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2014.12.05 | 週末愉快

[Volume 9 Issue 12, #1972]
Dear Everyone, Happy Weekend!! Love, Fing-Fing
Fing Fing Sending Regards
我仲喺度俾自己習慣用部新laptop, 依家係凌晨0時48分, 我剛剛用部新machine做好啲工作.. 我唔想擱置個blog太耐, 想有篇新post出街, 不過用呢部新電腦, 要touch-up啲相又有點難度, 無計可施之下, 唯有尚且寫住篇簡單嘅先啦!! *打呵欠* 好喇, 大家有冇掛住我Fing-Fing呀?? Fing-Fing就當然非常之掛住各位auntie uncle啦.. 依家係學校假期喎, Fing-Fing又可以再出嚟玩喇噃, 有冇變得更加可愛呢?? 哈哈, 係咁先, 祝大家有個愉快嘅週末.. :)
i am still trying to get used to using my new laptop, it's now 00:48am midnight and i was just done with some work on this new machine.. i wanted to publish a new post to keep my blog alive, however due to this new laptop i find touching-up my photos a little challenging, so i have to resort to just putting up a simple post today instead *yawn*.. so, anyone here miss Fing-Fing?? Fing-Fing misses you all aunties and uncles so badly for sure.. and now that it's school holidays so Fing-Fing gets to play, is he more adorable already?? haha!! ciao, wishing everyone a happy and wonderful weekend ahead.. :)


  1. Happy Weekend everyone!!

    But ooh...I more like to know more about your new laptop, as you always so good in IT stuffs, got things can challenge you one meh?? But I guess maybe one week later or not even a week later, you'll get used to it la!! =]

    1. I saw Fing-Fing in Christmas hat...yeah~~~ Christmas is coming to town!! =]

      And I remember some of Fing-Fing picture is from your Japan trip and one that Fing-Fing in towel is from you tribute Hayley blog post, hehe!!

    2. 小影 memory very good ha.... ;) I also din't notice, Fing Fing is so cute I just focus on his face only xD

    3. haha I work in IT line only but doesn't mean I must be good with computers mah.. just like in aviation line may not be good with aeroplanes right?? hehe.. and yes, those are old photos of Fing-Fing all collaged into one :)

  2. New laptop huh.. Windows 8.1? If yes you're in for a rough ride. Got a lot of Windows XP/Windows 7 software is not compatible, once you install those, the laptop will crash and you need to do recovery.. I faced that a few months ago..

    1. have not used Win8 before leh, the latest one I was using was Win7 only.. and you can get the answer what new laptop I am using now from within the content of the post :p

    2. Huh? How? You mean machine and difficult to touch up photo is a hint? Tarak fahams leh @.@

    3. oh you even spelled out that magic word "machine" that you can find clues from!! it's quite obvious already right?? hehe~~

    4. MAC hine. Geddit?

    5. good one, mun!! :)

  3. Happy Weekend... Think take a bit of time for you to get use to your new laptop...

    1. yes, really gotta take a little time to get used to it, afterall have been using the old one for many years :)

  4. Hello Fing Fing... I thought your owner is a genius when it comes to computering... Anyway, hope your owner gets enough sleep after slogging through the midnight with his new laptop... :)

    1. haha work in IT line doesn't necessarily means I am good with computers lah.. yeah, slept till past 10:30am this morning, muahahaha!! so nice~~ :D

  5. Hi just drop by to show face first.. I come back later k.. Bye!

    1. Ok I'm back here.. Oohh sure I do miss Fing Fing.. I remember Julius too.. Julius is a plastic hard monkey.. Fing is a soft toy ma..

    2. So today's post is about Fing wor.. I know la, he's your love, your life, your world. No Fing, no SK, fuiyohhhh...

    3. Happy weekend and I'm still the same, stay home and boil ABC soup, wakaka..

    4. Princess Ribbon, wah ABC soup I want! In fact a soup I can drink the whole week, haha, cause it's healthy and yummy, easy to boil too! Just throw every thing into the pot, hehe!

    5. yeah, Fing-Fing and Sing-Sing and Julius are one family!!! hehe :p

  6. Good Afternoon Bloggers! Hello Fing Fing, I sure miss him..! How come he didn't grow much since the last photos of the Nagoya trip? Horrors! He must be on diet like his papa SK??

    1. my goodness, Fing-Fing has not been growing but his daddy is - sideways somemore dei!!! *faintz*

  7. Wah ..today's post all about fing fing. I also almost forgotten about this stupid monkey .... hehehe. ..

    1. Haha..joking only la...I'm sure you hug this adorable monkey to sleep every night.

    2. hehe he may look stupid but then he can just live on eating and playing and sleeping and traveling, seems quite smart also huh?? :D

  8. Yes , looks as cute as ever. I am sure if u give him to some char bo , they sure like him.

    1. aiyoh, how can you give your own kid to somebody else right?? hahaha!! :D

  9. Wow...got new notebook. Is it a solid state hd with an ultra book or mac? Anyway , I thought all notebooks are the same once you got the same os and softwares installed ?

    1. errr, I paiseh to tell la but you can find the answer what laptop I am using from within the content of the post.. and nope, totally different OS for me to get used to now.. =.="

  10. Anyway , I agreed getting a new personal computer or gadgets can take up some of your time as you need to transfer the stuffs over.

    1. yeah, especially transferring and to make sure you have not missed anything before you format the old one.. must double confirm all has been backed up leh..

  11. Wahhh... new laptop ah?

    Is this post a subtle way to say you got a new one? Hahaha

    1. hahaha, this post has got a lot of things to tell also mah.. hihihihi ^^

  12. Hi Fing Fing!

    *waves hello*

    1. Hello Auntie Lina!!

      *shaking bum bum*

  13. Happy weekend indeed! And of course, I miss cute Fing Fing!

    1. I almost forgotten Fing-Fing has not been appearing for a long time here~~ :p

  14. Hello! Just drop by first to say good day everyone! Almost time to 'fong gong' lo!!

    Here I wanna wish all of you a happy and safe weekend too!!

    1. hope you and your Little Melon have a great and wonderful weekend too!! :)

    2. Erm, our weekend was so so la, nothing special also, daddy wasn't with us on Sunday morning cause he needed to attend a seminar at Ipoh, so I brought Aden to the playground at Aeon (again) with my mother in law and sister in law, hehe!
      Another reason we were there was to have our brunch la!

      Hmm then at night I met up with Yannie and Yvonne and other ex colleagues for 2 of their birthday celebrations, it was nice catching up with them (though some of their topics I can't understand la cause it's about works) and feast together!

      Ok there's my weekend, I know no one ask about it but it's hard to actually comment more on this post, so I just 发挥想象力 la! :p

    3. hahaha, don't have to force yourself to comment lah, just go with the natural flow lah okay?? hehehehe, i won't get mad if people don't comment de~~ :p

  15. Yeah, friday is almost over and comes the weekends. Happy weekends to all of you. Have fun and enjoy yourselves.

    1. hope you had a great weekend too!! and not too busy with your Christmas hampers I hope.. :p

  16. Happy weekend to you too SK and to all the readers here. May everyone enjoy their weekend!

    1. you too, have a great weekend with lots of great food, mun.. :)

  17. 嘩,又換腦啊?生果牌要從新摸索?


    1. 咩又換啫?? 都用咗4年幾喇, 哈哈!!
      係呀.. 無端端跳出窗口去執番個生果喎, 實有唔慣啦..

  18. Hello Fing Fing, Auntie Yannie misses you much. Muack! April and May are just coming back from Malacca holiday. They are now enjoying their school holiday very much, before the school reopens again.

    Auntie Yannie is back from holiday, and now has to on strict diet and exercise more to get back to shape. I hope fing fing and daddy is doing fine, ok! Till then, talk to you and see you some other time. At the mean time, enjoy your holiday with papa SK. Hugs and kisses to Fing Fing,

    1. JAMY, haha what a nice name!! ^^

      I see Yannie posted in FB, all the Malacca food looks so yummy!! So long din't go Malacca already, I bet it changes a lot lo! Wanted to go every time but hubby said too far la, no time la and etc.... Haiz~

    2. wow, JAMY went to Melaka for holidays!! sure must be a very happy family outing huh?? or it was April's ping pong tournament I remember you mentioned earlier?? anyway, wishing JAMY a great and amazing weekend too!! :)

  19. My guess is MAc, hee hee as hinted in your post

    Happy weekend to you and Fing Fing :)

    1. oh, this tutor cum tuition agent cum telemarketer is very smart!! :p

  20. I like the picture of Fing Fing with the towel on his head, so cute :)

    1. haha, yes, I wrapped him up in towel like a newborn baby!! so cute~~

  21. Can understand how you are going thru as Bananaz is facing the same. Since my iMac cannot support my current software got no choice but to get a new laptop with win8 a few weeks ago when the old laptop *died* of old age. If sifu also got problemo then the 徒弟 túdì *disciple* has got nothing to complain about.

    1. wow so Bananaz has got two laptops that he uses side by side?? you are right, I so agree!! not all softwares that we have been using supports all the OS and platforms, so that's the challenging part how you are going to source for another software that can do what you have been doing.. and once found, there's another learning cycle needed..

  22. Ooh, I just bought a new laptop too, Sunday. And somehow has not got started using it yet, still using this oldie. The new one would need some getting used to, i guess. Enjoy your new 'toy'.

    Hello Fing-fing. How are you doing? The sun is out today. Is your daddy giving you enough sunshine to make you more healthy?

    1. ooh, you also bought a new laptop?? is it the same as Bananaz's laptop?? well well well.. when i bought this laptop, i didn't use it immediately after i brought home too.. i waited until i bought it a case before i dare to use, scared to got it scratched!! hahaha~~ :D

  23. Phewitt santa come early ya...new laptop memanh need time to get use to it. If got new programme lagi pening.

    my lap top still refused to b upgrade to windows 8 :(. Tried several times. But for me hentam la ..as long as can online ok liao. Yours for work purposes memamg have to be more up todate la

    So what brand? I tsrak see above comments. The one with touch screen ka

    1. aiyoh, your laptop refused to be upgraded ah?? then ask Kaldip to buy you a new one as Christmas present lah, hahahaha!! eih, yours also for "work" mah right?? you need to go to your "office" every morning to "work" for at least half a day woh~~ :p

      what brand ah?? errr, it's my new machine lor~~ :p

  24. Am using picasa to edit pic. I tried using psint. But pening how to use. Ahem got any simple photo editing programme for this granny ka? Picasa if I put high pixel then the water mark become very tiny. Doesn't seems to have or I could not find where to make the water mark bigger

    1. oh, picasa good to use?? i am using photoscape, last time the one in old laptop super nice, but now the new laptop punya, because of different OS so the different version tarak nice lah, a lot of features kena stripped off~~ boohoohooo!!!

    2. Picasa good enough for me . only grouse is the water mark lo. Tried photoscape but a bit slow for me coz need to go various screen to edit one pic. Under picsa i can do it in one screen. Or maybe i biasa with picasa already punya pasal la
