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21.11.2013 | 語言選擇

[Volume 8 Issue 11, #1824]
我懂得三種語言 - 中文, 英文以及馬來文.. 三種語言之中, 要數馬來文最弱(當然我嘅中文同英文都唔係好得去邊).. 我成長於一個講中文嘅環境之下, 讀嘅都係中文學校.. 英文除咗係學校必修科之外, 要到去咗大學同之後出嚟做嘢先比較經常用到.. 至於馬來文, 同樣係學校必修科, 不過就好似冇咩機會用得著, 之唔係搞到差晒囉.. 不過慶幸嘅係, 最近我儘量嘗試將多點馬來文用喺平日嘅對話當中, 當然好難可以做到一個完整句子, 不過幾個字都好過冇啦(係喇, 我哋馬來西亞人講嘢就係咁款啦, 往往一個句子內包涵幾種語言, 不過大家又聽得明喎, 這就是我們的語言色彩, 哈哈!!).. 仲有呀, 最近我都喺快餐店講馬來文呀, 因為都係初級語言就夠用, 呢個我得啦.. 一向嚟呢, 我都覺得英語係商業語言, 而且啲侍應見到我通常開口就係英文, 其實我都好樂意用馬來文交談㗎.. 我諗係因為某一日, 我聽到有位阿叔要求佢舊炸雞要係"atas kaki"(上腳), 我因此對自己嘅馬來文能力充滿信心, 因為我知道係叫做"paha"(髀)嘛, 連佢都選擇講馬來文, 點解我唔講呢?? "marilah kita belajar bahasa melayu bersama-sama"(大家齊齊嚟學馬來文呀), 學習係永遠都唔應該覺得羞恥㗎~~ :)
i know three languages - chinese, english and malay (no tamil as i was english-educated in my motherland chennai, haha!!).. of the three languages i know, i would consider malay my weakest (of course my chinese and english aren't good either).. i grew up in a chinese speaking environment and went to chinese schools.. english was learned in school and only more frequently spoken after i went to university and then at work.. as for malay, besides learning the language in school, i do not have good chance to get them in use, that is why.. but i am glad that lately, i have been trying to use more malay in my daily conversations, of course unlikely whole sentences but just loose words (yeah, that's how malaysian speak, multi-language in one sentence but everyone can understand, that's our colors of language, haha!!).. and i also tend to speak in malay when i am in fast food chains, because that requires only beginner level usage that i can handle.. while i used to think english as the de facto language for business, and many waiters also initiate english conversation with me, i would actually be happy to converse in malay.. i guess after i once heard a man requested to be given "atas kaki" (upper leg) for his fried chicken, i am very confident with my malay since i know it's "paha" (thigh) instead, if he too chose malay then why not me?? "marilah kita belajar bahasa melayu bersama-sama" (let's learn malay language together), there's no embarrassment when it comes to learning~~ :)


  1. Replies
    1. I only know very very very very very very simple malay, as i do not learn Malay is school, only heard others speak, so can a bit of malay...

    2. Bravo Sharon. Can speak malay wor..good job! Some would not bother to learn at all.

    3. When I heard my Singaporean cousins spoke Malay, I could die laughing!

  2. Morning SK.

    Talking about language today eh? Yet, still food related. ;-)

    1. As malaysian I think it is hard not to touch on the food topic la. No matter malay Indian or Chinese all will say "dah makan?" " sap per dei?" Or "sik pau mei?".

      Betul or not?

    2. Betul la Meow. The Asians have this cultural habits to ask whether one has eaten his meal. My father told me that long ago everyone traveled from far to reach their destinations be it a relatives gatherings or business dealings. So they often got hungry and the hosts would provide a meal or treat hence this Asian habit of "Have you eaten" is widely spoken.

      As for the Westerners, they love to talk about the weather all the time! They won't bother whether you have eaten or not.

  3. I got a nice surprise yesterday. I called a Chinese Restaurant yesterday. Since I cannot speak in mandarin, I talked to the staff in English. The staff asked whether I can speak in Malay, and we proceeded the conversation in Malay.

    Actually, on a serious note; I do think foreign workers in Malaysia may have better grasp of Malay language than Malaysian themselves. No offense ya, it's just my observation.

    1. I agree with u. Foteign worker most time can speak all yhree language
      More terror than us. Even csn speak in different dislect lrh.

      At times I dont know ehat or how to talk to foreign workers. Duno whether to speak to them in bahasa Malaysia or in Chinese or what.

      I think malay will be the universal language in malaysia la. If two race cannot understand each other they will talk in malay. I think it is good la.

  4. My Malay is also not good.. I speak like Bahasa Pasar in Malay.. hahaha. .sometimes my colleagues laugh at my broken spoken Malay... but when I go overseas, I am proud that I have an extra language to use.. like in HK, I encountered something not nice with the salesperson, I spoke in Malay with my friend so that the salesperson doesnt understand what we were speaking and we got what we wanted.. :)

    1. Lol. Be careful leh. Later the sales person know how to speak malay then cham lor u .

      A third and fourth language is good and useful la.

      I see many foreigner pity our kids for having yo learn yhree language. Say difficult and confusing. But for us who biasa with it, I feel yhat it's not a big deal

  5. I like to "kacau" 5-star hotel staff by insisting to talk in Malay to them. Malaysian hotel lah... I mean. ;-)

    Because this has become my way to see their friendliness and willingness to accomodate to the guests instead of going all snobbish to us, kampung folks. ;-)

    But somehow, I cannot, for the love of me; all to telemarketers in Malay. Bwahaha

    1. Next time I will try your way and speak malay to hotel staffs and see what happens.

      The Indonesia hotel syok oh. All speak bahasa Indonesia punya. Except when you speak to them in english.

      Telemarketing people will somehow speak to me in Mandarin. I reply in english. They assume all Chinese can speak Mandarin gua. I find that very irritating . I think they find me snobbish but tak kan la expect me to explain to each and everyone of yhem I can't speak Mandarin. End up we speak in malay as they sometimes not well verse in enhlish . Not bad la having malay as common language. Asalkan don't use wrong word like ine who said saya "kemaluan" . :p

    2. Dunno whether i shared with you or not but one time I called Han Room to make a booking for lunch for my CFO, the staff there cannot talk in English, I cannot talk in Mandarin. So the fella ask me whether I can talk in Malay instead. :-D

    3. hahaha bagus...see we have something in common la good to know bahasa malaysia

    4. hahaha bagus...see we have something in common la good to know bahasa malaysia

    5. Yalah ;)

      But most times, people who doesn't speak Malay as their mother tongue would insist on speaking English and English only and complain to high heavens when service staff are not proficient enough in English here in Malaysia.

      You don't see us Malaysians go complaining to staff who cannot speak English properly say in... Thailand, right?

    6. Yes I totally agree that we won't hear anyone complain the staff unable to speak English in Thailand, Japan or China but I have seen many reviews by some Western bigots who complained that the hotel staff spoke poor and miserable English!! Who on earth told them the whole world needs to master the Queen's English? Something is wrong and gone bonkers there!

  6. I'm just bilingual.

    Learnt Arabic in school for a few years.

    Tried to learn in two other languages but gotten nowhere since I'm such a lazy bum. But I do like to pretend I know a lot. Hihihi

    1. U bilingual ka? I thought u knew Japanese too.

      I remember last time in primary school we learn jawi. But then dunno why after standar two we were not require to learn jawi anymore. Maybe change of minister in the education department kot. I findcthat one new minister will have one new set of rules. So confusing

      You can pretend to be Chinese la. Ask ah boy teach u speak Chinese. Sure many will think u are Chinese. You very fair la

    2. Just because I know 10 words of Japanese doesn't mean I know Japanese. hehehe

    3. but u also know how to write japanese leh. Not those using google translate type. But u know how their "grammar" leh. It is an accomplishment la. Jangan malu malu

    4. Still malu la.

      I don't even dare to use google translate to translate what I want to convey to Japanese. Later all become berterabur, malu keba get feed by people. Konon nak tunjuk pandai, tapi nampak lansung tak pandai pulak :-D

    5. Aiyoh, this auto-correct on my phone...

      I mean "Later all become berterabur, malu kena get laughed by people" not "get feed"

    6. LOL....i know ni mesti case auto correct from phone. Phone also beh tahan our multi lingua

  7. I'm from kebangsaan school and my Malay is not really good either. Since I din use it for so long, some words I need to substitute with eng.

    1. But recently, I got the opportunity to use malay as I need to settle some issues at the govt offices. I use rojak languages too. Ha ha

    2. When comes to spelling, I prefer Malay. Easier than eng many times.

    3. Yea hard to believe that we spoke and uses malay dailybyhen. Butcwhen come out from school langsung not really use. Private company mostly visit es English. Not msny uses malay.

      Niw uf you ask me write proper bahasa Malaysia I think Iwill have big problem.

      I agree. Bahasa Malaysia is much easier to spell than English. Just need to know the suku kata. J also find ejaan easier than spelling

  8. I read that if one is in a foreign country, i.e. being a tourist, if one asks for help (e.g., for directions) in a different language from theirs, the locals are more willing to help you. That's what I read, so you can try it when the occasion rises. Good morning!

    1. i think i read the same thing gtoo. if not mistaken it's France. Said if we were to use English they will not layan but if we use others language they will layan. something to do with old war or something like that.

      Not sure how true it is but i heard those from HK or China look down on malaysian chinese . say not pure chinese. oh well tak apa la. Me pure Malaysian enough lor :) Cintai lah negara kita :)

    2. Go to France, talk in Malay. Worked wonders! Don't talk in Chinese. They would mistake you as Mainland Chinese which sadly, they are kinda prejudiced upon. Sad. But true. People do still discriminate. Like we look down on foreign workers also lah...

  9. Morning, chou san, selamat pagi. I know mandarin too, but I don't know the pinyin so I dare not write here, hehe..

    1. I am laughing at your "atas kaki" word.. OMG, he really said that? So how the fella who took his order responded? I guess he/she must be controlling very hard not to laugh...

    2. Heh, I speak malay very fluently.. If people dont know, they thought I'm a malay timm (in the phone).. Coz I went to sekolah kebangsaan from primary til secondary.

    3. You kalah to Kenzie boy liao.. He knows 1 more language now, which he just recited the other night. My jaw dropped and I was speechless for a second ~ Latin. Yes, Latin!

      He recited 1-10 in Latin the other night. He was arranging his numbers from 1-10, reciting in Latin. I interrupted and wanted to ask him where he learnt that from, he answered "Noooo, shadap, ooi, jangan lah"...

      I don't know to cry or laugh with his statement.

      Kids nowadays.. Oops, I mean toddlers nowadays..... Full of surprises..

    4. I even whatsapp and message my malay frens in short forms now..
      Can you read this?
      Ko leh x dtg skrg sbb ak dh tgu lama ko tau?

    5. The answer to the above short form:
      Kau boleh tak datang sekarang sebab aku dah tunggu lama kau tahu?

    6. Whoooaa! You really text like a Malay gal. My office despatch guys always texted me this way and I always had headaches! My guys here don't seem to have a standard style in their kampong slang which are from Kedah, Selangor and Johor.

      They would say:
      Go - Pigi, pegi
      Client - klein, klain

    7. How about the urban slangs by kids?


      I'm not hip enough to know many of them though. LOL

    8. aloha louiz :)

      Fuiyo you know mandarin ah? Chinese educated la. terror leh.

      I guess when we cannot find the word even with "kemaluan " (LOL) we still have to pakai hentam lor as long as the other party understand then good enough la.

      latin he learn from where? TV or from his kiddy? TV now can learn mexican languague too the Handy Many show. Then Ni hao Kai Lan can learn mandarin. If like that i think Kenzie might have an aptitude for language la. can become pakar bahasa kelak when he grow up.

      LOL....me tarak whatapps malay frens using that but got an aunt sms usng that sort of malay. Hmm i ak pandai using those short form scared also la if salah type then lain pulak meaning. habis mati aku kena tembak.

      i know another short form for go is gi . Fuiyo client short form into klein ah...not short pun. then first thing comes to mind is CK ...if ppl text me say klein i will mati mati think what the heck CK ah?

      ohsem and gojes i understand but what is poyo and kekwat? bunga kekwa ka? Sorry ah me blur sotong a lot leh . harap beri petunjuk cikit. boleh tak?

    9. Poyo is something like "macam bagus" plus "skema"
      Kekwat "sombong"

    10. skema???
      adui now it is all like a new language for me to learn la. we have formal bahasa malaysian, then bahasa pasar and now bahasa sms LOL

    11. Skema is used when we were at school Meow. Outdated already! LOL

  10. Hi Hi should I say Salam Sejahtera saya ucapkan kepada semua.

    1. Many of us know how to greet in many languages. Bonjour, Ohayou and so on. But if asked us to continue to speak, I don't think many of us can ler..unless we undergo major course in foreign languages. Or our work which is needed to speak other languages.

    2. Malaysian should know how to speak in Mandarin, Malay and Chinese. That show how harmoniance our country is. I'm a Chinese but don't really fasir because papa send me to Kebangsaan school. Feel bad that I didn't learn Mandarin since I was small.

    3. Papa prefer to speak in English. My mom very fasir in B. Melayu and me mix mix - all also can. Chinese non of us know but my father will take up chinese newspaper and read... my mum knows how to speak. For myself, I know how to speak when I was in Uni life. Very funny right?

    4. I have a very good memory with my Uni friends. With them I forced to speak Mandarin. Now some people telling me I;m from Chinese school. Ok lar not very expert but boleh tahan lor. Then Chinese characteristic how I learn to see those words...I learnt it from Chinese songs...

    5. I can fairly read Chinese characters easy one. I able to understand easy sentences.

    6. Hubby also not Chinese educated. So my son is going to Kebangsaan scholl where my both parents in law don't really like our decision. They mentioned everyone is going to Chinese school, even other races why not my son. There were a small discussion towards this matter in the house. Father in law keep saying now China is developing progressingly. Should learn Chinese language and bla bla bla... My hubby said this to them..."Are my son going to China to work?".
      I believe there are good reasons why my hubby do not want to send him to Chinese school. He wants my son to have proper English language background and improvement. It is true, when we mix with same races, we tend to talk our own dialects and it may influance other languages.

    7. Since my hubby decided that, my task is to find him a better place to learn Chinese just for fun. We don't really force the kid. And we didn't say we don't want him to learn Chinese just because we send him to Kebangsaan school. He himself hardly knows much about "pi hua". But he is able to speak Mandarin with his friends.

    8. Though we are not very good in English but we hope that our kid will have better and proper speaking in English in the future. Many graduates are excellent in their acedemics. But once or if to ask them to deliver which means to speak and present to the public...they get phobia and not response ‎spontaneously. (Sorry I didn't stress and pin point to anyone).

    9. brekkkkkkkkkk...what u mean malaysian should know how to speak in Mandarin, Malay and Chinese. like that means am not malaysian lah coz i dont know how to speak mandarin leh.

      Maybe if wanna say truly malaysian, we should know a bit of Malay, Chinese, INDIAN and Dusun language la. Malaysian not only confine to chinese malay and indian leh . There are others too like Iban , kadazan murut and many more that i dont know about

      But then persoanlly i feel that to show how harmoniance our country is all should at least know our national language la. Just look at indonesia. They have Chinese and other race too but their citizen all uses indonesian name and speak in Indonesian language.

      They dont call themselve Indonesian Chinese, indonesia malay. They proudly call themselves as Indonesia. Period.

      well it is a tough decision for you to make to send your kids to kebangsaan school . Yeah many old folks will be against it.Well, you are the parents and of course knows what is best for them. If want them to learn mandarin then can always send them for mandarin tuition class . Hence less pressure lor. Am sure the kids will fare well in their studies and learn to mix with all races.

      yes i have encountered too during job interview. potential applicants have very good exam result and A in Bahasa Malaysia and English but when they open their mouth....ahem ahem....no eyes see.

    10. Angeline should be terer la in mandarin. She studies Japanese. To read kanji, means can read Chinese oso.


    11. I agree with Meow. Being Malysian doesn't mean just knowing Chinese, Malay, Indian.

      Got other dialects in existence in Malaysia. :-)

      & I don't mean just the Chinese dialects.

    12. By the way, FASIH is the correct spelling. I dunno what fasir is.

      And oh yeah, I guess by Angeline's standard, as a Malysian I should know how to speak Mandarin & Tamil too?

    13. I used to go to one lady punya blog . she blog in english but got teach dusun language. Kinda interesting coz each word have the meaning in dusun. similar to the chinese writing each stroke have meaning. Too bad she had stopped blogging :(

    14. hahaha....fasir fasih...me also blur already. I know in the old Hikayat 1001 malam there is a country call Parsi la. Then their language was dunno fasir or what. Forgotten the correct spelling .

    15. Tamil no problem la...we can pay ah boy to teach us Tamil la. Else ask kamala to teach us.

      But tak janji will pass if kena ujian :p

    16. The lady you mentioned tu... Zezebel ke?

      She used to be very active. Now no more dy. Got quiet after married?

      I met her and her fiance once, a few years ago when she came to KL

    17. nope not zezebel. this lady name in the blog was Verone. Blog title Being Dusun

    18. Ooooo Zezebel also used to blog and put Dusun words for us to learn. Interesting both do not blog already.

  11. நல்ல பிற்பகல்!!! nalla piṟpakal!!!

    I am saying Good Afternoon to you all. Have you had your lassi and tosai today? I think many Malaysians are blessed with the abilities to speak at least 3 languages! Let me think what I could speak.

    1. Is cantonese considered a language? Or it's just a dialect?
      I can only speak: English, Malay and Cantonese.. Blueh....

    2. When I was younger, I was quite fluent in Thai besides English, BM and Hokkien. Times have changed as I grew up and picked up other dialects & languages now.

    3. Cantonese is a dialect as China has too many dialects since ancient times. So the foreigners will understand that we can speak Chinese Language but when some Chinese folks ponder further, they always liked to check which exact dialects or clan you belong to. When they found out that you belong to the same clan, the 'extra special' bonding or brotherhood will appear suddenly!

      I was told that the most feared Chinese clans in New York City's triads are the Teochew clans. Those triads would shed blood just to protect their own clans if troubled loomed. I am not too sure how true it is but I am a Teochew Nang! Do I appear like a gangster? Noooooooooo!

    4. I think I am a Jack of many languages and a master of none.
      My own ratings would be like: English 98%, BM 95%, Hokkien 90%, Thai 75%, Cantonese 65%, Teochew 50%, Mandarin 40%, Korean 10% and Japanese 5%.

      I used to be able to speak better Koreans with my Korean room mate and college friends but I have lost touch completely. I find their culture and language's expressions rather comical like cartoons. When you watch the Korean variety shows on TV, you might think they are good at faking expressions but that is a reality in Korea - very dramatic lah.

    5. me too curious is Cantonese a language or dialect. wei...u and me same wor Louiz. Me also know only these three. Err...can listen and understand hakka la but cant speak. Mandarin simple ones can. Other that that i will say "HUH??" :p

      Anay now still can speak thai right? If not mistaken when younger ones pick up the language it will be with u forever. Just like riding a bicycle.

      Anay really good la. Master in all language. That is why peribahasa says jauh berjalan luas permandangan

      Really ah...i thought those koren show is just exaggerate their expression. Real life also like that ka?

      As for cantonese, i think the Cantonese here is not "pure" cantonese as we have borrowed many words from other language like Malay , english and even tamil and hindi. Like we say sayang want to throw. Mang kah (nangka) Leng mong(lemon) err....tamil and hindi i yet to find out but am sure we got use la. there might be words that we uses but tak sedar it is borrowed from tamil or hindi.

      shame on me you know coz i didnt really realised that in their country Tamil and Hindu people fight. One look down on another and it's very big crime if a couple from the two different dialect group get married.

    6. I learn that Indian community also got difference one.

      For example, Deepavali and Diwali is uttered by different community. So we cannot simply say one word is correct and another is not.

    7. oh is it? from young i have always said deepavali. only recent few years i notoiced the word changed to diwali . i know they are very serious about kasta la.

    8. If am not mistaken Deepavali is what used bu Southern Indians. Northern Indians used Diwali. Majority of Indians in Malaysia comes from Souther part.

      Well, that was what I was told la. If wrong, sorry.

    9. I think you are correct Lina and I had a lengthy talk with some Chennai Indian workers before. They shocked me that all of them could not understand a single word spoken in the Hindi Movies yet they loved to watch the heroes Salman Khan and Shah Rukh Khan singing away. They told me that they believe there's over 100 Indian dialects in India!! That's a lot dei.

  12. I think English still remains the most important common language to communicate in this world and stay connected somewhere due to USA & UK's stand. I often wondered how tough it must be for many countries like Thailand, Korea, Japan, China and others to produce their own reference books in their own language. At least in Malaysia, many college and university students still could read & understand the reference books in English.

    1. Now English is important la but in a century or so maybe Mandarin will take over. Since China open its doors in trade , now many are rushing to learn Mandarin coz for business mah.

      I see now if a westerner speaks mandarin it is not such a big deal any more. last time when westerner speaks mandarin it's like a miracle leh.

      I think Korea and Japan should not be that much of problem in translating English reference book la as both country are very advance. But Thai...hmmm....susah sikit . however they have tourism with them and many Thai people can speak bits of English

  13. So I guess SK's Chinese language can consist Cantonese, Mandarin, Hokkien and what more!!

  14. Selamat petang ah boy

    Betul sama sama kita belajar bahasa Malaysia. :)

    1. Haha ya betul pun Mamarazzi. Bahasa Malaysia penting jugak ya? Mari lah kita sama sama belajar untuk fasir dalam cakap BM!

    2. Mamarazzi B .M very geng one.

    3. Errrr.... why you all mention "fasir"?

      Fasih la! LOL

    4. ish...my BM kaput la...where got say my BM pass. My BM is bahasa pasar

      Like ah boy say the man order atas paha. I also have to thinks two three times...which is paha and which is betis. Really bikin malu la me. even kids nowadays already pandai beza which is which

    5. Meow,
      If you want a drumstick, you ask for paha. Not betis. LOL

    6. Muahahahaha What Paha?? I still ask for kaki la.

    7. Kaki, later they give you chicken feet pulak!

  15. haha....i know malay language but seems seldom talk and now become not so ok already... Mari kita belajar bersama sama :)

    1. Great attitude!

      Saya menyokong anda! :)

  16. Replies
    1. Aicks tiba tiba pula cakap bahasa Perancis! xD

    2. Hahahaha.. hayley makes me lol..

    3. Mr Lonely always sohai one! LOL

  17. Good evening ah boy and everyone!
    Selamat malam semua!

    Haha, since this post is about languages so I better greet everyone in 3 main languages! xD

    1. Same here, I know these 3 languages the best, though not to say very very pro la! But at least can speak, listen and write la~
      I studied in Chinese primary school, then transferred to english educated secondary school, continued to malay-english school to study Form 6. So I would say my exposure to these 3 main languages is quite balance la~

    2. But of course I am more comfortable in speaking Chinese la! (废话!xD) I know Mandarin, Hokkien and Cantonese, and a little bit of Hakka. Hehe~
      As for English, only speak with Aden a little, then with those formal officers la like calling to certain centers etc.
      As for Malay, lagi rare! My Malay also very 差, but at least can understand the basic la! I know a Chinese friend who speaks fluent Malay, with the slang and all, and those spellings (short forms) used in sms, salute her la!

    3. Anyway, all 3 languages are equally important la! And I can see BM is getting even more important here in our beloved country, I might have a big headache when Aden goes to school next time!! >.<

    4. Wow!!! Very good, Hayley!!! You can speak so many dialects. Here, everyone speaks Mandarin so the dialects have died out - many of the younger generation cannot speak Foochow and Hokkien here is as dead as a door nail.

      It is very sad because the Chinese culture lies in the dialects - all the customs and traditions are derived from the different dialects and one may differ from the other...like we Foochows just kowtow three times instead of the tea ceremony in other dialects.

      Thankfully, these days, they still practise some but more often than not, it is a rojak of everything - they do not really know what their own culture is. Mandarin, or what people call Chinese, is a language - it has no culture. Once the dialects die out, the Chinese culture will be gone too.

    5. Good for you Hayley. No wonder i see you can blog in dual language. Now one more challenge...can you blog in three language like ah boy. that would be interesting to see

      I think you are right. When Aden goes to school you will have a headache. Now even in standard 1 their language very high standard leh. I see some books are like what I used to learn in standard 3 and standard fourleh.

      Now i also scared when J go standard one. Not easy to teach him at home.

      STP maybe should open a language center teach people speak dialect. Me onloy know cantonese and understand hakka.

  18. Hahahaha... my MIL can only speak Mandarin, Teochew and Cantonese, and her malay sounds really funny hahahahaha (God will forgive me to write this because I'm not lying hahahaha.. sorry mom!!)

  19. My english is not perfect but I still prefer to speak in English.. How laaaa?

  20. Although my malay is good but back in KL I wouldn't dare to speak much because our malay in East Msia is slightly different. My SIL who's baba nyonya speaks wonderful malay and I failed to copy her hahaha

  21. Negarakuuuuuu... tanah tumpahnya darah kuuuu... I bet you couldn't memorize the lyrics.. wakakakaka

    1. As Malaysians, whoever cannot memorize Negaraku to me is a DISGRACE!

    2. I agree with Lina. I bet SK know the lyrics forward and backwards too. Sure he knows the rukun negara too.

    3. Yalah... even if joking... Not a good thing to joke.

      We should be prooud of our country. We may not like the government but we MUST respect our country's constitution. Respect our national anthem. Respect what Rukunegara stands for. How to love our country if we dunno them?

      Eh... emo pulak I! huhuhu

    4. But seriously, not knowing Negaraku should be something we are ashamed of. Not proud to brag of. :(

    5. speaking of respect for national anthem...hmm...hari tu i geram betul la. national athem was playing. we all standing straight and the kids too. It was in J kiddy concert la. Terbalik some parents pulak never pay attention and walk in to the hall and find a seat. if come lat or show started then at least wait la till the national athem is over then baru walk into the hall mah. even kids knows tyhat . tak kan la adult tak tau or tak ingin tahu?

    6. It's sad but yeah, the adults here really have no respect to the national anthem.

    7. Muahahahaha This Fay must be mabuk la to joke like this.. Luckily Ah Boy won't freak out here. Well, I am also sure that Ah Boy could sing Negara Ku well every morning!!!!
      I remember that it took me a few years in Primary school to memorize the National Anthem's lyrics until I was in Std 3. Now I think back, I realised how poor my studies were as I was traumatized by the Std 1 teacher's slapping. Poor Anay!

  22. Huh? When did this post appear? Didn't see it yesterday?

    1. I'm from the colonial era - English only in school, never studied MANDARIN or Malay...but when I started working, already Malaysia, I had to get credit in Malay for appointment and confirmation, but I managed...and after all these years, I even did emceeing in Malay - once even in the presence of the governor of Sarawak.

      No problem at all! I don't see any problem in mastering a language - once you put your heart into it and use it regularly - it's all a matter of mentality and attitude.

      My students do not fare as well in mastering English and they would tell me: "We are Chinese, so we must speak Chinese!" and they will speak in no other language. Not surprised that they fail at interviews for scholarships despite their outstanding examination results.

    2. i agree with you on this. if we set our heart one it we will surely be able to master any language. you are a hood example.

      I dont like this mental attitude la of "We are Chinese, so we must speak Chinese!" . Yea we are chinese but then we can still learn to speak other language also mah/ Not necessary die die know one language only

  23. 國語我冇用好耐,奇怪嘅喺都仲識聼喔!

  24. Language right? It has been a while learning Japanese. But haven't really deliver it very well. Cos we seldom use them when we are talking. hahaha...

    But I able to by heart all the hiragana because in Uni I took Japanese language as my extra subject in order to score A. Everyone said Japanese is easy to learn so I take it during my final sem. Yeap it is to get an A.

    The lecturer always tested us with oral, listening test and test paper. We need to answer all the questions in hiragana (written form). Final paper sum more geng. Read paragraph and answer questions. The paragraph was almost 120 words. Read and answer.

    I still remember that Uni's Sensei (They are Japanese sensei) asked us to introduce ourself in Nihon-go after we learn a few weeks later. It sounds like this:

    "Minasan, hajimemashite. Watashi ha Anzerin desu. Watashi ha san-juu ni sai desu....." I forgot ady how to say it. it continues with telling the class that I'm from this university and taking what course and so on. Lastly, we have to said "douzo yoroshiku oneigashimasu." of course bow for manners.

    1. Clap! Clap! Clap! Now I understand why this Angeline has been so fluent in Japanese lamguage. You actually studied it properly at Uni and had to score some more!!! walau eh amazing!!!!!

    2. True. Amazing.

      She is fluent yet she is always humble about her grasp in the language.

  25. To be honest, barely speak Malay after SPM…forgot everything

    1. Used to be very good in Karangan, but now can't even say/write a proper sentence…!!! =[

  26. My father once ordered "tangan ayam" (kepak)

  27. Malaysian is blessed as they get the chance to master many languages, because of the multi racial that we have in the country. I think my Malay, Chinese and English speaking are all OK lah! Not bad lah, boleh faham lah.

    In my company here, I speak Chinese to Chinese, I speak Malay to Malay, I speak English to Indian ( sometimes Malay also), and I speak English to Japanese. kekekekek! Japanese is amazed by our many languages, because most of them can speak only Japanese. Kekekeke!

    1. Now this reminds me of my Korean and American friends in US who got shocked to hear me speak English, Chinese and Thai to friends. They would have fainted if they heard me speak BM to someone too.

    2. In my office, I have to speak BM, English and Cantonese everyday to all my staff and workers. I find that rather tiring sometimes as I had to crack my head to translate the tough vocabs.

  28. Talking about languages I still prefer English even though I can speak Malay. In school we were needed to speak Malay. But since I left teaching, I hardly speak Malay.
