,如果一天3餐吃外面,连续几天,一定会肚子痛! 哈哈哈。。。 


  35. i like spicy food very much. I have same situation like you but i still continue to eat - hehehehe still not scare of death.

  36. I heard that people like to eat spicy food, they are more easy get jealous. Do you agree with me?

  37. i'm neutral on spicy food, as long as it taste good then i'll like it, if it doesn't then i'll loath it, haha~~ :D

  38. but i do sometimes get upset stomach if the food is too spicy, and i really don't like the consequence.. but no choice right, eat first only worry later.. LOL :D

  39. @ 追梦者:
    我是覺得如果只是辣還不至于那麼壞, 是又辣又油那些才要命哦..

    @ Dora:
    yeah, i also try to avoid spicy food already.. but sometimes still will be craving for curry and nasi lemak though, haha!! i used to drink green tea in office last time, but after i changed job i didn't do that anymore..

  40. @ iamthewitch:
    haha, i definitely is an ant to you when it come to spicy food lor.. actually it's not that i can't take spicy food, just that my stomach cannot take it only, haha.. oh yeah i know that, you love the "shui zhu yu" so much right?? spicy and oily, that's definitely not my thingy lor..

    @ Bananazஇ:
    hahahaha, maybe you are right bro.. all the years eating hot and spicy has burnt away all the protective layers in my stomach, and that explains why i can't take spicy food anymore?? yeah, already tried many times and confirmed that's the culprit already..

  41. @ HappySurfer:
    hmmm, it really depends on what type of hot the food is, some can still be very tasteful and the food must just work with the hotness to be delicious, haha!! yeah, definitely your taste changes over the years, that explains why you are eating bitter gourd now?? kekeke.. errr, i also prefer the OR than H&S, never tried the fish donuts before, you tried them??

    @ Caroline Ng May Ling:
    haha, then you are really somebody who can't even take a little tad of spiciness in food?? at least i'm a lot better than you, haha!! oh, now that's why i never see any spicy food in your blog!! :D

  42. @ lina:
    oh, so you cannot take spicy food also?? yeah, but sometimes we are just very contradictory right?? still we cannot overcome the crave for spicy food like nasi lemak, hahaha!! :D

    @ suituapui:
    then i'm really happy for you, cos you can just eat anything without having to worry.. that's a blessing you know?? haha..

  43. @ Merryn:
    actually i can eat lah, just that my stomach cannot take it only.. that's why in order not to upset my stomach, i don't eat lor, and actually i find OR more tasty than H&S woh.. :)

    @ khengsiong:
    咁其實你係可以食得辣, 不過你選擇唔食因為怕熱氣.. 其實要降溫, 最好就係飲清水囉, 可樂冰凍係非常好飲, 但係學你話齋, 真係對身體冇益架..

  44. @ mNhL:
    wow, first time i heard people cannot take freshly squeeze green apple juice.. is it just the juice but you can eat the green apple just like that?? eih, i've confirmed that already, it's everytime after eating the kay-eff-see H&S, sure will "kena" one lor.. confirmed already.. :(

    @ 安东尼:
    hahaha, last time i also can eat very spicy food too.. i think maybe old already, and the protective layer in the stomach was burnt too much already?? hahaha.. :p

  45. @ Wois:
    that's good, actually chili is good for health~~ :p

    @ wenn:
    that is for sure a blessing that you can just eat anything without having to worry.. :)

  46. @ bluecloud:
    呵呵, 可能以前年輕的時候吃太辣, 把腸胃那一層保護膜給消耗掉了吧, 所以現在一點點辣都不能夠承受.. 哈哈!! 你那麼喜歡吃辣, 就要趁年輕多吃點了~~ :p

    @ edward:
    是囉, 真的, 現在吃得太辣, 肯定腸胃會不舒服, 不過說到上火就沒有啦.. 剛剛忍不住吃了蝦麵, 現在肚子好像有點攪呢~~

  47. @ foongpc:
    oh, mentioned about that chili pan mee.. wow, i remember the very 1st time i ate that, just put moderate amount of chili because want to try how it taste, and then ended up burning in the stomach to down-under like what you've experienced.. and since then i never eat that anymore..

    @ 海市蜃樓:
    嘩, 估唔到你咁有定力喎, 真係只食無色無味嘅食物?? 點頂啊?? 我鐘意重口味喎~~

  48. @ Pete:
    errrr, i'm not really a fans of spicy food lah, that's why i can still live without chili, haha.. :)

    @ cindy:
    哈哈, 其實應該是說進步喇, 因為你現在應該是吃得比較健康, 比較均衡吧?? :)

  49. @ Small Kucing:
    hmmm, then i think you cannot take spicy+sour+oily combination?? haha, kay-eff-cee H&S i really cannot take it, already confirmed culprit by trying that many times already..

    @ Medie007:
    so how do you explain that in medical view doctor?? :)

  50. @ Tekkaus:
    haha, to me, you definitely can eat anything and also in huge portion, haha!! errr, genetically modified to be spicier?? haha, that sounds interesting, but i really have no idea.. haha, so you cannot eat as spicy as you could last time?? :)

    @ Casendra:
    哈哈, 以前真的是囉, 什麼都可以吃進肚子裡面, 而且還是份量驚人的.. 現在就慘了, 但是我比你幸福喇, 至少我如果一天三餐都吃外面的話, 我的肚子不會有事的囉.. 還是你的肚子矜貴呢?? 哈哈~~ :D

  51. @ CH Voon:
    yeah, i can see that you like to cook curry very much, hahaha!! errr, are you sure those who like spicy food are more jealous?? i don't think so lah, they don't have any relationship to me at all lor.. :D

    @ victor:
    yes, i really don't like that consequence that is why i try to avoid spicy food.. but there are times just cannot resist the crave for spicy food like nasi lemak, curry and tomyam.. so eat first and worry later lor~~ :D

  52. 嘿嘿,我的肚子害羞啦,吃不惯外面的好料 :P

    其实有个问题想问很久了,为什么你都是两个人两个人来回应的?是不是怕放太多人的回应一起,怕我们看不到自己的名字? :P

  53. 我很爱吃辣,喜欢辣椒,不是咖喱。

  54. @ Casendra:
    呵呵, 不是你肚子害羞, 是你的肚子矜貴吃不習慣外面的東西喇.. 哦, 其實也沒有什麼特別意思的, 只是習慣了兩個兩個來回應囉.. 其實個別來回應會不會更有禮貌?? 但是個別回應自己又好像太多comments了.. :p

    @ Ashley:
    我真的看不出你那麼愛吃辣椒, 因為你平時跟大家分享的食物照片, 好像沒有一樣是辣的哦, 都是很清淡的?? 就是囉, 以前還可以的, 不過不曉得什麼時候開始就受不了了.. 其實我也覺得original的比較好吃囉, 所以我沒得吃hot and spicy也沒有所謂呀~~ :p

  55. 你太多粉丝啦,一个一个回,会有很多comment =='

  56. @ Casendra:
    沒有很多粉絲喇, 大家肯給面子給我留個言罷了喇~~ :p

  57. everything changes as you age, not only with food taste
