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26.11.2013 | 慳皮之作

[Volume 8 Issue 11, #1827]
數個星期前, 朋友俾咗個面卜鏈接我, 係某知名國際服裝品牌推出新香水嘅贈送樣本活動.. 其實唔確定其真實性, 不過見個網頁又冇要求咩過密質料, 所以就填咗基本個人資料, 睇下係唔係真嘅會寄份樣本過嚟.. 噚日返到屋企, 見有個由瑞典寄嚟好骨子嘅信封, 印晒logo靚咁靚, 仲係用光面紙.. 真係個香水樣本喎, 冇搞錯, 真係堅嘢嚟, 抵贊!! 拆開個靚信封, 我笑咗出嚟, 唔係因為我太開心, 而係因為睇到裡面個香水樣本.. 好啦, 上面張相你所見嘅, 就係全部嘢㗎喇, 見唔見個樣本喺邊呀?? 可能係我之前過份樂觀, 本以為會有嗰啲細細支大概二毫升一樽嘅香水, 點知竟然係一張貼紙後面放咗0.071毫升, 擺喺印刷精美嘅傳單正中間(圖中有閃光處)!! 我諗都足夠我個鼻索一次嘅, 幾咁慷慨呀, 哈哈!! 之不過, 我又冇怨言嘅, 話晒唔駛錢, 而且講到明係樣本唔係試用, 而且遠道由瑞典寄嚟, 重要印刷到誠意十足, 都算係咁啦.. 講開又講, 我哋平時買香水咪又係要囈要氹, 個sales先係咁意俾一個半個樣本你?? 不過諗深一層, 點解唔俾每個國家各自派發樣本呢?? 咁樣應該可以將慳落嚟嘅郵費, 轉移去做多啲份量嘅樣本, 咁咪更加顯得大方得體囉?? 都係我(消費者角度)嘅小小意見啫~~ :p
few weeks ago, a friend gave me a link on facebook for a free sample of the new fragrance by an international renowned fashion brand.. uncertain of its authenticity, but since there was no sensitive information requested, i keyed in my basic details and waited to see if there is really something sent to me.. got home yesterday and saw an elegant envelope for me from Sweden, nicely printed with its logo on glossy paper.. it's the fragrance, no joke, they are serious and sent me a sample, nice!! i opened it and laughed, not because i was overjoyed, but because of the sample enclosed.. okay, that's all the content in the envelope in the photo, see any fragrance sample?? maybe it's just me who was overly optimistic, i thought i would be getting something like a little 2ml bottle of fragrance sample.. but end up this is what i got - some 0.071ml loaded under the adhesive flap in the center (that bling-bling spot in the photo)!! i think that's enough for ONE SNIFF, how generous, haha!! anyway, i won't complain since it's free, stated sample and not trial, sent all the way from Sweden and very sincere with the nicely printed packaging.. on second thought, we even have to "beg" for extra samples if we purchase perfumes over the counter, right?? i was thinking, why not they distribute the samples locally, so they can transfer the postage cost onto bigger samples or trials, hence more presentable?? just my humble thoughts (from the view of a consumer).. :p


  1. haha, i also received such fragrance packet before~ glad to be the first!

    1. this is the first time i requested and got posted fragrance sample, kind of funny~~ :p

    2. Next time Thambee can request them to post to Anay lah. I will pat your karipap head lovingly okie.

    3. no problem, next time i will fill in the form on your behalf and give you a surprise~~ :p

  2. Morning!!! Morning!!! =]

    1. I received some samples from beauty box, it's a very small bottle, but I found they're quite useful cause easy to carry anywhere especially going out for travel, don't have to bring the whole big bottle along!!! =]

    2. yeah, actually small bottles could be very useful especially when you are traveling.. after finished using the products, can refill and travel again.. nice!! :)

    3. I agree dei. I like small bottles and used to buy the miniature sets so that I could smell them all. These days I have mellowed down and seem to have fixed presences for the fragrances. Maybe my nose Sudah Tua dan sumbat. LOL

    4. oh yeah, small bottles can be very useful especially when traveling.. i also spent RM5 to get one bottle from Daiso to put some perfume, so that i can bring it with me when i go to the gym.. no need to bring the whole big bottle..

    5. SK you very sai lei, even go gym also take perfume go? Maybe you have a date after gym right? is ok...

    6. i go to gym during lunch time usually, so after shower need to "replenish" the perfume on me mah.. but if i am going home straight after gym, then no point to put perfume anymore, even don't need to comb my hair too.. haha~~ :D

    7. Angeline,
      I oso bring perfume when I go to gym. After gym still have long hours to walk.work around.

      And isn't it normal to spray perfume after one bathe/showered? As normal as wearing deodorant. Unless I'm at home la. Then, only deodorant.

      Or is it us two (plus maybe Anay) the weird ones, spray perfume after gym time? LOL

      Ah boy... If I'm still single, I think I will still spray perfume after gym at night. Who knows who I might bump into when going back home. Go to bed also must smell nice wor... *wink wink*

    8. LOL...last time i have a friend who didnt think of that. she went and lug all her big bottles of beauty regime when travelling. Adui dont know how many kilo la

      Hmmm good idea also wor...maybe i should go request all these perfume sample and those facial wash and bod wash. can easily bring for travelling.

      as of now i usually bring those tiny bottles of body wash and shampoo that i sapu from hotel when travelling.

      and toothpaste usually those when i nearly finish one i will keep asde to bring for travelling.

    9. Buy travel size toothpaste la Meow! LOL

      Usually we only need these small size toiletries when staying at places like homestay la. And I bring travel-size / samples of cream/lotion/ etc.

      I don't really have much problem using whatever shampoo hotels (cheap or otherwise) offer.

      Actually, can simply hantam any facial wash also. As long as face clean. ;)

      But I always bring shampoo, body wash, deodorant when going out for a run. Can opt to mandi after a run, say running at lake garden then showered then can have breakfast, sambung lepak and shop at malls after that instead of needing to go home to shower. Save petrol. Petrol expensive. ;)

    10. I bring perfumes with me everywhere! In my gym bag, my car and my office drawers all have different perfume bottles. This is how crazy Anay is with sweet smelling. I feel good with confidence when I have sprayed myself. Sometimes I could shower 4 times a day too but that doesn't mean I am a clean freak. I just like to feel refreshed all day.

  3. They have that in magazines too. Just pull the flap and sniff...

    1. yeah, just like in the magazines.. so you bought some and sniffed the new fragrance?? :p

    2. I think local magazines have slowed down or even stopped doing this folded page sniff method as it causes much inconvenience to printers. Lastly we have very low readership for magazines.

    3. hmmm, surely i do not know this because printing and advertising is never my industry.. TM should give us more insights into your industry dei..

    4. last time some mag got enclosed tiny vial of perfume. I used to buy coz kiasu but now think of it not really cheap la as the magazine itself was expensive.

      But one magazxine really worth it last time when i buy. Less than RM10 and inside they enclosed a T-shirt from Bodyshop.. That was donkey years ago la. Maybe that time Body shop ot famous yet la so have to advertise this way.

    5. I have this habit to browse magazine shops to see their valuable freebies before buying them just for the gifts. Mind you not all the outlets will have freebies in the same magazines! The advertisers will select the bookshops where the demographics show high purchasers will linger. A good example is Times Book Store at BSC.

  4. Wow...are you certain it is really all the way from Sweden?

    1. Should be because SK saw the postmark la. Got stamp and chop from Sweden. :P

      Unless got Malaysian chop on the envelope. Then Ah Boy tarak pandai la! LOL

    2. yalah, got the stamp mark and the return address is also in Sweden.. if sent from Malaysia, i would just say "cheh" but from Sweden is a lot different, muahahaha!! :D

    3. You can have my brother in law. He is from Sweden and due to arrive here from London this Friday. He smells Swedish like nougats and pine wood. Muahahahaha

    4. muahahaha, so do the nougats and pine wood smell good?? i can imagine, i will not like the nougats but i will like the pine wood.. :p

    5. Anay,
      Ask your borther in law to bring lotsa nougats for you! If you don't want, them lump all those nougats to me. I love love love nougats. hehehe

      *muka tembok cina minta fre things from random people*

    6. LOL...post mark wont lie la.

      Wah your brother in law bring along the Swedish scent ka? Sweden is famous for cheese is it? Or maybe am wrong. Habis la all lalat cabut lari with the cheese scent :p

    7. I didn't know Sweden is famous for nougats. I love that too and will give you some if that Mat Sallehs buys me some. I thought they only make IKEA perabot.

      I will ask him to get me Christmas pressies when he returns from Sweden!! Yay!

  5. Good morning bloggers!

    What a sucker my Thambee! Muahahahaha I guess you need to work in the advertising industry a bit to believe there is no free lunch. We often had to spoon feed clients to minimize their ads and lure customers or sometimes suckers. Anyway in US this sniff perfume paper is common since the 80s. They appear in almost all fashion magazines all the time. Sometimes one copy has 3 brands offering sniffs for you to get high. It was often that you enter a bookstore and whole place smells so sweet, musky or macho scents.

    1. of course from a consumer point of view, i would want something more dei.. i guess the profit margin for a bottle of perfume is pretty high right?? hahaha, anay always buy the magazines and got free perfume samples?? i actually like that idea too, keeping the magazine with nice scent.. :)

    2. My real bad habits are using the Tester Bottles over the counters and spray them generously around my shirts to my pants and hankerchief. Anay is silly sometimes.

    3. oh really?? you dare to do so, the promoter will not look at you as a despicable uncle?? well, i will just spray on the sample cards provided, do not dare to spray onto myself because i do not know if it smells good.. of course i know, the best way to test is to spray onto yourself.. there's a slight difference if you have it on papers..

    4. when they say will send sample I also will think they will send a small vial la not this sniff perfume. Send from so far wor.

      Hmm...must be Anay doing la...now promoter clever already. They spray on a piece of paper and give to customer. no more spray on customer hands LOL....

      yes i agree with Sk. On paper and on oneself have different scent punya. some more some of the paper have those "paper" smell so mix with perfume become another scent. Spary on our self we will know if mix with our body odor will become good smell or bad one. could also be too strong scent

    5. Hoiiii apa my doing??? You think Anay is so powderful ka!!! I think they spray onto paper so that it is easier to smell rather than spray 3-4 types onto your hands until all mixed up!

  6. I think the "bling bling" part. It is a new way to let people test the fragrance. I have come across some magazines which provide such testing. :p

    1. yeah, it's supposed to be a sample for the new perfume.. exactly like those in magazines, though this one is done more nicely :)

  7. The promoters in overseas also distribute lots of these sniff canards along the streets. I usually grabbed a few and rubbed them on my neck to smell good.

    1. hahaha, i will just sniff but never thought of rubbing them onto myself.. because most of the time i am wearing perfume already, so cannot mix them else i will probably smell weird.. imagine Gucci fighting with Versace~~ :D

    2. Yeeeer my head sure giddy if you come near me with Gucci Versace body smell. I remember some fellas tried to promote mix and match spray perfumes to design your own. Now I cannot remember where I saw this in Malaysia.

    3. of course i will never do mix and match for perfumes!! that would be crazy dei.. in fact i only use one type at a time, finish one then only i change to another, not even using them interchangeably..

    4. I know some of those "MLM" type business where you can mix and match. Or shops along Wisma Yakin but that one, the Arab style punya perfume la...

      You can customise your own scent what... AT A PRICE. In France. That one I know la. Muahaha

      If I'm kaya, maybe I'll do my own scent. hehehe

      I put those perfume strips in my handbag so that my bag smell nice. In my wallet also. No harm wanting wallets smell nice, right? ;P

      Rub to ketiak. Never done that yet.

      If for body, I just muka tak malu ask to be sprayed.

    5. rub from card can have scent meh? not that strong right? The ix and match is from those stall in shopping mall is it? I saw before but as am not creative so i tarak try. later turn into chicken shit smell habis la

      hahaha....wuld be funny to see you rubbing the card onto the ketiak in public. Just spray enough la. Most promoter dont mind pun. after all not their barang mah. only one or two will ive you black face

    6. As long as we are nice and friendly to promoters, I'm sure they don't mind if we ask (nicely) to get sprayed. Right?

      If you "instruct" them, that's another matter la. That's because you're rude. :P

    7. I have tried smelling the arab punya mix & match perfumes. It smell too strong for me and kinda giddy. That MLM has made so many makciks wealthy today!

  8. These days many local Chinese magazines started wrapper freebies to giveaways and they were not old stock. Right now one magazine is giving a luggage strap which is colourful and nice when you purchase the RM8 magazine. The strap definitely costs over RM20 to RM35 in the market.

    Once I bought 2 unpopular ladies magazines just to get their free facial scrub from France that costs over RM20 each tube. The magazine was only RM8. That is what I would grab la.

    1. ah yes!! hahaha.. i am definitely one who would buy the item because of the freebies.. and many times the freebies are actually more expensive than the product itself.. so why not?? i once bought the magazine because of the toilettries bag, and many times snacks because of the container that come free~~ :D

    2. I myself cannot understand why the freebies cost more but suppliers willing to giveaway. Maybe their stock cost only RM2.00 each. A sane businessman would do their Maths.

    3. well, perhaps this is part of the marketing cost that they fund in?? i surely will buy the items if the freebies is good, cost more and useful to me~~

    4. me too will buy mag if the freebies is more expensive than the mag itself and if that freebies is usable for me. Like the T-shirt I mentioned above. Really worth it lo

    5. I dunno what mag give what freebies. rarely look at magazines now.

      The magazines that I do buy don't give out freebies despite the expensive price.

      But my son's two monthly Japanese magazine that we buy, every month also give free toys. Toys that are releasing into the market so that's nice. ^^

    6. Those free toys are usually sold above RM20 in the market so it is worth to buy from the magazines instead.

  9. Like those scratch and sniffy thingy you get in magazines kah? LOL

    ok oso what...

    Can scratch and rub to armpits. Armpits still can smell nice. Bwahaha

    1. Eh! Nowadays I become so cautious about using deodorant or scratch-to-rub my ketiaks. Nanti kena lymphatic cancer dei!
      The sticky paper will rip off your ketiak bulu la. Muahahahahaha

    2. Gawd, TM, you never fail to make me laugh with your comments..
      Well, you don't have to apply on your ketiak la.. You just spray on your shirt ma tak lo.. Unless you have chao woo, then too bad, you need to use deodorant on your ketiak lor..

    3. Anay dei!

      You better wear some deodrant when I belanja you that Satay Kajang!

      Don't want Anay's smelly armpit to make me lose appetite! Muahaha!!!

      Spray a lot of perfume also ah, although I know later we all will smell like smoked chicken also after we finish makan. hehehe

    4. Yes Mak! Yes Mak! That day I will siram 1 baldi air bunga and gargle my throat with METHOD multi-purpose fluid before meet you okei.

    5. yalah, like those you can find in magazine, just flip and sniff, and then fold it back, and then come and sniff again.. probably would last for couple of days, haha!!

      yierrr, rub onto your ketiak?? i will never do that lah.. who knows what's on the paper, you will never know how long they have kept those papers deep in storeroom that is full with mushrooms and cobwebs, with roaches and mouse climbing here and there partying!! :D

      aiyoh, don't lah overdo, remember moderate is the keyword.. too much and we may faint immediately after smelling~~ :D

    6. Next time we meet Mak Lina, we will lift up her armpit to se any torn bushes??? Wakakakaka

    7. muahahahaha!! Mak Lina may want to buy "spare" bulu to cover the parts of her torn bushes before meeting TM then~~ :D

    8. Iyerrrrr.... SHow to Anay for what?

      Membazir sahaja. LOL

    9. eh betul tu...dont scratch and sniff. I read before the thing changes chemically and can be harmful to body.

      dah name scratch to rub mana can spray la. some more on ketiak baru can really see whether can fight the Body odor for men or not mah. If ladies will rub behind the ears la

      Did i see the word BELANJA??? when what date? hv to go all the way to kajang ka? can be in outlet around KL or not?

      hahahaha....am surprised tyhat the Kukubird have not shown his face here in this thread :p

      No need gargle la. anay. Just drink one bottle. afterall they claim the tghing is non-toxic. so if you dont admited to hospital then kira their claim is true la. Then you berak also become harum liao :p

    10. LOL

      Even if Anay berak harum, I don't want to smell!

      Anay, you dare or not? Minum method? Then can report back to method about how confident you're with their products. I think Samson will be so touched and give you a year's worth of free method product la after that!

    11. Okay I will gargle and you snap my photos to show Samson ok!!

  10. Good afternoon... Lunch jor mei?
    Oohh, so today, it's about perfumes.. I am not a big fan of fragrance, but I have see this stuff b4.. I think I have seen it in magazines..

    1. Sometimes, I feel certain fragrance makes me wana puke.. When I was shopping in the mall, the promoters were bz handing out the samples, wah, the smell I tell you, behtahan oohhh...

    2. Maybe it's just me.. But if a lengchai passes by me, uses good quality fragrance and smells nice, then I get turned on la, hahahaha...

    3. Wakakakakaka ... Aiyo you sound so miang lah. Sudah Gaharu, Cendana Pula!

    4. yeah, exactly those you can find in magazines lah, just flip and sniff.. errr, those in shopping mall?? of course you will be able to smell the fragrance from afar lah.. if nice, probably i will pretend to walk nearer and pretend to let the promoter hand me the card.. else, i think i will quickly walk past lah..

      aiyoh, this LouizYee seems to be so easily turned on by anything huh?? oooi, like that very dangerous leh~~ muahahahaha!! :D

    5. Oooi, only get turned on by good smelling guys only la.. where got easily get turned on "by anything" wor? Ooohh wait, got! Smart, brainy, intellectual guys too!

    6. hahaha, you see you see!! i wasn't wrong right?? :p

    7. So dangerous la to get turned on by anything and everything! @.@

      To get turned on is to be lustfull. One of seven deadly sins. But of course, lust is a normal human being feeling.

      Just that we have to curb our "ON" feelings.

    8. Good afternoon. yes just lunch already

      I agree with you some so call perfume have too strong scent. makes people dizzy instead of fell good

      why lengchai use perfume u baru turn head and see. No perfume also can turn head and see mah. eye candy , Muhahaha

      i wonder Louiz will be turn on by Anay's and Ah boy perfume or not leh ? let's meet up and see what happens

    9. now am curious/....what Louiz Turn on look will be . Will hug anay and ah boy or maybe shyly shake hands only

    10. Sudah turn on, better not hug la dei...

      Later turn on, cannot turn off! Muahaha

    11. Wah this Meow memang mabuk liao. That gal will hug and tug your tail instead! LOL

  11. So, nice or not? We get a lot of these in foreign mags. I cut them out and put them in the closet sometimes if they smell nice and not too choking.

    1. hahaha, i have not tried sniffing that, the packaging is too nice to do that.. oh, not only in foreign magazines, local magazines are also doing this already.. :)

    2. Yalah...

      Even those Shape magazine give oodles of freebies..

  12. Good afternoon SK and everyone!
    Happy Tuesday! Wah, got freebies! Plus it's your favorite stuff leh SK, perfume!!

    1. yalah, that's why i just filled in my particulars and get them to send me the samples :p

    2. Haha, I cant help but to laugh at how you describe the size of the perfume! How generous! xDD
      Hmm really a bit stingy la, right? Really just for one time usage only, actually some magazines also give the same sample size. But usually sample perfume is at least 15ml wo...
      Wonder why this sample is so small. May be because this brand of perfume is pricey? That's why they gave such small sample?

    3. But come to think of it, small sample is better than nothing at all.
      At least you got to try, and see if you like the smell of it, then you'll have another choice of perfume when you're considering to buy a new perfume next time!
      Actually that's what I like about FB sometimes, certain brands promote their products there and we only need to fill in certain details and can receive a sample! Who doesn't like freebies right?

    4. But certain brands want us to fill in more details, even answer some questions before we can entitle a sample, and some need us to print out the voucher and go collect the sample at their counters.
      Well if like this I won't be so keen liao, cause I don't want them to access too much of my personal details (some even will post on behalf of us leh), and I am lazy (actually more to inconvenient) to go all the way to the counters to collect the sample. For your info I can hardly find any international brands here in my hometown =_=

    5. And speaking of 'begging' for samples, haha, well sometimes I did that, but not for myself la, is for my friends. But I will think before I ask for samples, like how much is the products I paid? If for example I bought their other products for more than RM 100 then ok la, reasonable to ask them to give me another sample. If spend less than that, a bit paiseh lo to ask for sample, hehe, but sometimes those promoters are kind enough to give samples even if we dont ask ;)

    6. yalor, a bit disappointed with that magazine-style flip-and-sniff sample lah.. maybe i had too high an expectation.. wah 15ml?? no lah, that one too big already, i was expecting something like 2ml those slim long bottle.. anyway, since it's free i have no complaints lah, haha~~ :D

      yeah, i think this brand is more expensive if compared to other brands of perfumes.. but because the request just need to fill in simple information so i didn't mind at all to do that.. if got lots of things to fill in, then need to like the page, need to do survey etc etc.. then i rather forget it.. :p

      haha, begging for sample, depends lah.. if the promoter is kind of nice then maybe can "flirt" and ask for more samples to use lah.. if those very serious ones, i rather not waste the effort hehe~~ :p

    7. Hayley always get sponsored baju leh...that is a very good lor.

    8. yalor.. so far i also have not been sponsored anything before, so sad~~ :p

    9. SK,
      You're too high class la!

      Maybe should ask big brands to sponsor you.

      All those small fries, can just ignore la. Let me have those small fries sponsorship instead! Muahaha

    10. maybe the postage of 15ml is too high pulak

      err...moreover malaysian kastam might confiscate it. I kena before. One health drink. it was a free gift but i have to travel all the way to KLIA mail kastam office to retrieve and goive proof of purchase bla bla bla...I just cant be bother. Petrol is already more expensive than the drink la,

      I dont like the ones that have to print out voucher and go and collect punya. Its like waste of time and money after all the travelling petrol and parking maybe more expensive than the so call free sample. Some more not necessary we will like punya leh

      I do that too Hayley. yea if purchase above certain amount i will ask for freebies . some will give but some wont give.

  13. Good afternoon SK and everyone...

    1. muahahahaha, you really know me so well huh?? geez :p

  14. I love freebies. Small or big doesn't matter . I will login to freebies website everyday just to try my luck for some freebies.

    1. hmmm, on a second thought, who doesn't like free things right?? haha.. wow, you login to freebies website everyday?? which website?? you must share with us so we also can go try our luck~~ :p

    2. yes pls share. me too. Me auntie would wan freebies if the thing suit me . do share. thank in advance

    3. I know one blog!

      But gotta spam like rabid fan there to get freebies.

      You know...http://sk0617.blogspot.com/


    4. hahaha, yup, I like freebies too!!! Always take it as long as I need to use it!!!!

    5. 100% agree with lina, you're so cute la!!! =]

  15. Adoi ...the company's generousity knows no bound . Apa lah...give such a "big" sample. Sure after sniffing it ah boy sure do not know want to buy ir nit.

    Like that might as well as just spray it on the paper n post out. Teruk betul la

    Some fb freebies website ok punya. Can get freebies. Nit like this wann kasi tak mau kasi.

    Git another website also gv free sample of things . We just need to request n they will srnd. After receiving then just hv to go back to the website to comment whether it is good or bad.

    I requested a few times. After that I bored already as most things not suitable for me. The portion they gave was small but not as kedekut as the co that give you la.

    Two three years ago I was surprised by fb too . I went n liked a page. There was a contest. Forgotten what it was. A few months later I received a knapsack. Terkejut coz I did not expect to get anything from any co at that moment. Garu kepala. Reaf the note baru realised it was s contest that I joined in fb. Nit bad lar.

    Sometimes I will try my luck but most times no.

    I hate it if a contest ask for prove of purchase or fill in firm n attach receipt. Ifin fb senang sikit. Just need to like and share. Two clicks kau tim

    1. hahaha, if spray on paper and sent it out, by the time it reaches me then tarak bau anymore.. still consider okay lah they do it this way, at least nice packaging mah, so nice i didn't want to flip that yet, still standing on my desk lah, haha~~

      yeah, who doesn't like freebies right?? haha.. yalor, nowadays through social media, they rather giveaway free samples to let consumers try out than spend on massive advertisements that not everyone can see hor??

      which website you usually go?? should share with us mah.. and you are right, if need to do a lot of things only to get one small sample then i rather forget it lah.. those click one or two times can get, surely are more welcome right?? :p

    2. Meow has many lubangs on free, promotional and make money one. Memang terer la ini Meow.

      I like freebies but I don't really like clicking like of FB pages of the brands. Even if I can just click unlike after that.

      I hate spams (adverts) in my e-mails and I hate my FB TL gets swamped by advertisements too.

      p.s. Sorry I'm swamping your TL with all my too rajin updates on running, Meow & SK! ^^

    3. tu la that freebies wesite i also lupa liao the name. Cleffairy intro to me one. After a few times i went then freebies not so suitable for me i forget already the name of the website. usually it's small sachets of mosturises and etc

      Your running on my TL is okay la. Yang I tak suka is some people who sell baju tupperware and etc on FB then go and tag me . I had to untag one by one. Those i really hate a. mess up my timeline leh. so geram You wanna do your biz u do la. You tag me in My timeline think y friends will see and tumpang buy ka? adoi....felt like being used.

      But I cant set mode as no tag allowed coz sometimes friends tag with with genuine photos

    4. I hate those too.

      So annoying to see updates of friends TL and ended up its only people tagging their names on products. I usually will mark unfollow after that.

  16. I also received free fragrance sample from facebook before since it is free i am happy also

    1. yeah, since it's free we shouldn't have complaints but to be happy right?? haha~~ :D

  17. Replies
    1. I love them but I don't want to work for them. Like clicking like on FB or commenting on posts or participating in giveaways! LOL

  18. I used to get many freebies when i was in the advertising industry such as movie passes and concert tickets

    1. oh, advertising and marketing companies sure can get lots of freebies and samples.. nice!! :)

  19. Most people love freebies. Kids definitely love them when they got them. But not all adults. Some would just refuse freebies.

    1. who doesn't love freebies right?? in fact sometimes i will buy things because i want the freebies, haha!! it depends also, if the freebies is something i do not like or find no use, i would give it away.. :)

    2. I hv got lots of extra freebies fr my shop and I will always give them to my customers. They will love it.

    3. oh yeah, you should give them to your customers if you have got extra.. this is surely good customer service and will lock them to be your loyal fans.. :)

    4. if I have any kind of freebies that are suitable for my blogger friends, I would definitely do so too.

    5. Agree with SK.

      It's good to reward your loyal customers with freebies you have. Give them extra also no harm, right? Makes them feel happy to shop there again and again, Wenn.

      We, bloggers... We didn't spend anything at your shop wor.

    6. I can understand why some adult refused freebies la. Like when I go shopping complex got sales person approach me say give me freebies, just do a short survey or maybe those ask me to fill in forms to get freebies. I get suspicious. takut scam.

      From Wenn's FB i can see she have a lot of loyal and happy customers :)

    7. Then Wenn wouldn't have any problem giving away freebies. Her loyal customers would sure appreciate her gestures and spend more at her shop! :)

  20. This sniff perfume paper is common nowadays, just like TM said. Is not a big issue for me. Somehow it is free, so why not have a siff lor. Hehehe....

    1. Even If I always buy big bottles, they give me small bottle as a gift, I quickly say thank you. Muahaha....

    2. Depends on certain brands actually. Some don;t even give you free gift at all, usually they will set a limit of amount purchase only can get free gift. That is always my concern. Especially those who love freebies all the time. Must watch out, do not overspend in order to get the free thingy. You actually spend more than you need and buying all sort of things you don't really need too. Or probably it is still within your budget then is ok. Just spend wisely and be smart enough to choose what you really need. Yeah, this is from my personal experience. It always remind me whenever I go shopping.

    3. Some promoters are very friendly and some very "hidung tinggi" one. There's this PRL counter at Jusco Ipoh, give me lots of perfume samples - 5 of them. Not in bottle but in packaging type. I think got 2ml if I'm not wrong.

    4. I also experience a free spray perfume while I was in a shopping complex. They have set up a booth for perfume promotion and so on. All the promoters holding a bottle of perfume and they spray on you. I feel that is no manners lor...

    5. hahaha, nowadays i buy fragrances from warehouse sales, so i will not expect to be given any samples at all lor.. but okay lah, already very happy to get them at cheaper price mah..

      hmmm, talking about those free samples with purchase of XXX.. very tricky lah, usually they will set the amount to a figure slightly above the price of the perfume, buy one not entitled because still few ringgit lower, so some would just buy two to get the freebies..

      wah, you must make friend with the PRL promoter lah, later he/she will give you more samples mah.. those 2ml bottles very nice to use lah, especially if you are going for short trips, just nice..

    6. I like those small samples. Like you said, great to bring on trips.

      Same things for other samples for toiletries also. Great when one visit places that may not offer toiletries. Like going camping.

      Love all my sample size body-wash. ;)

    7. Me too will quickily snap up the small sample leh if they give. But if me going with my sister then will be very syok coz her mouth very manis. The promoter will end up giving us more hahaha

      The twoml sample is just nice. can bring on board aeroplane. Less than 100ml mah. So before landing can fresh up with the perfume :)

  21. Your sample came all the way from Sweden? That is very kind that you don't have to pay for their postage fee, but giving you a sniff...hehehe. The way you describe it really made me laugh while I'm reading. Since there's no senstitive request or information given to them, that sniff you experienced + free postage = a worth it experience right?

    1. To have a second thought of it, could it be, "leak air" during the delivery process? You know something is not that fresh anymore. The pack is sealed nicely. But hor, too much humidity and sun expose will ruin the smell and the packaging quality too. This will usually happen when it takes longer period to arrive your place. Or else you have an extra of 1-2 more sniffs.

    2. I have came accross with this generous amount of sample. Usually in the local magazine. Some I received was just a smell only - the one like they sealed one side of the card or a page then you just need to tear and experience the smell only. If to compare here, your one sniff is much better than this one.

    3. yeah, all the way from Sweden but i have no idea if they fragrance has turned bad or not, afterall i do not really know what's the actual smell of this fragrance.. hmmm, now you are talking about this, maybe i shall go to the shopping mall and try them first, then compare with this sniff sample, haha..

      hahaha, the local magazine ones, usually flip open and sniff the most two times lah.. but i think the smell will not fade off so easily lah, at least can keep the magazine smelling good for quite a few days (so that no bookworms come and eat them)..

    4. Yeah agree. Those magazine still smells very good until now.

    5. yeah, i think being kept inside the magazine, the smell will not fade off that easily huh?? that's why the scent tends to stay longer..

  22. 確實好慳皮喔,今時今日為咗做生意真喺層出不窮,起碼你已經注意到呢個品牌,而佢哋亦達到咗推廣效應嘅目的。佩服佩服。

    1. 本來都已經有注意到啦, 既然佢俾免費sample, 我又何樂不為呢?? 雖然係好慳皮, 不過免費喎, 算啦~~

  23. The postage fee probably more that the value of the perfume~~ o.O"

    1. hmmm, i would think so.. that's why i thought why they do not want to distribute them locally??

    2. Maybe because they do not have the resource and manpower for that brand locally yet?

      Just test-see first?

      Perhaps they think if they engage a local company to distribute those samples, it would actually cost more that the postage they're paying to have samples ship all around the world?

      Dunno la.

      Guess guess only.

      Me not MBA graduate. Not marketing expert like Angeline oso. I just like to tunjuk pandai only. hihihi

    3. my alternative guess is kastam. Maybe our kastam block it or maybe they have experience kastam from certain country block sending of liquid sample over the mail . Maybe have to have special permit.

      If let say the liquid send to be sold then lain cerita la.

      Like last year i won a health drink from singapore. But the singapore co send me the drink and it kena tahan at kastam. I received letter from kastam asking me to provide prove of purchase and ask me of the ingredients of the drinks. All these i dont know mah.

      some more the petrol to go to KLIA Sepang Mail office is higher than the drink itself. so i didnt bother to go and claim.

      could be because of this that the perfume company dont send you 2ml sample of perfume?
