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18.08.2010 | 被撞事件

1. (差點)被撞事件
公司外面條路突然由雙向改做單向, 呢五年嚟行過呢條路不下九百次.. 就係突然轉向, 害我過第二段路嘅時候, 習慣性地望另外一個方向.. 好, 冇車, 過得!! 其實身後已經有架車駛緊過嚟!! 好彩架車駛得慢(應該都係被突然轉向混淆咗)咋, 真係爭啲就撞親架喇.. 好險好險~~ @_@"

2. (狠狠)被撞事件
噚日踏出火車往出口方向行去, 轉彎處忽然有個巨型物體兜口兜面撞埋過嚟.. 清醒後, 原來係個近六呎高近百公斤重嘅肥佬, 跑住撞埋嚟嘅!! 佢居然可以若無其事咁, 繼續跑前去暱埋車廂內, 一句對唔住都冇, 而且連頭都唔望返嚟!! 好彩我最近身形「健碩」咗唔少, 先不至於畀舊龐然大肉撞倒咋!! 真係吖, 好鬼冇品囉佢~~
1. (almost) got banged
the road outside my office suddenly changed from two-way to one-way, have been crossing the road not less than 900 times within these 5 years, and because of a sudden change, that day when i cross the second half of the road, i still habitually look at the other direction.. ok, no car at all, can cross!! but didn't realised that there's actually a car driving towards at my back!! luckily it's still slow (maybe the driver was confused of the change too), really almost got knocked down if i crossed another second late.. it was really, so close~~ @_@"

2. (harshly) got banged
came out from the train and was walking towards the station exit yesterday, when there was a sudden huge object banged on me at the corner.. after i gained back consciousness, i realised it was actually a big guy towering 6ft and weigh almost 100kg, ran and hit harsh on me!! but nope, he just continued running (and hidden) into the train as if nothing happened, never stop to apologise or even look back at all!! lucky is that my body(shape) got more "sturdy" recently and not being knocked down by that huge pile of meat!! oh, he is so blardy unclass~~


  1. 哎哟,最紧要吉人天相,大步躝过,人冇事就好囉!以后过马路真係要打醒十二分精神喇!呵呵~~~

  2. 人无事就好囖!take care! 农历7月都唔知撞人好定撞鬼好~

  3. 好彩冇事。假如撞瓜咗就一了百了,最驚就喺撞癱咗長期瞓住喺度,咁就大件事囖。小心小心。

  4. so dangerous.. I don't like crossing busy road at all. I will always hold my fiend's hand or hold sleeve when crossing road

  5. getting sturdy... nice description. steady pillar now. hehehehe. banged by people is not good feeling at all.

  6. In this cases, we can only be more careful:)

  7. 如果係比靚女輕輕撞親就冇問題,哈哈。。。

  8. Got such change of direction meh???? Hmm....bin dou oh?

  9. u r fortunate to escape both incidents without harm

  10. 他应该很赶时间,还撞人之后就潜逃!哈哈哈!

  11. hahah luckily u didn't fly away being hit by the big guy... :P

  12. u din shout at him meh? if me sure i will create a scene.. cannot waste any opportunity to be dramatic...lol ;p

  13. Aiyar lucky you!

    There was once last time when I was walkingt o work... I was so spacd out I was nearly ran over by a truck @.@; Dang that was the last time I ever I spaced out when walking :P.

  14. i think both of us work in the same place :D

  15. Must be more careful, k

  16. You have to be more careful bro. :D

  17. Ouh...the second incident...I thought you were really knocked by a vehicle. :p

  18. oh goodness what is wrong with u? no... maybe it's not u but wat is wrong with others? u have to take extra precaution there..if a 100kg dude banged me, i mampoi there dy lor.. i weigh 40kg only.. sure fly far far away!

  19. 你都几黑仔~

  20. You jaywalked across the road? Better use the pedestrian walkway if there's one. For safety.

    I was once stopped by a police officer for jaywalking. Thankfully, he just asked me to use the pedestrian walk at the traffic lights. No summons. I was a college student then.

  21. wow you better be alert next time if not kena bang again!

  22. Wah now you are solid, efitely cannot push you here and there, you strong mah! lol!

  23. Hahaha... what a bang month! Take care bro!

  24. Woh! That was close, the first incident. I read that there were strong complaints about the one-way street. I wonder if it would be reverted back to what it formerly was. Have you driven there before? What do you think of the one-way?

  25. maybe he didnt realize he banged something.. did he manage to catch the train.. ? :)

  26. My goodness! These people so rude .. after banging into ppl never even apologize. Well, looking from HIS point, maybe he's just too huge that banging into someone small like you didn't give him any feeling at all.. and he might not even notice it! LOL!

  27. 哈哈哈!

  28. 大佬? 系咪你神不守舍啊? 胡思乱想先至会咁啊?

  29. 小心驶得万年船。。。

  30. @ edward:
    當然啦, 見過鬼仲唔怕黑咩?? 真係要阿彌陀佛喇.. 而家要過條馬路都真係一步一驚啊陰公..

    @ Feeling:
    係啊係啊, 多謝大慈大悲觀世音菩薩保祐啊!! 啋, 七月流流, 做咩講埋晒呢啲嘢喎?? 快快lueh口水講過!!

  31. @ 海市蜃樓:
    嘩, 你把口都幾毒架喎, 梗係留喺宮中太耐定喇!! 我哋出到嚟, 講嘢要識得大體吖嘛.. 不過都多謝你提醒~~ :)

    @ Ghosty Nana:
    #1: no choice, that's the only road to cross over for lunch.. but it's getting tougher to cross 5 lanes compared to 3+2 last time..
    #2: haha, yeah, my bodyshape is getting more "sturdy" mah, or else sure i'll get knocked down to the floor by that huge guy..

  32. @ Kelvin:
    yeah, always gotta be very careful now when crossing that road.. as for the second case, cannot help, we are in the passive mode..

    @ khengsiong:
    至弊唔係哩, 係個龐然大物嘅麻甩老, 兜口兜面咁撞埋嚟, 仲連道歉都冇囉!! 極冇品啊!!

  33. @ uLi.佑莉:
    huh?? jiran!! you don't know meh?? that Jalan Tun Sambanthan lah, totally changed to one way already, next time you go eat Spaghetti then very difficult to cross the road already..

    @ Bengbeng:
    yeah, first incident really fortunate, as it was just so close!! but second incident, i was really banged by that huge guy, still a little pain actually..

  34. @ 发白日梦^^:
    不是趕時間不趕時間吧, 應該是說火車來了要趕緊上, 不然要等下一班和車囉.. 撞後逃, 很沒有禮貌!!

    @ Medie007:
    haha, luckily i'm also quite a big guy, that explains why i still can stand steadily after being hit by him.. :D

  35. @ Danny:
    err, no lor, i don't always 潑婦罵街 one lor.. furthermore he has already ran off and hide himself in the train.. haiz!! if you were there with me then how good leh, you can shout at him~~ :p

    @ ladyviral:
    wah, that's very scary!! a big truck running over you is no kidding at all!! next time we must always be very conscious and careful when crossing roads..

  36. @ Wois:
    err, you working in KL Sentral also ah??

    @ JY:
    orh, ok!! of course will be extra careful, "seen ghost already must scared of dark" mah.. :)

  37. @ Tekkaus:
    yeah, of course will be extra careful when crossing that road now already.. hmm, choy, no lah, he was a huge guy lor, luckily i was still steady~~ :p

    @ Merryn:
    errr, crossing road incident is my fault lah, not looking both sides and take granted the same old direction i used to cross.. but the second incident, haiyoh, he was such a huge guy, but luckily i'm not small also lah.. yeah, if really hit on you, sure you lie flat on the floor, hahahaha!!

  38. @ 路人㊣:
    哈哈, 馬路事件我覺得係幸運, 大慈大悲觀世音同祖先保祐.. 不過畀人撞事件就真係要搵碌柚葉沖涼喇.. :p

    @ Mei Teng:
    errr, there isn't any pedestrian walkway nor traffic light.. we just have to cross 5 lanes to go opposite for lunch!! that's really tough, it changed from 3+2 two ways to 5 lanes one way!! haha, i think i've got RM30 saman before for not using the bridge, didn't see the policeman right opposite the road, hahaha!!

  39. @ Big Boys Oven:
    #1: aiyoh, choy don't say until like that lah.. but thanks, i will be more careful next time..
    #2: haha, yalah, you don't think i am small size also, can fight with that huge guy somemore leh~~ :D

    @ Casendra:
    hey, choy choy choy!! what did you mean by bang month?? cannot say like that during this month ok~~ spit and say again.. :p

  40. @ HappySurfer:
    err, i really have no idea why the sudden change of direction.. maybe to ease the congested traffic over there?? yeah, not only the pedestrian but i guess drivers would be confused somehow of that sudden change.. wonder will it go back to the two-way??

    @ reanaclaire:
    oh, how can he not realised he banged into something?? i am not small also, sure he can feel me!! he just ran and got into the train and went off, or else i'll sure go and scold him!!

  41. @ iamthewitch:
    yalor, totally rude, don't even stop and apologise, but straight away run into the train!! hey, i am not small at all, if he banged into my, sure can feel one!! actually not only me, there's a lady behind me, and he banged me and make me banged the lady and step onto her toes!! she shouted~~

    @ Ashley:
    對囉, 真的很沒有禮貌!! 就算是要趕著上火車也不用這樣啊, 大不了不就等下一班啊, 才那幾分鐘不能等嗎?? 撞到還繼續跑前去, 甚麼人啊?? 哈哈, 不是肥婆, 是個大肥佬~~ :D

  42. @ Chris:
    細佬, 唔係我神不守舍, 係條路無端端改做one-way, 真係爭啲畀車撞架, 你都唔同情下人嘅?? :(

    @ Grass:
    當然當然, 以後過(那條)馬路都會份外的小心.. :)

  43. 时常改道路的方向,往往就是害死人。


  44. 世界那么大,那么多人,偏偏只有他撞你,所以你们肯定非常有缘咯。。。

  45. for the 2nd occasion, I guess the huge guy really felt nothing when he knocked you!

  46. Next time put up your knee.....bang his balls, then he cannot run anymore!....ha ha ha!

  47. Wow! So many bangs this week? LOL!

  48. Count yourself lucky you did not get into an accident while driving!!

  49. So rude that big guy that banged into you!! You should have cursed him! LOL!!

  50. This topic reminds me of my incident in Siem Reap. We were involved in a .....oops!! OK will tell more on my blog soon...after my China posts! : D

  51. hmmm... maybe that guy is rushing for hundreds of millions business lol

  52. wah bro...u r lucky enuff din get injured but that tall guy really din stop and say sorry....wtf man....

  53. 6 foot tall and weight 100kg? haha u being banged by WWE wrestler? lucky you still in one piece. Lol

  54. Gotta be careful bro this can actually kill coz got case back in my hometown when the road system was changed. Have not been time for quite some time a friend just told me about it.

  55. wow, that's very close!! you gotta be extremely careful when crossing that road next time..

  56. hey, that guy is very rude!! hit into people and don't even apologise?? is he in a rush or what?? but even if so, still can't just run off like that right??

  57. hmmm, btw, this month is the hungry ghost month.. are you sure that guy who hit you was really a guy?? haha.. just kidding.. :p

  58. @ 单身汉:
    #1: 就是囉, 已經習慣那麼多年是雙向的, 現在突然改成單向, 真的會害死人囉..
    #2: 哎唷, 我不知道啦, 不過現在農曆七月, 你不要講那些猛東西好不好??

    @ 古克石屋:
    哈哈, 如果硬要說我和他有緣, 那我請願不要囉, 干嘛無端端的要給他撞呢?? 蠻痛一下的哩..

  59. @ Dora:
    errr, can't be felt nothing, i am not small also ok?? but guess he really wants to rush into the LRT before the doors close.. but still, he should not run off like that right??

    @ Pete:
    aiyoh, i think i'm not so quick enough to do that lor.. he just came by a real sudden leh, not prepared and ready to do anything..

  60. @ foongpc:
    #1: yeah, i should say myself lucky on crossing the road, it was just so close you know??
    #2: of course i have been cursing him, you can read that in the post also right?? but then he just ran off like that, @$%^*(, really very rude of him!!!

    @ 安东尼:
    errr, business maybe is "doing big business" but sure not hundreds of millions of business lor.. hahahaha!! :D

  61. @ vialentino:
    errr, yeah, for the crossing road incident, i must say i am very lucky.. but then for the huge guy hitting on me incident, really celaka lah, he just ran off and didn't even apologise!! so rude!!

    @ Isley Chang~:
    errr, i think WWE wrestler are even bigger lah.. but then not fun at all being banged by that huge guy you know, especially he just ran off with apologising!! rude, very rude!!

  62. @ Bananazஇ:
    yeah, that's why i think i've been very very lucky to have that close escape!! will surely be extra careful when crossing that road next time.. thanks for the concern.. :)

    @ victor:
    #1: yeah, i will be extra careful and alert when crossing the road.. it is very dangerous to cross that 5-lane road now..
    #2: yeah, indeed!! that's very rude of him to just ran off like that without even an apology right?? aiyoh, please lah bro, don't talk about that, you already know this is the hungry ghost month right??

  63. you are still alive! Be extra careful ^^

  64. ouch...better be more careful

  65. aiyoh... luckily the car one is "almost"
    while human one is "got"

  66. at least u did not fall down wat.. ahaha.. 6ft tall wor + 100kg wor..

  67. then i need to tell u this.. about the train in malaysia... =.=

  68. is it always been THAT SLOW??!!!

  69. coz the other day went to KL for my brother convocation, need a lot of transit one.. what putra la, star la.. something la..

  70. Zzz.. hk one very fast one leh..
    even the escalator also very fast.. =.=
    while.. your country one.. (i meant our wtf).. really.. tsk tsk tsk.. speechless.. =.=

  71. then the train very HOT some more...
    tsk tsk tsk... so pity KL ppl now.. wtf.

  72. then hor... so kns complicated one... cis

  73. so many lines Zzz...
    all lines have some commons though, they are hot and slow.. =.=

  74. @ PeckWm:
    yes, of course i am still alive!! you want me to be dead meh?? how bad~~ :p

    @ Ayie:
    yeah, after that incident, sure i am gonna be 200% mor careful when crossing the road.. :)

  75. @ Donna:
    aiyah, of course lah, you think i am very small meh?? still can take the impact from the big guy lah, or else i eat rice all also wasted lah right?? haha.. fuyoh, since when you came to KL one?? never ajak we all KL Bloggers to gather one?? haiz, you dunno all the escalator here so slow one meh?? i thot JB also the same case right?? haha, that KTM i already told the stories many many times in my blog lah, always slow and late and packed one!! that's why i so not like to take KTM lor.. but then LRT is still ok lah, more frequent, quick and more comfortable one.. but then one thing not good is that, they are not very well integrated lor.. eg: need to change train, then need to go out of the station and walk so far away.. haiz!!! HK one very good hor?? all underground for you to connect to the stations, and somemore so many shops there also.. haiz, our transportation system really cannot fight lor..

  76. where got time la...
    saturday go already deduct my leave.. Zz...
    * heartache..
    sat go bro convo, then at night go find my friend at shah alam, then go back at sunday, my dad's friend belanja makan = no time left edi...

    eh.. eh.. the souvenir, i sent last week d..

  77. coz want go shah alam, no choice, then need take KTM loh.. Zzz...
    i think is call KTM.. walao.. slow dao.. Zzz..
    then direction all also blur blur one..
    haiya.. 1 word to describe la.. terrible..

  78. JB dont have train or maybe have but i dunno...
    JB is mostly driving one ma... =.=

  79. then hor, now bus station is at bukit jalil already ma...
    walao.. want go KL sentral also mafan dao si...
    need change so many line one... Zzz..

  80. i mean, like pls la.. i want to go the sentral leh...
    the name is already SENTRAL wat, suppose should be can reach directly no matter where are u from ma...

  81. but no loh...
    bukit jalil is what star line something.. zzZzz..
    ok, i forgot already.. wtf...

  82. hk one, just hold the MTR map, then u know how already..
    Malaysia one.. walao... u tell me also i dunno how yet... =.=

  83. @ Donna:
    wah, come to KL only 2 days sure very rush lah, haha!! aiyah, you got so many annual leave, deduct one day not too much also mah.. err, from Bukit Jalil to KL Sentral still OK lah, cos just change at Masjid Jamek mah.. you haven't take the Monorail before, wah, the KL Sentral Monorail station is outside KL Sentral one, somemore need to walk to far you know?? yalah, like i said, there is no proper integration one, it's like different train system.. not like people HK, SG and BKK, all integrated, buy 1 ticket then can go anywhere liao.. haiz!! our LRT map, so short only lor, everybody come here also want to laugh you know?? oh you sent already ah, i haven't receive woh.. thanks for that first ah, once receive i let you know.. :)

  84. no loh...
    i no more annual leave already.. sob sob, even the saturday also deduct my leave.. T___T
    out of my calculation one, they made the saturday as replacement working day for hari raya.. T-T

  85. then when CNY, i need to take 10 days leave wtf...
    so now cannot simply waste the leave.. T__T

  86. according to my calculation la, after CNY is left 1 day leave only.. FML.. T-T

  87. ohhhhhh.. ya. masjid jamek.. Zzz...
    very very far loh, then the train move so slow.. Zzzz...
    sooo lauya one... your country ah? wtf..

  88. monorail ah? Zzz...
    another name ah? Zzz..
    I now is remember star line, putra line and KTM.. ZZzz...
    already super luan, now add in monorail ah? Zz

  89. @ Donna:
    huh?? how come left so little leave one?? i still got more than 30 days leh, so now need to worry how to finish them instead, muahahahaha!! but then next year you will have new leave balance mah, one shot take all for your CNY?? wah, 10 days leh, that is a lot woh.. haha, maybe you not smart enough loh.. people tourist also can take LRT from here to there easily, how come you cannot?? you not in your own country meh?? hahaha.. yalah, masjid jamek looks like more the interchange station lor.. KL Sentral, haiz, i dunno lah, my office is here mah, so luckily from my house to office is on the same line no need to change lor.. last job also on the same line but different station.. muahahaha!! see, i've been taking LRT to work for the entire of my working life only lor~~ :D
