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14.02.2010 | 恭喜發財

庚寅年大年初一, 為大家揀嚟以下應景嘅懷舊賀年歌曲, 祝各位新年快樂 萬事如意 心想事成 一帆風順 身體健康 龍馬精神 如意吉祥 東成西就 步步高昇 一團和氣 招財進寶 福祿壽喜 一本萬利 財源廣進 歲歲平安 身強力壯 生意興隆 笑口常開 迎春接福 年年有餘 萬福臨門 福星高照 扭轉乾坤 大富大貴 豐衣足食 平步青雲 青春美麗 百尺杆頭 更進一步 蒸蒸日上 事事順利 事業猛進 家肥屋潤 橫財就手 豬籠入水 盤滿缽滿 恭喜發財!!! 哦, 仲有情人節快樂喎~~




on the 1st day of the 2010 CNY, year of the golden tiger.. i heartfully picked the above few nostalgic CNY greeting songs for everyone, wishing everyone a happy, healthy and wealthy chinese new year!! and oh, happy valentines' day too~~

[note] you notice the english translation is so much shorter than the chinese.. in chinese tradition, it is good to say all those auspicious words (normally comes in phrases of 4 words), to wish everyone luck, happiness, health and wealth.. these four elements precisely summarize all those phrases in chinese :)