電視上睇過一個中國內地節目, 係畀小朋友上台表演佢哋才藝嘅.. 娛樂性豐富之於, 亦都叫我哋做大人嘅連聲讚嘆.. 因為小朋友們需要花枝招展, 袒胸露背, 似足個大人咁.. 要勁歌熱舞, 唱大戲數來寶, 變臉噴火, 扮深情唱慘情歌, 十八般武藝樣樣齊..
坦白講, 我覺得小朋友好可憐囉.. 家長硬係要咁樣嚟到栽培, 搞到成個老人精咁, 睇落一啲童真都冇.. 除咗課業繁重, 仲要練就一身才藝, 點解唔可以畀佢哋開開心心咁, 唱下兒歌玩下氹氹轉菊花圓就好呢??

i've watched a tv programme from mainland china, which is a platform for kids to perform their talents to the tv audience.. besides being entertaining, i think i am more surprised by what those kids can actually do.. once on stage, the kids are all being
packaged (yeah, that's the word) like an adult.. full chinese opera, all kinds of dangerous tricks, pretending to sing so sentimentally, dance like an adult, you name it and they just got it..
frankly, i actually feel sorry for the kids.. the parents are trying to bring them up with talents, but rather too advanced i supposed, till i couldn't see a sense of naivety-they-are-supposed-to-have from them.. despite having heavy load from studies, they still have to bear with all these talent trainings, why not just let them happily sing and play in their own world, instead of the grown-up's??
cant blame them parents. china is a very competitive country with population of billion. if they don't become so kiasu, how could they catch up with the other kiasu-s?
True lo, now 1 year old can send to those nursery for lesson already...za dou!! So pity but now also very competitive for the kids to catch up with the learning lesson lo...so dillema la those parents. If were you, will you do this?
如果是那小朋友自己喜欢的話 我覺得還可以 因為有些真的有天份
ReplyDelete但是許多的都是父母把他們扮到"鬼五馬六" 真陰公
ReplyDelete他们都没有童真了~ 小小年纪就要和人比较。
2nd paragraph is TOTALLY my thought... i'll make sure that my nephew n niece will not do what grown ups do...me very possessive horr? ;p
ReplyDeletePoor kids! Where is their childhood?
ReplyDeleteChildren have to grow up fast in this competitive world! Sad.
ReplyDeleteI have to agree with you bro. Some of the kids in China are being "exploited" by their own parents. :(
ReplyDeleteThere's a show in the US called 'Toddlers and Tiaras', it's about child pageant. Most of the kids are spoiled and the parents delusional. There you have it.
ReplyDeleteWith the population that they have, talents are plenty and every family has to do more than others to emerge from the rest....in all arena I guess.
ReplyDeleteThat's the entertainment industry exploiting children.
ReplyDeleteBut I guess some parents don't mind paying the price for fame.
exactly....i once watched a documentary on children in mainland china who were sent to learn acrobatics and i would say it is "child abuse" the way they were trained and well, there lies their future......no pain, no gain?
ReplyDeleteThis is the price to pay for living in the world's next super power?
ReplyDelete一个两个要出人头地...才华会比Michael Jackson 好吗?到头来怎么样? 小孩有压力不是好事.长大会有后遗症的.
ReplyDeletei think the problem is not as simple as that lor, they have four grandparents, 2 parents focusing on single child... so many of them bcum the little emperors and empresses...
ReplyDeletethough i dun really like the idea of them being exploited to fulfill parents' pride, at least they r being educated/cultivated for their 'talent'
Perhaps, a ticket for their family to live better lives?
一样想法!将来我不会让孩子太辛苦,只要开心就好了 ~ 如果孩子本身觉得有兴趣又应付得来,那就另当别论。:)小孩子应该有回自己的童真 ~
ReplyDeleteIf the kids have interest then I guess it is ok...but if not...not a good idea to force them! LOL!
ReplyDeleteit's good to see kids perform and enhance their talents but i understand your points, i also don't like it when they do things beyond their age
ReplyDeletei dont like the idea of forcing but kids grow up fast nowadays. Never underestimate the kids. Benghui for example is far more matured in some ways then i was at his age. But i dont let him learn to ride a bicycle. I fear for his safety.
ReplyDelete哈哈! 你都曾經'人細鬼大'過啦!記唔記得我地嗰'處女show' le~~~~~
ReplyDeleteoh.. the variety show on Saturday nite... it's a nice show thot :)
ReplyDelete對囉, 現在的孩子都在父母的管束和模擬之下成長, 很多時候都沒有得怎樣選擇.. 我也很慶幸我從小都有得自己做選擇, 所以我從來就不叛逆, 哈哈~~ :)
you are right too, perhaps it's because of the competitive environment and every family has only one kid.. of course the parents must give all the best to the only child, and at the same time put all hope onto them..
老實說我真的不喜歡這個節目, 但是家人卻是很捧場, 真拿他們沒辦法.. 那些小孩就好像你說的, 是父母炫耀自己的棋子..
ReplyDeleteit's too much to send a 1 year old baby to nursery, OMG!! but i really think kids now have too much to learn.. my nephew is suffering now, he has got like 20 pages of homework to do everyday from the kindergarten.. sometimes he is still doing homework when i reach home like 9pm.. pity!!
看見小朋友每個十八般武藝那樣, 我其實很遺憾自己沒有一手才藝.. 但是我又覺得他們那樣的屢次上台表演, 肯定是吃盡苦頭, 受了父母很多的壓力.. 就是外人個個稱讚, 但是有苦自己知那種..
對, 如果是小朋友自己喜歡的, 那我也無話可說.. 不過就是眼見現在的小孩, 實在是太多東西要學了, 正課至於還要甚麼課外補習, 然後又學甚麼才藝的, 搞到每天晚上才可以回家.. 可憐嗎??
Chris Chia:
ReplyDelete其實我以前就已經是度精英班全日制的了.. 每天早上七點半到傍晚五點半是上課時間, 比一般上班族的時間還長.. 所以那些玩泥沙的東西, 我真的很少有機會耶..
but your nephew and niece are not your kids.. how do you know your siblings will not want them learn as many talents as they could?? well, perhaps it's a different era now that we should slowly adapt to??
their childhood are all about learning and learning, nothing else.. and come to think of it, you are right that they have to be more competent to survive in this more competitive world..
ReplyDeleteand you know the kids are mostly the only child of their parents, that is why they are given the best the parents can afford.. and in return, they are every hope for their parents.. hence this situation we see..
isn't that sad to see all these talents time and pageant thing?? why must the grown-ups do all these grown-up thing on the children?? this is really exploiting..
i guess so too, and being the only child - which means the only HOPE - to their parents, they just have to be the best they could be, to emerge among the rest.. it's too competitive in there..
Mei Teng:
ReplyDeleteyeah, and you could see the judges are parents and the audience is parents.. it's like the parents is "using" their kids to get fame and wealth.. gosh!!
well you know how they have been educated.. for the country and for the people.. and being the only child to their parents, they are shouldering all hopes of their parents.. and i would say, it's more pain than the gain..
hmmm, perhaps.. too huge a population creating such a competitive environment for kids to emerge from the others.. and not to mention, they are the hope and everything to their parents..
ReplyDelete對, 其實找到的照片還不是最厲害的.. 家裡好像都有很捧場, 我每次都會看到眼大, 但其實我是不喜歡這節目的..
就是因為競爭太強了, 在這麼的一個環境之下, 父母都把最好的給了他們唯一的孩子, 而且全部心血全部希望都這麼的孤註一擲.. 你能說這些孩子沒有壓力嗎??
Rebecca Kheng:
其實還是要看父母自己如處理這一點.. 孩子還是不懂事的, 都還是在父母的管束和模擬之下成長.. 我是覺得面子還是在父母的身上, 孩子都只有承受無形的壓力..
ReplyDelete當然係家長嘅問題囉.. 小朋友有邊幾個會話唔想去玩, 日日都要學呢樣學嗰樣架??
the happy go lucky one:
yes, that is why the kids are being "exploited" in such a situation.. most of them being the only child in the family, at least there are 6 adults eyeing on their path to a brighter future.. you are right they are given the best, but sometimes a second thought would be that the kids will also need a breather right?? for they are still kids..
我讚同你嘅睇法架, 其實咪就係父母面子嘅問題囉.. 加上個個都係小皇帝小皇后, 集萬千寵愛於一身, 最好嘅都要留畀小朋友.. 但係咁樣嘅情況之下, 就變成小朋友係唯一希望, 漸漸揹負父母想要呢樣想要嗰樣嘅壓力.. 老實講, 教育小朋友, 畀佢哋有一技之長係重要, 但係都要兼顧到童真呢樣嘢囉, 能夠快樂成長其實先係最重要.. 《童年》我當然有聽過啦, 哈哈.. 不過我覺得而架小朋友, 周傑倫就識啦, 邊會聽呢一類型嘅歌啦..
ReplyDeletewell, having said that, don't you think it's all done just for the parent's ownselves only??
Kai and Baobei:
果然是可開通的爸爸哦.. 不過以後的事情很難說, 到時後你可能會覺得孩子們之間的競爭其實也很大囉.. 當你望子成龍的時候, 可能會喪失理智了, 呵呵~~ :D
yeah of course we should respect the kids also.. but in real, not all the kids and parents will have the same thinking.. kids might like arts but parents will think being a doctor will earn better future.. see??
ReplyDeleteyes, in a sense we see how the parents have done their best to give kids proper education and to enhance their talents.. but it also lies beneath whether the kids are doing that happily and willingly??
well, parents cannot be overprotective on the kids too.. this will actually keep them less independent and competent, i would say proper guidance and doing things together is far more effective than avoiding what is deemed a risk to the parents.. but i can see how well benghui can blog and cook, it's something kudos to be given to bengbeng :)
呵呵, 咁我其實真係覺得我哋係畀人擺上檯囉.. 最終最有面子嘅, 除咗我哋兩個之外, 咪就係嗰兩個指導老師囉..
ReplyDeleteerrr, i would say it's entertaining, but if you ask me i don't really think i like this kind of show.. i just keep my family company to watch this show actually..
我也不愛看啊, 只是家人很捧場, 我唯有也一起看囉.. 我覺得把小朋友包裝成一件商品那樣, 受不了囉實在..
呵呵, 有沒有讀書我就不知道, 但是要那麼不斷的練習倒是很可憐.. 人家開心去玩泥沙, 他們卻要去練習.. 希望那些小朋友其實是開心的吧.. :)
Super cute!
ReplyDelete希望孩子能talent & studies兩兼顧…
ReplyDelete可是我有叛逆过!哈哈…… :P
I don't mind kids talent shows but not beauty pageants. The latter is nauseating to say the least.
ReplyDeletei saw this too... they r quite talented... :)
ReplyDelete大佬, 佢哋认真可怜, 细细个就俾人推入火坑, 抛个身出嚟做.
ReplyDeleteyeah, but unknown huge amount of effort being spent at the background..
動 Orson:
呵呵, 我是覺得他們的父母應該會嚴加管教督促他們的..
哈哈, 恭喜甚麼喎.. 其實某些程度上還是有的, 每個少年成長過程中都會有叛逆期的, 只是嚴重不嚴重, 和後來有沒有變壞罷了.. :)
ReplyDeletehaha, beauty paegant is one of the talent show i think.. yeah, i actually think they are quite a nonsense.. this will get the kids to become very materialistic..
yeah no doubt they are very talented and most of the time we got jaw-dropped over their performance..
係啊, 佢哋嘅家長一味要佢哋成龍成鳳, 唯有係咁啦, 全副希望都擺晒落小朋友身上架喇.. 所以話, 抹殺佢哋嘅童真囉..
Some of these kids are actually doing it on their own will. I remember my cousin's aughte wanted to sing so much... she went for singing classes, kept going for competition... and kept trying to lose weight when she it already thin...
ReplyDeletehmm.. pressure huh..
ReplyDeletei guess only a small group of kids are active in performing and etc..
the rest should be still studying as usual lah.. =)
eh.. some of the kids actly enjoy it one.. heheheh..
ReplyDeletebut most of the time is because of kiasu parents gua..
ReplyDeleteyah, if the kids are doing all those on their own will then i would be more than happy to enjoy their performance.. anyway, hope they can still juggle between studies and their talent interest.. so how's your cousin's daughter doing?? did she win in lots of competition??
i think so, but for china mainland i think most probably it's because they are the only child in the family, that's why they are given all the hope.. not easy being the only child huh??
if the kids really enjoy doing what they are doing, then of course i'm fine with it lah.. but sometimes because of competition, their parents will give them more pressure lor..
SK Thamby - Mainland Chinese folks are forever giving me multiple shocks. They sent their toddlers to acrobatic schools where the young infants were made to bend their bodies like elastic bands! if not, kena rotan kuat! Others were sent to gruelling opera schools and pottery farms! I just bought dinner plates with finest 9 Dragon drawings at only RM15 each!
ReplyDeleteTwilight Zone:
ReplyDeletewell at least it's better than in our homeland where kids are left running around in the wild right?? yeah, i thot the parents sending toddlers to nursery is already cruel, can't imagine those being sent to arobatic school in mainland china.. well, second thought, i know why kids are left running in the wild in our homeland.. becaues this is the compulsory talent in all bollywood films!! yende bulana?? :D