[案件 #1]最近夜晚返屋企途中, 每日都會見到有幾位差人特別勤力加班, 見親有外勞就截住查工作準證.. 表明上係查證, 暗地裡做乜, 其實明眼人一睇就知啦!! 搵外水呀.. 人哋離鄉背井千里迢迢嚟到呢度, 賺得雞碎咁多, 呢幾個日日加班肥獅大隻嘅差人, 仲要當人水魚咁, 拎走人家血汗錢, 真係冇陰公囉!! 為民服務唔見咁叻?? 都唔知我哋納稅養佢哋做乜??
[案件 #2]前日食完晏返公司, 途中經過車站見到位空姐.. sorry, 係亞航空姐囉.. 我一向都對佢哋嘅豬扒形像不敢恭維架喇, 點知嗰一刻所見簡直令我直飆冷汗!! 眼前三張折凳一字排開, 左右坐咗兩個好麻甩嘅巴士司機, 而呢位空姐哩就著住佢件制服, 死蛇爛鱔咁挨喺張凳度, 雙腳擘擘咁喺度食煙, 再加埋嗰副好雞嘅尊容.. 天啊!! 如果我識得好似狗仔隊咁偷拍, 呢張相一定會係反面教材經典囉..
[incident #1]on my way home in the evening recently, i noticed there are a few groups of 2-3 policemen gathering by the street.. looks as if they are on duty, but after a few days of observation they only target at foreign workers.. apparently they look like they are performing duties to check for valid work permit, but i am sure many of us would observe what they are actually doing to those
victims.. i really pity the foreign workers, for they have to stay away from home and came over to work hard yet get little pay, but all those fatty policemen are just taking away their money without a sense of sympathy!! this is just so unfair.. i really wonder why are we paying so much tax, whereas our policemen aren't doing anything right to the community??
[incident #2]was on the way back to office after lunch day before, and saw an air-stewardess at the bus stand.. oops, sorry, she's an AirAsia stewardess actually.. all these while i've been so sceptical with their outlook and image (i.e. the hairstyle and makeup), but at that very moment, i really got shocked and sweating cold!! three foldable chairs arranged in a row, both ends seated with two
sleazy bus drivers, and that stewardess in her uniform, sitting right in the middle like no bones on the chair, have her legs slightly wide-opened, smoking in the most
hooker look i've ever seen.. OMG!! if only i knew how to take photos of people stealthily like a paparazzi, this photo would have been the best negative example of all times!!