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28.02.2010 | 談素說齋

同事之中有個係唔食肉嘅, 所以前日破天荒搞搞新意思, 我哋去齋館食咗圍齋宴作開工酒..
● 我: 「我哋要個三文魚生, 蟹肉魚翅, 臘味炒飯, 酥炸田雞, 亞參魚..」
● 侍應姐姐: 「請問個亞參魚要鯧魚定鱈魚呢??」

突如其來嘅呢個選擇, 令我遲疑咗三秒鐘之久..
● 我: 「咁要鱈魚啦, 我怕鯧魚味腥..」@_@"

we have a fellow colleague who doesn't eat meat, so for the very first time we all went to a vegetarian restaurant and have a totally meatless CNY dinner..
■ me: "we'll have salmon yee sang, shark's fin soup, sausage fried rice, assam fish.."
■ waitress: "for the assam fish, would you prefer a pomfret or a cod??"

i was stunned for three seconds by this sudden available choice..
■ me: "ok, give us cod then, i'm afraid of the pomfret fishy smell.." @_@"
相信大家都聽過「齋口唔齋心」呢句說話, 以上一番對話就係最佳例子.. 我自問係個絕對食肉獸, 偶然間食齋係可以接受.. 但係對於一啲口口聲聲話食素, 但係喜好偏就向呢啲肉類齋料嘅朋友, 我就有啲唔認同囉.. 唔該分清楚素同齋嘅分別, 我個人認為食素係更高層次, 唔係止于口慾上, 而係連心態上都一樣要奉行..

i'm sure many have heard the saying "vegetarian at the mouth but not from the heart", the conversation above is definitely a good example.. i admit i am a very devoted carnivore, hence an occasional meatless meal is totally acceptable for me.. to some people that claim they are vegetarian, but inclined at eating meat-resembling vegetarian food, i somehow feel not right.. i think there's a difference between meatless and vegetarian, to me vegetarian is of a higher level cultivation - not about what you eat, but more importantly about what you choose to eat..


  1. 斋口不斋心,睇嚟你冇咩斋缘喎!哈哈!

  2. 你做麼講我worr? ;p
    cos i normally take those dishes with 'meat' when i go for vegetarian...lol ;p

  3. 我喜欢吃肉!

  4. Give me (vegetarian) salmon! High in Omega 3...

  5. 其实是看个人。那些名字可能让你觉得“很肉”,但是味道其实还是差很远。相信我,就算是要习惯这种“肉”,也要用上一段时间。



  6. 我吃齋的話

  7. 我那天去东禅寺吃素,那里的食物不健康,油腻,咸。


  8. nowadays vegetarian food mostly compose of flour, imitating meat, which is unhealthy

  9. last time my group also got vegetarian.. so we always let him order separate while we enjoy the meat! =D


  10. i would turn vegetarian. if they've got siu lap. hahahahahhah

  11. I have heard that vegetarian dishes are not entirely healthy as they tend to be more oily.

    But I have tasted great vegetarian dishes before. I believe in having balanced healthy meals. No need to go overboard in any kinds of food.

  12. I always challenge my friends why vegetarian when the food resembles meat!

  13. 现在很多素食的东西都弄成看起来好像肉类的东西又有那些肉的味道...很好奇那些肉味他们是怎样弄的?==

  14. Hahaha :D I kinda agree with you bro. Some of them wanna eat vegetarian...but then they wanna eat meat resembling food. :/

  15. So true. Vegetarian restaurants are there to make $$$ too, so they need to cater to the tastebuds of the majority lo.

  16. Ya ah, those vegetarian can imitate those meaty meal near 80%...very geng one! Anyway, if really wanna to go for vegetarian, I prefer those with only vege and taofu type :P Konon-nya detox :P Happy Chap Goh Mei to you ya ^^

  17. 斋馆食不是吃斋的地方吗? 为什么会有肉的?

    P.S. 蟹肉鱼翅 ? 哗,想到都流口水,但是你好像说要减肥的哦!

  18. 我喜歡吃菜,但不是喜歡吃素

  19. 各有各道理,就当是没吃真肉清肠胃咯。

  20. What goes in is not that so important than what comes out. One must be mindful of the words that leaves the mouth. Happy Chap Goh Meh. Btw that waitress got a sexy mole on top of her left lips like the waving cats haha. Sure you did not add that dot in? tQ

  21. as for me, i think eat vegetable is good for health.

    if pure vegetables is better... not flour.

  22. 还是大口大口吃肉比较过瘾~

  23. happy chap goh mei ler...

    i prefer cod fish actually...kekeke

  24. Cod fish looks like fish, smells like fish and yet not fish? Careful of the bones, good choice cod fish got no bones but lots of cod liver oil haha. Happy Chap Goh Meh.

  25. 齋口唔齋心 lmao!!! i love cod fish too... hohohoho anyway happy chap goh mei

  26. eh.. tell u a secret, u must promise cannot tell others ar.. wtf
    actly hor, i was a vegetarian before.. =____=" 8 years edi, dun play play.. not for religion, but for health issue, then now buka puasa edi, but need to go back vege, coz my digesting system not really can digest meat one.. =.="

  27. aiyo, tat day we forgot to take group photo leh~

  28. I have a few close friends who are vegetarian, so everytime I dine with them, we end up eating vegetarian.

    I think the vegetarian food imitation was created more for variation (because in most cases, they are just playing around with flour or beancurd skin). ^_^

  29. 好食咪得囖,理得佢齋定唔齋啫。

  30. 斋口不斋心

  31. i totally understand ur point of view, it depends on the motivation of the person to go vegetarian, is it bcoz he doesnt want to eat anything resembles meaty texture, or rather he wants to reduce the killings of animal?
    but those fake meat are not as healthy lor :)

  32. Ha ha ha, nowadays the vegetarian restaurant can imitate all kinds of meat.....but lots of additives are used!

  33. 如果企系环保既角度,我觉得吃素都算有为地球出一份力架,如果要做到斋口又斋心,我睇难D咯,我们是凡人啊嘛,佛曰,凡是找平衡点,太极端也不是好事。

  34. SK, my comment is lost again. I posted yesterday. Strange! I wonder what was it I did wrong (again).

    Let me try again.

    I said, good for a change, this veg meal.

  35. You know, veg cod fish could be the answer to the actual cod fish shortage. An article I read said that cod fish (among a few others) have been over-harvested thus its shortage currently.

  36. One of the best cod fish dishes I've tasted was at Spring Garden in KLCC.

  37. Okay.. all comments appear to be displayed. Hope they'll still be around tomorrow.

    Happy March, SK.

  38. me also a meat eater, no meat no happy hahahah

  39. 话说在前头,我是一名素食者,我对斋料或斋肉不会反感也不反对,我对非素食者也没有排挤或偏见。ok.

  40. haha... funny...

  41. West Malaysian vegetarian food.. they have raised the std until it is omos a science. i was once at a vegetarian outlet on a street called Jalan Sultan in KL. i was removing the skin of the chicken . it is a force of habit not to consume chicken skin bcoz of fat factor. the proprietor or mayb waiter hastened over n told me it is not meat.. can be eaten haha.. some of the ppl present laughed at this ah pek from Sarawak :)

  42. edward:
    咁我呢個食肉獸, 當然係唔會齋心啦, 我可以齋口都算係一大突破喇, 哈哈!!

    oh really?? i thought you ok with vegetarian bor.. next time we gathering go to this vegetarian restaurant lah, the lap mei fan very nice lor..

    我覺得應該要飲食均衡囉, 不要說只吃某些東西.. 肉還是要吃的, 可能就是比較少吃吧??

  43. khengsiong:
    haha, vegetarian salmon is zero in omega 3, but high in flavoring, colors and preservatives!! :p

    C'est la vie:
    不好意思, 用了"鄙視"這個字眼好像很harsh, 其實我不是這個意思, 已經換了用"不認同", 這個比較接近我的意思.. 其實只是個人觀點, 沒有任何的offence, 不要介懷.. :)

    我不是吃齋或吃素的, 所以偶而才會吃齋, 所以我吃那些齋肉齋料, 應該沒有大問題, 因為不常吃喇.. 對, 我是覺得全蔬菜豆腐那些才健康.. :)

  44. Wois:
    所以說, 吃素也要選擇少油少鹽的.. 那些齋肉其實比吃真肉還要不健康囉..

    Ghostly Nana:
    yes, exactly!! too much coloring, flavoring and preservatives added in order to resemble the meat.. very unhealthy!!

    this is what we always do, order separate for the vegetarian colleague.. but this time round, we do it differently, we all go eat vegetarian.. not bad at all..

  45. Medie007:
    oh, then you NEED to turn vegetarian already!! they DO have siu lap, indeed the lap mei fan we ordered was super nice!! hahaha~~

    Mei Teng:
    yes, more oil and additives are used to get more taste out of the simple ingredients available.. i agree with you, we should always get a balanced diet, meat can be good for health too - just that we maybe not to consume that much..

    haha, so how do your friends answer your challenge?? i'm keen to know too.. :p

  46. Florence:
    就是添加很多的色素, 仿味素和防腐劑吧?? 所以我是覺得這些齋肉其實很不健康的, 與其吃這些齋肉, 還是吃真肉比較好吧??

    what is why i always think this is not right!! to me, those meat-resembling food are just for those non-vegetarian..

    i guess so, in order to make more money, they need to have more diversified choices also for those non-vegetarian especially..

  47. uLi.佑莉:
    and behind the 80% imitation, you know how much colorings, flavorings and additives have been added?? so i rather think they are very unhealthy.. if really vegetarian, then just eat vegetables, mushrooms, tofu and beans would do right??

    哈哈, 那係都是齋肉喇, 都是豆腐之類的東西做到色香味都和肉很相近囉.. 吃完了才打算減肥喇, 呵呵~~ :p

    我愛吃肉!! :p

  48. venus:
    其實要找到好吃又健康的素食真的不容易, 除非是自己親自煮的, 才會健康囉.. 那些齋肉, 都是因為好奇心才會吃的, 其實是很不健康哦..

    哈哈, 都是發表自己的意見罷了, 沒有特別針對甚麼.. 那些齋鹅齋蝦, 我覺得蠻好吃呀其實, 不過就不可一常吃囉..

    yeah, you have got your point there.. it's actually your mind that is the most important.. the sexy mole?? haha, you noticed that!! i didn't add it, it's by default from the icon i selected from the touch-up application, haha!!

  49. CH Voon:
    yes, i actually think simple vegetable, tofu, mushrooms and beans would be very much enough.. those vegetarian meat are not healthy - basically flour or tofu with lots of additives..

    哈哈, 當然是大魚大肉過癮啦.. 不過有時候吃齋也是不錯的, 下次(如果你還敢的話)我們就去吃齋啦.. 那個臘味飯, 好吃!! 呵呵~~ :D

    yah, hate the fishy smell from pomfret, so we ordered cod!! :D

  50. CheaHS@n:
    hahaha, so you mean this vegetarian cod fish is superb?? smells like fish but yet no bones at all, easy to swallow huh?? cod liver oil?? errr, i think it's some other kind of oil though.. haha!!

    for me it's ok, since i'm not a vegetarian at all.. yeah, that cod fish was not bad at all!! hahaha~~

    first of all, thanks for telling this secret, i will keep my promise!! but KNS, you are commenting here, do you expect this to be a secret anymore?? FML~~ so now you don't eat meat at all?? what about those vegetarian meat?? hehe~~ :D

  51. L²:
    haha, yalor.. but we never take group photo also woh, we are not like those kids at the other 3 tables ok?? :D

    Shingo T:
    actually i think the vegetarian food is not bad at all, but need to carefully choose one that cooks healthily, cos normally vegetarian are more oily.. yup, i guess those vegetarian food are created to attract more non-vegetarian (the majority) right?? :)

    你唔係食齋之人, 你梗係唔駛理咁多啦, 係咪?? DBKL咩都可以殺入肚啦, 呵呵~~ :D

  52. 天王之子:
    所以說囉, 我是覺得這兩者存在著一種矛盾.. 算吧, 都是別人自己的事, 管不著.. :)

    the happy go lucky one:
    well, i don't really care, it's all up to themselves to decide, but to me, just that i find this rather not right - one hand you are vegetarian, but the other hand you are thinking of eating meat.. true, many additives added, so rather not healthy lor..

    yes, and i was stunned to be asked to choose between a pomfret and cod, interesting yeah?? yah, lots of additives, so i rarely eat those.. :)

  53. Rebecca Kheng:
    其實都唔知由幾時開始由邊個發明呢啲所謂嘅齋肉, 而且仲係鑊鑊 新鮮囉.. 老實講, 我都幾抗拒呢啲齋肉架, 我就請願食蔬菜菌類豆腐荳類囉, 健康啲嘛..

    hmmmm, must be something wrong, can't be two times your comment get lost?? hmmm, but i didn't delete your comment ok?? anyway, no problem i see them all now :p true, the food was actually quite nice i'd say.. so you mean the real cod fish or the vegetarian cod fish at spring garden?? i'm thinking when one day all those animals extinct, perhaps we all are gonna eat these fake meat already, not impossible right??

    i also a meat eater, but still can go vegetarian sometimes for a change lah.. :p

  54. Teddy Beh:
    其實我就是在等看有沒有一些真正吃素的朋友來給個留言, 告訴我到底素和齋的東西..我一致一位素食是更高境界, 而和宗教有關係的.. 原來不是這樣哦?? 我說那些齋料不健康, 因為很多都是用色素/仿味素之類的東西來效仿肉的味道, 而且很多都是油炸的, 這是一個齋食門外漢的觀點啦, 沒有特別針對甚麼, 只是自己的想法..

    haha, not funny for a vegetarian though :)

    yeah, vegetarian can be more expensive than normal non vegetarian meals sometimes.. wow, the vegetarian chicken is so real, even have the skin for you to peel?? i would say that's a very brilliant creation!! btw, i think with all the additives, it most probably is more unhealthy than the real chicken skin itself..

  55. 我是大约3个月前才正式长期吃素,所以也不是什么权威。哈哈。

  56. wahahahha, memang not a secret also.. =.="
    vegetarian meat ar? dun really like leh, not nice one, i only eat pure food la, tauhu, sayur, mushroom.
    only very minal is nice, ofcoz if nice/sedap one, i sure like la.. ho ho ho..

    now ar... hmmm.. hmmm, i just had a sausage (real chicken) last saturday, wtf.... =____="

  57. The real cod fish I was referring to.

    SK, don't worry, I did not for one minute thought of you deleting my comments. Perhaps it was my fault. Will be more careful. Thanks.

  58. yeah...promphet very strong fishy smell...but if steam it, i also like promphet fish one keh...

  59. OOOO.... Cod fish... Yum Yum!! Too much meat will also get sien wan lo.. Like here in Spore, everyday meat, meat nothing but meat. Damn jelak...

  60. Teddy Beh:
    不錯哦, 才三個月就知道那麼多了.. 為甚麼會想到轉吃素呢?? 為了健康??

    yalar, if you comment here sure no more a secret, but an open secret already.. anyway, that one also nothing harmful to let people know lah.. wah, then you must be very healthy lor, eating pure vegetables and tofu and beans only.. but true or not?? i remember seeing you eat buffet with lots of meat one woh.. :p

    haha, a bit not matching with what i'm saying here woh.. i'm talking about those vegetarian code, haha!! anyway, see, you manage to leave comments without fail now!! haha.. :)

  61. vialentino:
    hmmm, i don't really like pomfret, be it fried or steamed, still think it's very fishy lor..

    errr, i never get bored with meat, because i'm a meat lover!! anyway, the vegetarian meal we had was quite nice actually, i don't mind having that occassionally lah..

  62. AHAHAHAHAH.. said i buka puasa liao loh.. =.=
    now need slowly tukar balik loh.. wahahahah...
    world going to end ar, cannot eat so much meat ar, sin chew said be vegetarian can help to save the earth ar.. =..=

  63. i personally thinks those sort of "vegetarian meat" has a lot of additive in order to get close to the real ones, so most probably not healthy at all..

  64. few reasons, mainly: health, compassion, religion, personal reason etc. :)

  65. 我要素腊味饭!!!

  66. i go vegetarian sometimes

  67. Donna:
    haha, then you already buka puasa for a long long long time lah, i thought you said you cannot digest meat one?? aiyah, cannot only eat vegetable, we must keep our diet balance, so that the ecology will also stay up balanced..

    i gotta agree with you.. those are really not healthy stuff.. actually, vegetarian meat or real meat, i think we still better not to eat so much.. :)

  68. Teddy Beh:
    oh great, so many reasons behind that, no wonder you get firm on it.. :)

    下次我們的聚會就去吃齋啦!! 就這麼說, 那個臘味飯很好吃的, uncle沒有騙你~~

    yes, i think it's a good way to cleanse and detox your digestive systems right?? :)
