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26.07.2010 | 書中如玉
兩星期前收到博友Caroline郵寄過嚟嘅呢本書(譯《生活中的經典智慧》), 佢話邊位第一個留言就將本書送畀佢, 而我竟然(唔覺意)咁幸運, 真係要多謝佢囉!! 收到本書咋咋臨揭開睇, 嘩, 果然收集齊好多名人金句囉, 正呀, 作為人生座右銘絕對唔輸蝕架!!
突然間有個奇想, 既然本書係由博界得返嚟, 不如我都回饋博界, 希望呢本書可以由一個博友傳畀另外一個博友.. 大家幫幫手, 將本書永遠流傳落去, 好唔好?? 我會以抽籤方式, 將呢本書送畀其中一位幸運嘅留言讀者.. 仲等咩唧?? 快快脆留言話我知你想要本書啦喂~~
received this book titled "Classic Wisdom for Professional Life" from blogger Caroline, she said she's gonna giveaway this book for the first commenter.. so i accidentally did it and got the book from her, thank you very much!! immediately flipped the book after received it, and gosh, this book is packed with meaningful quotes from famous people.. guess it won't fail even if you regard this as your bible of life..
i suddenly have an idea in mind, since i got this book from the blogsphere, i thought why not i contribute it back to the blogsphere too?? let's pass on this book from one blogger to another, wanna help me make this "inheritance" come true?? i'll lucky-draw one of the commenters and giveaway this book to the lucky one.. so what are you waiting for?? drop a comment and tell me you want the book, right now~~
突然間有個奇想, 既然本書係由博界得返嚟, 不如我都回饋博界, 希望呢本書可以由一個博友傳畀另外一個博友.. 大家幫幫手, 將本書永遠流傳落去, 好唔好?? 我會以抽籤方式, 將呢本書送畀其中一位幸運嘅留言讀者.. 仲等咩唧?? 快快脆留言話我知你想要本書啦喂~~
[點擊照片查看書本內容 Click photo to view book content] 
received this book titled "Classic Wisdom for Professional Life" from blogger Caroline, she said she's gonna giveaway this book for the first commenter.. so i accidentally did it and got the book from her, thank you very much!! immediately flipped the book after received it, and gosh, this book is packed with meaningful quotes from famous people.. guess it won't fail even if you regard this as your bible of life..
i suddenly have an idea in mind, since i got this book from the blogsphere, i thought why not i contribute it back to the blogsphere too?? let's pass on this book from one blogger to another, wanna help me make this "inheritance" come true?? i'll lucky-draw one of the commenters and giveaway this book to the lucky one.. so what are you waiting for?? drop a comment and tell me you want the book, right now~~
23.07.2010 | 黃金十年
仲記得2000年7月24日係我入行第一日, 今日足足喺呢一行打滾滿10年(!!)喇.. 果真係不經不覺, 醒起都一額汗~~
其實冇諗過自己會做IT呢行, 中學畢業有打算讀建筑設計, 唔記得後來點解跟咗班同學去讀電子工程, 拎到張沙紙之後又無端端應徵做programmer.. 嗰一日開始由低做起, 一做就係10年, 當中甜酸苦辣, 高低起伏, 百般滋味.. 10年一關口, 我唔覺自己有咩成就, 再5年再10年, 我又會何去何從呢??

i still remember it was 24th July 2000 when i started working in this industry, and today marks precisely a full 10-year (!!) i have been working in this line.. it certainly is something easily slipped off your mind, but a shock whenever you realised..
i never have thought i would end up in IT.. i actually kind of wanted to go for architecture in high school, but due to can't-remember-what reason i followed a gang of mates to pursue electronic engineering, and finally got hired as a programmer.. since then i started from the entry level, experience through combinations of ups & downs and likes & hatred over the past decade.. if 10 years is a milestone, i don't think i have any great achievement, given another 5 years and then 10 years, i ask where will i be then??
其實冇諗過自己會做IT呢行, 中學畢業有打算讀建筑設計, 唔記得後來點解跟咗班同學去讀電子工程, 拎到張沙紙之後又無端端應徵做programmer.. 嗰一日開始由低做起, 一做就係10年, 當中甜酸苦辣, 高低起伏, 百般滋味.. 10年一關口, 我唔覺自己有咩成就, 再5年再10年, 我又會何去何從呢??

i still remember it was 24th July 2000 when i started working in this industry, and today marks precisely a full 10-year (!!) i have been working in this line.. it certainly is something easily slipped off your mind, but a shock whenever you realised..
i never have thought i would end up in IT.. i actually kind of wanted to go for architecture in high school, but due to can't-remember-what reason i followed a gang of mates to pursue electronic engineering, and finally got hired as a programmer.. since then i started from the entry level, experience through combinations of ups & downs and likes & hatred over the past decade.. if 10 years is a milestone, i don't think i have any great achievement, given another 5 years and then 10 years, i ask where will i be then??
21.07.2010 | 開口夾脷
- 真係開口夾著脷.. 上星期咪話每日都攞支探熱針嚟玩嘅, 結果好嘅唔靈醜嘅靈, 前日晚真係病咗添!! 頭疼+咳+燒到成39°C, 呢啲係唔係叫做"犯賤"呢??
- 噚日朝早一起身就去睇醫生, 登記後等醫生等咗一個鐘!! 原來平時睇開個醫生放假, 換咗另外一個(遲晒大到嘅)醫生!! 姑娘又唔早響, 早知係另外一個醫生我都費事等啦..
- 呢個醫生好懶囉, 同病人檢查竟然要吩咐病人郁動, 自己就坐定定自己個位度郁都唔郁.. 唔怪之得咁肥啦佢.. 不過見佢開啲藥都幾有效, 算啦..

- you call this coincidence or what?? remember last week i was talking about my new thermometer "toy" that i use to measure myself everyday?? so it happened that i really fell sick the night before yesterday, headache + cough + fever at 39°C.. or you call this "black magic"??
- went to the clinic yesterday morning, registered but waited for an hour for the doctor to get to work!! the nurse didn't tell me that the doctor i used to see is on vacation and there will be another (not punctual) doctor, or else i wouldn't even wanted to wait there thinking of seeing the same doctor..
- and this doctor i saw is such a lazy one, he ordered me to move forward and backward and turning around for him to check my body, while he just sit on his chair without swifting an inch.. no wonder he's so fat!! anyway, i'm not going to hate him since the medicine he prescribed is quite effective..
19.07.2010 | 購物隨談
16.07.2010 | 雜談三則
14.07.2010 | 處處留歡
雖然我成日話面卜無聊, 不過有時真係無聊到非常爆笑, 搞到我不得不與大家分享.. 就好似呢個like功能, 係好多懶得留言嘅朋友嘅最好工具.. 不過大佬, 你like還like吖, 唔係話不分青紅皂白隨便亂like一輪架嘛.. 好似以下例子, 我就覺得好@#$%^囉, 哈哈~~
although i always say facebook is boring, but there are times when i realised it's too funny things bored people do that i must share with everyone here.. for example the like feature, which comes very handy for the lazy people.. but please lah, if you want to use that feature, don't just simple like any status for no reason.. look at the few cases below, and you will agree with me that those likes are just too @#$%^ right?? haha~~
although i always say facebook is boring, but there are times when i realised it's too funny things bored people do that i must share with everyone here.. for example the like feature, which comes very handy for the lazy people.. but please lah, if you want to use that feature, don't just simple like any status for no reason.. look at the few cases below, and you will agree with me that those likes are just too @#$%^ right?? haha~~
12.07.2010 | 再三點六
噚日gym完覺得肚餓, 突然醒起星山廣場嘅「3.6下午茶促銷」(餐牌上每款RM3.60).. 兩星期前試過覺得唔錯, 當時一支公都唔知去邊好, 所以就決定前往解決午餐+晚餐.. 今次我勁啊, 非常之*唔覺意*嘅情況下連去兩間餐廳!! 總共叫咗四份食兩份飲, 兩張單合共RM24.80, 結果成日唔再需要食嘢, 好滿足~~ :)
yesterday after working out in the gym, i felt hungry and suddenly i recalled the "3.6 afternoon tea promotion" (all dishes on menu at RM3.60) at starhill gallery.. tried that two weeks ago and think it's not bad at all, and hence while being alone i decided to do my lunch plus dinner there.. this time round i was real powderful as i *accidentally* went to two restaurants in a row!! ordered 4 dishes and 2 drinks, two bills cost me only RM24.80 in total.. as a result i didn't need to eat anymore for the day, so satisfied~~ :)
yesterday after working out in the gym, i felt hungry and suddenly i recalled the "3.6 afternoon tea promotion" (all dishes on menu at RM3.60) at starhill gallery.. tried that two weeks ago and think it's not bad at all, and hence while being alone i decided to do my lunch plus dinner there.. this time round i was real powderful as i *accidentally* went to two restaurants in a row!! ordered 4 dishes and 2 drinks, two bills cost me only RM24.80 in total.. as a result i didn't need to eat anymore for the day, so satisfied~~ :)
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[星山廣場3.6下午茶促銷] 每日下午三點至六點, 四間餐廳參與, 餐牌上每款RM3.60, 促銷至12月31日.. [3.6 afternoon tea promotion @ starhill gallery] 4 participating restaurants, 3pm to 6pm daily, all dishes on menu at RM3.60, promotion ends 31st Dec.. |
08.07.2010 | 例牌兩餐
05.07.2010 | 津津樂讀
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三個月前一口氣買咗三本書(其實係要買夠一百蚊貪個九折, 嘻嘻!!), 三個月時間理應都已經睇晒三本書喇, 但係事與願違, 目前進度係第一本都未睇過一半, 真係失禮晒.. [繼續 >>] bought three books at one go three months back (actually just wanted to get 10% discount with purchase of RM100 and above, haha!!), by right i should have finished reading all of them, but shamefully, i have not even finished reading half of the first book, what a shame.. [continue >>] |
我諗進度咁慢嘅原因係因為揀錯開始閱讀嘅第一本.. 初時係被形容為"傳奇性第一銷量小說"同改篇成電影所吸引, 不過之後覺得本書其實好悶唔係我杯茶.. 太過細膩而且節奏超慢, 好多毫無重要性嘅描述, 太多人物角色而且鐘意鐘意就突然轉場面, 有時我都覺好混淆.. 不過都係仍然掙扎住要睇晒佢, 算係畀個機會, 希望後邊會精彩啲.. [繼續 >>] i think the reason for being slow is because i chosed the wrong book to start with.. i was attracted by this "#1 phenomenal bestseller" that was also adapted as a motion picture, but i just realised this book is boring and not my cup of tea.. too many details without interesting plot, too much around-the-bush description, too many characters and jumping abruptly between scenes that i find confusing.. anyway, i'm still struggling to finish reading it, giving it a chance as i hope it'll get more interesting.. [continue >>] |
熱切期待可以儘快睇晒第一本, 跟住我會繼續睇呢一本喇.. 呢本係寫實作品, 係由一位餐廳侍應將佢所知嘅餐廳幕前幕後事件同經驗, 大鑊大鑊爆晒出嚟!! 我覺得應該好有趣, 裡面應該有好多鮮為人知嘅嘢, 期待!! 呢位匿名侍應其實有自己嘅blog添架, 咪搞笑~~ [繼續 >>] can't wait to finish reading the first book and i plan to continue with this second one which is the dairy of a waiter, who tells everything he knows and experienced in the restaurants he work for - front-end and back-end.. i think this must be interesting, as i expect to know things i never knew before, looking forward!! and what's more, this waiter is actually very infamous with his own blog, don't play play eh~~ [continue >>] |
最後呢本亦都係最厚(六百幾頁)同最沉重(語帶雙關)嘅一本, 我其實好有大志要睇晒架.. 雖然以前老師放呢部片畀我哋睇嘅時候, 我係全城瞓著覺, 不過人會長大架嘛, 自從我睇咗慈禧太后一書之後, 我已經對呢為偉大人物咁傳奇嘅一生充滿好奇.. the last one will be this 6xx-pages thick and heavy (pun intended) one, i am actually very ambitious to finish up this book.. though i was always asleep while watching the movie back in school days, i think people will grow up, and since after i finished reading the book about Empress Dowager, i have actually gained a lot of interest in the life of this legendary hero of India.. |
02.07.2010 | 面卜隨談
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