前晚收到信用卡張月結單, 驚覺個結賬比預料中多, 仔細逐個項目睇真啲, 發現有個項目係向我索取年費.. 嘩, 攪咩啊?? 我用咗幾年不嬲都冇收開架, 點解今年無啦啦有個咁嘅收費啊?? 而且唔係小數目, 大喇喇160蚊喎, 你何等資格收我呢個價碼啊?? 唔好去搶??
於是噚日第一時間就打去銀行打算cancel咗張卡去.. 啲銀行好「蛇gwear」架, 你一話因為唔滿意 年費要cancel佢哋實幫你waive咗佢架喇.. 好多同事朋友都係咁話, 萬試萬靈, 所以我都不妨一試.. 結果我話畀個operator知: 「Hi Fatimah, 我見到月結單上邊有個收取年費咁嘅一個項目喎..」我都未講完, 結果佢(喂, 佢真係介紹自己叫做Fatimah架, 我唔係亂up架)就回應我話: 「係, 許生, 我會幫你跟進豁免年費呢件事, 下星期再畀個電話你通知你個消息啦」..
我當時都呆咗一陣, 唔通真係咁話頭醒尾?? 定係已經接收太多類似案件, 顧客打電話嚟投訴, 咭親條尾就知道佢想要咩喇?? 都好嘅, 等我慳返啖口水潤吓個喉嚨, 就靜坐等你捎來好消息啦..
是啊!可以的以前我不懂还傻傻的用我的points 去waive annual fee, 真是笨蛋!后来朋友和我讲,跟bank讲cancel, 他就会自动帮你waive. 后来那个operator, 还很老实说:“我帮你waive两年,两年后你再打来,我们会再waive你两年的。”他说的原因是,这是国家银行规定,外国银行的credit card 不可以free for life, must have some conditions, that's why 要这样麻烦喔!
ReplyDeleteha ha ha ha when you said "fatimah" i really thought you are making that up!!
ReplyDelete慧沁: 哦, 原來如此!! 謝謝你告訴我!! 不過我每次都很乖乖地奉上我的真金白銀血汗錢.. 不過今次這個case是個local bank, charge我160實在太過份了!!!
ReplyDelete傑士: no, her name is really Fatimah laa..
I got the same problem as well, but the annual fees their are charging me is less than RM100. Anyway, i thought if i call them to tell them i want to cancel the card, they will waive it. But that stupid operator did not waive it. And direct me how to cancel a card. After i put down the phone, she called me again to remind me to transfer all the direct debit payments to..... what the £%#^$@&#...
ReplyDeletewuaahahaha!! that operator is so straight forward!! so did you try to call a second time?? what bank was that?? i hope i'm not gonna "kena" from her..
ReplyDeletehmmm....that must be a gold or platinum card
ReplyDeletenolaaa, it's not any gold or platinum card.. it's THAT hippy card, remember i referred you to apply last time?? i think you must have cancelled that already..
ReplyDeleteYeah. I understand that. I had the same experience and now I realised I literally can do that all the way to waive many other stupid fees.
ReplyDeleteI don't think they are 话头醒尾. I think some of them do it purposely. Just imagine if 50% customers call to complain but there are another 50% who don't check the statement will pay. So, they still earning heaps !!! 奸商!
Hey,now no need credit card more...thers is one thing called Master Debit card which is no interest charge and no annal fees required..and,we dun owe bank money kekeke.....