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19.07.2010 | 購物隨談

同朋友一齊去濕平, 通常個結果會係: 朋友一揪二lung, 我空手而歸.. 就係唔知點解, 每次同人結伴我都買唔到嘢, 反而係朋友經我魔鬼般慫恿後, 連唔想買嘅都全部買埋, 哈哈!! 如果自己一個人去濕平, 反而可能會滿載而歸喎..

if i go shopping with friends, the likely ending would be: friends bought a lot and i end up empty handed.. don't know why, everytime there's a companion, i can't normally get anything for myself, instead under my evil persuasion, friends grab more things they never intended to buy, haha!! on the other hand, if i go shopping alone, chances is that i'm able to get things for myself..
就上個星期日之嘛, 自己單拖去濕平, 結果當然係收穫甚豐滿載而歸啦.. 好耐都冇試過咁豪架喇, 一次過買六件衫褲咁多.. 因為我急需好多新size屎嘅新衫(畫公仔唔駛畫出腸, 你知咩事架啦), 哈哈!! 不過值得慶幸嘅係, 我唔係個名牌奴唧~~

so it was last sunday that i was alone doing shopping, and of course i managed to get myself damages.. it has been long that i have not been so wild in getting 6 pieces of clothes in one go!! that's because i'm in desperate need of new clothes with new sizes (understood why right??), haha.. anyway, i should feel lucky that i am not a brand whore~~


  1. eh me if go with frens, i mean my girls! sure bought lots. haha

  2. if go alone, i hardly buy things except foods!! HAHAHA!!

  3. I don't like shopping with friends. Especially those who have trouble making up their minds about what they want to buy and walk for hours on end. Those kind of shopping trips really make me feel restless and tired.

    I prefer to shop alone, get what I want and then leave the mall.

  4. if go wit guys, tak payah beli langsung! not enjoy at all!! HAHA

  5. i am sooooooo not going shopping with you hahah u r evil muaaahahhahh

  6. if i need to buy stuff, i will usually shop on my own..

  7. Same here, can't buy anything when with friends~

  8. 我都中意自己行街架,会买到好多笋野,因为需要时间慢慢睇架嘛,会唔会你系一个好惊朋友等既人,所以同佢地一起咪买唔到野咯!!然后你又系一个好好既shopping partner,佢地迷一秋二Lung咯。。

  9. yeah me too.. if i go shopping with friends, i end up buying nothing..

    if i shop alone.. wahhahahahaa.... one month salary also can swipe swipe away!!

  10. 我都系钟意自己一支公去买嘢,尤其系买D电脑或电器~

  11. you so bad, persuade other to harm themselves.

    Size increased? hmnnn. Maybe mean more 'fu', more fortune

  12. hahaha...i did that too. Sometimes my friends end up buying more than me

  13. so nice... went shopping, havent shopped for a while now...

  14. 你朋友經你慫恿而買嗮,意思係你好有說服力。。。

  15. 辭咗依家呢份工,改行做sale屎啦。。。

  16. 我都唔係brand whore,不過有時買名牌貨比較安心啲。

  17. 买东西要看mood也要看运气啊

  18. 不用讲你都知道我肯定单独买东西啦。

  19. Mega sales start soon leh jiran....hehe!

  20. 咁大手笔入货,莫非你瘦身成功?哈哈~~~话时话,著衫最紧要有自信,就算唔係名牌,行步路都有风架!你Like唔like吖?嘻嘻嘻~~~

  21. shopping is the most SYOK activity...
    u must be damn happy last weekend..
    new size? up or down? lol ;p

  22. hey me too will find easier in buying things when no one is tagging along!

  23. Wah! So evil ah you! No way am I ever going to go shopping with you! Haha

  24. You know why you can't seem to buy anything when shopping with friends? Cos you are too busy plotting your evil scheme to make your friends buy, buy and buy!

  25. Wow! Bought 6 pieces of clothes at one go? So desperate meh?

  26. I will buy more than 10 pieces of clothing if I like them and if there's a sale. Definition of sale : 40% discount and upwards : )

  27. So where did you go shopping last Sunday? Just kepoh kepoh a bit lah! Hehe

  28. Go shopping with pretty companion....distracted leh! ha ha ha!

  29. 7月24日开始Mega Sales到9月16日,到时又可“血拚”!我也要买新size了。。。。

  30. me too, always not keen on buying too much as my friends do or not buying at all when shopping together

    "Purchase when i need it" thats what i thought :p

  31. wei wei wei... i am totally different leh..

  32. if i am going out alone --> which quite impossible, because if i am alone, i would stay at home instead of going out.. =.=

  33. i cannot/never/will not ever go out alone one, coz i will think myself very pity like that leh..
    ahahahah.. all the lonely alone issue

  34. like ppl around also will look at me in awkward way... like wah.. i am alone shopping so pity like that... =.=

  35. i know i know, the fact is not like that, some ppl just enjoy being alone and what not, but.. hmm.. ahahahhahah.. never try leh.. and don't wish to try also.. =.=

  36. understand ar? like hor...
    i am not those type like can sit alone in classroom, alone one la.. but now i get used to eat breakfast alone already.. FML.. coz my friend aka colleague resigned.. T_______________T

  37. you have no idea the first few days, how pity i think myself was... =.=
    like what i told u la.. ppl looked at me in awkward way something, then i feel myself very pity.. =.=

  38. some more, when those managers passed by and asked me "wah.. alone so pity ar"
    then I really collapse and felt i was the most pathetic ppl in the world like that.. =.=
    so deep u can understand or not? =.=

  39. but now biasa liao.. and prefer to eat alone... =.=
    die die also dun want sit with managers and general manager.. later finish my breakfast sure lao sai one.. stressed breakfast.. =.=

  40. but just breakfast, the rest, i need companion.. XD

  41. i don't think i will buy anything if i go alone.. i will buy A LOT if i am shopping with my friends!!

  42. not everything i need i will buy also.. u know.. girls.. ahahahahhaha....

  43. last time, hmmm.. i think 1 year ago already, long time no shopping d.. T-T, no female friends in JB.. T-T, so cannot shopping...

  44. but my total damages last time were 2 belt, 2 jeans, 3 blouse, 1 long T-shirt, 2 normal shirt...
    around RM 500 like that.. Zzzz...

  45. my friend and I concluded that, gathering = fat + poor...
    fat because we will go eat around, A LOT..
    poor is because shopping..

  46. 恭喜恭喜,又有新衫著嘞!

  47. hey what is the brand of striped shirt? looks nice!

  48. I normally could buy all that I wanted in less than half an hour……:D

  49. Whoa, nice! For some reason, I feel happy for the person who has acquired new things. Great buys you've got there. Great tees. Love the blue tee, the pair of bermudas and the dark blue or is it black pair of pants. Are the tees for work? Are you allowed to wear collarless shirts to work? Don't quite like the purple striped shirt though. Kinda reminds me of my dad's PJs. Oops! No matter. whatever works. Enjoy your new clothes..

  50. hahha...mine was 3 damages last week. hehe...half of yours. going to catch up soon, heard there's a megasales going on. LOL...:)

  51. 我也是這種人咧


  52. walio eh! so nice ler, you definitely got great sense of fashion, nice ler!

  53. 濕平是个多有创意的字眼呀...Orz...(想好久哦>.<" 这样显示我很呆,叔叔你不好咯..泪奔泪奔‘例牌来这边泪奔一下,听说泪奔可以瘦身!!’)
    叔叔一定是瘦了很多所以需要买新衣服...对不对jek ^0^

  54. i love to shop alone! I scare of people around me giving me ideas and comments until I buy a lot of things. I'm easily influenced. hehe

  55. 看你平时应该很会节俭的。
    换size? 听说有做 gym,
    不可能加 size 吧?!
    难道变 fit 了? ^^

  56. Caroline Ng May Ling:
    haha, me totally different from you lor, normally i only can buy things when i go shopping alone.. if go shopping with friends, normally friends will buy a lot of things one..

    Mei Teng:
    hmmmm, so i see you are rather different from a normal lady who likes shopping with sisters.. does that mean you don't really enjoy shopping?? haha, think your bf will sure like that a lot.. :p

  57. manglish:
    hehehe, i want to go shopping with you then!! i love to see friends buy a lot and ended up going home feeling contentedly.. haha!!

    err, not really a shopaholic.. i've cut that down a lot already.. :p

  58. wenn:
    oh yeah, normally that case.. prefer to shop alone if i already have in mind what to get..

    haha, when with friends can't get anything.. but usually ended up friends will buy a lot although they are the one who makes me company, hahaha!!

  59. Rebecca Kheng:
    我唔知咩原因囉, 已經試過好多次係咁架喇.. 自己買唔到, 反而朋友就幾經游說之後, 連原本冇打算買嘅都買埋, 哈哈, 好過癮囉.. 佢哋會覺得我係魔鬼~~

    haha, yalor, have you wonder why actually?? we can only get things if we go shopping alone.. so when with your friends, did you persuade them?? haha~~

  60. 路人㊣:
    如果我已經知道自己要買啲乜嘢, 咁我會prefer自己一個人去, 嗱嗱生搞掂可以鬆人喇..

    Ghosty Nana:
    well, that is not considered bad.. if i think they should buy those because they look like with the clothes, i'm actually helping them to decide, haha!! hmmm, you are right, more "fu qi" now, that's why need new sizes :(

  61. smallkucing:
    in my case, that is very common.. my friend always buy more than i can get for myself, but i'm happy to see them contented actually..

    haven't been really doing shopping for quite some time lor.. well, lots of shopping to do in HK, you have no time??

  62. khengsiong:
    哈哈, 你以為做sales容易, 其實都好講求專業架, 我覺得自己仲未夠班.. 不過如果做sales可以有我而家份人工, 我ok架.. 至於牌子喎, 睇情況囉, 要睇質地剪裁同埋最重要嘅價錢囉.. 如果可以負擔我覺得都ok架, 不過我就唔會因為名牌而買名牌囉..

    你說得也對喇, 要買東西也要看心情和運氣.. 有時明明很想買, 不過沒有size.. 有時明明朋友覺得不錯, 就是過不了自己的那關.. 所以真的要配合天時地利的~~

  63. 单身汉:
    其實自己一個人去買東西也沒有不好啊, 時間自己控制, 想去哪裡就去哪裡, 不用遷就別人.. 沒有帥喇, 肥肥這樣就是要買大件一點的, 哪裡會有帥??

    oh is it?? but sometimes even sales also not able to get nice things also lor.. so i am not excited at all, haha~~

  64. edward:
    唉, 有頭髮邊個想做瘌痢吖?? 迫不得已先要大手筆買多啲新衫咋, 而且我都好似好耐都冇買新衫啦.. 你係講得啱, 著衫要有自信, 不過肥到好似我咁樣, 點會有自信啊?? 哈哈~~

    haha, of course i know shopping is your best hobby lah.. err, no lah, bought them not because of shopping spree, but because i need them.. aiyah, understood already lah, of course not going down lah, still want to ask..

  65. Dora:
    yeah, when i already know what i want, i rather prefer to go alone.. so that i can manage my own time and go where i like..

    hehehe, i think you are also somebody with high buying ability.. i would like to go shopping with you together, so that i can persuade you to buy more things!! hahahaha.. yalor, already mention in desperate need of new clothes mah, haha, actually just 6 pieces not really enough at second thought, should have bought more.. hmmm, to me, the definition of sales is at least 50%, haha!! 40% still not attractive to me yet.. oh, i went pavilion and klcc..

  66. Pete:
    errr, you can go with me, cos i sure am an ugly companion, then you won't be distracted!! hahaha~~

    Chris Chia:
    嘩, 你的消息也真靈通哦.. 難怪同事問我有沒有收到Isetan的newsletter啦, 那麼肯定這個星期五就開始有members day?? 不過老實說, 有時sales也很難買到東西的..

  67. 安东尼:
    haha, you know what?? my fried always say go shopping together, but in the end, i'm the evil that keep asking him to buy, ended up buying more than intended, haha!! hmmm, yeah, i guess now is that i only buy when i need.. good practice huh?? :p

    haha, may look pity to shop alone but i guess it could be more fun leh, cos you can go anywhere you like and take your own sweet time without having to care about your friends.. but maybe for guys ok lah, ladies normally would go shopping in pairs or groups one.. hahahaha!! very funny, eat with managers and GM together sure lao sai?? how come leh, once you get stressed you will lao sai one meh?? so funny lor you.. hey, so you going to HK soon woh, sure will be buying a lot lah.. then you remember to bring another extra empty bag, so that you can use that for all your shopping when u come back.. so your last damage was RM500, then go HK how much you budget?? RM2000?? woo, shiok-nya~~

  68. 海市蜃樓:
    多謝多謝, 有新衫著當然係開心啦.. 不過如果啲新衫係買細個碼嘅, 仲開心囉~~

    hehe, thanks!! it's from padini, 50% discount..

    哎呀, 人家都唔想提, 你就硬係要揭人蒼疤.. 好hurt架嘛~~ :p

  69. Grass:
    haha, you so decisive huh?? or did you actually know what you wanted already and did lots of survey before that?? haha..

    hahaha, yeah, that's why when i go shopping with friends, i feel even happier they bought more things than i could.. errr, nope, those tees are for leisure and not for work.. although we can go casual on Fridays, but i normally still wears a shirt with my jeans.. that is a pair of dark blue bermudas.. and haha, no sweat, i guess those stripe shirts are very subjective to individual, some might like it and some will think it's a PJs.. haha!!

  70. Gabriel:
    hehe, 3 damages is considered a good result too.. but i guess 6 is still somehow not enough.. hmmm, let's look forward to the megasales this weekend then, haha~~

    哈哈, 就是所謂的反客為主?? 別人配我們去shopping, 結果反而是自己甚麼也沒有買到, 而朋友就滿載而歸的, 很諷刺哦.. 可能是這個關係吧, 自己一個人的時候, 比較自由而且依自己的步伐, 肯定可以看到試到買到為止的.. :)

  71. Big Boys Oven:
    haha, not really good lah, but i guess still acceptable and not considered ugly.. hehe!! :p

    哈哈, 你要用廣東話去讀啊, 如果真的摸不著, 就看英文的囉.. 你那麼會講反話的, 人家明明不想說自己變胖了, 你就硬要說人家瘦.. 很hurt哩我, 叔叔我要淚奔~~

  72. mNhL:
    hahahaha, then it's dangerous that you go shopping with friends, and especially with somebody so persuasive like me, hahaha!! luckily i'm good at persuading but not easily influenced~~

    節儉?? 我覺得我不會喇, 有的時候還真的很會花錢的.. 其實一個人shopping就是比較自由, 不用遷就, 所以就可以shop到買到為止啊.. 哈哈, 我沒有以前那麼勤力去gym了喇, 而且也上了年紀, size也跟著上了~~ :p

  73. 新size屎 ... 只可以说...感同身受


  74. wah bro...u really geng ler....6 damages sumore...hahaha...really into a shopping spree ah...

  75. not into shopping too...hehe
    finally i am able to visit your blog...
    sorry for my absences here ..
    i wish i can spam more...
    sorrry SK...
    i'll be back soon

    by the way i love the second pic..the stripe polo

  76. yeah, same here.. i think i enjoy shopping alone more, especially when i already know what i want, unless i have a very good companion..

  77. 6 damages!! OMG, but nice clothes you have!! megasales is coming, so another round of 6 damages?? haha~~

  78. eh.. no.. i was wrong.. if eat with them, i wont lao sai... will constipate gua... because everything also die die swallow.. =.=

  79. actly manager still ok lah... if general manager, memang stressed...
    later he will ask a lot of things one.. Zzz

  80. yea... budget RM2000 loh...
    will be so poor after that.. Zzz...

  81. actly not sure enough or not leh... everything also so expensive there.. hotel alone already RM 500... Zzz...

  82. how har? enough or not? T-T

  83. then now HK typhoon.. Zzzzzzzzzzz....
    haih.... so many obstacles like that.. T___T

  84. Typhoon leh... sure the plane...
    ....... T__________T

  85. oh how i miss shopping!

  86. Chloe:
    同樣係換新size屎, 你係upsize定係downsize先?? 如果係downside我恭喜你, 如果係upsize我哋齊齊抱頭痛哭~~ 哈哈!!

    thanks for dropping by~~ :)

    haiz, no choice lah, i am in desperate need for new clothes mah, all the clothes now almost cannot fit already.. i am forced to buy new clothes :(

  87. bluedreamer27:
    yeah, so sorry to hear that you are not able to go online.. miss all the blogging time yeah, what a pity.. no problem, i understand that.. haha, you like that stripe shirt?? some commented that it looks like pyjamas, hahaha!! anyway, i don't care, i just like it.. :p

    yeah, you are right.. i prefer to shop alone sometimes, as i control my own time and whereabouts.. and when i shop alone, i can shop for the whole day not being tired.. but with friends, very quickly i'll feel tired, haha!! thanks for the compliment, hmmm, will see whether i'm able to get another 6 damages in mega sales then, hahahaha :D

  88. Donna:
    hahaha, don't simple say.. lao sai and constipation very big difference you know?? haha.. your hotel so cheap one, but no need stay so good lah since most of the time you also outside what.. and i think RM2000 for shopping quite ok lah, and then makan leh, you got budget another RM500 at least?? but then aiyah, go travelling sure expect to spend a lot one lah, come back work harder and earn back the money lor.. aiyah, no need to worry so much lah.. typhoon typhoon lor, if really not safe then the flight will cancel or delay one mah.. if can fly then means is safe..

    haha, i thot you spend most of your time doing shopping for baby Jariel instead?? :p

  89. eh... WHOLE TRIP for RM 2000...
    RM 2000 for hostel, eat, play and shopping... =.=
    enough or not? =.=
    eh, u see how supportive i am, only got 30 minutes to online, then i fast fast come your blog.. but the latest one, no time comment.. coz not much time left after i blog... =.=

  90. haiz.. still got time leh... =.=

  91. It is the time for me go for 100 comments!

  92. same apply to me. I dont know why i cannot buy anything if go with my wife or friends.

  93. I also dont like the promoter come to disturb me. I just want to stand there and find my favourite one and try and .... if ok, then i buy.

  94. But, i seldom go to shopping. one word to describe - lazy!

  95. during sales, i will not go. I always the last one go to shop. that moment, sales is over. Have to buy expensive items :(

  96. maybe, i am not so kiasu so i always come late to buy ...

    yeah! i am 100 commentors keke

  97. Hahaa...me too, buy more when I shop alone !

  98. Donna:
    wah, RM2000 for everything ah?? hmmm, i think still ok lah if you don't overshop and bought too many things lor.. hehe!! aiyoh, thank you for so supporting my blog leh, haha.. but without you for one whole week, guess my comments will be very little for the next few posts lor.. hehe~~ :p

    CH Voon:
    oh yeah, true!! i also don't like those promoter to disturb one, unless i need help then i'll get help from them, or else better just leave me alone lor.. if got those promoter too "good service" hor, i will feel very uncomfortable and i'll just walk away one, hahaha!! you going shopping with your wife and daughter, hehe, sure you never get anything but that two ladies must buy a lot right?? haha.. but then hor, i will not buy things during non-sales period now lor, because things are so expensive now, all mark up so high.. better wait for sales, you also know now sales like every month also got lor..

    Jasin Ker:
    haha, i guess it's because we have more time on our own when shopping alone that we can get more things?? :)

  99. hmm... enough leh... =P..
    kekekek.. got left HKD 200++ some more... aiks.. can buy 4 more shirt leh.. ahahhaa...

  100. Donna:
    haha, so nice still got HKD200 left?? so how much in total have you spent actually?? all on food and shopping only?? aiyah, actually why left?? bring back the HKD also no use here, might as well spend it all and buy somemore clothes mah.. :D
