[Volume 9 Issue 12, #1982] | |||||||
A Review of 2014 by Month: Part 2 of 2 | 真係眨眼都冇咁快, 2014年嚟到最後一日喇!! 每年年尾, 我都會循例為呢個blog做個總結嘅.. 就係由每一個月中, 揀一篇比較「有感覺」嘅貼, 砌成呢個結論篇(分上集同下集兩篇於昨日同今日出街).. 好喇, 廢話少講, 睇下大家對我精心揀出嚟嘅貼, 是否尚有印象?? 哈哈.. 喺度祝各位新年快樂, 我哋2015年再見!!! :) | ||||||
it felt like time passed even more quicklier (okay, i mean more quickly *again*) than winking my eyes, year 2014 will be a history after today!! end of every year, i will do a summary for my blog by picking one most "have-the-feel" post from each month and then consolidate them into this concluding post (split into part one for yesterday and part two for today).. well, i better not make more introduction but let's see how much you can still remember about the following posts i have hand-picked?? hahaha.. before i sign-off, let me wish everyone a HAPPY NEW YEAR and we shall meet again back here in 2015!! :) | |||||||
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2014.12.31 | 一四回顧(下)
2014.12.30 | 一四回顧(上)
[Volume 9 Issue 12, #1981] | ||||||||||||
A Review of 2014 by Month: Part 1 of 2 | 真係眨眼都冇咁快, 2014年嚟到最後第二日喇!! 每年年尾, 我都會循例為呢個blog做個總結嘅.. 就係由每一個月中, 揀一篇比較「有感覺」嘅貼, 砌成呢個結論篇(分上集同下集兩篇於今日同聽日出街).. 好喇, 廢話少講, 睇下大家對我精心揀出嚟嘅貼, 是否尚有印象?? 哈哈.. 聽日再返嚟继續下半年啦~~ :) | |||||||||||
it felt like time passed even quicklier (okay, i mean more quickly) than winking my eyes, year 2014 is ending real soon now!! end of every year, i will do a summary for my blog by picking one most "have-the-feel" post from each month and then consolidate them into this concluding post (split into part one for today and part two for tomorrow).. well, i better not make more introduction but let's see how much you can still remember about the following posts i have hand-picked?? hahaha.. do come back again tomorrow to continue with the second half of the year.. :) | ||||||||||||
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2014.12.26 | 食遊怡保
[Volume 9 Issue 12, #1980] |
The Eating and Look-See Trip in Ipoh |
唔好誤會我啱啱由怡保返嚟, 其實係幾個禮拜前由檳城返吉隆坡, 順路一個驛站啫.. 我係想趁新年之前, 咋咋臨貼上呢篇遊記, 大家知我唔係個喜歡將遊記拖幾年嘅人啦, 我始終相信「打鐵趁熱」為佳.. 因為一拖再拖會令我覺得其他人已前進很遠, 而我卻在遠後原地踏步囉(不含冒犯成份), 哈哈!! 好喇, 相信大家都去過怡保, 所以我都無需多講.. 扼要一句概括, 其實同我喺檳城時所做嘅一樣, 就係去睇下啲壁畫同食嘢!! 哈哈哈, 希望大家enjoy下面啲相啦.. :p |
nope, i didn't just come back from Ipoh but it was a stop-by on the way back to KL from Penang couple of weeks ago.. just want to get this posted before the new year comes, you know, i am not one who likes to drag my travelogue for years as i always believe "freshness from the oven".. if i keep dragging, i'd feel like myself lagging behind while others have already moved on far ahead (no offence intended), haha!! so, just a quick one for Ipoh, as i know many have been to this place and elaboration is not necessary.. to briefly wrap up this trip, i'd say i did the same thing like i did in Penang - see mural paintings and eat!! hahaha, enjoy the photos below anyway.. :p |
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2014.12.24 | 卅一年前
2014.12.22 | 二毫事件
2014.12.18 | 手作出售
[Volume 9 Issue 12, #1977] |
Handmade Christmas Gifts (For Sale) |
又係佳節時分喇, 而每一年呢個時候, 我都會親手整啲聖誕禮物送俾同事同埋好朋友們嘅.. 咁就有個朋友話「你整啲禮物其實都好有創意, 而且又靚又有心思.. 有冇諗過整嚟賣呢??」.. 一路以嚟我都從未有過呢個念頭㗎, 既然依家有人建議, why not?? 我又唔係好desperate, 而且都係有求先有做啫.. 假設有人有興趣買, 就當係一份大收獲, 同時間可以同更多人分享我嘅點子.. 倘若無人問津, 我又唔會蝕底, 哈哈!! 所以今日請容許我厚著臉皮, 為大家介紹我的作品.. 如果閣下或朋友有興趣, 歡迎查詢價格及詳情.. 如果冇興趣, 歡迎提供意見!! 多謝幫襯~~ :p |
it's festive season and every year during this time, i would actually spend some time to handmade christmas gifts for colleagues and close friends.. a friend then told me, "you've got creative ideas and your handmade gifts are actually so nice and so sweet.. have you thought of selling??".. i have never thought of doing that but since someone suggested, why not?? i am not desperate and afterall things are only made to order.. if there are interested buyers that would be a great bonus for me to share my ideas.. if there is none who is interested, i have no loss also, haha!! so, today let me be a "thick face" to introduce what i have got to offer.. if you are interested, welcome to check out the price and details.. if you are not interested, feedbacks welcomed!! thank you in advanced~~ :p |
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2014.12.16 | 美食檳城
[Volume 9 Issue 12, #1976] |
Penang: The Heaven for Local Street Food |
我覺得自己已經過咗嗰個無論乜嘢食物擺在眼前都要影餐飽嘅階段..當我醒起檳城係個美食天堂之時, 而眾多讀者又很偏愛睇美食貼, 若果我呢個檳城之旅唔寫美食的話, 我怕會被「責怪」, 哈哈!! 所以就去摷出當時提醒自己影嘅相喇.. 好喇, 係得呢啲*唔好意思*.. 不過我係好enjoy㗎, 相機未食我先大快朵頤啦, 嘻嘻!! 希望大家都enjoy今日嘅貼啦.. :p |
i guess i have already passed that stage that i must take photos of every single food laid in front of me.. when i remember Penang is a heaven for local street food, and that many bloggers love to see food posts (in the common flat layout), and in order i am not "complained" for not writing a food post for my Penang trip, haha!! hence, i searched for the food photos i reminded myself to take.. okay, here are what i have, *paiseh*.. but i have to say i did enjoy the food very much, so enjoyed that my camera may not "eat" before me, hahaha!! hope you enjoy reading too.. :p |
我哋一早就去咗呢個阿依淡公共街市(上圖).. 呢個地方聽得多, 但係依家先知佢係四面環山.. 如果你忘記該地立立人亂嘅交通情況, 遠望後面青翠嘅山頭, 的確係好靚㗎.. :p we went to the public market at Air Itam (photo above) in the morning.. i've heard a lot about this place, but only realized it is surrounded by mountains.. beautiful when you ignore the messy traffic in that area but look far at the green mountains behind.. :p #1.. 去呢個地方係為了食呢個阿三喇沙囉, 唔好錯過喎.. 同KL嘅勁酸勁辣比較, 佢係溫和好多.. 就好似啲人一樣?? 哈恰.. 我仲好愛佢嘅冰凍豆蔻汁(冇影到相)哦.. #1.. we went there for this asam laksa which is one thing you should not miss, a lot milder compared to the very spicy and sour version we have here in KL.. just like the people too?? hahaha!! oh, i LOVE the iced nutmeg juice (no photo though).. #2.. 我哋之後行去附近食呢個很有趣嘅咖哩麵, 應該就係最近火紅嘅檳城白咖哩?? 有土魷同豬紅, 你又估下兩個年邁姐妹花老闆係點樣賣粉嘅?? 將鼠標放在圖片上就有揭曉.. :) #2.. we then went nearby for this very interesting curry noodles, i guess this must be the legendary Penang White Curry huh?? comes with cuttlefish and blood pudding, and guess how this is sold by two old sisters boss?? move your cursor over the photo.. :) #3.. 咖哩粉檔冇位坐, 對面腸粉老闆叫我哋埋去佢度坐.. 於是乎, 我哋檯上就多咗碟蝦醬腸粉喇!! 我覺得蝦醬好好味, 不過可惜只得檳城有.. #3.. no seat at the curry stall and we were asked to sit at the cheong fun stall opposite.. and that was why this plate of cheong fun with prawn paste was on our table!! i think the prawn paste was very nice, but too bad, only in Penang.. #4.. 喺個街市行咗陣之後就再次跳上車繼續搵嘢食.. 下一站係超出名嘅Lorong Selamat炒貴刁.. 嗯, RM9(!!)一碟, 係就係有三隻大蝦, 不過抱歉, 我認為係過貴又過譽囉.. 我仲聽聞如果你以一口純正檳城閩南語柯打, 你只需俾RM7.. 唔公道呀!! #4.. we walked a bit in the market and then hopped onto the car.. Lorong Selamat next for this famous char koay teow.. okay, RM9(!!) with three huge prawns.. but sorry, my comment is: overpriced and overrated, period.. i also heard that if you order using authentic Penang Hokkien, you will only have to pay RM7, this is unfair!! #5.. 食炒貴刁時叫嘅其中一樣小食(另外水果囉呀同魷魚蕹菜冇影到相), 呢個蠔煎確實係好食得多.. 我喜歡佢整到外脆內軟咁, 啲蠔又肥美新鮮, 正!! #5.. one of the side dishes to go with our char koay teow (did not take photos of the rojak buah and sotong kangkung), this oh-chien was indeed a lot nicer!! i like the way they cooked it slightly burnt and crispy outside but soft and a little chewy inside.. #6.. 加料附送: 呢個係前一晚喺酒店隔離所食嘅蝦麵.. 不過我哋去得太早, 好多配料如燒肉, 蕹菜, 豆芽都未準備好, 所以睇落好plain, 但係味道非常好噃!! 之後先知道原來係馳名嘅緬甸路青屋蝦麵.. #6.. BONUS: this was the prawn noodles we had a day before next to our hotel.. too bad, we were too early and many ingredients like roast pork, kangkung and beansprouts were not ready, hence this plain looking bowl.. nevertheless, it tasted good!! only to realize later this is the famous Green House Prawn Mee at Jalan Burma.. 睇完我知你實話「嘩!! 食咁多嘢!!」啦, 哈哈!! 其實檳城嘢食嘅份量唔大, 而且我哋好多嘢都係叫一兩份大家齊齊食, 所以說到底都唔係食得多嘅.. 只係年紀大, 食啲就飽啫~~ :D i know you sure exclaimed that i ate a lot after reading this post, haha!! but the truth is, food in Penang are not in big portion, furthermore many things we ordered were for sharing only, hence we actually didn't overeat.. just that we were too old to stuff in too much of food~~ :D |
2014.12.12 | 唐人之厝
[Volume 9 Issue 12, #1975] |
The China House @ Lebuh Pantai, Penang |
檳城有樣嘢係我好鍾意嘅, 喺喬治市內, 差不多每處都可見保存得十分完善嘅舊樓, 更多已改作商業用途.. 同處處舊樓都要徹底毀滅, 起晒摩登建筑物嘅「大哥」吉隆坡相比, 簡直係差天共地(=.=").. 嗰晚喺本頭公巷略略行完之後, 我哋就去咗中街(Lebuh Pantai)嘅唐人厝(ChinaHouse)飲嘢.. 唔好誤會, 呢個地方唔係只招待唐人, 而係集餐廳, 酒吧, 藝術坊等等於同一屋檐下嘅地方.. 一個將兩棟戰前舊樓連成一個屋檐嘅地方..我非常之喜歡呢個「懷舊摩登」嘅格調, 聽落矛盾, 但係佢真係俾咗呢種感覺我噃!! :p |
there is one thing i love about Penang, everywhere i go in Georgetown, i can still see old buildings very well preserved and maintained, and many are converted for commercial use.. so unlike her big brother KL, where it seems all old buildings must be demolished to give way to modern structures (=.=").. after a brief walk at Armenian Street that night , we hopped over to this place called ChinaHouse for a drink.. nope, it's not a place to house just the Chinese but a place with restaurant, bar, art centre etc under one roof, one roof that links two pre-war colonial house.. i LIKE this "retro contemporary" place, sounds contradicting?? but that's what it makes me feel!! :p |
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