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20.02.2011 | 先洗後穿

過時過節大家都應該會買新衫新褲著架啦.. 穿新衫褲之前, 大家有冇習慣拎去洗過先咁架呢?? 有啲人鐘意新衫褲陣味, 覺得洗過後就唔算新, 所以會新新淨淨就咁著上身.. 有啲人就覺得啲衫褲擺喺貨艙入邊, 都不知有幾多蛇蟲鼠蟻懶過, 一定要洗過先可以穿得安心..

其實我覺得都係乾淨啲好, 所以我通常都會洗咗先著嘅, 不過有時候件衫橫掂都已經試過上身啦, 應該冇問題啩?? (正在自打嘴巴中 :p) 唔知大家又如何處理新新衫褲呢??
i'm sure most of us will buy new clothes for festives.. before you wear your new clothes, do you normally wash them first?? some just like the smell of brand new clothes, and they think if new clothes are washed then they are not new anymore, so they will put them on just like that.. some think that clothes are stocked inside dodgy store rooms, and wonder how many insects have crawled over them, thus a wash is a must before wearing..

for me, i actually think it's better to be hygienic, that is why i normally will bring new clothes to wash, but there are times when i think it shouldn't be a problem since i've tried the clothes on before buying.. (a little contradict now :p).. so how do you normally deal with your new clothes??


  1. I prefer to wear first... after wash no longer new :(

  2. Usually I will wash first. I don't know why because my late mom taught me to do so. :p

  3. Yeah! I agreed bro. We should wash it first. If not I think it will be very dirty right? :p

  4. I wash them first. But in case of emergency,I wear them direct.

    What's emergency for me? Staying overnight at a place with no extra clothes. :D

  5. Last time when young, not so hygenic, wear first then wash.. but after marriage, more si-yeh, wash first then wear.. cos i kept thinking don't-know-who else has tried the clothings that I bought! hahaha...

  6. But one piece of clothing must always always wash before wearing - underwear! XD

  7. Fro me no need to use the washing machine just use a pail with little detergent and hand wash. Takes less than 5 mins.

  8. As some new clothes I'm not too sure it will 'drop color' and stain other clothes best is washing them separately in a pail first. Even though some are old clothes will always separate the whites and lighter color from the colored or multi colored clothes just in case and wash them separately.

  9. I don't mind wearing them first..

  10. 我认为先洗会比较好,尤其是女人的内衣裤。

  11. last time i used to wear then wash.. but ever since i visited those clothing factory... i definitely WASH first ;p

  12. My missus will insist on washing first, Usually I'm not bothered. I'm not known for my cleanliness... Hehehehehe!

  13. 新衫如果系入系塑膠袋,需唔需要洗?

  14. 我都啱啱買咗件新衫。聽你咁話,都系洗咗先著啦。

  15. 我係睇情形先至先洗后著架,贪身上果阵新衫褲味囉,行起路都有风架!我通常会同promter指定要有胶袋包装住嘅stock先至买架!呵呵呵~~~不过,如果係老底嘅话就一定要洗过,如果唔係万一细佬有乜皮肤敏感痕痒就大件事囉!哈哈哈~~~

  16. I usually ask for new clothes (those still packed with plastic) after I try them on. And I won't wash those. :P However, if they run out of new stock and I have to buy those that are hanging on the display, then I will wash them before wearing :)

  17. Always wash before I wear them. Very important!

  18. After watched youtube of botfly, I always wash before wear

  19. I have to admit, sometimes when I am terribly excited about wanting to wear those new clothes and lack of time for washing..I just wear them anyway. Since it's new..should be ok. Other times, I do wash them first before wearing. It depends.

  20. i will picked the bottom one, after buy it, i wont wash it first before i "officially" wear it

  21. Depend on mood one, sometime I just wear it straight after purchased :P

  22. 会‘意思意思’过下水的。。。不过有时也会直接穿。。。哈哈。。。没什么宗旨。。。

  23. since i am young,my mother ask me to wash before wear. Because, maybe a lot of people try the clothes too.

    same like you.... hygienic.

  24. 我会想,在衣服还没做好前,

  25. My wife will wash all new cloths before we wear them...:-)

  26. I wash them first because I know many people have tried the clothes in the store. More hygienic that way!

  27. But if I go on holidays and buy clothes, I sometimes wear the clothes first. It's OK to be a little dirty as long as you wash them before you put the clothes in the cupboard.

  28. It's a good thing that people are not allowed to try on undies before buying them. I will surely not wear undies worn by someone else! : D

  29. 我會著咗先洗,反正新架嘛,洗咗,就唔再喺新啦。

  30. hmmm, i actually do agree with you.. we really do not know how the new clothes were being handled right?? best to wash first before wearing..

  31. but then i don't wash them everytime, really depends on my mood, haha!! and sometimes will just forget about that..

  32. guess after reading your blog, better remind myself of the habit to wash the new clothes before wearing.. for hygiene and safety right?? :)

  33. @ JY:
    it depends on my mood, sometimes i'll wash first but sometimes i just don't bother but to wear them straight away.. :)

    @ Tekkaus:
    yeah, i think it's really better to wash them clean first before wearing, we never know where the clothes are kept, and in what condition right??

  34. @ lina:
    errr, that's right.. i think it will be better to wash them first before wearing for hygienic purpose.. haha!! i have not thought of the underwear actually.. normally i'll just unpack and then put them on.. they should be clean because they are sealed and not allow to try on right?? :p

    @ reanaclaire:
    actually you are right also, those clothes are free for try on mah.. but then when you buy the clothes normally they will give you new ones still in the packaging right?? but then those are from store room, maybe got rats and roaches crawled in before @_@

  35. @ Bananazஇ:
    errr, if i ever wash it then will give it a proper wash lor, because i just dump into the washing machine and my sis will handle them, hahaha!! but you are cool, you will think of fading colors that will dye other clothes huh?? but come to think about it, if the new clothes you've not worn before just faded after you wash, quite sad right??

    @ wenn:
    errr, it really depend on my mood.. sometimes i'll just wash it after unpacking, or else i'll just put in my wardrobe and wear it..

  36. @ Chris Chia:
    對呀, 其實那些衣服你也不知到它們到底是如何被處理的, 還是先洗乾淨後才穿比較安全吧??

    @ Danny:
    oh, must share your story in the factory with us next time huh.. then that will definitely make me wash before wear also..

  37. @ suituapui:
    errr, it's not about your cleanliness.. but sometimes it could be the clothes problem, even how clean you are, you might get infected with "something" else stained on the clothes right?? :D

    @ 追梦者:
    對呀, 我也是這樣認為, 還是先洗了再穿比較衛生安全~~ :)

  38. @ khengsiong:
    其實入膠袋都未必衛生嘅, 不過肯定係冇其他人試著過囉.. 其實橫掂都係, 就不如全部拎去洗乾淨啦..

    @ edward:
    其實有膠袋只可以擔保冇其他人試著過囉, 好難講過程中有冇咩蛇蟲鼠蟻爬過架喎.. 不過我都唔係每次都會洗嘅, 真係要睇個mood同埋記得唔記得囉..

  39. @ iamthewitch:
    true, at least those still inside their packaging should means no one has tried them on before, safer if not washed to wear.. but sometimes i also lazy lah, will just put the new clothes on, hahaha~~ :D

    @ mNhL:
    oh, then you are very good, i'm trying to make this a habit.. be more hygienic for safety, haha.. :)

  40. @ Ghosty Nana:
    hmmm, i've not watch the clip in youtube before.. but a friend who work in fashion line actually advised me to wash before wearing.. :)

    @ Mei Teng:
    well, it really depend on how hygienic you are.. sometimes i'm also excited and never bother to wash but straight away put them on.. yeah, since it's new should be ok right, but try to get those still in the original packaging and not those hanging outside.. :)

  41. @ Wois:
    errr, actually bottom one may be more risky you know?? could be some insects staying with it most probably, haha!! :D

    @ uLi.佑莉:
    yalor, same same here.. really depend on my mood and whether i remember to bring them to a wash before wearing, haha..

  42. @ Casendra:
    意思意思過水其實也不會乾淨到哪裡喎, 反正要洗就徹底一點嘛, 哈哈!! 不過我有時也會直接就穿的~~ :)

    @ CH Voon:
    yalor, especially those already unpacked one sure for fitting and display purpose one, those better get them washed clean before you wear.. those still inside plastic should be safer to wear just like that though..

  43. @ Ashley:
    就是囉, 如果你是這樣想的話, 其實每一件新衣服都是很髒的吧?? 看來是新的, 但是背後真的很難說發生什麼事情了.. 所以對, 真的需要先把它們洗乾淨後才穿上身上吧.. :)

    @ Grass:
    yeah, then that's a good habit to have your new clothes washed before wearing them.. :)

  44. @ foongpc:
    yeah, it definitely is a good habit to wash the new clothes you bought before wearing them.. but sometimes there are cases that you’d just wear them straight away.. errr, wash before putting in the wardrobe, normally if i ever get new clothes and new wash and wear, they are for sure kept in the wardrobe unwashed leh, haha.. oh, of course no fitting allowed for underwear!!

    係架, 有時後就係呢個心態囉, 未著就洗, 一來就已經唔算新, 二來萬一洗壞就好激心啦係唔係?? :D

    @ victor:
    yeah, we really have no idea how the new clothes were being handled.. and furthermore could have many people who have tried them on before you, and that really sounds more scary right?? haha.. yeah, better have the good habit to wash the new clothes before wearing.. :)
