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29.07.2010 | 講飲講食

喺外邊食嘢, 有冇留意到你杯飲品極有可能係「假」架呢?? 依家做生意, 講求方便快捷高利潤, 好多時候都係色素+調味整出嚟嘅化學飲品, 連最基本嘅涼茶都可以係沖調出嚟嘅.. 咁係唔係淨飲清水最安心呢??

when you dine out, have you noticed your cup of drink could most probably be a "fake" one?? business today tend to aim for fast, convenient and high profit, hence most of the time the drinks are just chemicals made from colorings + flavorings.. even the most basic herbal tea and barley can be prepared from concentrates, guess the safest would be only drinking plain water??
當我睇到呢個cheezels新產品廣告嘅時候, 我就誓要一試.. 好喇, 某日超市見到買咗包嚟試, 結果有期望就有失望, 啲餅得層面有味道, 裡面係淡架囉, 而且食落去又會癡牙, 唔好食!! 新不如舊, 都係佢啲芝士圈好食囉..

when i saw the ads on cheezels new product, i instantly have an urge to try it out.. so i bought a pack, but got quite disappointed (maybe because of expectation?).. the biscuit is just bland with only some flavour on the surface, and after eating the biscuits lumps stuck on crown of my teeth, gotta use toothpicks to clean up.. boh hor jiak, i think their cheese rings are a lot nicer..
食嘢嘅時候, 你有冇一個習慣就係話將啲嘢逐樣分開食架呢?? 譬如話先食咗塊面包, 跟住食晒啲沙律, 跟住薯條, 最後先慢慢享受舊扒咁呢?? 我有時候都會咁樣架, 最好嘅留返最後先至食, 哈哈!!

when you are eating, do you have a habit to eat the food separately?? for example you will finish the bread first, followed by clearing off the salad, then the fries, and finally only slowly enjoying your piece of steak?? hmmm, i dopractice this sometimes, tend to save the best for last, especially my favourite food.. and yes, i am definitely a typical carnivore, haha!!


  1. 我一早已經發覺到,尤其嗰啲甚麽泡泡珍珠奶茶之類,全部都喺飲顔色。


  2. me oso save the best for last kind paiseh haahha

  3. I love the cheezels biscuits. They're really tasty and just nice. Not too salty.

    There are cases of plain water being sold as mineral water. Fraud is everywhere.

  4. eee i never got a fake one. LOL! but i most of the time will drink tea. :)

  5. cheese rings nice!!! yay! hehe. i love it as well!! :D

  6. erm.. depends, sometime i only will eat my fav n wont even touch the one i dnt like. heee

  7. 我喜欢怀念的味道!所以我好喜欢返家乡食嘢!

  8. true about the drinks. Used to order Ice lemon tea but nowadays mostly are from powder form :(.

    Me too save the best for last but the thing is sometimes hubi curi mine to eat :(

  9. In traditional coffee shop in my town, lemon tea still made from real lemon and hot tea with ice.

    Ad can always be deceiving. Stick on your teeth because it is to cheesy?

    I prefer to eat combination of all. bits of every one.

  10. True about the colouring in the drinks. So scary.

    I also felt dissapointed with the cheezel bicsuit. Their cheese ring are 10 times better. My fav. snacks too.

    Err...i'm a bit complusive. I will eat the BEST first. hehehe....then mix. 1 bite here 1 bite there. Last time, I used to eat KFC by leaving the skin a side. After finished the meat, i will enjoy the skin. Now, I wallop the skin first then only meat. haha

  11. 新加坡这里一般的小贩中心的凉茶都是罐装的。


  12. Wei, you so fast try the cheezels biskirt jor ar...that day I saw the advertisement at cinema, hou chi hou hou sik gam.....

    But I will still go buy 1 pack and try lo :)

  13. 咁我就唔同咯~ 我钟意一啖食吓沙律,一啖食吓薯條,等阵又一啖靓扒~ 啖啖唔同味,啖啖都新鲜^^

  14. Hmmm...you mean those juice might turn out to be fake? :p

    I don't know. I always drink coffee. Can they fake coffee?

  15. Well...well...your expectation might be way to high bro. Hence causing you to feel it sucks the moment you eat them. :D

  16. Yes yes bro. I eat the food seperately. :D I will eat the yucky food first and spare the most delicious food right at the end. :D

  17. I guess its human nature to save the best for the last?

  18. y suddenly talk abt artificial n junks? u gave away free books n how abt free food? hehe...

  19. last bit same! haha. i tend to eat my meat last too. :P

  20. hi Sk !!
    @ 1 ... i agree... i guess a lot of business holders nowadays are focusing more on how to gain profit than reaching their customer's expectation and satisfaction

  21. not a big Junk food fan... and yeah i hate it when the food stuck on your teeth and have to pick them up via toothpick .. waah that is quite irritating...

  22. haha yah i have that habit... especially when i will eat doughnut that is filled with cream...i used to eat all the sides first then save the center part for the last bite

  23. normally i don't order drinks. I will only drink when i get home.

  24. yeah, i realize that. i mean the drink. hate the fake one!

    oh ok. so i won't buy the biscuit but only the rings hehe :)

    i used to eat burger like that. bread 1st then followed by the meat. sometimes i still do that... haha recent was last nite :P

  25. i truly agree with you on some of the beverage! but when come to fine dining, it will be great if you combine them in one (like a bit of this and bit of that) on the plate as it somehow wnhance the taste and the flavor of the dish! :)

  26. 好料的東西

  27. I eat everything simultaneously to work the tastebuds. For me, the dish tastes better that way.

    We are faced with a lot more artificial flavors these days. I suppose this is a result of progress?!

  28. 三色茶,一点都不好喝。

  29. i miss malaysian food... because cost of living here in brazil is quite high... anyway i am loving brazilian food though

  30. 避免唔到外邊吃,只好返屋企排毒!

  31. 諗諗下,自己都有排冇斷食排毒啦。。。

  32. I prefer plain water, coffee, tea or home boiled drinks like barley etc. typical drinking habit of an old guy...:-)

  33. Lemon tea from Mamak stall, geniune..ha ha ha!

  34. Bananaz would go for "Save the best for the last". Finish the noodle then wantan last, whack the pan mee wallop the egg last haha..

  35. When come to DimSum would be the reverse first thing first will wallop the har kaw haha..

  36. Likey your woody template nice wood..

  37. Drinking water outside may not be that safe if it is straight from the tap, unfiltered...unboiled. Whatever, it can't possible be more harmful than those packet junk food - with all the preservatives, salt, msg, colouring.... Better avoid those like a plague.

  38. 我很注意自己的饮食,

  39. 叔叔你小小声和你说哦,我都是把自己爱吃先吃光光,总觉得留在最后呀,我已经开始觉得饱了,超好吃的食物都变好吃而已(blek ^0^) 哈哈.... ~"~

  40. say im eating mcd,
    i will start with fries til half,
    then comes to the burger,
    then coke for a while,
    then continue with the remaining fries
    and then finish up the meal with the coke XD

    but i dont think the best of the meal is the coke... lol

  41. I remember someone told be that you can judge a person by the way he/she eats. Saving the best for last would mean that he/she will suffer first so as to enjoy later. If wallop the best first would mean enjoy first, suffer later, lol! I wonder if it applies in the case of spend first, save later or vice versa?

  42. nowaday.... everyone want cheap food. not because they want cheap food just because they only afford to buy cheap things.

    hence, to provide cheap food... it is cheap to use fake items.

  43. for example, coco is use to make chocolate... but expensive right.

    now they use palm oil and get through the process call crytalization... and produce the items almost 99% like coco.

    this is one of the oil plant i did kekeke

  44. if want to eat better food, we need to pay more else ... u cannot expert so high...

  45. I don't share the same eating habit as you 'coz I love eating a bit of this then a bit of that, I call that enjoy :-)

  46. 1.而家个社会,真系好危险,尤其系食方面,尤其系。。。中国~呵呵。。所以都要自己醒D,自己个身体健康只有自己对自己负责。



  47. 外面的果汁都騙人的,我都不喝,現在在外我都喝清水。。

    吃西餐的時候,我也是分開吃,吃飯的時候也是 分開吃,我都先吃白飯

  48. 大佬, 海市蜃樓, 我同你哋一樣, 由細到大都有呢個習慣, 好嘢留返最後先至食. 加阵啲人懒煮, 通常都喺外边食, 我就系其中一个.

  49. @ 海市蜃樓:
    #1: 咪就係囉, 其實啲珍珠奶茶, 全部都係各種顏色糖精或糖分沖出架, 一罐十幾蚊可以賣成百杯, 你話好唔好賺??
    #3: 我唔係每次都係咁嘅又, 睇心情啦, 有時都會全部撈埋一齊食架..

    @ manglish:
    hehehe, so when you are having bento, you will finish all the rice and vege first, then only slowly enjoy your katsu?? :p

  50. @ Mei Teng:
    #1: hmmm, of course i will make sure they server the mineral water in sealed bottle.. but well, we never know how genuine they are right??
    #2: oh you like that?? i just think they are not very nice, i still prefer cheezels itself..

    @ Caroline Ng May Ling:
    #1: hmmm, those bubble tea for example are all just colorings and flavorings.. even tea they put colorings to make the color darker??
    #2: yeah, i still think the cheese rings taste a lot better than the biscuit..
    #3: yeah, i think it depends on my mood, sometimes i'll eat first, sometimes i'll eat last.. haha!!

  51. @ Gabby洁玉:
    嗯, 又係嘅, 其實KL好多嘢都好似係由其他地方引進架呵?? 哈哈~~ :p

    @ smallkucing:
    #1: yeah, i think maybe only mamak will give you tea + lemon, other places mostly from powder leh..
    #3: haha, then you save the best for yourself or for your hubby to curi makan??

  52. @ Ghosty Nana:
    #1: hmmm, then it's good.. i guess other than mamak, most restaurants just have them directly from powder.. i rarely see real tea with lemon already..
    #2: errr, i don't think so.. only the surface got some cheese flavored powder.. guess it's the texture that stuck to my teeth..
    #3: for me, depends on my mood.. sometimes i eat separately (which is most of the time), sometimes i'll mix up all together..

    @ mNhL:
    #1: yeah, now i changed to order chinese tea instead.. should be real tea and not artificial i guess..
    #2: yeah, give me five!! totally disappointed with the biscuit, yeah, the cheese rings is 100 times better!!
    #3: haha, leaving the skin aside and eat last?? i never do that.. i will always peel the skin and eat that first!! haha.. but normally i will finish the bun first, then the coleslaw, then potato and then only slowly enjoy the chicken..

  53. @ imyuyu:
    那些罐裝的涼茶我覺得還是自己煮出來的, 只是要放進罐頭有一些工業處理罷了.. KL這裡有的涼茶根本就是用那些濃縮XX沖出來的, 可以喝得出那個分別囉.. 哎呀, 其實現在那些餐廳賣的那些奇奇特特飲料, 全部都是色素和調味弄出來的, 而且還要賣得比食物還要貴!! 你說天理何在?? 所以有時我情願喝雪茶囉, 又便宜而且又比較安全..

    @ uLi.佑莉:
    aiyah not fast already lor jiran, they are in the market for quite some time already.. so maybe i give you lower expectation lor, when you bought and try, then perhaps won't be too disappointed lah.. or even you will like it instead lor..

  54. @ nons:
    哈哈, 其實我都係睇當時個心情嘅, 有時係完全分開食, 有時就會正常啲, 呢度食啲嗰度食啲咁囉.. 不過點都好, 最後一啖都肯定會係舊扒啦, 哈哈!!

    @ Tekkaus:
    #1: yeah, most of those juices are made from concentrate, and especially bubble tea, all from flavourings only.. errr, i think coffee should be quite ok..
    #2: yeah, because the ads looks nice and i already have expectation that it'll be as nice as the cheese rings.. anyway, not going to eat that anymore..
    #3: hahaha, true true.. eat the least delicious one, and save the best for last.. nice right?? :p

  55. @ Kelvin:
    errr, i think there are two extremes.. one type will save the best for last.. another type will get the best at the very first moment.. :)

    @ Koala Express:
    errr, random post mah, of course everything seems like very suddenly lor.. hahahaha!! errr, free food?? don't you consider the book a kind of food for your mind?? hehe~~ :p

  56. @ Medie007:
    hehehe, so i can imagine you finish the chicken rice first before you eat the chicken?? and the salad before you eat the fried chicken?? :D

    @ bluedreamer27:
    #1: oh yeah, and somemore with all those powder and concentrate, it makes the business more convenient and gaining higher profit margin..
    #2: haha, i am a totally big fan of junk food!! that's why i'm so fat, kekekeke.. yeah, it really feels irritating with the food stuck on my teeth.. i hate that really..
    #3: hmmm, for donut i guess i'm not that particular, will just give it a big bite.. but when it comes to dishes with a few other sides, i will more oftenly eat them separately.. :p

  57. @ wenn:
    yeah, i started not to order drinks now.. and if i do, mostly will order iced chinese tea.. i guess chinese tea should still be very authentic right?? :)

    @ Faisal Admar:
    #1: yeah, i especially hate those artificial barley and herbal tea.. that's why now i changed to order iced chinese tea instead..
    #2: hmmm, maybe you will like it.. just that i don't think it's nice.. just buy a pack to try before you judge it ok??
    #3: hahahaha, i think i've never do that for burger.. i like to bite everything together in that case.. unless it's Big Mac that i need to split - last time when the burger are still bigger i mean..

  58. @ Big Boys Oven:
    #1: yeah, i guess now most of the beverages are from convenient pack, either powder or concentrate.. sad huh?? unless you pay expensive price for fresh ones..
    #3: hmmm, but i seldom, or rather rarely, have chance to go fine dining like you always do, hahaha!!

    @ 十六:
    哈哈, 那倒要看情況而定哦.. 雖然說很多時候留到最後, 不過有時還是會第一刻就立刻把最好的吃掉的~~ :D

  59. @ HappySurfer:
    #1: hmmm, true and sadly, i guess those artificials give a higher profit margin to the business.. i hate artificial barley and herbal tea in coffee shops!! that's why i now changed to iced chinese tea..
    #3: hmmm, actually i also depend on my mood.. sometimes i eat separately, sometimes i eat them at the same time.. depends, really depends.. :)

    @ 单身汉:
    三色奶茶?? 我覺得很不錯哦, 很香啊加了那些椰糖..

  60. @ fufu:
    i guess after you've been in a different country for a good long time, you sure will be missing your homeland food a lot.. and when you're back, you'll be missing the food you tasted elsewhere instead.. hahaha~~

    @ khengsiong:
    嘩, 原來你都有玩排毒呢家嘢架?? 既係點啊?? 淨係飲清水或果汁咁啊?? 嘩, 好高難度喎, 頂得順嘅咩??

  61. @ Grass:
    you know what?? i especially hate those artificial barley or herbal tea sold in coffee shops!! i would expect them to home boiled it.. and that is why now i choose to have iced chinese tea instead.. and it's a lot cheaper and can quench thirst more efficiently..

    @ Pete:
    yeah, of course mamak stall always give customers the best right?? they are honest people, hahaha~~ :p

  62. @ Bananazஇ:
    hmmm, for me, it all depends on my mood then.. sometimes, or shall i say most of the time, i will eat the sides separately.. but there are also times when i eat a little bit of this and that.. oooh, so now i know you favourite dimsum is har kow?? hehe, my favourite is actually loh mai kai lor.. ooopsss, you like my wood~~ thanks~~ :p

    @ suituapui:
    hmmm, i guess so, that's why maybe avoid drinking beverages outside?? or if possible go for hot beverages, i guess the water sure are boiled right?? hehe, i am a big fans of junk food actually, love all those cheese rings, corn snakcs, chocolates, potato chips etc etc.. :p

  63. @ Ashley:
    嘩, 你都幾health conscious的喎, 不錯不錯.. 我就沒有這樣了, 通常吃東西都是很隨性很衝動的那種.. 就是當時想到要吃甚麼就吃甚麼的, 而且如果遇到自己喜歡又很好吃的東西, 就會很不受控制的多吃了, 這樣不好呵?? 對啊, 現在在外面吃東西, 我都儘量不叫水喝, 如果要的話, 可能就是喝雪茶囉.. 不過我吃飽了, 已經很習慣要喝一杯水下去的, 可能從小就是這樣吧.. hmmmm, 先吃還是最後吃最愛的, 有時也看心情喇.. 有時就留到最後, 有時就忍不住先吃了.. :p

    @ bluesky:
    哈哈, 其實我有時也是會把好吃的先吃, 不過比較少啦, 通常都是先吃難吃的, 最好的留到最後才慢慢的享受.. 我是個比較喜歡先苦後甜的人啦.. :p

  64. @ 安东尼:
    hmmm, i think when eating McD, i do the same thing like you.. will just some fries first, then drink the soft drinks, then only start to eat the burger.. after finish the burger, then will finish the remaining fries and drinks.. i never eat the fries and burger and drinks separately in this case lah..

    @ Autumn Belle:
    hmmm, i think roughly it can somehow tell the personality.. for me, it depends on my mood and also what type of food.. sometimes i'll choose to eat the best one first, but most of the time i'll save the best for last.. and i guess i am someone who would prefer to suffer first and enjoy later to end up with a happier situation.. haha!! :)

  65. @ CH Voon:
    oh, really?? now those cheap chocolates are actually made from palm oil?? hmmm, now i know why some chocolates are so damn expensive!! thanks for the info, so what other types of "fake" food are you doing, please let me know more insider info ok?? haha.. yeah, of course i understand for better quality we have to pay more.. but now things are getting more and more expensive, only our salary still pays the same.. so under such circumstances, we really cannot afford and have to compromise sometimes.. agree??

    @ Dora:
    errr, actually it has to depend on my mood and what type of food i am having.. sometimes i will eat them separately, and sometimes will eat them together.. but i always make sure that the last bite will be the most delicious one indeed.. haha!! :p

  66. @ Rebecca Kheng:
    #1: 嘩, 係啊係啊, 你唔講又至可, 一講到中國大陸, 真係好恐怖囉.. 連雞蛋都可以係偽造嘅!! 真係天下奇聞囉.. 好彩呢度尚算係拍馬都趕唔上~~ :p
    #2: 中國應該冇啩我諗.. 係啊係啊, 你點知我係個超級零食王啊?? 就係囉, 成日食埋晒啲垃圾, 難怪咁肥囉..
    #3: 哈哈, 係啊係啊!! 其實我有時會分開, 有時會撈埋, 睇心情同埋食啲咩囉, 不過會同你一樣, 一定make sure最後一啖一定係最好食嗰舊, 哈哈.. :D

    @ BB_hwiyee:
    thanks, you have a nice day too.. :)

  67. @ venus:
    #1: 對囉, 現在連薏米水涼茶都是沖出來的, 很討厭囉, 所以現在我儘量不喝, 如果要的話, 也只是喝雪茶囉, 又便宜又解渴..
    #3: 嘩, 你厲害喎, 吃雜飯也可以分開來吃?? 我不可以囉, 吃白飯肯定要跟菜一齊啊, 不過無論如何, 我都會make sure最後一口是吃最好吃的那一道囉, 哈哈!!

    @ Chris:
    哈哈, 細佬, 咁你係我心目中肯定係個唔入廚房嘅人啦(工作上例外啦當然), 我絕對唔會expect你自己煮架喎, 自己一個人, 算啦, 出去食方便得多啦.. 嗯, 下次要留意你係唔係真係好嘢留返最後先食至得!! :)

  68. 哈哈.. 大佬, 你真系叻架喇.. 我真系唔识亦唔钟意煮嘢食.. 所以好少入厨房.

  69. hehe, when i eat kfc i like to eat the bread first then follow by the mush potatoes, sandwich then the chicken :)

  70. 你嘅嘴咁刁,乜充货假货边度逃得出你嘅法眼吖!呵呵呵~~~

    宝物沉簋底,旧扒梗係留番嚟最后慢慢嚓啦!哈哈~~~不过,话时话,当你食晒啲side dish,个肚已经七分饱,咁大块扒点食得晒吖?莫非,你嘅tangki够晒大?:)

  71. hi Sk just dropping by here
    have a great day and happy blogging

  72. i am back.. Zzz.. but still feel very tired, dunno why.. =.=

  73. eh.. we din follow the plan also.. ahahaha.. coz i am too tired again... coz no exercise now, my stamina very very very lousy already..

  74. so no energy walk...
    then din go lamma island eat seafood, because shopping > eat.. =.=

  75. din go ocean park because shopping > play.. =.=

  76. conclusion, just shop la... but definitely will go back again.. =P

  77. and i drop out from the commentor list liao.. Zzz

  78. #1, i will choose those sounds "natural" one.. =P
    if i pay so expensive for fake drink then i hope the karma will bite the owner ass loh..

  79. sounds natural means tea, coffee, or something like that la.. those very bright color one, normally i wont drink..

  80. oh.. speaking about this.. the yeong zi gam lou very nice leh.. T.T
    we got go eat buffet at macau.. very nice also... T.T
    haih.. i want go back.. T.T

  81. #2, dunno.. seldom eat junk food.. not seldom also la.. but i only eat roller coaster and mister potato, the rest all din eat.. kekeke..

  82. speaking about this.. food at hk really very expensive hor..
    8 ppl eat bubur nia, also need around RM 100++, HKD 200++..
    BUBUR nia!!
    but the very nice also la.. haih.. everything also so nice.. T.T

  83. #3, yeap, i normally eat like that one.. SEPARATE!! hahahahah...

  84. haih.. i remember the prawn i eat at macau buffet again... i tell you, very big leh.. bigger than normal baby's palm... very niceeeeeeee...
    at "pou geng hotel".. next time u can go also.. HKD 262 per pax..
    sooooo soooooo sooooooo sooooo niceeeeeee

  85. #3, haih.. look at this pic, then remind me of hk food.. cis..

  86. but i am more on herbivor la.. =P..
    i am like that, first, eat roti first, then a little salad, then a little fries, then few bites of steak..

  87. after that, give the whole steak to tobby, then i back to eat fries, last last salad.. =P

  88. after that, go steal tobby's salad.. wtf.. =.=
    and then, steal 1 bite from tobby's steak..

  89. that's who i eat... wahahahha..
    but how come i fat liao, tobby thin liao.. Zzz

  90. when speaking of eating the food seperately ... i cant recall ... i tend to try bit by bit of the food on my plate and then will eat the same food at the same time....which category am i in?

  91. 1. i don't buy drink when ever i had dine out side.. bcoz is the price is too over for me.

    2. i think to eat cheese better go for the real slice of cheese.

    3. me random. sometime "rojak"

  92. yeah, you are right.. i guess nowadays those restaurant are not using authentic ingredients to make the drinks anymore.. better drink plain water, tea and coffee i guess..

  93. have not tried that before, but since you said it's not nice then i think no point trying already.. actually i think the cheese rings are nice~~ :D

  94. hmmm, i don't really notice how i eat things.. but i guess many times i will save the best for last, or at least the last piece to end the meal will be the best one.. :D

  95. when i eat, i will not finish the bread and cont others.

  96. eat all together .. feel better.
    because some food are so salty. need to mix up together!

  97. cheese is good to eat but eat too much will be fat like pig kekeke.

    that why i am fat.

  98. yahoo! i am 100 commenter again. kekekekee

  99. @ Chris:
    細佬, 雖然唔係識你好耐, 但係我諗你係個點嘅人我應該都知嘅.. 你會入廚房煮嘢整粗自己對手?? 哈哈, 除非係為咗個非常特別嘅人囉~~

    @ L²:
    yalor yalor.. when i eat KFC, i will finish the bun, the salad, the coleslaw first.. and then only slowly eat the chicken.. kekeke!! oooh, sandwich?? you normally eat the X-meal one ah??

  100. @ edward:
    #1: 係咩?? 你又知我嘴刁?? 我其實食嘢都幾隨便架, 求其唔係難食可以食得落肚嘅, 我都冇問題架喎..
    #2: 唉, 你見我咁嘅身型, 就可以估到我個tangki有幾大啦.. 好嘢唔會食唔晒架囉, 咁好食幾大都要食晒唔好嘥啦係嘛?? 呵呵~~

    @ bluedreamer27:
    hey, thanks!! you have a great week ahead and happy blogging yeah..

  101. @ Donna:
    aiyah, first day back to work after a long and enjoyable holiday sure like that one.. sure will feel depressed like that one, but couple of days later when get used back will be ok one lah.. so you only shopping in HK for the 6 days?? aiyoh, very terrible lor, where also didn't go.. then just call this a shopping and eating trip enough lor, hahaha!! HK must thank you for helping them to boost the economy hahaha.. next time you go HK again, sure know where to go already lah.. so actually how many clothes you have bought jek?? show us the photos lah..

    @ Donna:
    #1: errr, even sounds natural also can be artificial one lor, you know lah, now of course want higher profit margin mah.. those artificial colorings and flavourings so cheap, who don't want?? but i also suspect whether those tea and coffee got put coloring or not lor.. yeah, yalor, i also like that 楊枝甘露 one, i like the grapefruit lor actually.. then you got eat the steam milk??
    #2: errr, i always eat junk food one woh, hahaha!! eih, roller coaster and mister potato i also eat one.. but don't you think that cheezels is nicer?? aiyah.. yalah, HK eat things very expensive one, but then they also quite specific in quality one, got lots of competition mah..
    #3: hehe, i know i know, you sure eat everything separate one lah.. but what i mean is, finish one first then only continue to eat the next one, then save the best part for the last woh.. hehehe, go eat with you so good, you will give all the steak to people one, hahaha!! maybe you never eat meat, that's why you are fatter than tobby, hahahaha.. you eat all those salad so much of mayonaise, so fat you know?? actually salad can be deceiving one, must see how you prepare and use what type of dressing one leh..

  102. @ vialentino:
    errr, dunno how to categorise you woh, hahaha!! but what do you mean eat the same food at the same time?? quite confusing woh this sentence actually.. :p

    @ Isley Chang~:
    #1: yeah, now the drinks price are ridiculous, it can be more expensive than the appetiser somemore!! i really don't think it's worth lor..
    #2: hahaha, but just eating cheese alone like a bit dull mah.. the cheezels cheese ring is really good leh, don't you think so??
    #3: sometimes i will go rojak too, depends on mood and what type of food lor..

  103. @ victor:
    #1: hmmm, that's why now i will go for iced chinese tea instead.. because possible that the herbal tea or barley drinks are all from concentrates.. sigh!!
    #2: hmmm, who knows you might love the cheezels biskitz?? i'm sure everyone has their own taste right?? haha..
    #3: yeah true.. sometimes i mix sometimes i separate.. but most of the time, will be finishing up the dish with the best one.. haha!!

    @ CH Voon:
    hmmm, for me it depends on my mood lor, and also what kind of food i am eating lor.. hahaha, there are some low fat cheese mah, maybe won't be so fat leh?? but then i think those cheezels are actually a lot fatter than real cheese lor.. hey, you so bad!! i thot i will become the 100th commenter myself, you steal that from me~~ so sad~~ hahahaha!!!

  104. ofcoz got eat steam milk la...

  105. i super duper burger love the steam milk ok!!
    hmmm... u will see how much i buy later.. aiyo.. nvm la.. this one is shopping + eating trip loh... is ok, coz the weather not so nice...

  106. next time winter then eating + playing ma... eheheheh... so smart leh.. now summer sales leh! ofcoz buy like crazy first la... who cares about play la.. ahahahha...

  107. next time la.. then go ocean park, lamma island and disneyland... play + eat, NO shopping..
    must stay away from shopping centre..

  108. not only me.. tobby also buy a lot leh... =.=
    like 2 shoes from fila and converse and 10++ esprit and G2000.

  109. cheezels ah? never eat leh.. so dunno... =.=
    next time got chance then eat la.. got chance means when someone buy, then i try few bites.. ahahhahaha...

  110. got leh.. i got eat de, but not too much.. because i dun really like.. ahahhaha... like the meat is too heavy like that, i like light food... =P
    ya.. i know mayonaise very fatenning.. T_________T

  111. eh, we very smart one...
    those food expensive but also comes with very big potion...
    so 2 ppl eat 1 bowl.. then share share and exchange... actly cheaper loh.. eheheheh....

  112. really BIG one.. like first day we go eat mee shua ma.. walao, the bowl is bigger than my face, HKD 40, then FULL BOWL one... the smallest bowl like HKD 28 also i cannot finish already.. so only day 1, we didn't know, so x share.. from day 1 onwards, all share share

  113. the point is, we already not sure if the plain water is really 'plain' or not nowaday....

  114. @ Donna:
    i also kind of miss the steam milk there leh, especially the one with ginger, so nice, everytime i go there sure will order one lor.. haha, you are right, i think their portion is quite big hor?? especially if you go to those 茶餐廳, the rice or noodles they give are really a lot lor.. i remember my first day there also cannot finish, but then slowly as i stay there longer, no problem already lah, that's why grew so fat there.. hahahahaha!! eih, now is summer sales mah, sure got a lot of things to buy one.. but next time if you go there during winter, maybe those clothes not so suitable already lor, then u can go sight-seeing lah.. but then this time round, you all just go shopping and never been to any place ah?? don't feel wasteful meh?? haha.. anyway, very fruitful to have bought so many things there huh?? RM2000 very worth lor seems like.. what?? you have not eaten cheezels before one meh?? that "o-ya" woh, don't tell me you never eaten before woh, you so strange one?? like never have childhood like that leh.. your parents so strict until don't allow you all to eat those junk food ah?? so pity leh..

    @ Casendra:
    hmm, you are right also.. maybe those are just tap water?? then i guess it's safer to have hot beverages, at least the water is boiled??

  115. Ahahaha... ya man, air swam, warm water, 滚水,晤好叫清水。。。

  116. eh... my mum really not allowed us to eat junk food one leh.. i remember us curi curi buy, then throw to my "kakak" room (there is a window ma), and walk in the room with empty hand.. wahahahha... when my mum not in, then we go kakak room and eat junk food...
    because 1 of my brother has astma, so from young, we are not very allowed to drink ice, ice-cream or anything la.. junk food also cannot loh.. because 1 cannot eat, all cannot eat.. =.="

  117. and unlike any normal family, the fridge is full of food, chocolate la, ice-cream and etc.. I grew up with kosong one… =.=", got very little like 1 bar of chocolate also fully under control, no one dare to curi one.. =.=", but I got grandparents open kedai runcit one.. ahahahha... they will curi curi gave us la.. and i tell you, very "kua zhang" one... ice-cream is something like "big day" then can eat one.. then cannot eat more also.. 1 ppl 1 bowl like that, and that was it, geng leh... after my brother turn 12, the Asthma one, then not so strict, because rumors said if before 12 didn't "fu fa", then can be cured wor...

  118. and ya... the hk char chan teng, we order 1 set breakfast, HKD 28 like that, got mee with pork + bread with egg + 1 drink...
    damn a lot leh.... we stupidly ordered 2 sets for 2 ppl, can last until dinner then feel hungry… walao… then really really very big portion one.. And damn it, the ice there is so expensive!! HKD 2 for few ketul ice, in malaysia, we need to order kurang ice, still a lot one, hk one, i remember one is HKD 2 for few ketul VERY VERY VERY SMALL ice.. wah... touching dao dunno what to say leh.. coz even with ice still not a cold drink.. wtf... not wasteful la... the ticket is RM 300 for 2 ways nia.. so cheap... there is always a next time ma... and u know or not.. wtf... Airasia to Korea is RM 255 now nia... FML... but no more bullet go... dompet kering kontang already, so can just kiss goodbye and adios.. T_________T, RM 255 leh... 2 ways!! around Jan... winter some more... oh... but this morning is 2 ways RM 255, not macam increase liao RM 200 wtf... crazy ppl..

  119. @ Casendra:
    haha, yeah.. but i prefer cold beverage than hot one woh.. maybe i should order air suam bing instead?? haha..

    @ Donna:
    haha, yalor, i also guess so.. if never eat Cheezels before sure is because of very strict parents lor.. but then when you curi curi buy that time, never buy cheezels meh?? aiyah, what a waste, i think you should buy one pack and try lor, very nice leh, nicer than roller coaster lor.. my house also seldom got all those things to eat one, but then i will save up my pocket money and then buy those junk food myself lor.. i take bus home from school myself one mah, then everytime can stop by 7-eleven to buy, and then hide inside my bag lor.. hahahahaha!! errr, tobby eat so little one meh?? i think still acceptable if you cannot finish the whole portion, but then tobby just eat half portion enough meh?? hehehe, actually if you go other places maybe the portion not so big lah, those char chan ting is like that one, will give a lot in order to attract customers mah.. eih, so cheap meh the airticket?? walao eh, like that can go lor, quite worth it mah.. anyway, i also still haven't plan for my holiday this year leh, die lor, only left few more months..

  120. I do try to eat my most favorite part of the dish last

  121. hmm.. actly most places we went, the portion also quite big, not just char chan teng...
    hmmm... tobby actly not super big eater one, so it was enough, then street food is almost everywhere.. =P

    yeap... u din see the nuffnang advertisement ah?
    now the airasia to korea is for promotion, yesterday morning we checked is RM 255, 2 ways, but limited for 2 persons per booking.. then half an hour later, become RM 455, still cheap la...
    but we still didn't book.. Zzzzzz..

    normally MAS to korea is around RM2k - RM3k one!!
    then i check AA, most expensive is around RM 1k like that..

  122. @ Ayie:
    hehe, and it makes you feel more satisfied saving the best for last right?? :)

    @ Donna:
    haha, or maybe you both are small eaters lor.. i remember only the first few days when i was there that i think the portion is big, but slowly i started to get used to the portion there already lor.. no wonder so fat lah!! yalah, AA of course is cheaper than MAS mah.. but sometimes if MAS is having promo, if not too much difference from AA, i would rather take MAS lor.. eih, so now you not scared to fly already is it?? one time already overcame the fright, now like planning to go many places woh.. haha!! :D

  123. who said don't scare!!!!
    scare laaaaaaaa... i super hate when the captain light the fasten seat belt sign.. T_____________T

    i swear if you sit next to me that time sure u laugh one wtf...

  124. coz whenever i see the sign, first reaction is
    1) T__________T, very obvious can see in my face one
    2) sit straight, and every muscle will be stiffed
    3) hold the chair until very tight.. wtf..

  125. haih... T-T
    then keep telling tobby how regret I sit on this plane.. wtf

  126. @ Donna:
    aiyah, you must relax mah, the more you worry the more you scared lor.. like that very tension one you know?? actually it's always recommended to fasten seat belt throughout the journey one.. but just to make everyone feels more comfortable, if not necessary then they allow you to unfasten lor.. actually i'm ok to always fasten the seat belt one.. haha, at least you scared also won't hold other people's hand until scratched.. just grab the arm of the chair, hahaha.. :p
