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2015.12.09 | 遙控購物

[Volume 10 Issue 12, #2081]
On-The-Line "Remote" Shopping
Books from BBWS Big Bad Wolf Sales
如果你問我點解咁少寫關於書籍嘅話, 其實係因為我懶得去好少有睇書囉.. 不過我都仲係好愛惜書嘅, 尤其啱我口味, 而且若果價錢相宜嘅話, 我絕對唔會吝嗇去買囉.. 特別要多謝去咗大狐狸書展幫我買書嘅一位朋友, 佢不厭其倦咁又幫我搵又發短訊俾我, 直到我張書單買齊為止, 真係唔該晒!! 上圖係我嘅斬獲, 平均約RM10一本書, 都唔錯呀呵?? :)

講到以呢個方式去買嘢, 大家有冇試過, 認為佢得唔得?? 我哋通常去商場或網上購物, 依家多得啲短訊程式及視像通話, 我哋又可以以呢種通過朋友嘅「遙控」方法購物.. 我同朋友經常會咁㗎, 無論實購定網購, 只要發過去啲商品嘅相甚至鏈接, 來回數個訊息之後, 就搞掂㗎喇!! 當中嘅精髓呢, 就係兩人嘅品味要夾, 而買家又要當機立斷當場作出決定, 哈哈!! 當然最終都係能夠買到心頭好為先啦.. 聽落幾唔錯呀呵?? :p
if you ever wonder why i seldom write about books, then that is simply because i am lazy to seldom read books.. anyway, i still love books, especially those topic i am interested in, and if the price is attractive, i have no qualms buying them.. many thanks to a friend who went to the Big Bad Fox Sales, helped me hunt up and down for the books, and didn't mind sending messages and calling me to get my booklist completed.. so these were what i've got for myself and also friends, around RM10 per book in average, not bad huh?? :)

talking about this way of shopping, how often do you do this and are you comfortable with it?? we shop in malls and we shop online, now we also shop "remotely" through friends on the line, thanks to all the instant messaging apps and video calls.. i do this with friends often (either in shops or online), sending over photos or links of the stuffs, and with a few messages exchanged, things are already in the cart.. the essence of this is, both must click in preference, and that the buyer must be decisive enough to make the call on the spot, haha!! in the end, the best part would be able to hunt for what the buyer wants!! sounds good?? :p


  1. I think i know who is the friend you are mentioning, saw the comment in the blog, hehe...

    Same here, i loves books, but i take ages to read a book and i also lazy, keke...

    1. yeah, always is this friend who helps me buy the books from BBWS one~~ :p

  2. I never had doubts that you are also a books lover as the way you write and think shows the intellectual level you are. Silliest humours that no apes on this planet could think would always pour out easily from Thambee's CB mouths. Of course, I like that and you knew Letchumy always laughed so hard alone reading all your silliest comments! What a free entertainment you could give to a frequently stressed lady from her work.

    I am that the BBWS has been making reading a joy for everyone at the most affordable prices that never before, any company could do to that scale. However, they are facing threat from book competitors who found the secret tricks to the success of BBWS.

    Now with the phone and watsaps, it has made our shopping easier with groceries or even books at the fairs like how you have described. Now you made me curious to ask if you have really been to the BBWS sales???

    1. the words spurted out from my CB mouth are not from what i read lah, maybe i am just born gifted only, muahahaha.. and FYI, i really have not been to BBWS before dei, haha!! everytime it would be this friend who go there and help me grab the books, so i don't actually need to go there physically~~ :p

    2. wah anay CB mouth really high intelligence today leh. I have to read a few times to understand what is the meaning lo

      sometimes SK's comments are like double edged sword leh. gotta read few times to see what is the meaning also.

      Yes, saw those competitor companies that used to call distributors to boycott selling books to the Big Bad Fox are now start to jump into the ban wagon liao. see who will win in the end la. We the consumer just wait and see lo.

      last time aunties groceries shopping have to yell across the street ask to buy vege. Now no need liao. Just whatsapps, viber and whatever, then terus will get things done. some even get to see a photo of the vege or meat that they wanna pesan to buy first leh before anything. ...what was that tagline again? everything at your finger tips? Muhahaha

  3. When I was in the US, I became the remote shopper for all my lady friends back home. So much that I knew how many Forever22, Juicy Conture, Coatch, Blueberry outlets were there in Colorado, and where are their exact locations.

    But I'm 100% remote lah, I don't make decisions. My friends will check what they want online, then send me the item code, color and size, and I will just beeline to the shop assistants, show them my list and said: "I want these."

    1. What if the colour or size is not available, will you check back with your friend whether or not they want an alternate colour or size or not? What about price? Did they say buy at any price this item or only if the price is this, then only buy?

    2. I only buy IF all the specs matches. I will not buy if the color and size does not match, unless their request comes with "if no color A, ask for color B or C also fine". I will go back and inform them, then they select again and I go back again the next time I visit the shop.

      It was easier on my most recent trip. I was there for almost 2 months, so they just purchased online and had their items shipped to my hotel.

      The prices usually would be same or lower compared to the website, it won't be more expensive, so it was okay.

    3. How nice if i have a friend like RealGunner. If you live in US again, please inform me. I will also give a list to shop for bags at Coach, Kate Spade or Michael Kors.

    4. yes, will only buy if all the specs are right and match the requirements.. the buyer has to be very specific with the size, color, pattern, model, price etc.. anything not matching, we would need to communicate with the buyer to get confirmation.. nowadays with free calls using internet, it's even more convenient even if we are roaming overseas..

    5. Bila you going to stay overseas again ah RG...LOL>..can tumpany you buy things or. Haha....good to have someone who doesn;t mind help to shop.

      Yes, buying things...it is best to follow instruction to the dot if possible. A bit susah if the color doesn't match or the size doesn't match. Buy salah tak apa but if buy liao then have hard feeling then no good lah. Will ruin friendship.

      Money is the "ghost" of everything

  4. I've not shopped like that before. I don't think I like that hah..hah...especially if I am the one having to do the buying. But I do see the advantages of on-the-line remote shopping, a new terminology I learnt today :D

    1. hehehe, i think you have done that lah probably you did not realise only.. next time when you or your friend travels to another country, do this!! haha~~

  5. I shop "remotely" with friends for all kinds of stuff.

    Books, food items, shoes... mostly what are On Sale at outlets.

    I have great friends who are willing to buy and even "layan" our requests to hunt for stuff. LOL

    1. yeah, it's a bliss to have such friends who are willing to layan.. hahaha!! but we are also happy to do the same for them lah~~ :p

    2. same here...It's great to have friends who doesn;t mind to do remote shopping for us. Of course we must do the same also la. End up everyone happy lo

  6. I just paid fullest attention to your loots in the photograph. I noticed you have 2 copies of Genius Books! No wonder Thambee's head is so big with intellectual wisdom and what nots besides your MBA! So you should become "The Genius of Tiruchirappalli"

    1. High Five! I also prefer non-fiction books especially inspirational and self help books, I don't really fancy romance books

    2. i actually prefer reading non-fiction books dei.. history, science etc would be more interesting to me than fictional romance, haha!! nope, i am not genius lah, you Prince of Tiruchirappalli~~ :p

    3. hahaha...hence SK is such a genius...reading two genius books...hmmm...or maybe he planning to give some genius to you leh, Anay

  7. OUT OF ALL OF THAT TOP INFORMATION WHY DON'T YOU EDIT YOURSELF TO RID!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! YOURSELF!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! OF USELESS INFORMATION THAT SERVES TO INFLAME YOUR MIND AND DESTROY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! YOUR LIFE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    1. thanks for loving my blog, it's such a pleasure!! :D

  8. Wah, your friend is so nice to become your personal shopper foc. Very mafan to have to constantly check with the clients on what they want to buy and etc. Would prefer to be like RG, where the friends give the exact item and he just gives to the people there to give him the exact item.

    1. yeah, she is indeed a very nice friend, every year she will help me grab books from BBWS, hahaha!! and that's the nice part of her, she doesn't mind taking photos and sending messages~~ :p

  9. I used to love books. I bought lots of books for my kids. Also bought lots of interesting books for myself. But now, I don't buy books anymore as I don't read them.

    1. i didn't quite like to read, until recent years i started to love books and when i learn about this BBWS, i bought more!! whether i read is another issue, haha~~

  10. High 5! Me not a book lover too! :p The only book I read is Facebook only, wakakaka xD xD
    Anyway, luckily during my schooling day, I love books. Else sure my results very terrible, and I wouldn't be able to go into University and got my degree...

    But now, really very seldom I will read a book, last time I still buy magazines, then slowly no more cause to save money. One magazine cost about RM 6 that time, I bought on monthly basis, then after read just leave it there, bring to recycle center also just can get back few cents only... So I decided to stop buying. I rather go online to read, or when I visit the hair salon, can borrow theirs to read, hehe!

    But I guess very soon I will need to read already, to my kids, all kinda children story books, LOL!

    1. yeah, nowadays books and magazines can be very expensive, but those in BBWS are actually very affordable, average RM10 a book i would say it's actually a good deal.. and yes you are right, you should start to read more so that your children will also like to read.. reading is good~~ :p

    2. pss pss...the sister company of the Big Bad Fox have an online company leh. Can mail order also . Hahaha....just in case when desperate for something affordable to read or pressie for friends la. Even with postage included, the price will still be cheaper than what is in the normal store la

    3. Yes, I know, that's why everyone who go BBWS sure come back with bags of books, cause it's too cheap!

      Oh really ar Mamarazzi? Can you share the link?

  11. About this BBW thingy right, I know many people are crazy about it, it even open until midnight right? Too bad me no chance of visiting it... Heard so many reviews and sharing about how cheap the books are.
    I wonder how come it never come to Taiping??

    1. you should write to BBWS to get them go to Taiping, tell them there are many blogger aunties who love to read in Taiping!! :p

    2. not open till midnight but open 24hours straight for 10 days. tarak tutup langsung

      Probably coz they have landed in Ipoh and Penang la. Taiping not that far off from those two places lor. Hahaha...else you can buy "remotely" like what SK did. I also did that. Asked friends who was going to BBW in Penang or Ipoh to buy for me first....when I go to town,i would collect from them

    3. SK, haha good idea, I will write to them, when I am free :p

      Mamarazzi, but if like that, I need provide them with what kinda books I want, erm hard to tell leh. Cause I don't know what books I want, I must go there myself to see ma, hehe!

  12. So this remote shopping, I bet everyone does it la! Just varies on how frequent it is.
    To me, I hardly do that, cause I am much more addicted to online shopping/shopping myself... Unless that item is really really necessary and rare la, like only available oversea, or is much much cheaper oversea then I will tumpang people to help, that also if that person is really close to me.... Else I really paiseh to ask for help, cause people go oversea is to enjoy and not helping me to shop ma!

    1. actually now i seldom go shopping in malls already.. you know where i shop often now, i guess, hahahaha!! as for getting stuffs from overseas, also seldom lah, because can get them online also, unless it's a lot cheaper buying from overseas, and i also close with the friend lor, else i also paiseh to ask for favor one.. :)

  13. Big Bad FOX? LoL! So farnee lah you. I got the preview pass from them but was too busy to go collect and ended up not going to the sale oso coz I hardly read books >_<

    1. aiyoh, how could you missed the Big Bad Fox Sales?? haha.. but you always got all these perks one, missed one or two also no big deal la~~ :)

  14. Oh, but to be at a BBWS is an experience, I tell you! I wouldn't want it any other way. But that's me.

    1. errr, what a shame i bought books from BBWS but i have never been there personally - thanks to this friend, haha!!

    2. Big Boss...now do remote shopping enough liao...hahaha....now i also know how to remote shopping too....those chinese website when i need to remote shopping i know who to find liao

  15. i seldom 'remote' shopping, but i prefer shopping on the spot, choosing my own books.

    1. actually i seldom go shopping in malls and shops now, mostly online shopping and if can "remote" one :p

  16. Your friend is really Best and Geng!! Need to spend some time.. or lot of time to go looking for the books... hmmm... really nice! During any BBW sale, I will just browse and I feel kind of pening after that.. so normally I just spend an hour or less.. then I come out... and of course, I end up buying very much less too.. normally below 100rm.. and till today I have not start reading on them yet, just finished the comics but not on the story books... and if BBW comes to Ipoh again, I will go for another few more books.. hahahaa..

    1. yalah, this friend really Kaki BBWS leh.. actually i have never been to BBWS before, thanks to this friend.. probably because i get her to help, i can get more books.. if i go to BBWS myself, maybe same like you, one hour already tired and then left empty handed, haha~~ :D

    2. there is one reader of my blog who is very funny. The bigger the book sale, the harder for her to find books. This year I read her blog ..she bought only 2-3 books from the KL main sale ..LOL. Saw she does a lot of remote shopping...or maybe i should clarify that she does a lot of online shopping

  17. Oi... Thambee.. I guess when it comes to books, we seems share the same sentiments. I used to read a lot of books , mostly on self-improvements and a little on novels but of late, I was kinda ...hehehe.. lazy to read. Another reason is I don't have the time to read too or simply not interested. It also due to the internet age where there are so much to read online for short articles and whenever I wanted to check something, I just google it online. Well, maybe we are in the IT line and everything can be searchable till we don't bother to read paperbacks or books.

    Having said that, there are some materials that cannot be found online or we have to pay for it, like an online book. I still got one book which I bought but haven't read yet and it's time for me to go thru it , maybe during the journey to work. But then, I probably read something else on the net...muahahahaa

    1. finally you got it right this time by calling me Thambee!!! muahahaha.. yeah, buying books is easy, just grab and pay and chuck them into the bookshelf.. but then reading them would be a challenge to me.. first it's the motivation, second it's my reading speed, haha!!

    2. got kasi extra mark ka for calling the correct name?

  18. Though I work for a library board, I never really borrowed books except for donkey years ago! Well, first thing first, I seldom read and even if I read, it will took me a long time to finish the book.So, borrowing books from the library is not a good option for me. Unlike some so called book worms who can finish a book in a day or two, I am at a snail pace when it comes to reading.

    I usually will buy the book if I like it very much or found it to be useful for a certain purpose, like reading for a certification exam, self help book which I need to refer again and again as well as I read very slow. If I like a book very much, I will probably buy it to keep it.

    Errr.. somehow I dislikes to buy used books as I find it to be dirty and that same applies to library books. Not sure the BBW sold old books or new ones with special offers.

    1. give me five!! when in school I think I did not go to the library for more than 5 times, not to mention borrow a book!! textbooks and homework are more then enough to occupy my time, really can't find any time and motivation to read.. unless the reading is compulsory, haha!!

      oh, those books in BBWS are all brand new books, not old and not used books, probably they are a little dated so the price can be cheap.. but who cares as long as the book is right and the price is right!! :)

  19. Anyway, before the internet come out of age, I do read a lot of books and frequent the bookstores regularly. Though I am not a fast reader and will probably get tired after reading for a short while, I did like books back during the good old paper prints days.

    Nowadays, besides buying books, I may also opt for e-books so that I don't have to keep the physical books. I remember I download an app from Singtel , which was decommissioned now, and bought a few ebooks to read on my ipad.

    1. I still prefer holding a book to read though I also download some e-books and read it on my phone while commuting.. :)

  20. Now I know why BBW is so appealing to some bloggers here! RM10 for one book is a steal! Imagine these books were selling from Rm50-Rm100 then suddenly became so cheap! But then, unless it is what I wanted, I may not get it as it will likely collect dust in my room...muahahahaha...

    For books, I think we can get it online la especially if we know what we wanted to buy, compared to stuffs like shirts or pants where it may not fit us. However, unless we really know what we really wanted, it's not easy to get someone to buy for us on the spot at a book sale. Well, if you know what you want, for example, I always wanted to read Napoleon Hill ' Think and grow rich' , I just tell the other person the title to get it for me. Else, it's not easy to get the books though it may served the same purpose as what you want. For example, you ask the person to get you PMP certification guide. There are so many types of this kind of book and he/she may get one that might not be good enough. However, if you want a certain Harry Potter novel, that will be very easy provided the book is available.

    1. yes, the books from just few ringgit are indeed good for grabs and you can see why so many people are so excited about it, especially book lovers!! I also don't buy just for the sake of buying, only ask my friend to help me to take those that I'm more interested to read on.. :)

  21. Yeah, both parties have to be very patience especially the one at the BBW, since you guys are communicating via whatapps and etc. It's not easy being the person at the site as he/she needed to search for the book with limited information from the phone. And, not forgetting book sales like these will be very crowded and not easy to search for the book. Thus, the other party really needed a lot of patience as well as must be a book lover!

    Glad that you have a nice friend who helped to get so many books! I guess you needed to buy him or her a kopi! hahahaa... So, how long will you take to finish the books? Eh...I saw one with MBA , are you planning to take it? There are also Lego books as well as some serious reading! OK la, enjoy your books and happy reading!!

    1. yeah, in short it has to be what we colloquially call "ngum key" lah, haha!! so many thanks to this friend who never mind helping me every year there is a BBWS, and what a shame that I have not been to one personally before, haha!!! :p

    2. i think also depend on what type of remote shopping la.

      for BBW...if just kasi title and author then mati lor....If SK pandai he will include photo for his friend to hunt for the book.

      I did some remote buying from BBW for a few friends. Before the date, they browse the Big Bad Fox facebook. Snap photos and sent to me. I just need to go there an ask help from the staffs to find the books for me. easy peesy

      if like RG's friend ...they give the code number to RG for the dresses...then easy la... just kasi the sales person . they will hunt and wrap for him

  22. I love books, I can spend a lot of time reading books

    1. hehe I hope I'm motivated to spend more time in reading :p

  23. First time I heard and know of remote shopper

    1. because that's a terminology I created!!! haha~~

  24. I prefer to engage in the shopping myself, browsing through the items myself, this is retail therapy and we enjoy the feeling of shopping

    1. I am open to all possibilities and channels as long as they work and are most convenient for me.. :)

  25. 我睇我有成十年以上未曾讀曬一本書。不過我有個習慣,一旦開始讀一本書就要有始有終,一定會將成本書讀曬。

    1. 我都係一旦開始讀一本書就一定會盡快讀晒佢.. 之不過要開始讀都其實幾難.. :D

    2. 而且你啲咁厚我唔會有衝動開始讀咯。

  26. I no read book long long time already. I read Facebook only. I must make it a point to read from 2016 onward, I must finish all the books in my daughters' rack first. I read my daughters' story books. Some are very interesting. It makes me understand the youngster's mind better.

    1. I am blessed that my two daughters love reading books. I spend a lot buying books for them. They love visiting Popular bookstores. Library is a heaven for them.

      When they were still in my womb, I read to them, that's why they love books.

      Reading is to the mind. I really salute our dear mamarazzi, she loves books like other women loves diamonds.

    2. Talking about remote buying, I don't mind to help friends buying things too. Me too, will ask friends to help buying stuffs. I have a good friend who travels to US very frequent, she always get stuff from US for me.

    3. haha, maybe we should set a new year resolution to make ourselves read more books.. at least 4 books in a year, meaning one every three months?? hahaha.. Yannie can read together with AM, that will be more motivating lah..

  27. book.. what book? hahah i'm not into books either.. i mean I easily get tired reading those texts except when it's sci-fi, fantasy or mystery.. i have read novels before but it took me months to finish one... but hey i read Marvel and DC and DarkHorse... comic books are technically books too right? only illustrated LOL

    1. haha, i am totally opposite.. i do not like sci-fi, fantasy or mystery.. instead i prefer reading non-fiction books, those factual and history would be nice read for me :)

    2. hahaha...hey the big bad fox have Marvel and others comic/graphic novels too. I heard they have plans to expand to overseas. Maybe might just fly to your place, Blue. Hahaha then we all can ask your help to remote shopping for us la

  28. 你这位真的是你的好朋友喔,肯帮你搬那么重的书本回来 LOL

  29. I bought lots of books but most of them haven't read, even though I try to fit in my time to finish them but still they're still lots of them. So what I did now is control myself for not going to any book fair especially this, I heard it's so cheap and I know if I go for sure I am gonna spend a lot on that...so 自己知自己事, don't play play.... If saying like just go there to jalan jalan don't buy anything, NOPE!! That's not gonna to happen, we all know that, hahaha!!

  30. But if ask your friend to buy, it must be the book that easy to spot on lo? Because I've a few books I want to buy, but they're not so famous and common one, need to purposely find very deeply then baru dapat.

    Talking about prepare the list to ask people, it reminds me that sometimes I even lazy to pick what present to buy, I give my friend the budget of price, then let her choose the present or for the closer one like I ask her to buy present for children like newborn BB, she will go find the one that the baby needs then tell how much and I will wire money to her. Super easy!! And this friend was so nice enough, since she's so close with the baby mom, she even helps me send the gift to her place, hehe!

  31. 很要好的朋友,而且是志趣相投又住得近才能這樣。

  32. Good morning , SK

    wah...a Christmas tree of books. Hahaha....sorry la...still in Christmas mood. Happy happy dancing. See you susun the boom stack up like that looks like a Christmas tree

    hahaha...you lazy to read? I would have thought you love to read since you are a high scorer in school. But think again, maybe read those relevant to the school exam topic kot.

    I would not say you lazy to read la. Depending onwhat material la. See you always rajin blog hopping geh. and Maybe like read magazine and online things instead of books gua.

    Big Bad Fox sale really worth it la especially the graphic novels and comics that would cost a bomb outside. Now I heard another book store chain is competeting for the market wor. Can't fight them...then join them lo...hahaha...terbalik we as consumer untung la. That book store chain have one advantage is that they have chinese books and stationeries in their sales. Those rally win over many parent .

    ahem ahem...if you happens to go to that sale can help be my minion hunt for suitable chinese books for J age ah? kekekeke ...you know me banana la

  33. As for your question on how often i would do this way of shopping by text messages, phone calls , photos and so on....hmmm....not very often. Only when I know that the person does not mind helping to buy for me and that the items are not over pricey .

    Like if a friend go oversea where those Bikin bags and Habis scarfs are cheaper...i still dare not ask them to buy lor.

    First of all it is the price. Friend may not be comfortable carrying that amount of money or that not comfortable to charge that big amount into the credit cards.

    Secondly if the things go missing on transit...you know airport la....even the bomoh with the two coconut and teropong ajaib may not be able to find it again if it goes missing. who will bear the cost?

    Another thing is whether the friend luggage will be too heavy or not? if not overload then all is well la.

    All thee might sour the friendship lor

    anyway,...see the stack of books...Cheap cheap only...should be no problem la for your friend and moreover there are porter service that the Big Bad Fox Sale. LOL. Many lengchai carrying stuffs for customers to their car.

  34. Yes, for small things, I would do this...shop online or ask friend help to buy if he or she happens to be at the place ...that is if they do not mind la.

    yup....sometimes buyer will have to decide. Sometimes cant get the person so the buyer can decide buy first and take the risk or not buy lor.

    Saw this happen in group buy thingy. Maybe people ordered fruits , books or toys then tarak go pick up. Usually the buyer will "lelong" the items in Facebook. And maybe banned the person from ordering again. Yes, no doubt already paid but then still the barang is there...so how? wasted meh? wanna eat all cannot finish and wanna read so many duplicate copies of books ka? LOL

    Buyer and the one ordering must have some sort of agreement lor. or else many problems will crop up later on
