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06.08.2010 | 如廁時候

因為實在係太準時嘅關係, 所以搞到同事見我咁上下鐘點唔喺個位度, 就知我肯定係正在如廁啦, 哈哈!! 我覺得如廁係一段非常之私人嘅時間嚟架, 咁你如廁嘅時候(除咗便便之外)通常或慣性會做啲咩呢?? 剔後請按"遞交"..
it's always so punctual everyday, that whenever colleagues don't see my at my place around that time, they know for sure i must be in the toilet, haha!! i actually think the toilet-time is a very personal time, so when you are in the toilet what do you normally or habitually do (besides just pooing)?? please tick and click the "Submit" button..
read books/ paper/ magazines
play with phone/ talk on phone/ send message
pick ears/ dig nose/ squeeze acne
thinking/ dazing off/ doing nothing
listening/ singing/ humming songs/ whistling


  1. 哈哈~ 我惯咗睇报纸杂志嘅噢~^^

  2. hahahaha!! this is so much fun! :P

  3. btw, u really can noe we clicked on which one de ah?? LOL!

  4. Haha...I don't do any of those things you listed. I just get the business done and get outta there!

  5. 我好乖,聼醫生嘅話,乜都冇做,專心如厠。

  6. 我通常都好快,唔超过3分钟,所以系甘已發牛竇咯~

  7. LOL..use to do num 1 when was young especially when next day is exam time. Now cannot already. Go in, deposited and rush out coz the anak will make noise

  8. hahahaha.....so funny! So what's your choice? digging nose?

  9. 以前會看報, 現在什麼都不做, 快快搞定走人。

  10. the submission din work gei?

  11. toilet is your confession room?

  12. I do my business very fast, I ate much fiber, so not much time to do much in toilet.

  13. I read comics and listen to songs XD

  14. i m normally very quick.

  15. 很多时候都很专心的。。。哈!

  16. I must read. If not...I cannot pangsai o. :D

  17. no bear bear? can I ask for a bear and not the script?

  18. when i poo...i play with my iphone...so sometimes can be in the toilet for 1 hr till my wife called me...hahaha

  19. Lol! I don't do anything else except poo!

  20. 係喇係喇, 知你如廁嘅時候鐘意睇書/睇報紙/睇雜誌, 玩電話/傾電話/發短訊, 撩鼻屎/撩耳屎/唧暗瘡, 沉思/諗計仔/發牛竇, 聽歌/唱歌/哼歌喇.. 又如何唧?? 哈哈哈哈!! 點都好, 祝你有個愉快嘅一天啦~~ :)

    wtf... i try to click all... =.=

  21. so pandai one... =.=

  22. and hate u lah.. how come can be so on time one.... =.=

  23. b4 i went to hong kong also quite consistent one, like 8am to 8.30 am like that.. eheheheheh..
    then now... got anything come out also i very happy already.. =.=

  24. ok ok, i know you like to read books/ paper/ magazines, play with phone/ talk on phone/ send message, pick ears/ dig nose/ squeeze acne, thinking/ dazing off/ doing nothing, listening/ singing/ humming songs while pooing in the toilet.. so what?? hahahaha!!! have a nice day anyway~~ :)

    eh.. how u know, just now i go try the english version again.. wtf..

  25. but for me la..
    in office --> play hp.. or sms friend said.. eh.. how u know i tengah pangsai? babai.. =.=

  26. but i tell you, i got a friend is even more disgusting wtf..
    the sms is like that..
    "ahhhhh.... the da bian hates me, so my pi gu is vomiting them out"

  27. or like.. "eh.. nothing, just want to tell you, i am pangsai-ing"

    HAHAHAHHAHAHA.. my friend very lame hor? =.=

  28. but at home, i will bring a comic book or magazine something..

  29. but la.. i read from internet, better dun do anything when u making business

  30. and the business should not take more than (i forgot =.=) minutes..
    dunno like 3 minutes or 5 minutes la..

  31. coz you will have high risk to get "zhu chuang"/hemorrhoids wor.. =.=

  32. Like you said, very personal time, wor, so I'm not telling. LOL! Cute pictures!

  33. @ nons:
    哈哈, 睇報紙雜誌?? 聽講唔好架喎, 會生痔瘡架喎, 哈哈!! :p

    @ Caroline Ng May Ling:
    haha, of course know which one you tick mah.. easily done by using javascripts one.. hahaha!!

  34. @ Mei Teng:
    haha, actually it's a good habit to concentrate pooing and not doing anything.. after done, just quickly get out of there.. :)

    @ 海市蜃樓:
    其實咁樣係好習慣嚟架.. 因為你專心就可以好快搞掂.. 做其他嘢會分心就會拖長時間, 所以多肛門血液循環唔好架..

  35. @ Feeling:
    哈哈, 嘩, 唔錯喎真係, 果然係速戰速決!! 其實咁樣仲好架, 健康啲架..

    @ smallkucing:
    hahaha, that is too much already.. you have to give yourself a break from the exam.. don't bring in the book, cos this will make you more tensioned.. hahaha, so now you have the kids to help you do it fast yeah?? :D

  36. @ mNhL:
    errr, nope.. i guess while in office i will play with the phone.. while at home, i'll just concentrate and finish the business in the shortest time.. :)

    @ khengsiong:
    哈哈, 希望你發牛竇嘅話都仲可以順暢完事啦.. :D

  37. @ 单身汉:
    其實看報紙不好的, 會分心然後拖長時間, 搞到血液循環不好.. 所以還是速戰速決比較健康..

    @ Medie007:
    err, it's either your browser doesn't allow or support javascript, or you didn't make any selection before clicking the button..

  38. @ Ghosty Nana:
    errr, nope, i never confess!! hahaha.. errr, i also eat a lot of fibre for breakfast, that's why very punctually half an hour after that, i will need to go toilet.. so punctual till colleagues know where i'm going, hahahaha!!

    @ Kelvin:
    wow, looks like your toilet time is really very enjoyable and relax huh?? haha.. :D

  39. @ wenn:
    actually do it quick is more healthy than staying long inside.. i recommend do it fast.. haha!!

    @ Chris Chia:
    其實專心完事才是健康的.. 不要分心, 因為這樣會造成肛門血液循環不好的.. :p

  40. @ Tekkaus:
    hmmm, then this is not good leh.. you need to read only can make the sai come out, hahahaha!! too dependent leh bro..

    @ Ghosty Nana:
    errr.. bear bear needs money, javascript is free.. so which one you prefer?? :D

  41. @ vialentino:
    aiyoh, this is too much already.. lock yourself up in the toilet for an hour playing iphone?? so do you actually poo or do you just playing inside leh?? :D

    @ iamthewitch:
    oh, actually this is healthier.. to do other things to distract will prolong the pooing time, and hence not good for the blood circulation..

  42. @ Donna:
    hahaha, you siao ah?? trying to tick all and see what happen only?? but then frankly lah, are you able to do all those at once while you bangsai?? hahaha.. eih, i very good one, normally 15mins after breakfast, i will need to go lor.. so around 10am like that hor, if i'm not at my seat, that means i am on the toilet seat lor, wakakakaka!! until my colleagues also know already, so paiseh~~ so now you got constipation ah?? maybe not eating healthily in HK?? slowly lah, sometimes travelling will cause this problem one.. errr, sometimes i will also sms my friend one woh, tell them i am now bangsai-ing what are they doing?? or say today bangsai a lot until the toilet bowl also full and need to flush two times.. hahahahaha!! but in office only lah, at home i normally quick quick finish and come out one lor.. yes ah, you are right ah, the longer you inside hor, you are keeping yourself in the same position, so not good for blood circulation lor, that's why easier to get haemorrhoids lor..

    @ HappySurfer:
    hahahaha, ok ok, actually that submit button won't submit your answers to me lah, that's just a mock-up, you can click it without worries.. :p

  43. Reading is a must for me when doing "big business".


  44. 有些人就是坐太久,谷到生痔疮!

  45. haha!! i thot after i submitted my answer, it will show the statistics of the different selection.. but you just fooled us yeah?? so naughty.. :p

  46. actually i'll bring in my phone, but whether i'll be playing with it (either games or send sms), it depends on my mood, haha!!

  47. 我会睇雜誌&玩電話~

  48. :P why there is no option for all of the above? :P

  49. hahah don't play -play! :)

  50. @ Shingo T:
    haha, really a must?? without reading you cannot continue doing your business is it?? so funny :D

    @ yee:
    haha, you really like reading a lot huh, don't even want to miss that short time to read..

  51. @ 山城大熊:
    就是在裡面呆太久了, 所以血液循環不好啊, 所以就會很容易生痔瘡啊, 聽說是這樣啦..

    @ victor:
    hahaha, sorry for that, i purposely want to do a trick on everyone, haha!! hmmm, actually it's better not to do anything else except to concentrate, finish your business quick and leave.. haha~~ :D

  52. @ Shell (貝殼):
    嘩, 睇雜誌AND玩電話?? 你真係好multi-tasking囉, 同時間做三樣嘢, 哈哈!! :p

    @ xin:
    haha, you so lazy one.. just click every one of the items in the list lor.. :p

  53. @ Big Boys Oven:
    haha, i never play in the toilet ah.. most of the time i'll try to concentrate, finish the business as soon as possible, and then get out of the stall.. :p

    @ uLi.佑莉:
    ooopss, meaning there is at least one of those that you always do inside the toilet?? hahahaha~~ :D

  54. sure, i will not tell you what i did in toilet. hehehe

  55. toilet is a dirty place to stay. better dont spend more time in toilet.

  56. but i am sure most of 90% people do something inside the toilet like what you listed.

  57. I always do big business every morning, but during my travels, I noticed I could not do it in the mornings. I wonder why!

  58. One very easy solution when I could not do it is to drink a cup of coffee. Sure go to the toilet after that! : D

  59. Actually, if it's a public toilet, I will do it ASAP and get outta there!!!

  60. But if it's my home toilet, I take my own sweet time. Cos my home toilet is clean and comfy : )

  61. But really, I don't do any of the things u suggested in the list EXCEPT thinking/dazing off. Actually, more like daydreaming haha!

  62. I can't hum songs while defecating. I just can't!

  63. But I do sing if bathing. Haha!! No problem for that one!

  64. If very sleepy, I can sleep while sitting on the toilet bowl! LOL!

  65. Oh! I don't bring books and phones into the toilet. I don't want to accidently drop the phone into the toilet bowl! Yucks!!!

  66. Sleeping and daydreaming is my favorite pastimes inside the toilet! Haha! But mostly, I just do my business and get out : )

  67. I wonder if there are people who eat while sitting on the toilet bowl. One way in, the other way out at the same time. Gross!!!

  68. All this talking about toilet makes me wanna go to the toilet now! Bye! : D

  69. @ CH Voon:
    hahaha, what you did so secretly inside toilet that you cannot tell me leh?? hahaha.. yes lah, you are right lah, better quick quick finish doing business and come out lor, don't stay inside so long.. hmmm, actually i think most of the readers here also able to select a few activities in the list lor, hahahaha!! :D

    @ foongpc:
    hey, welcome back home, and back to spamming comments, hahahaha!! actually i thot you are bring your phone with you everywhere, or you sure will miss time tweeting right?? haha.. actually i guess it could be because of the biological problem, that we most of the time would encounter constipation problem while travelling.. anyway, hope you're back to your normal routine back home already by now.. haha, OMG, you can even fall asleep while pooing in the toilet?? errr, can you still poo while sleeping?? or won't you fall onto the ground when sleeping and dirty yourself?? hahahaha.. hmmm, that's so disgusting!! eating while in the toilet?? that's so not hygenic!! hey, you go to toilet everytime at noon, just before going out for lunch?? wahahaha, the timing's so good huh~~ :D

  70. Ryan會睇書(要有公仔既最好係POOH),同埋要我陪太子便便...便便中途仲要我抱抱....:-(

  71. @ JC:
    咩話?? 小米便便要做咁多嘢?? 哈哈, 中途仲要你抱抱, 咁你咪要非常非常之小心謹慎, 唔係就一身都係shit喇喎~~ :D
